Villains Fanon Wiki

To vote for the Complete Monster Proposals of the day, see:

  1. NEEDS MORE VOTES: The Rat from FNAF: A Hidden Story - Ends February 18th.
  2. NEEDS MORE VOTES: Nemeth Ulalee from All Worlds Alliance - Ends February 18th.
  3. Dandy from Bake Night Terror - Ends January 20th.

To vote for the Complete Monster Removal Proposals of the day, see:

  1. None at the moment.


Villains Fanon Wiki
~ Rávdnár the Bogeyman haunting Jussi the Lumberjack.

Bogeymen (also called Bogies, Bogeys, Bogiemen, Boogeymen and Boogiemen) are very similar to monsters but are often more ghostlike and demonic. The most famous of all is, of course the Bogeyman himself, but many variations exist in all cultures across the world.

In order to qualify for this title, the creature in question must be designed to scare children, either in a fictional setting or folkloric tradition.

This can also refer to Monsters, Demons or the Noncorporeals who prey almost exclusively on children.

All items (202)
