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WARNING: This article contains major spoilers. If you do not wish to know vital information on plot / character elements in a story, you may not wish to read beyond this warning: We hold no responsibility for any negative effects these facts may have on your enjoyment of said media should you continue. That is all. |
Bloodbear or Red bear is the main antagonist of the Zajcu37 Archiv videos.
Not much is known about this anomaly currently, other than it randomly appears throughout the videos with varying forms.
Bloodbear, can take multiple forms, they can either be a red version of the Splinks Freddy model with bloodshot eyes, or maybe take forms of other characters (I will explain that in the theories section.)
Bloodbear is constantly changing, even as Freddy, sometimes they can look as explained before, they can have a hanging jaw with rows of teeth, or they can be larger with white teeth.
Bloodbear is an anomaly shown in Zajcu37 Archiv videos that seemingly has no origins. Bloodbear seems to be an overpowering entity, as whenever they appear, they heighten up the quality of the video.
We still don't know as much of him, since he only appears once or twice a video.
They are a handful of theories for Bloodbear, such as.
- Bloodbear can actually possess other animatronics to kill each other in each video. So, their crimes are probably connected with him.
- Bloodbear is probably a virus that corrupted the reuploader's video files.
- As explained in the comment section of this video, Zajcu37 probably had a girlfriend, as seen in the original Q&A video, but the girlfriend died, but somehow, she possessed the video files, to inevitably become Bloodbear.
- In the same comment section, another theory suggests that these are actually YTPs for Zajcu37 videos, made by Ryan the Angel Gamer, which was shown in one of the videos.
- Theories speculate that Springbonnie might even behind it all instead of Bloodbear.
- This could also tie into Ryan the Angel Gamer being Bloodbear shown from the QR Code, as well as the replaced website after the found discovery, meaning that he has multiple appearances outside of Zajcu37 Archiv videos itself.
- Bloodbear may be the spirit or spirits of William Afton's victims who inhabit the video. According to one theory, Zacu37 videos take place in the FNAF universe, so victims inhabit these videos to ask for help.
- Probably, these videos are simply shitposting using horror tropes with no lore or plot.
- The Zacju37 Archiv channel was possibly made by a Zacju37 hater to scare off Zacju37's fans who watch the animations.
- The name 'Bloodbear' was given by the community, we don't know the anomaly's actual name.
- Zajcu37 Archiv got multiple Friday Night Funkin' songs, specifically Dead Air fansongs.
- Zajcu37 Archiv has a common theme with the name calling "insect".
- The first image on the Zajcu37 Archiv website was a possessed Ryan the Angel Gamer, a somewhat prominent figure within Zajcu37 Archiv.
- The Springbonnie that appears in "sfm fnaf the return zajcu37 reupload deleted video" is actually taken from a DeviantArt render in 2015.
- Bloodbear's appearance in the darkness shows him very slowly breathing. This is only noticeable by speeding up the video itself.
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Disambiguation Pages Fan-Games Fanfics Wyatt Boi's FNaF Web Videos Music Other See Also |
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Animations Soldier: Avatar | Commander Private | CyborSoldier | Maggot Gear and "Intoxicated Soldier" | Mutated Burger | Painis Cupcake | RED Soldier (Capture The Intelligence) |RED Soldier (A Granary Adventure: The Underdog Story) | Robosol | Rubberfruit | Sentinel | Soldier (Pootis Engage) | Botgant Soldiurr | Bruiser (TF2 FreakShow) | Robosol | BLU Soldier (End of the Line) | Uncle Crusty | Sodeanator | Assbox | Trashmann | Demented Soldier | Crack Cupcake | RubberFruit | Seeldier | Heavy Metal Soldier | Avatar | BLU Soldier (Food Heist) | RED Soldier (Food Heist) | RED Demoman (The Strongest of The Mercenaries) | BLU Engineer (Love Hurts) | BLU Soldier (Never Anger a Magician!) | BLU Trolldier (Trolldier's New Weapon) Pyro: Beamassacre Pyro | Cryo | Infierno | Pyre | RED Pyro (Capture The Intelligence) | BLU Pyro (Meet the BLU Pyro) | Twitch | Vagipyro | Pyro (Do You Believe In Magic?) | Monopoly Pyro | Piro | Pygas | Cremapyro | Pyrogun | Pystrich | Cryo | Scuttlebucket | The Butcher (Emesis Blue) | Dennis | Buddhist Murder Pyro | Pyro (TF2: Revenge - Saxxy 2012, Drama)) | RED Pyro (Who Wants Pizza?) | Bob | BLU Pyro (Food Heist) | Pyro (There's something wrong with Pyro) | RED Pyro (A Very Warm Smissmas) Demoman: BLU Gentlemanly Demoman | Captain Demoman | Campoman | Demopan | Demo Samedi | Dic Soupcan | Lord DeGroot | MC Spammer | RED Demoman (Capture The Intelligence) | Samurai Demo | Demoking | BerryPan | Bogop | SoupCock Porkpie | Samurai Demo | Spiritual Demoman | Demo Ballseye | Demopan | Demoman ( | Who Wants Pizza? | BLU Demoman (Food Heist) | RED Demoman (Food Heist) | RED Demoman (The Strongest of The Mercenaries) | RED Demoman (Gimme my Eye back!) Heavy: Aleksander | Behemoth | Cave Heavy | Commander Bot | Golem | Heavydile | HoovyDundy | Stalingrad | The Rock (TF2 Freakshow) | BLU Heavy and RED Heavy (Pootis Engage) | RED Heavy (Capture The Intelligence) | Spencer Pootis | The Creature | Golem | Dick Sandvich (Original/AJMZXFC) | Dick Sandvich (TheInvertedShadow) | Disco Heavy | Dangerous Bacon | New Weapon | Rabid Heavy | Ape Heavy | Tank (Super Zombie Fortress) | Heavybine | Hoomba | Wereheavy | GAYPENlS | NO SMOKING | BLU Heavy (Food Heist) | RED Heavy (Food Heist) | RED Heavy (The Strongest of The Mercenaries) | RED Heavy (Never Anger a Magician!) | Bloody Deck | RED Heavy (The heavy is a fat headed abomination) Engineer: Crazy Machine | Conagher Brothers | Destroyer | Engineer (Heavy is Dead) | Pencer | Potatoneer | Tella | RED Engineer (Capture The Intelligence) | RED Engineer (Spy's Disguise) | Caberneer |Odd Engie | Porkgineer | Mule Corn Cakes | Staregineer | StarEngineer | Cakineer | RED EnGeR | BLU Paintraingineer | Teethineer | Dr. Texas | Potatoneer | Creepto Engineer | Cowboygineer/Rabid Heavy Taming Engineer | Squishy the Engy Fly Trap | Vagitoilet | Zed and Maynard Conagher | Keep Going, Buddy | RED Engineer (Food Heist) | BLU Engineer (Food Heist) | RED Engineer (Engineer Cooks TF2 Spycrabs) Medic: The Blightcaller | Creepy Medic | CyborMedic | Doc Jarate | Dr. Schadenfreude | Dr. Teeem | Infected Germedic | MeeM | Moodic | Nightmare Medic | Rabic | RED Medic (Capture The Intelligence) | Sewer Medic | SynthetMedic | Moodic | Dr. Oktoberfest | Rabic | The Doctor | Zerstörer | Mastermind | XanderKage | Dragh Vundabar | Amplus Barpo | RED Medic (Healirious) | The Undertaker | Two-faced Medic (Emesis Blue) | Fritz Ludwig (Emesis Blue) | BLU Medic (The Fedora Chronicles) | Sewer Medic | Typewriter | XanderKage | Professor Klonz | BLU Medic (Food Heist) | BLU Sniper (Never Anger a Magician!) Sniper: The Hunter (Emesis Blue) | The King of Australia | BLU Nnnngh Sniper | Christian Brutal Sniper | Piss Cakehole | Cakehole Piss | Razor | Spyphurr | Jarate Cake Dick | The Wight | RED Snipers (Capture The Intelligence) | Snipe | J.D Aussie | Bilbo Biggins | BLU Sniper (The JarateThon) | Snyphurr | Razor (Freakshow) | Necklace Sniper | Old Bloke | Crotch Sniper | Sniparoo | Sniper Fire Red | RED Sniper (Food Heist) | BLU Sniper (Food Heist) | RED Sniper (Never Anger a Magician!) | RED Sniper (How to Get Rid of Pyro) Spy: Smell of Fear | CyborSpy | The Detective (Emesis Blue) | DoomSpy | Doppelganger | GentleSpy | Handsome Rogue | Mann of Mystery | Ninja Spy | SeaSpy | Slender Mann | Vagispy (Original | The Malevolent) | Metalgen | Red Spy (Smooth Line) | Spöi | Mentlegen Pie | ShitPutridYam | LavaSpy |ExcelSpy | BLU Spy (Revenge - Saxxy 2012, drama) | Spy Krueger | Cornish Game Spy | Mann of Mystery | Bara Wrench | Spy Samedi | RED Spy (Rise of the Epic Scout) | BLU Spy (Heavy's Quest) | RED Spy and BLU Spy (Meet The Gay Spy) | The Spymare | Spy Samedi | Spy ( | NO SMOKING | Spy (The Spy) | BLU Spy (Food Heist) | RED Spy (Food Heist) | BLU Spy (Bloody Deck) | RED Spy (Don't you feel Stoopid?!) | RED Spycrab (Engineer Cooks TF2 Spycrabs) | Bloody Deck Groups and Organizations: Aberrants | Clan Stackers | Disciples | Mecha Army | Men of Mystery | The Shades | Soldier Drones | Team ZOM | Thieving BLU Soldiers | Area 51 Guards (Pootis Engage) | CumZone (Pootis Engage) | BDSP forces | SM crew | Masters EX squad | The Infected (Super Zombie Fortress) | Disciples (TF2 FreakShow) | Undead Stoner Scouts | Aberrants | Mecha Army | Team ZOM | Men of Mystery | Thieving BLU Soldiers | Soldier Drones | The Cobra Gang | The Yellows | The Jaunts (Emesis Blue) | Emesis Pharmaceuticals (from Emesis Blue) | Conagher Slaughterhouse Mercs | Medibirds | Minioneers | Delivery Mann | BLU (Food Heist) | RED (Food Heist)]] | Spycrabs (Engineer Cooks TF2 Spycrabs) | Japanese Mafia (Do you know what is REALLY scary?) Others: Australium Saxton | Redmond Mann | Blutarch Mann | Serverblight | Fadkiller | Francis (Moments With Heavy) | Gunslingerpro2009 | BadwaterVideos2009 | Black Hiver | Olivia Mann (Lil' Pootis) | Jack Skellington (The Chronicles of Poop) | Mozukoff | Cheryl (TF series) | Goomba (TF series) | False clones (TF series) | Cynthia (US Paradox and Alternate Paradox) | Medimedes (Lil' Pootis) | Store Clerk (Lil' Pootis) | Candice (TF series) | Hilda (US paradox) |Gardenia (US paradox) | Roxie (US Paradox and Alternate Paradox) | Moon (US paradox) | Blutarch Mann (Emesis Blue) | Redmond Mann (Emesis Blue) | Yang Xiao Long (US paradox) | Nitro Man (SFM) | Tella | TF2 Bots (The Punkettes) | Agent Stemmons (Emesis Blue) | ARG Man (Capture The Intelligence) | Rat Man (Capture The Intelligence) | The M.I.N.G.E | Bluster Blaster Sentry (from TF2 Freakshow) | Anomalies (KiegKillsReality) | Goliatron | Mimi-Sentry | Sentry Bruxter | Matilda the Robot Tank Girl | Unusual Gient | Deathmatch Mercenary | Monoculus (Gimme my Eye back!) | Small Skeleton (Scream Fortress Scariest Menace) | Witch (I Got a Bucket of MAGICAL Chicken!) | Horseless Headless Horseman (I Got a Bucket of MAGICAL Chicken!) Merasmus: Never Anger a Magician! | Gimme my Eye back! | I Got a Bucket of MAGICAL Chicken! Game Mods Fan-Fiction See Also |