Villains Fanon Wiki

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Villains Fanon Wiki
Villains Fanon Wiki
~ Gorefield's insane threat about the end of the world if he doesn't get his lasagna. are right. I shouldn't just attempt to take over everything, instead I should destroy everything. You know what they say, all things must come to an end, after the De-Creation there will be Nothing At All
~ Azathoth's speech.
Ya know, Plankton? It's been fun, real fun. But I think it's about time that we destroy, all the universes!
~ Damian Cooper to Plankton before attempting to destroy all cartoon universes.

Cataclysmic villains, also called Omnicidal Maniacs, are villains who aspire to bring about the end of the world, the universe or even the multiverse they are in. A Cataclysm often has vast amounts of power and is similar to a dark lord. Sometimes it can be a dark god or god-like figure. Cataclysmic Villains may also be villains that previously caused massive destruction to a planet without completely destroying it. In extreme cases, some Cataclysmic Villains can also become Reality-Butchers as they have successfully destroyed or ruined entire universes, dimensions or realities.

Cataclysms are the very worst of the Destroyers and Genocidals and usually have no redeeming qualities as a result and are often Complete Monsters by extent. However, some still have redeeming traits, even to the point of being genuinely affable (e.g. Spyro Doomfire, Lord Sinensis). Most Cataclysms are also Nihilists, seeing creation as meaningless and causing destruction because of it.

It is also the opposite of Cosmic Protection.

But Cataclysm just does not mean to destroy the world, it can also mean a very violent action.

Do not add Genocidal to these villains because genocide is already included in Cataclysm unless the villain is initially just a genocidal one but decides later to destroy everything in their reality or planet (e.g., Oscar).

If they want to create said cataclysm for rebuilding their world, reality or universe to their own image (e.g., Sark and Akrasiel), they should go only under Harbinger for Rebirth. Do not add these villains under cataclysm as it would be redundant, unless if a villain originally planned to rebuild their world or reality, but snaps and decides to take it with them (e.g., Nekrozoth).

Not to be confused with Hegemony.

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