“ | Shh, shh, Joe. [Continues to play with his hair] Just relax.. [Turns his head to face her while still caressing his hair] Don't be tense, Joe. [Leans in closer, whispering] Let me show you how it's done, Joe. [Looks at him] If you let me teach you, I'll show you where you went wrong.. [Winks at him] | „ |
~ Mitsuki Bakugo, taking control of Joe's mind and manipulating him while she is seducing him and raping him during Part 14 of Joe's Cosmic Saga. |
Femme Fatale is considerably an exact opposite of Ingenue. A beautiful, seductive, but ultimately villainous woman who uses the malign power of her sexuality in order to ensnare the hapless hero into danger. Another type of this term is the Vamp, which is more dangerous than this term and focuses more on evil job, while the Heroic Seductress is on the good side.
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