“ | What ABOUT the children!? They LOVE ME! I'm the most popular character in this FREAKIN' SHOW! Don't be jealous that I've got talent and YOU DON'T! | „ |
~ RAT's actor bragging to the Puppeteer about his popularity. |
“ | Your challenging me? Armies, teach them a lesson. A lesson NEVER TO MESS WITH THE OCTARIAN QUEEN! | „ |
~ Lieutenant Obsidian |
“ | Sonic: And what do you think you're doing? You've got some explaining to do Egg Porkchop. Robotnik: Yup, yes I do, I'm the LORD of science! That's what's up! (hops in mobile) I'm gunna get outta here, you'll never stop me now! (struggles turning it on) Ah s**t. |
„ |
~ Sonic, confronting Robotnik in his act of committing theft towards Sonic's money box and was attempted to escape with his hovercraft that ran out of gas, which lead to being defeated by Sonic in the video "SSJ Plush Short: Sonic's Unclear Break!". |
Egotistical villains have an excessive sense of importance about themselves and their own life experiences, these characters tend to talk excessively about themselves and have an insatiable desire to be above others. It mainly includes three sub-types: Egomaniacs, Megalomaniacs and Monomaniacs. This category also includes villains who seek attention and/or fame.
Egotists are extremely hard to qualify as nihilists because the very trait of egotism is importance of one’s self or self-esteem, while nihilism is basically one finding life (including their own) meaningless. However, it may not be impossible for an egotist to qualify as a nihilist as long as they don’t value their own existence other than having an extremely huge sense of self-esteem.
Types of Egotists[]
Egomaniacs (also called Narcissists) are individuals who suffer from narcissistic personality disorder (also called egomania). They have a delusional sense of self-worth and are not the same as an Arrogant Villain, though many people do confuse them. In simple terms, an Egomaniac is obsessed with themselves and believes they should be the center of attention, an object of worship/reverence, are incredibly vain about their appearance, and so forth. Many megalomaniacs are egomaniacal as they are certain attention-seekers.
Arrogant villains often try and bully people; Egomaniacs, on the other hand, are decidedly more deranged. A person who demands statues built of themselves or has their image posted in every available area of his or her empire, for example, goes beyond arrogance and is an Egomaniac.
Many Egomaniacs also react extremely poorly to anyone trying to humble them, rejecting their advances because they believe that they are simply not giving them the respect they see themselves as deserving; this can cause them to lash out in a fit of narcissistic rage, making them much more dangerous than a simple arrogant snob or bully.
Similar with cowards, should these villains die, it is often in disgrace, and unlike the other, they are far less likely to redeem themselves and die with honor.
Two easy (but rough) ways to identify if a villain is an Egomaniac: If said villains use the words "I" and "me" a great deal or constantly refer to themselves in third person.
Solipsisism is a form of extreme egoism, in which a person thinks he/she is the most important person in the world and/or the only real one and that everything around them (people, animals, objects altogether) is either a creation of their mind or simply does not exist the same way as they do.
Villains who enter this classification aren't afraid of anything, as they believe that everything is a creation of their own mind, and most of the time completely unsympathetic, ruthless, and cruel. This kind of villain isn't necessarily evil, because of their philosophy and can still feel empathetic and compassionate to other living creatures (much like picking the "good path" when playing a video game with two story lines).
Megalomaniacs are evildoers who are obsessed with power and are similar to Dark Lords and Evil Rulers in that they seek to dominate everything, but are more concerned with power than actual conquest. Despite having the word "maniac" in the name, it does not mean they are always clinically insane. However a Megalomaniac will often commit outrageous acts such as hold cities for ransom, kidnap presidents, etc. in order to demand outrageous claims of power.
Monomaniacs are a specific kind of Obsessed villain, often found in comic books and fantasy media but also encountered in more "serious" works. These are villains who devote their entire life to an idea or gimmick, often something either petty or bizarre and rarely (if ever) stray far from their obsession, gearing everything around their symbol of choice.
Classic examples are villains who employ weapons, henchmen, and even plans all based around a topic that would seem absurd to a sane mind but are nevertheless a pivotal part of their twisted goals.
Many professional wrestlers can be considered monomaniacs as well, as often pro wrestlers have gimmicks of their own.
Sonic.exe (Creepypasta) -
Sonic.exe (X-Verse) -
Sarah Henderson (Needlem0use) -
ULTRA Vegito -
Mr. Puzzles -
No More Innocence -
William Afton (FNaF VHS) -
M (Mario's Madness)
All items (1821)
- Abigail Williams (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Abu Zubair
- Accusers (TheWeirdoGirl)
- Ace Swift
- Acidrage
- Actor Mark (YouTube Channel/Space: Season Future)
- Actual Satan
- Adalbert Gaunt
- Adam (Go! City Elimination)
- Adam (No More Room in Hell)
- Adam Man
- Adam Pryce
- Adam Warlock (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Admiral S. Swipe
- Admiral Sindow
- Adrian Veidt (Absolution)
- Adriano Flores
- Aebyst Blight
- Aekon
- Agatha McWarner
- Agent Jeff Byron
- Agent Marsen
- Agrellius Terradon
- AI Weathers
- Airplane
- AJ (Obsessed Fan)
- Aka Manah
- Aklove
- Akrasiel
- Akuma Mayoi
- Alan Jackson
- Alan Yates (Terror Toons)
- Alastor (No More Room in Hell)
- Albedo (The Chaquetrix)
- Albert Speer (The New Order: Last Days of Europe)
- Alberto Falcone (The Joker 2018)
- Albino (Ninjago Fanfilm Universe)
- Alekstro
- Alex (Nalam City)
- Alex Edwin
- Alfred (Sodor: The Dark Times)
- Alfredo Gostapo
- Alice Aduraice
- Alien Human Containment Bionic Military
- Alison Wallace (Ultraverse Rescaled)
- Alphus
- Alphys (Negativetale)
- Alpine
- Althea Andrea
- Alto Demolisher
- Alto Scrapper
- Alucard (Team Four Star)
- Amadeus Sterling
- Amara
- Amber Freeman (HuxRen123)
- Amogus
- Amun (Lightning SMP)
- Amy (Animals and Bfb)
- Amy (Total Slaughtered)
- Anderous
- Andrea Von Strucker (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Andrealphus Goetia
- Andreas Von Strucker (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Andrew Tate (Peppa Pig Parodies)
- Android 17 (Mega64)
- Andross (Minecraft)
- André Sistellion
- Angel Dust (OMC Movies)
- Angelico Capone
- Angelina Tyler (Friends I Don't Have)
- Angulocust
- Anthony Rare (Harmony of the Star World)
- Anti-Cast
- Anti-Christ (Hazbin World)
- Anti-Christ (The Life of Jesus)
- Antisepticeye (YouTube Channel/Space: Season Future)
- Anton Ego (2019 remake)
- Ao Oni (One Last Escape)
- Apocalypse (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Applejack (Apple Family Horror)
- Arceus (The Lost Child)
- Archangel (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Architect (The Decayed)
- Archon
- Ares (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Ark My'ter
- Armin Arlert (A Slap on Titan)
- Armion
- Arsnia
- Artillery (Multiversal Legends Film Universe)
- Ash (Slothastic)
- Asher Torres
- Ashfur (Moonkitti)
- Asriel Dreemurr (Inverted Fate)
- Assassin One
- Astral Plane
- Astronomical Chaos
- Athena Anthonyson (Punkettes RPG)
- Aunt Jane (What If)
- Auri (Harmony of the Star World)
- Austin (The Corrupted Mii) (original)
- Australium Saxton
- Axis
- Ayana
- Ayin (Hazbin Hotel)
- Ayman Zade
- Azathoth (Parodyverse)
- Azazel
- Azrael (TheGamerLover)
- Azula (Anthpo)
- Babidi (Mega64)
- BabyLuigiOnFire
- Baljeet and Baldeet
- Balloon Boy (Five Nights at F***boy's)
- Balthazar Bratt (Shovelware Studios)
- Bandado
- Baran
- Barbara Kean (Gotham Fanverse)
- Baron Mordo (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Baron Navirous
- Baron Robotnik
- Baron Von Fred the cow
- Baron Von Laser (Terra Cinematic Universe)
- Baroness von Nightime
- Barty Crouch Jr. (A Very Potter Musical)
- Bass (Tabbykitth's Tabbyverse)
- Batman (DC Analog Horror Universe)
- Batman (Forrestfire101)
- Beast Megatron (TFI Creations)
- BeeBag
- Bella Pstrokoński
- Belladonna (Character What)
- Belle (Disney Princesses but they're Villains)
- Belle Fontiere (SMG4)
- Belos (Whittebane)
- Ben Drowned (original)
- Ben Stiller (Exposed)
- Ben Wyden
- Bendy (Fazbear and Friends)
- Bendy (Out Of The Ink Machine)
- Berdinon
- Berry (Character What)
- Beru
- Betelgeuse (Morning Star)
- Betop
- Big Bad Wolf (Little Red Forest)
- Big Bully (Super Mario 63)
- Big Jack Horner (Jack Horner goes to Therapy)
- Big Jack Horner (Joeybar)
- Bill Cipher (Cartoon Fight Club)
- Bill Cipher (DEATH BATTLE!)
- Bill Roberts
- Bill Sikes (2020 fanfilm)
- Black (NateWantstoBattle)
- Black Hat (Crossover War Heroes)
- Black Rutile
- Black Scapolite
- Black Yoshi (SuperMarioLogan)
- Blackhuerd (Terminus)
- Blackrabbit
- Blame
- BlindCartographer
- Blitzo (Reversed! AU)
- Blood Bag
- Bloom (The Legend of Team Brunette)
- Blue (Kyle Allen Music)
- Bob (Colônia Contra-Ataca)
- Bob Bobowski
- Bob Ross
- Bob the Builder (DocuDubery)
- Bob the Builder (Mashed)
- Boba Fett (Star Wars: The Great Battle Of Crossovers)
- Bobby Amaya
- Bodak
- Bombard King
- Bonbon
- Bonnie the Bunny (ShadowLL)
- Boogie/Francis
- Bora the Invader
- Boris (Captain Argonut 24)
- Boris (Go! City Elimination)
- Boris (Vyond)
- Boscha (The Gods Awaken)
- Boss (Shorts Wars)
- Boss (SMG4)
- Bowser (Age Of Wario)
- Bowser (M.M)
- Bowser (SMG4)
- Bowser Jr. (Universal Nintendo)