Aliens are beings that do not come from Earth or any other planet of a series.
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Ben Tennyson (The Carnitrix) -
Black (VS Impostor) -
ULTRA Vegito -
Shinic (The Sonic Tapes) -
Niles -
Green (VS Impostor) -
Alien X (The Carnitrix) -
Argent Gray
All items (481)
- Abaddon (Terraria: Shadows of Abaddon)
- Abnormal King
- Actual Satan
- Adam Warlock (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Adipose (Character What)
- Aggregor (The Final Key)
- Albedo (The Chaquetrix)
- Alien Leader (deadspinosaur)
- Alien Leader: Trebla
- Alien Robotnik
- Alien X (The Carnitrix)
- Alienator
- Alienetta
- Alpha (Skibidi Toilet Multiverse)
- Amogus
- Anaconda Farr (Redwood universe)
- Argent Gray
- Arius
- Arson
- Artico
- Ash Graven (Disaster Almighty)
- Ash Maroon
- Audrey The Destroyer
- Azmuth (The Carnitrix)
- Babidi (Mega64)
- Baldi (Uniferyes)
- Bao-Dur
- Beast Megatron (TFI Creations)
- Ben Tennyson (The Carnitrix)
- Bitt
- Black (NateWantstoBattle)
- Black (VS Impostor)
- Black Arms (Flashback)
- Black Doom (Flashback)
- Black Rutile
- Blades (The Blue Tri)
- Blast Off (Transformers Prime: Galvatron's Revenge)
- Bleda
- Blue (Kyle Allen Music)
- Borys The Big Red Dragon (Scream Things)
- Brotherhood of Super Rabbids
- Cambiocephalus
- Caramel Yeast
- Carnage (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Chameleon (MK vs. SF)
- Chitauri Soldiers
- Cli-one (Erecke)
- Cobiken
- Combine (Evanverse)
- Combine Overmind
- Commander Shpiggs
- Commander Tzip
- Commissar Diego
- Covenant Ship (Halo 2600)
- Craig (Crash Bandicoot Parodies)
- Crucifier and Deathhorns
- Cybermen (Character What)
- Daisy (The Rosie Movie)
- Dakiegoash
- Dalek Bronze (Dalek Who)
- Dalek Emperor (Character What)
- Dalek Sec (Backrooms RP)
- Daleks (Character What)
- Dareen Younes
- Dark Barry B. Benson (BATCW TAB)
- Dark Kendra Moonie
- Dark Mayhem
- Dark Samus (Man on the Internet)
- Darth Hevokk
- Darth Maul (Team Morshu Cinematic Universe)
- Darth Tubby
- Daughters of Limo Kwon (FamilyFun)
- Death Ghidorah (Monster Island Buddies)
- Decepticons (Rainbow Dash)
- Defective Weegee
- Delnos
- Demi Lovato (The Bloody Choice Game: Aeyen The Lobster Canon)
- Demon Druid
- Deoxys (Pokémon Odyssey)
- Destructicons (Transformers Prime: Galvatron's Revenge)
- Dimentio (Ben 10 show)
- Dinobot (AndrewJohn100)
- DNAliens (Character What)
- Doctor Shroob
- Domina
- Dr. Moist
- Dragora
- Drennoc the Sorcerer
- Dropkick and Shatter (Rainbow Dash)
- Druig (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Emperor Gorg
- Endreai
- Endurance of Will (Halo 4: Mythic Overhaul)
- Endy, Slendy and Tendy
- Eradicator (Transformers: Animated: Shadows of Redemption)
- Evil Ellina Radioactive (YouTube Channel/Space: Season Future)
- Evil Stromedy
- EXE Virus
- Exodus (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- False Sephiroth
- Faora (DC Fanfilm Universe)
- Fawful Vyrus
- Fecto Elfilis (Juno Songs)
- Firefreezen
- Fleetway Super Sonic (0770Caro)
- Flood (Five Nights With the Flood)
- Freddie Freaker
- Freddy Krueger Rabbid
- Freeza (Team Four Star)
- Frieza (Dragon Ball Adventure)
- Frieza (Gonzossm)
- Frieza (Lythero)
- Frieza (Oney Cartoons)
- Frydo (Total Drama Film Series)
- Fryz
- G-Toilet (Corrupted Skibidi Toilet)
- G-Toilet (Skibidi Toilet Multiverse)
- Galactus (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Galgeron
- Gallius Rax
- Gantu (Jumanji and DK Zombie Evil's channel)
- Gargantuan Leviathans
- Gedeonian Chief
- Geminald (Rememberence)
- General Grievous (Character What)
- General Grievous (Team Morshu Cinematic Universe)
- General King Ghidorah (MUGENWarrior)
- General Zod (DC Fanfilm Universe)
- General Zolgod
- Gharst 'Omelum
- Ghidorah.EXE (MUGENWarrior)
- Giegue (Mother: Cognitive Dissonance)
- Gigan (Godzilla Jr: The Return of King Ghidorah)
- Gigan (Monster Island Buddies)
- Gigan (MUGENWarrior)
- Giger
- Ginyu (Dragon Ball Multiverse)
- Ginyu (Team Four Star)
- Giygas (The None)
- Globox (Globox Terror: Escape of the Lumar Eclipse)
- Gmanator
- God of Darkness (White Sheep)
- God of Light (White Sheep)
- Gonzo (Cute Mario Bros.)
- Grand King Ghidorah (Monster Island Buddies)
- Grandis
- Gravemind (Halo 3: New Covenant)
- Green (VS Impostor)
- Greys (Night Skies)
- Grimlock (Jurassic Spark)
- Guard (Elites of War: Exile)
- Kaiju (MUGENWarrior)
- Kaizen Drackmoor
- Kannos
- Keizer Ghidorah (Monster Island Buddies)
- Kelbim (Godzilla and his Amazing Friends)
- Killer Easter Bunny
- King Ghidorah
- King Ghidorah (Abraxas)
- King Ghidorah (Godzilla Warriors)
- King Ghidorah (Monster Island Buddies)
- King Ghidorah (The Nowhere King)
- King Ghidorah (Titanverse)
- King Ghidorah Ultimate