Villains Fanon Wiki

To vote for the Complete Monster Proposals of the day, see:

  1. NEEDS MORE VOTES: The Rat from FNAF: A Hidden Story - Ends February 14th.

To vote for the Complete Monster Removal Proposals of the day, see:

  1. None at the moment.


Villains Fanon Wiki
Oh, what do we have here? A gigantic, soulless, orange infant, two rotary phones, a sock puppet, the purple muppet-baby that the world tried to forget, and the Dog of Christmas Past. I'm Dr. Henry Miller, and I'm going to teach you all what you failed to learn the first time I slaughtered each and every one of you.
~ Dr. Henry Miller before his boss battle begins.
She's an utter monster. Beyond any form of reason. She became the unofficial leader of the octarians recently due to Octavios long absence. She was desperate for years... *looks at everyone* She wants all inklings dead. She wants all octolings that deserted dead. She has possibly killed dozens of octolings already. She wants nothing more then complete power. Look, she's dangerous. She has murdered hundreds, brainwashes even more then Octavio, tortures for the heck of it... Shes INSANE.
~ Ruby Diorite about Lieutenant Obsidian.

A Complete Monster is the worst of all villains. These villains are the complete opposite of Pure of Heart heroes. A complete monster is a villain who is Pure Evil, completely atrocious and irredeemable. For this kind of villain, doing evil for them is as natural as breathing. they can be recognized on the following criteria:

  • Crossing the MEH: They commit acts that are atrocious by the standards of the story, and have crossed the Moral Event Horizon. Villains who have only crossed the MEH once usually do not qualify, although rare examples exist.
  • Negative: They are never presented in a positive way.
  • Horrific Acts: Their actions are taken seriously, causing fear, revulsion, and hatred from other characters in the story. Therefore, villains that are too comical can never qualify, unless their comedic moments don't detract from their seriousness.
  • Heartless: They can never feel love for others. If they claim to have love for anyone, that "love" would merely be either perversion, possessiveness, or obsession.
  • Irredeemable: They are completely beyond redemption and absolutely nothing justifies their heinous crimes.
  • Remorseless: They display no sense of remorse towards those who they have hurt nor do they express any empathy for others as well.
  • Coherent: Unlike most Exploitation Villains, their crimes are presented to invoke a genuinely coherent sense of threat, instead of simply for pure shock value.
  • Competent: They are primarily successful in their plans and crimes, and never miserably fail with them, so as to preserve their malicious nature. Therefore, villains that fall under Incompetent can never qualify.

Anti-Villains can never qualify seeing as to how you are meant to sympathize with an anti-villain, even if you do not approve of their methods. Also, just being an obviously evil character such as a serial killer or cataclysm doesn't automatically make the villain a Complete Monster unless they are particularly malicious in nature.

For more information on Complete Monsters, go here.

See here for examples of Complete Monsters.

For further reference, the following categories are by and large NOT compatible with Complete Monster, and should be remembered before listing a character as this:

Categories that cannot qualify:

Even if someone is considered "pure evil" in their respective universe, if they don't meet any of the criteria above, they cannot be considered irredeemable in real life.

Special cases that may qualify:

Just like with the Magnificent Baddies category, proposals should be made before adding this category. The category is added via the CM Approved template. For more information on Complete Monsters, please visit our criteria. You must be whitelisted to make a Complete Monster proposal.

ONLY admins and moderators can add or remove the template from an article - users, who add this template or remove it, will face a 1-week block, which will increase with each violation of the rule.

NOTE: Please do not propose ANY of the villains from works on the complete monster blacklist. Villains from these works have been determined to not qualify for the status under any circumstances, and proposing a villain from this list without administrator permission will likely lead to your removal from the whitelist.

Sliding Scale of Villainy

  • Complete Monster - The worst of the worst. They clear the Heinous Standard, have no redeeming qualities (or they did, but lost them later), they know what they're doing and their deeds are played for horror.
  • Near Pure Evils - They are almost about as bad as Complete Monsters, but they may have at least one or two or even three preventions that prevent them from truly qualifying. However, they still can stand out and be nearly as bad.
  • Inconsistently Heinous - Whilst these villains are as heinous as Complete Monsters, they also have too many inconsistencies/redeeming qualities to count as either Near Pure Evil or a Complete Monster.
  • Standard/Outright - These are villains who still have lines that they will not cross. They are better than CMs, but not by much.
  • Affably Evil - These are villains who can be nice even through they're doing evil things. And they aren't just pretend friendly, they are genuinely friendly.
  • Villains by Proxy - The best of the worst. These villains don't even want to be evil, but for some reason, they are evil.

All items (216)
