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This villain was proposed but was rejected by the community for not being heinous enough or lacks what is necessary to be a Complete Monster villain. Therefore, this villain shall be added to our "Never Again List", where proposed villains rejected by the community shall be placed to prevent future proposals of the same evil-doer. They can be proposed again (with the permission of an administrator) if new elements appear in their series that can change their status as non-CM villains. Any act of adding this villain to the Complete Monster category without a proposal or creating a proposal for this villain without the permission of an administrator will result in a ban. |
“ | I do not don the cape of a hero. Instead, I relish in the role of the malevolent antagonist. My actions hold no noble purpose that could possibly justify the means I employ. My closet remains devoid of any hidden secrets, devoid of a troubled past or unfortunate circumstances that might absolve my wicked conduct. Sanity is not a foreign concept to me, for I am well aware of the dichotomy between righteousness and malevolence. Furthermore, I possess the capacity to comprehend and share in the anguish, be it emotional or physical, experienced by others. I am not a sociopath, devoid of empathy. Rather, I derive pleasure from inflicting pain and suffering, opting for acts of cruelty instead of extending a helping hand to those in need, all for the sheer amusement it brings me. And so, all of you who worked for me, you were all nothing but my pawns, NOTHING but toys to my hunger for power, hunger for destruction. Yes, including YOU, Cherry. | „ |
~ Carole's final monologue, revealing her true side. |
Carole is the main antagonist of the Scratch-made Friday Night Funkin series Internet Takeover, serving as the overarching antagonist of Season 1 and the main antagonist of Season 2.
In Season 1, Metaverse Mayhem, she is the unseen overarching antagonist of the first two chapters, the main antagonist of Chapter 3: Greylight. In Season 2, she is the overarching antagonist of the Season 2 premiere Metaverse Generations, the villainous main protagonist of the upcoming Episode 5 and the main antagonist of an undetermined episode.
She is also the posthumous overarching antagonist of any non-canon side-story set after Greylight, such as Robotic Retaliation.
She is a sadistic girl who was bullied as a gingerbread in the past, resulting in her hatred for humanity. Creating Cherry the Internet Demon via file duplication and making her one of her minions, she started an army of demon slaves in order to attempt at destroying the Friday Night Funkin' multiverse, claiming it as a "better" way to "fix" the Internet, all while manifested as a replica of Carol. She also appears in the Ultraverse as one of the secondary antagonists, but unlike in IT: MM, she is treated more comedically.
She is voiced by Razor47Studios on Scratch, who also voices some other characters in the Ultraverse, such as Vladimir Dragovitch, Maeko and Mousey, and Slenderman in A Dish of Pasta.
Carole's appearance as a human depicts her as an African-American woman with light blue eyes, a light blue shirt, blue shorts, white leggings and red shoes. In her Friday Night Funkin' appearance, she takes on a strong ressemblance to Carol, but with Carole's human features. In Metaverse Generations, she gets a brand new artificial body which has a more adult-looking appearance to it, as well as a blue crown, a black headband as well as a necklace with a red gem attached to it.
Carole is a failure-intolerant woman who is always greedy to destroy the multiverse just for a simple harassment in the past, although it is later revealed that she also does it for the sake of fun. She is also shown to be quite strict towards her army, including Cherry, as it is clear that she doesn't want them all to fail her. While in Metaverse Generations she does let Cherry avenge her, it doesn't mean that she actually cares about her at all, considering the fact she is still treated as a creation by her.
Born in 2000[1], Carole was heavily bullied because she was called a gingerbread over hundreds of times[2]. Fueled with rage, she met Cherry who offered her a chance to get revenge on humanity for mistreating her. And thanks to Cherry, that little girl became the new threat[3]. However, it is later revealed that Carole was the one who created Cherry the Internet Demon the whole time, duplicating Girlfriend (who was originally Cherry)'s files, so even with a tragic past, her actions were extremely deadly as well, meaning that she completely forgot about it due to now being a threat to the entire metaverse, especially with the Metaversity Drive she created that could cause the destruction of the entirety of the Friday Night Funkin' multiverse as a whole[4].
In Internet Takeover: Metaverse Mayhem Chapter 3, she was eventually defeated after Girlfriend and her group destroyed the Metaversity Drive[5], causing a massive explosion which caused Carole to fall down hundreds of feet to one of her energy receptors below, ultimately causing a huge beam of energy to explode from it, obliterating her to dust and seemingly ending her terror for good, until March 2025 came in.
In Metaverse Generations, set on March 2025, she is revived with an artificially-made body and is able to resume her plans once more, this time having her creation attempt to kill Boyfriend and Girlfriend once and for all.
- She was created by Razor47 and TeamGamers2774 in order to initially put an end to the Metaverse Mayhem trilogy of chapters with an epic finale where the truth would be revealed. However, with the release of Metaverse Generations as an official sequel, the saga would continue and Carole is confirmed to be revived with a new artificial body months after her demise.
- ↑ Assuming that Internet Takeover: Metaverse Mayhem is set in 2024, the same year of its release, and Metaverse Generations being set several months later in 2025, it is confirmed by Razor47 on Discord that Carole was born in 2000.
- ↑ https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/947301724/
- ↑ https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/947301724/
- ↑ https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/959129574/
- ↑ https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/968303460 (Carole's Death)
External links[]
- Carole on the Ultraverse Wiki
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