Villains Fanon Wiki

To vote for the Complete Monster Proposals of the day, see:

  1. NEEDS MORE VOTES: The Rat from FNAF: A Hidden Story - Ends February 14th.

To vote for the Complete Monster Removal Proposals of the day, see:

  1. None at the moment.


Villains Fanon Wiki

Thehumilator23 Thehumilator23 23 hours ago

Complete Monster Proposal: Nemeth Ulalee (All Worlds Alliance)

First CM fanon proposal. This comes from a fanfic I have read: All Worlds Alliance. I discovered this guy whose crimes make every attempted murderers and destroyers in this series look saintly by comparison, which will be explained at a greater detail later, as his own arc is completed. Presenting the candidate: Nemeth Ulalee! With that being said, let's begin.

NOTE: As I've done the CM proposal on TVTropes before, I'll copy it here, but with the addition of some info for clarity.

  • 1 What is the Work?
  • 2 Who is Nemeth?
  • 3 Heinous Standards
  • 4 Mitigating Factors/Freudian Excuses
  • 5 Verdict

All Worlds Alliance is a Massive Multiplayer Crossover fanfiction series written by someonestupED. It features an ensemble cast of heroes from various universes as they joi…

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Grdhufv Grdhufv 2 days ago

Shigoku Kyou and other Over Pure Evil: new status (as an easter egg of villains)?

Duplicated text: User blog:Grjeveh6372/Shigoku Kyou and other Over Evil (Archivillains): new status (semi-secretly)

Hello, Villains Wiki! I know that new types can be disabled. So listen. I have an easter egg of villains: Over Evil/Archivillains. Other villains below link and image. There are 3 mini-categories here: Beasts of the Apocalypse, the Whore of Babylon and Shigoku Kyou (with Nui Harime (from the manga «Kill la Kill» and Tanatos from Greece) from the manga "Juujika no Rokunin" (about which the controversy erupted).

Other examples:…

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XRayaneGamer55X XRayaneGamer55X 5 days ago

CM Proposal: The Rat (FNAF: A Hidden Story)

Hi guys!! XRayaneGamer55X is here! Today I am going to do a proposal for a version of RAT from FNAF fanfic (Which is very good imo) and I thought this guy was perfect to be CM. So, let's get the party started, shall we? Let's head into it.

Warning: Spoilers

  • 1 What's The Work?
  • 2 Who Is The Candidate?
  • 3 What did he do?
    • 3.1 In General & Background
    • 3.2 Chapter 1
    • 3.3 Chapter 2
  • 4 Mitigating factors or Freudian excuses?
  • 5 Heinous Standards
  • 6 Final Verdict

FNAF: A Hidden Story is a fnaf fanfic that explores alternate events along with some canon events and Fnac. You can check the fanfic here to read it yourself!

Randall Amber, better known as RAT, is a major antagonist of FNAF: A Hidden Story chapters 1 and 2. He used to be a previous mascot employee who worked at Rat …

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BlackyHackyAlt BlackyHackyAlt 7 days ago

Make Myself A King (Dandy's World)

Make Myself a King is a Dandy's World fan fiction that featured the main antagonist, Shrimpo, going insane and becoming a tyrant. It was created on February 4th, 2025.

Shrimpo the Shrimp was tired of being the one made to be hated by everyone. He hated everything. He hated those represented to be the opposite of him. He couldn't take it any longer. When Finn the Fishbowl checked to see him, he wasn't in his room. He wasn't with anyone. No one saw him. But Finn wanted to see him to tell him more puns. But when he finally found him behind a crate, he wasn't normal anymore. He had a shotgun with him, and shot Finn, shattering his head. Soon after, people noticed that Finn was missing. Cosmo the Pastry was sent to find him, but he was met with a gory …

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Linogrin Linogrin 9 days ago

CM Proposal- Cheerilee (Cheerilee's Garden)

Hello everyone! Creepypastas have always been and remain those objects for people like us, who are very active in terms of their analysis, knowledge, understanding and development of these same objects by ourselves into something more large-scale than they are or were originally. Yes, the scheme of Creepypastas is quite clear, but most often it is, obviously, a direction of shock value, created and presented to the viewer or reader, as something that is intended to exclusively scare and make us think about what we read and saw. As a rule, leaving a frightening image in our subconscious, giving us an association with this or that Creepypasta read or watched. But Creepypasta can also work as a worthy element of fan pop culture of something …

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Luigimingo8000 Luigimingo8000 9 days ago

CM Proposal: Zach Nolan from Muddy Park

Hello, everyone. Welcome to my first Complete Monster proposal. I have been whitelisted a couple of months ago and just now, I have a pretty good candidate to propose. Enter Zach Nolan (or should I say Jack Logan?) from Muddy Park. Now it might be a little short for a proposal but that's because I tried my best to expand it because the story is a bit short to describe. Anyways, let's start on.

  • 1 What's the Work?
  • 2 Who's Zach Nolan and What Has He Done?
  • 3 Mitigating Factors/Freudian Excuse?
    • 3.1 Is Muddy Park a Parody?
  • 4 Heinous Standards
    • 4.1 System Standard?
    • 4.2 Offscreen Villainy?
    • 4.3 Competition?
    • 4.4 Are Any of the Endings Canon?
  • 5 Verdict

Muddy Park is a 2019 Roblox game created by 1SneaX1, now called Sneax that is a fan-made game to SamsonXVI's camping serie…

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Thisisanrandomaccount Thisisanrandomaccount 17 days ago


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Linogrin Linogrin 16 days ago

CM Proposal- Bora the Invader (My Little Parasite)

I am glad to welcome everyone. We all know that many scary fan works based on famous works are presented to us in "hot and spicy tones", since they are all built on blood, mass murder and the absence of any intelligible development of not only the plot, but also the characters themselves. This is somewhat frustrating, since many works in the genre of "analog horror", or the same Creepypasta, have many high-quality and interesting plots. But the more often such "horror trends" fall into the hands and eyes of inexperienced individuals every year, whose priority is only the shocking values ​​of what they want to create, the less pleasant, exciting, and what is no less important, high-quality and well-developed content remains for us, numero…

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Placeholderball Placeholderball 23 days ago


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EvcazinDeveloper EvcazinDeveloper 23 days ago


I combo'ed the wiki with three characters of mine

I document them here so I won't forget their powers & info.

Thanks y'all :D

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Mr. Megadust Mr. Megadust 24 days ago

Standard Villains

As some of you may know already, Villainous Benchmark and Heroic Benchmark wikis have changed their criteria and are banning all villains and heroes who are bog-standard and don't pass the general baseline. Some tried placing these same villains in the Moral Scaling Purgatory (including myself) but they apparently aren't allowed there either. Some believe they don't need to go anywhere, however, I'm with the users who defend it's still necessary for standard villains and heroes to be in a moral scaling wiki. And for that, the Standard Evil and Standard Good wikis were founded to be part of the moral scaling system and which will focus only on heroic and villainous benchmarks that are specifically bog-standard since they're no longer allowe…

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Ryanthomasconway Ryanthomasconway 25 days ago

Help with adding files to info boxes, Villain Infoboxes and more on other wikis

I'm new to this and don't fully know how to do things around these wiki's (Like the Heroes Wiki, the Villains Wiki and other wiki fandoms in general)

So I'm making this to get some help on how to edit things and make new pages.

Like how to upload files in Info Boxes, Linking stuff and more.

So if anyone's out there I would really appreciate some help around these wiki fandoms.

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RealM1NEPR0 RealM1NEPR0 12 January

VFH Proposal: The Blademaster

So, this is the first time I've ever proposed a character to be headlined. Let's hope it goes well.

  • 1 Who is The Blademaster?
  • 2 Why do I think they should be on the main page?
    • 2.1 Intelligence
    • 2.2 Evilness
  • 3 Votes

The K-2000 Blademaster, or just The Blademaster, is a one-shot villain from the story of the same name, and also the ultimate evil of my works. They are a robot that was originally created by Doomfist to assassinate thousands of targets across the world for his own personal agenda. However, after his omnium exploded, the Blademaster achieved sentience from the nature of the reactor's collapse briefly linking it to thousands of victims that still had some consciousness. After that happened, it decided to destroy the entire world…

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Qaaad Qaaad 11 January

Llhdy and Shifytp

|type of villains=Greedy Stupid Thieves}} Lihdy and Shifytp is a major villain in YouTube Poop Unhappy Tree Friends. He is a parody of Lifty and Shifty.

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Qaaad Qaaad 10 January


Iumpy is a major villain in YouTube Poop Unhappy Tree Friends. He is a parody of Lumpy.

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HourglassTheHybird HourglassTheHybird 30 December 2024

CM Removals - Razor47's Villains

It's been awhile huh? Well it's been a rough year, soon to end it with my final removal of the year before 2025. It's another of Good, Bad and the Ugly, it's mostly the ugly part. We're dealing another purge of the year, another case of non-existent works again, and it begins, ending it, here and now.

I'm your host, Hourglass the Retired Veteran and here with another Complete Monster removal, this time discussing Razor47's villains, all of which have many issues I'd be happy to bring up.

Let the trial commence! Thanks @Prince Pastarman for the permission.

  • 1 What's the work?
  • 2 Who are they and what have they done?
  • 3 Why don't they qualify anymore?
    • 3.1 Alison Wattson
    • 3.2 Sean Rairman
    • 3.3 Carole
    • 3.4 Anthony Rare
    • 3.5 Together
  • 4 Verdict of all them together?


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MattSayYay MattSayYay 14 December 2024

Wandatanna test page

Wandatanna is a major antagonist of the Matt Say Yay series, serving as the main antagonist of the Matt Say Yay: What TF/Matt Say Yay x The RWBY TF Saga series on Twitter. She is a chaos spirit of the Death Battle "Scarlet Witch VS Zatanna" who was banished to the void by Blakasa and Vaggos. In her isolation, she wound up in the world of The RWBY TF Saga and infiltrated it, assimilating that world's Yifa and secretly possessing that world's residents through the computer virus that turns them into RWBY characters.

She was the overarching antagonist of Acts I and II, and the main antagonist of Act III.

Wandatanna was once a seemingly kind and friendly chaos spirit, being best friends with Blakasa. She evidently loved doing magic tricks and valued th…

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Missd1985 Missd1985 12 November 2024

Mrs. Farmer (Animals Run)

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Missd1985 Missd1985 12 November 2024

Mr. Farmer (Animals Run)

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TheBiggestBigBoi TheBiggestBigBoi 11 November 2024

CM Proposal: Jenova from Big Bad Bosses

My first ever CM proposal. This is from somebody who’s controversial but the character has nothing to do with how they are as a person.

  • 1 What is the work?
  • 2 Who is she?
  • 3 What has she done?
  • 4 Mitigating factors?
  • 5 Heinous standards?
  • 6 Conclusion?

Big Bad Bosses is a series of songs created by the gaming YouTuber The Completionist. One of those songs is Angel which features Sephiroth not taking his role in the planet’s destruction seriously until his mother steps in. This is reflected in the song's music video which actively show Jenova as a manipulative force behind Sephiroth who takes enjoyment in causing destruction and misery.

Jenova is the overarching protagonist of the song Angel. She is Sephiroth’s cold, manipulative, and sadistic mother who pushes him…

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Dustlord777 Dustlord777 13 November 2024

CM Double proposal: Shadow Queen and Ridley from Man on the internet

Hello everyone, I am here to present to you some of the more evil MOTI villains, Let's get this party started, shall we?

  • 1 What's the work?
  • 2 Who are they? What have they done?
  • 3 Any Mitigating Factors or redeeming qualities?
  • 4 Conclusion?

Man on the Internet is a YouTube music creator and the creator of our two friends here, They are from "Paper Mario - Shadow Queen With Lyrics" and "VS Ridley with lyrics" respectively.

Oh boy, Here we go, Let's start with Ridley

Ridley is the titular main antagonist of the song "VS Ridley with lyrics". He is a space pirate and dragon who is the arch-nemesis of Samus Aran, as for what he has done? Well, To start, the moment the song begins he kills both Mario and Mega Man by impaling them with his tail and taunts Sa…

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PPGSansTheGamer12345 PPGSansTheGamer12345 6 November 2024

Blunder Sandbox

Blunder, also known as Plunger-puff Boy by Noteverything123, the OC creator, is a main villain-to-hero deuteragonist from Skibidi-puff Toilet and Grand Townsville Authority.

He is not villainous at all, but he has many villainous acts from his past as a Rowdyruff Member and currently in his deeds. However, he feels remorseful and justifies all his bad deeds.

Blunder was originally a member of the Rowdyruff Boys, he was known for his abrasive and reckless nature than Brick neither Butch. His weapon of choice was plungers, which he often used with a fierce and chaotic energy. He quickly gained a reputation for his mean-spirited antics and his willingness to go to extreme lengths to achieve his goals. However, beneath this harsh exterior, Blunder…

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Savvy747 Savvy747 7 January

colonel kay (young-justice-Lighter-than-Air-Raid)

Agent K, a.k.a. Kevin Brown, is one of the two main protagonists, alongside Agent J, of the Men in Black franchise in the YouTube video, young justice lighter than air raid in the heroforge 2020 adult Computer-Generated cartoon superheroes series young justice

He is portrayed by Stephen Lang, who also played the Party Crasher in The Hard Way, The Shooter in The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Khalar Zym in the 2011 Conan the Barbaria n remake, Percy "King" Dimplewade in The Nut Job, Increase Mather in Salem, Injun Joe in Band of Robbers, Waldo in Into the Badlands, Norman Nordstrom in the Don't Breathe duology Miles Quaritch in the Avatar film series and Shrike in Mortal Engines

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Postuhenin Postuhenin 20 October 2024

IMPORTANT: Update to the CM whitelist criteria!

Hello, my fellow members of the Villains Fanon Wiki!

For a long time, it was stated on the CM whitelist page that any user asking to be put on the list would be forbidden from gaining a spot there, as many users would often abuse the permission while it was available, even when they were still far from meeting the necessary criteria for being put on. These users often wanted the permission solely so they could use it to propose their own OCs, as they saw the red lock as a "badge of honor". This was an irritation to the administrative team, who had a lot of other things to take care of at the time and needed to be able to get around to whitelisting users on their own terms, instead of reviewing every single case of those asking for proposal …

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MarxfromKirby1 MarxfromKirby1 16 October 2024

Page Proposal: Ruby “Rhubarb” Bunny

Hello! This is my first proposal for a page on this wiki. This is Ruby “Rhubarb” Bunny from Rinse Cycle 2’s “Marx and Rhubarb,” a YTP based on Max and Ruby.

  • 1 What has Rhubarb Done?
    • 1.1 Murder
    • 1.2 Robbery
    • 1.3 Child Neglect/Abuse
    • 1.4 Escape from Lawful Custody
    • 1.5 Homicide
    • 1.6 Home Invasion
    • 1.7 Grave Robbery
    • 1.8 Armed Robbery
    • 1.9 Terrorism
    • 1.10 Kidnapping
    • 1.11 Shoplifting
    • 1.12 Arson
    • 1.13 False Personation
    • 1.14 Satire
    • 1.15 Child Endangerment

Rhubarb is the main antagonist of the infamous Marx and Rhubarb YTPs. But what HAS she done to be labeled a villain? Let’s look into it.

Rhubarb has been shown to be a murderer, and it’s not necessarily a secret, either. In “Marx & Rhubarb Aren’t Supervised,” we see Rhubarb beating something in the tent after Marx gets the flashli…

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SpongeBob and VG Fan SpongeBob and VG Fan 14 October 2024

Please Forgive Me

I'm completely serious guys, don't let admins delete this. I'm sorry for my jokes about the Nazis. I never supported their ideals. To show that I'm truly sorry, may I please ask how I can be forgiven? Why is it so hard for all of you to forgive my sins of joking about the Nazis?

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Thenewguyinred Thenewguyinred 19 September 2024

Missing Emesis Blue Villains

I was going back to villains fanon to reread the articles for the Villains of Emesis Blue only to find out that they are all gone, wipe clean from the face of the site. Why did they disappear, is there something about them that disqualifies them from being on Villains Fanon?

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Linogrin Linogrin 20 September 2024

CM Proposal: Plague (The Six Winged Serpent)

I've been in a lull for quite some time regarding my proposals, because my proposals related to the Reaperverse failed to pass due to the lack of sane evidence of its existence. So, I decided to shift the focus to something simpler. And today I decided to discuss and propose a villain from an equally cool fan comic dedicated to My Little Pony.

  • 1 What is the Work?
  • 2 Who Is Plague/What Has He Done?
    • 2.1 What Makes Him Complete Monster?
      • 2.1.1 In General
      • 2.1.2 Past
      • 2.1.3 The Six Winged Serpent
  • 3 Mitigating Factors
  • 4 Heinous Standard
  • 5 Final Verdict

The Six Winged Serpent is a fan comic by Culu-Bluebeaver based on a fanfic by Cupcake.

The comic tells, how exactly Pinkie Pie became insanely equal, as well as the mysterious spirit of cruelty that manipulated her.

And he…

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Ricland 2.0 Ricland 2.0 5 September 2024

Mr. Puzzles and Marty may work together in WOTFI 2024

In "A Night At SMG4's..." Mr. Puzzles said to Mario that he's gonna get revenge on him and in "We must kill Mario" Marty also said to Mario that he's gonna get revenge on him too, which means Mr. Puzzles and Marty might be the WOTFI antagonists this year.

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JackJackX JackJackX 9 September 2024

Complete Monster Proposal: Navy and Night Shade

Time to do one I've been slacking off doing.

  • 1 What's the Work?
  • 2 Who're the Guys?
  • 3 Mitigating Factors or Freudian Excuse
  • 4 Heinous Standard
  • 5 Verdict

The Father & Son series is a 10-part Animator vs. Animation fanfic and definitely the thing I've ever read. Centering around King and Purple trying to stay together as the villains try to separate them, the candidates are the big bad and his right hand.

Navy, like in canon, was Orchid's husband and Purple's father who abused his son to train him up into a fighter before leaving. Night Shade is his sibling who tags along to his crimes. With an army of dozens of brainwashed, memory-wiped servants, the two serve as the main villains.

Their stories are really long, so tl;dr?

Navy's endgame goal is to brainwash Purpl…

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Savvy747 Savvy747 27 August 2024

psimon's Mother (Young Justice)

Psimon is my mother of a supporting antagonist in the animated series Young Justice. Psimon is my mother is your power a psychic metahuman criminal and agent of the Light who most commonly uses his powers to mentally torture and mind wipe his enemies. Psimon and his mother, in all his appearances, is depicted as Miss Martian's arch-nemesis, as he takes more pleasure in torturing her than any other member of the Young Justice team By 2019, he takes care his mother takes in my son is in a relationship with Devastation She is voiced by Ellen McLain, who also played GLaDOS from Portal franchise and The Witch in the Left 4 Dead game series and The Administrator in Team Fortress 2.. She was also voiced by MªRosa Guillén in the Spanish version

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SodaRev! SodaRev! 18 August 2024

Barabannyy Boy (Lostwave's Finest Show)

Vladislav Khalishinov, better known by his nickname Barabannyy Boy, is one of the main antagonists of the upcoming webseries Lostwave's Finest Show.

He is Earthman's murderous bodyguard who attacks everyone who is trying to evade the building, including his worst enemy Soda Pop, he is also a scammer as he has social media, where he sometimes succeeds in scamming people into joining the organization, althought he most times fails in doing so.

He is portrayed by ZapperRS.

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SodaRev! SodaRev! 16 August 2024

Earthman (Lostwave's Finest Show)

Earthman is the main antagonist and big bad of the fan-made upcoming webseries Lostwave's Finest Show.

He is an egoistical and ruthless conspirator who, along with his henchman Chemistry, wants to dominate the whole world and enslave humanity, but always fails in doing so due to various circumstances that prevent his plans from succeeding.

He is voiced by the creator of the series, SodaRev!.

Earthman is depicted as a ruthless, selfish, unemotional, wicked and fearless big bad who has no remorse for his actions and does it for fun, he and his partner Chemistry, try various plans to dominate the whole world and make the world his own personal planet, while making humanity's souls his own personal slaves, but he always fails in doing what he does.

  • En…

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JackJackX JackJackX 9 August 2024

Complete Monster Proposal: Ballista (They're Sticks, Probably)

Here's another one.

  • 1 What's the Work?
  • 2 Who's the Guy?
  • 3 Mitigating Factors or Freudian Excuse?
  • 4 Heinous Standard
  • 5 Verdict

They're Sticks, Probably is an Animator vs. Animation fanfic revolving around Alexcrafter28 encountering and befriending the heroes, and Victim's plans for revenge against the Animator.

NOTE: While this is taken from his page, I have personally written everything on his page myself so plagiarism is not an issue.

Ballista is a mercenary working alongside Striker, Primal and Hazard that has done bounty hunting in the past. Shortly before the events of the story, he and his teammates were hired by Victim to help in his plans. Ballista is first mentioned when he's chasing the Chosen One around the city, shooting at the walls of a teneme…

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HourglassTheHybird HourglassTheHybird 4 August 2024

CM Removal - h2020graduate Villains

Alright yall. Good day. Not for me since it's a massive purge we're doing for more than 11 villains, from one guy.

I'm your host, Hourglass and here with another Complete Monster removal, discussing all of h2023graduate villains that are currently approved, hopefully we can get through 11 of them

Let the tiral commence. Thanks TheAverageDimentio for the permission.

  • 1 What's the work?
  • 2 Who are they?
  • 3 Why don't they qualify anymore?
  • 4 Verdict?

Most of h2020graduate fanfics that are currently approved is on Wattpad which can be found here.

All of them are supposed sequels to Stephen King's works and including Marvel apparently from what I read however I don't feel like mentioning all of them since it's so much and pretty pointless and not even worth i…

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Marshenwhale Marshenwhale 24 July 2024

CM Proposal: Purple Guy

Yeah yeah I know, another version of William Afton is PE, shocker I know who would have guessed. But I love FNAF, sue me.

Anyways, I was browsing through old FNAF fan works and I came across a surprisingly good fan film from all the way back in 2015. Despite having been made prior to most of William Afton's characterization becoming known, is still a pretty on point representation of the character. And as such, he's pretty god damn evil.

  • 1 What's the Work?
  • 2 Who is Purple Guy? What's He Done?
  • 3 Mitigating Factors
  • 4 Heinous Standards
  • 5 Final Verdict

Happiest Day is a short fan film based on the Happiest Day minigames from Five Nights at Freddy's 3, focusing on Purple Guy's murders and the Puppet's efforts to bring peace to the spirits of those he kille…

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SleepingGuy SleepingGuy 26 July 2024

Complete Monster Proposal - Jeff the Killer from I Rewrote Jeff the Killer

Well, had a listen to Pastra's re-telling of Jeff the Killer (I definitely recommend giving it a listen). Needless to say, we've got a good candidate. In the form of the titular killer himself. Let's have a little look into this depraved mind.

  • 1 What's the Work?
  • 2 Who is Jeff the Killer? What did he do?
  • 3 Mitigating Factors/Freudian Excuse?
  • 4 Heinous Standard?
  • 5 Final Verdict?

I Rewrote Jeff the Killer is, as the name suggests, a rewrite made by the YouTuber Pastra, which re-tells the story of the Creepypasta of the same name, made by Sessuer. Some guy named Jay Douglas has been killed in his sleep by a murderer, and detective Samuel Morgan hops on the case. His partner and rookie, Norman Keller, tells Samuel that he found three people who are willing …

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SwapperSwitch SwapperSwitch 22 July 2024

I am NOT a villain but


I don't want a villain page made out of me because I am for the LAST TIME sorry.

I put this to offer my deepest and most sincere apologies for my actions. I acknowledge the gravity of my behavior, which included stalking, begging, sockpuppeting, guilt tripping, doxxing, harassment, abuse, and other reprehensible acts. My actions were inexcusable, and I am truly sorry for the pain and distress I have caused you. There is no justification for what I did, and I take full responsibility for my actions. I understand that my behavior was invasive, manipulative, and harmful. It was a gross violation of your privacy and trust, and it has undoubtedly left you feeling unsafe and violated.…

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JackJackX JackJackX 21 July 2024

Complete Monster Proposal: The Dark Lord (Endgame)

I haven't made a proposal in a year and a half, huh? Oh well, here's a new one.

  • 1 What's the Work?
  • 2 Who's the Guy?
  • 3 Mitigating Factors or Freudian Excuse
  • 4 Heinous Standard
  • 5 Verdict

Endgame is an Animator vs. Animation fanfic by a user called... AVAEndgame, which revolves around series main villain The Dark Lord coming back to get revenge on the heroes and succeed in his goals.

NOTE: While this is taken from his page, I have personally written everything on his page myself so plagiarism is not an issue.

During the events of "The Showdown", a young stick figure with ice powers named Ditzyshine was watching the epic battle between the Chosen One and the Dark Lord. Taking a liking to Dark due to both being hand-drawn inventors and thinking he was "cool", wh…

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DoughB101 DoughB101 21 July 2024

CM Proposal: Governor Rodger Maxwell from All For Luz - Redux

After being white-listed a long time ago, I decided to make a proposal for this wiki after seeing an opportunity and potential candidate, so let's go.

  • 1 What's the Work?
  • 2 Who is The Candidate?
  • 3 What Has He Done?
  • 4 Mitigating Factors?
  • 5 Heinous Standard
  • 6 Verdict

All For Luz is a The Owl House and My Hero Academia crossover dark fic by DeathlyJazzHands55, which is undergoing a rewrite.

The premise is that before the day she was supposed to go for the Summer Camp, Luz Noceda discover she now has holes in her hands, which allows her to use the same powers of All For One, and she has the man himself in her mind as her mentor, and other kids also awakened super-powers too due to the Human Realm undergoing a "Super Power Awakening".

This will tackle the Redux ver…

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HourglassTheHybird HourglassTheHybird 12 July 2024

CM Removal - HABIT (The Gray Chronicles)

Hello hello everyone, today another episode of Complete Monster removals. Now this one is a very wacky candidate and honestly not surprised to notice why he needed to go.

Anyways, we're talking about the Gray Chronicles verison of HABIT, while it may seem obvious but the more we explain, more wacky it gets.

Let the trial commence.

  • 1 What's the work?
  • 2 Who is he?
  • 3 Why doesn't he qualify anymore?
  • 4 Verdict?

The Gray Chronicles is a horror war fanfic series based off of the Creepypastas, a war between Creepypasta characters and horror slashers, involving Slenderman and his proxies against Pinhead and his Cenobites. The Protagonist, Jeff the Killer (aka worst Creepypasta ever) wants revenge on the Cenobites for ruining his life and joins sides to get ri…

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Eleeysium Eleeysium 2 July 2024

CM Removal: The Prototype from Geypeer

Wow…this is starting to become a tradition at this point, but I can’t say anything more. I’ve been tipped off from someone who gave me information on why this candidate needs to go.

Permission granted by TheAverageDimentio.

Geypeer is supposedly a person who made theories on numerous games like Five Nights At Candy’s and Poppy Playtime. “His” incarnation of The Prototype is similar to the original one, but more evil as he would stitch up parts of other toys and a person to build a perfect body for itself.


While on paper, the Prototype would easily pass the criteria: dismembering other toys and humans to make itself a body, and brainwashing other toys like Huggy Wuggy to go on killing sprees (this is basically the Hour of Joy,…

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Hjordan23 Hjordan23 15 July 2024

CM Proposal: Tom Rogan (What fate says trilogy) from What fate says

Well, this is my 11th CM proposal. So, we'll get started.

  • 1 What's the work?
  • 2 Who is he? What has he done?
  • 3 Mitigating factors/Freudian Excuse?
  • 4 Heinous standard?
  • 5 Final verdict?

What fate says is a fanfiction on the website Wattpad. In it, Bill Denbrough and the rest of his childhood friends that are still living, collectively known as The Losers Club, are still reeling in from their final encounter with Pennywise. But when something different and unforseen rises, they need to reunite to stop the villain behind it.

Tom Rogan is the main antagonist of the fanfiction.

He was the vice president of Beverly Fashions Inc before being fainting and becoming a terrorist. He is the ex-husband of Beverly Marsh-Denbrough.

Tom is first seen in his lair, having c…

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Snonk Snonk 28 June 2024

CM Proposal: GB from Fiepie's Golden Land Lyrical Cover

Hey everyone! I'm back, back with another proposal. This time we've got ourselves another Friday Night Funkin' with lyrics candidate, so this is gonna be interesting. Let's not waste any time and jump straight into this shall we?

  • 1 What is the Work?
  • 2 Who is he? What has he done?
  • 3 Heinous Standard?
  • 4 Mitigating Factors?
  • 5 Verdict?

Fiepie is a YouTube channel that specializes in making Friday Night Funkin' lyric videos, with the one we're focusing on today being his Golden Land With Lyrics video. The video focuses on GB, one of the antagonists faced in the Friday Night Funkin' mod, Mario's Madness as he lures Boyfriend and Girlfriend in by pretending to be a version of Mario, before revealing his true nature and plans to torture them before breaking …

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Tabbykitth07 Tabbykitth07 23 June 2024

Complete Monster Removal: Mary Piggy, Ollie Rat, and Felix Fox from PIGGY: The Whole Bloody Deal

It's been a hot minute guys. I've been so busy with my works lately that I keep forgetting that proposals exist. Anyways, I think you all know what day it is. It's time to chop someone off the list. After having a small discussion about this on this post, it was determined that they need to go. Thank you to TAD for allowing me to make this much needed removal. Now, let's get cooking.

  • 1 What's the work?
  • 2 Who are these people?
  • 3 Why they should be removed?
  • 4 Verdict?

Piggy: The Whole Bloody Deal is a now deleted work that is supposed to be part of another work called Piggy: The Dark Multiverse. It's basically an adaption of the populat Roblox game, Piggy and a youtuber named Antflix's piggy stories and makies it darker. It's about a criminal who has…

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Marshenwhale Marshenwhale 21 June 2024

CM Proposal: The Mimic

And now for my second fanon CM proposal I will be doing... another... Five Nights at Freddy's character... but hey at least it's not William Afton! I mean, sort of. It's the Mimic, specifically the version of him from the JT Music song Reflection.

  • 1 What's the Work?
  • 2 Who is The Mimic? What's He Done?
  • 3 Mitigating Factors
  • 4 Heinous Standards
  • 5 Final Verdict

Reflection is a song and music video by JT Music which initially presents as a Springtrap song, but is actually a song and music video focusing on the Mimic and his replication of William Afton and his crimes. The video does follow the games lore, but it massively characterizes the Mimic, going into detail on his personality and motivation.

The Mimic is a a robotic endoskeleton containing the Mimic1 pr…

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How do i create a New Page?

I'm pretty much New to this Fanon Wiki, But i have one Question.

How do i Create Pages? Is there some sort of Template i can use with the "Evil-doer" or "Hostile Species" thing?

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Hjordan23 Hjordan23 16 June 2024

CM Proposal: Steve Kemp (Gold Bolt trilogy) from Gold Bolt Returns

Hi! This is my 10th CM proposal. So, we'll get this started.

  • 1 What's the work?
  • 2 Who is he? What has he done?
  • 3 Mitigating factors/Freudian Excuse
  • 4 Heinous standard?
  • 5 Final verdict?

Gold Bolt Returns is a fanfiction on the website Wattpad, which serves as a sequel to Gold Bolt. In it, sixteen months after Rose the Hat's final defeat, Tad Trenton is proud of his daughter Jane for ewanting to honor Bradley Trevor's memory. But he goes back to action when a threat from his mother's past arises.

Stephen "Steve" Kemp, later known as War Machine, is the main antagonist of the fanfiction.

He is the former lover of Donna Trenton, who wants revenge on her, for ending the affair. Ultimately, his plans fail, as he is apprehended by police, after suspicion of him…

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Powermonger2003 Powermonger2003 8 June 2024

New Category and Template

As of recent, me and the other administrators decided to make a new template for users to use if they wish, but only the author themselves.

However one thing should be clear: When regarding the use of OCs here, only and ONLY the creator of said OC will put their characters to public domain, anyone who miss uses this will face a harsh penalty of a block. Copyright is a serious business, so we ain't gonna take it lightly here especially if it's against the author's wishes. Unless you got firm proof that the characters are public domain, be very wary on how to use this. So use this how you will, if you want to make your OCs free for anyone to use then use this template. Please remember to read this template carefully before doing anything with…

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Marshenwhale Marshenwhale 2 June 2024

CM Proposal: William Afton (JOLLY)

For my first ever CM proposal I'll be covering what I think it a slightly underrated Five Nights at Freddy's fangame series: JOLLY. It's one of the fangame series that has the original series characters and new characters at the same time, similar to Popgoes. And as you might guess, William Afton returns, and is still CM material.

  • 1 What's the Work?
  • 2 Who is William Afton? What's He Done?
  • 3 Mitigating Factors
  • 4 Heinous Standards
  • 5 Final Verdict

JOLLY is a Five Nights at Freddy's fangame series which takes the original animatronics from the games and a cast of new ones in order to tell a unique variation of the original story. JOLLY seems to only accept Five Nights at Freddy's and Five Nights at Freddy's 3 as canon, since no mention is ever made of the second gam…

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