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Villains Fanon Wiki

Azrael is an antagonist from TheGamerLover's Mematic Universe. An ex-member of Kokonoe's Society 7 nicknamed the "Mad Dog" who enjoys murdering to devour people's powers and reach unlimited powers to become unstoppable.

Though he has previously appeared in Stupid BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle, he made his first antagonic appearance in the 2022 Valentine's Day special: The Gift of Valentines.



According to Kokonoe's description, Azrael was one of the best members of Society 7, being a powerful and dreaded warrior that became insane due to his pride and thirst of blood, causing him to achieve a new goal on his mind: To "devour" all the power possible to become a way more powerful being.

They managed to capture him at the cost of Lotte Carmine (Arakune's past-self in the official canon)'s life, but somehow he has made his escape to the outside world some time later, lurking around in search of powerful opponents to murder and "devour" their power skills.

The Phantom Field[]

Azrael was one of the people SYSTEM XX captured and forced to participate in her tournament, he joined forces with Merkava since the two's motivation is "hunger". However, Merkava left without Azrael knowing it.

The Return of the Mad Dog[]

As a plan to capture Celica, Azrael shows up at the audition Ragna, Akatsuki, Kagura and Hakumen prepared to find a boyfriend for Celica, however, after the reply Akatsuki gave to him, he gets angry and leaves but not before telling them that he knows who his prey is and he'll get her one way or another.

After leaving the stage, he locates Celica, knocks her out and takes her as a hostage to gain the attention of Ragna's group to fight and murder them.

Upon the arrival of Ragna the Bloodedge and Naoto Kurogane to the storage he was hiding, the trio engages in a fight that ends with Azrael's victory, but before he could kill the duo, Celica wakes up from her coma and faces the Mad Dog to protect Ragna and Naoto from being killed, easily defeating Azrael and sending him to fly far away from sight.

Later, he is found in a beach by a mysterious woman who tells him about the offer to join their plan to mess up with the channel with their fetishist plans, finally, Azrael accepts the offer to help them.

Power Skills[]

Similar to his canon-self, Azrael possesses immense natural strength which he uses to combat opponents instead of weapons or mystical advantages. Azrael also possesses equally immense durability to complement his drive to battle powerful opponents. His raw physical power is so great he must wear multiple limiters to limit himself from quickly killing his foes. In his Arcade ending, it is revealed that the power limiters he uses are in fact the tattoos that adorn his body, which are actually a seal known as Enchant: Dragunov. Azrael's Drive is The Terror, where he can reveal weak points on his foe. His Over-Drive named Mind Colosseo, is a mental attack where he always reveals a weak-point on the foe.





  • Similar to his canon-self, Azrael's power level is easily compared to the one of Terumi in his true form, as said by Ragna and confirmed by Kokonoe in TGLMU - The Gift of Valentines (Valentines 2022 Special).
           TheGamerLover Villains

Ruby Rose | Weiss Schnee | Blake Belladonna | Yang Xiao Long | Lillie | Nebby | Morrigan Aensland
Selvaria Bles | Perfecti | Mai Shiranui | Blitztank | Yumi | Murakumo | Asuka | Bayonetta | Bonne Jennet | SYSTEM XX | Mommy Mearest
THOT Patrol
Murakumo Zero | Yuuki Terumi | Kazuma Kval | Asuka R. Kreutz | Adler | Relius Clover | Shuichiro Ayatsuki | Es-N | Elektrosoldat
The Gods
Zamasu | Goku Black | God of Darkness | Takehaya Susanoo | Neopolitan | Hades: Izanami | Ariels | Sailor Galaxia
Salem's Inner Circle
Salem | Arthur Watts | Cinder Fall | Hazel Rainart | Tyrian Callows
Injustice League
Cinder Fall | Roman Torchwick | Neopolitan | Emerald Sustrai | Mercury Black
Aether Foundation
Lusamine | Faba | Wicke
Rebel Army
Donald Morden | Allen O' Neil | Abigail | Beatriz | Grazia | Loretta | Norah | Jane Doe | Cony | Vita | Abul Abbas | Shizuka | Aisha | Nantes | Pawda | Leone | Rapid | Destrade | Olga | Navy | Dolores
M. Bison | Sagat | Vega | Balrog
Servants of "That Man"
Asuka R. Kreutz | I-No | Raven | Jack-O' Valentine
The Conclave
Chronus | Axus | Libraria
Martian Army
Mars People
Lord Raptor
WarioWare Inc.
Wario | Ashley
Other Villains/Unknown Group
Hazama | Azrael | Tohru Adachi | Hilda the Paradox | Raven Branwen | Tifa Lockhart | Dick Dastardly | King Ramses | Nine The Phantom | Bedman | Testament | Tsubakumen | Zato-1 | TheGamerLover | Waluigi | Army of the Dead | Platinum the Trinity | Susan Wojcicki | Francesca the Magician | Krampus | Sephiroth | Juri Han | Toppin Monster Gals

Alternate Realities (Counterparts and Crossover Villains)
RU🅱Y Movieverse
Rowan Trickster | Prankster & Bankster

Other/Unknown Reality
Neco-Arc | Johnny Cage | Huitzil | Pyron | DeviantArt Alcremies
