Villains Fanon Wiki

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Villains Fanon Wiki

Humans came from Lilith, Angels came from Adam, this whole thing has been a big competition or some shit!
~ Asuka explaining the origins of the Angels.

The Angels are the secondary antagonistic faction of the Neon Genesis Evangelion In 5 Minutes duology made by Mega64.

They specifically serve as the central antagonistic faction of Neon Genesis Evangelion In 5 Minutes and a posthumous antagonistic faction in End of Evangelion In 5 Minutes. They are a group of eldritch monsters who seek to end humanity by using Lilith to begin Third Impact.

Whilst most of the Angels either have no actors, or their actors uncredited, Kaworu Nagisa is portrayed by Garret Hunter.


  • Despite being the secondary antagonistic faction of End of Evangelion In 5 Minutes, their role is relatively small.
  • The Mega64 crew gave Angels nicknames, such as Israfel being nicknamed Shy Guys.


           Mega64logo Villains

Saiyan Army
Vegeta | Nappa | Raditz | Saibamen

Frieza Forces
Frieza | Captain Ginyu

Sons of Big Boss
Liquid Snake | Revolver Ocelot | Sniper Wolf | Psycho Mantis

Red Ribbon Androids
Dr. Gero | Android 17 | Android 18 | Android 19 | Cell | Cell Jr.

Babidi’s Majins
Babidi | Majin Buu | Spopovich

Gendo Ikari | SEELE Council | Kaworu Nagisa

Lilith | Tabris | Leliel | Ramiel | Matarael | Bardiel | Israfel | Sachiel | Zeruel

Dark Lord Mark McGrath | Jizz Ghost | Haunted Wii | Corpsey McDeadman | Howlin' Howard | Danhausen | Eddie Van Halen | Haunted Harry | Username 666

Terrorist Leader | Alien Terrorist | Mummy

The CEO | Unnamed Bodyguard

Tuffles | Robber | Piccolo | Grey Fox | Dr. Frankenfreak | Frankenfreak’s Monster | Derrick Acosta | Patrick | Culdesac | Len Dog | The Stalker | Joel | Dracula | Frankenstein | The Author | Beta Man | Mutant Pizza | Intruder | Dog the Bounty Hunter | Jared Fogle | Death | The Scientists | Monsters (Mummy) | The Moderators | Black Friday Shoppers | Dr. Ass | Commander Jimmy Jow | Timbo
