Villains who appear in any comedy setting: be it movie, television, play, radio, internet, etc. If the work these villains appear in is intended to be funny, they belong here.
Villains from any type of comedy can be put here, even if the villain themselves is not especially funny; even Complete Monsters, Near Pure Evils and Game Changers can be put here (e.g. Francis, Dream, Does Bad Things Guy, Dr. Henry Miller and Niles, who are all serious and evil characters, but come from comedy settings.).
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- Ancient Minister (Real-Time Fandub Games)
- Anderson Family (Harry Strack)
- Andes the Pain Shepherd
- Andrealphus Goetia
- Andrew Tate (Peppa Pig Parodies)
- Android 17 (Mega64)
- Andy Davis (MeatCanyon)
- Angel (GameToons)
- Angel Dust (OMC Movies)
- Angels
- Angry Korean Gamer (Half-Intellectual Korean Gamer)
- Angry Korean Gamer (Insane Korean People)
- Angry Pen
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- Animatronics (Five Nights in Anime)
- Anna Grace (Danganronpa: Case Despair)
- Annoying Mother
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- Anti-Christ (The Life of Jesus)
- Anti-Shroomy
- Antisepticeye (YouTube Channel/Space: Season Future)
- Anxiety (Object Towel)
- Apple Saw
- Applejack (ACTF)
- Applejack (Piemations)
- Arf (SAU)
- Arisakira Hosikaru
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- Asriel Dreemurr (Inverted Fate)
- Ass Pancakes
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- Astral Plane
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- Axzyte's Mother
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- Babe (The Legend of Team Brunette)
- Babidi (Mega64)
- Baby (Baby With A Gun 2)
- Baby Zombies
- BaconCrafter
- Baldi (DAGames)
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- Baljeet and Baldeet
- Balloon Babe
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- Balloon Boy (Five Nights at F***boy's)
- Ballora (Five Nights in Anime)
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- Bane (Arkham Idiot Box)
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- Beeg SMG4
- Beer
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- Big Beat
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- Big Jack Horner
- Big Jack Horner (Jack Horner goes to Therapy)
- Big Jack Horner (Joeybar)
- Big Zeke
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- Bill Clinton (Beavis and Butthead Use Discord)
- Bill Clinton (JibJab)
- Bill Cosby (Epic Rap Battles of History)
- Bill the Bobber
- Birdo (FreezeFlame22)
- Bizarre (Sonic and the Powerpuff Girls)
- Bizarre (The Legend of Team Brunette)
- Blabbie
- Black Hiver
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- Black Yoshi (AnimeBroMii)
- Black Yoshi (SuperMarioLogan)
- Blackbeard (Never, Neverland)
- Blackfoot (Warrior Cats Animated)
- Blocky (BFB But Loser Never Shows Up)
- Blood Bag
- Bloom (The Legend of Team Brunette)
- Blueberry
- Bluster (Shovelware Studios)
- Bob Bobowski
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- Bob the Builder (Mashed)
- Bob Velseb (A Horror Story Before Bed)
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- Boba Fett (Star Wars: The Great Battle Of Crossovers)
- Boiler
- Bonnie (AndrewJohn100)
- BonziBUDDY (Official-PSASD)
- Boogie/Francis
- Booroong Motors (FamilyFun)
- Bootleg Contraptions
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- Boss Demon
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- Bowser Jr. (SMG4)
- Bowser Jr. (Universal Nintendo)
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