A Karma Houdini is a villain who is never punished (or is insufficiently punished) for their evil actions by the end of a story, thus escaping justice and "pulling a Houdini" (disappearing) from the way of karma. As such, when the story is over, the villains are not really defeated; they remain in position to continue their misdeeds, either towards the protagonists or a new target; or in the most extreme cases, are still as much of a threat as they were before.
Note: No matter how painless the death is, deceased villains automatically do not count as Karma Houdinis. The only way for a dead character to count is if it is of natural causes (e.g. Jschlatt).
A second thing to note is that villains whose status is dependent upon player choice cannot qualify unless they do not receive punishment for their actions in any possible ending of the game.
A final thing to note is that redeemed villains can never ever qualify as they no longer have a need to be punished, regardless if their redemption seems forced.
See the trope page that this category is named after
A Karma Houdini happens when:
- The villain is thwarted but not aptly punished in the resolution. This often happens when a villain is simply humiliated or harmed in a comical manner, but only face a temporary punishment when they deserved worse, not enough to prevent them from striking again in the next episode, season or installment. (e.g Satoru Gojo)
- The villain makes an escape at the story's climax. Probably the most common type. Often the villain escapes while the heroes are preoccupied with some other danger (usually that they created), sometimes because in most stories preventing whatever disaster is caused by a villain is more important than going after them. Sometimes this is done to set up a sequel or another season, or at least leave the story open for one (e.g. Whisk and Tatanga).
- The villain simply exits the story after performing their action, and is not encountered by the hero again. This usually occurs with minor antagonists (as opposed to central ones), as the most common scenario for this type of Karma Houdini is that the protagonist simply escapes the villain, who is not seen again because they are not relevant to the rest of the story.
- The villain is forgiven at the last second, without being trully redeemed. These villains spend the story causing strife, but when the conflict is over the protagonists do not bear them any ill will, and in some case welcome them in their group of friends. They do stop doing evil but never apologize and do not display any intention to bettering themselves, and their misdeeds are swept under the rug.
- The villain outright wins at the end of the story, defeating the hero and succeeding in all their evil plans. For extremely obvious reasons, this is by far the least common type and can reasonably be expected to occur only in the very darkest of stories, and is in fact very common in modern horror films (e.g. DJ Hallyboo, Sir Alistair, SpongeBob SquarePants, and Staron the Destroyer.)
- The villain is more of a jerk and thus many don't see the need to punish them (in general, they punish themselves). These kinds of villains are usually from sitcoms or children's cartoons, and thus are not really threats. Because of this, many heroes simply let the villain do what they want (e.g. Team Killer Ink).
- The villain is ousted and/or exiled but not brought to justice. These villains are driven out by the hero or some other force of good but is not aptly defeated.
- The Villain is imprisoned/killed but escaped/came back and return to do their schemes. If a villain is killed or imprisoned but later escaped/back to life to do their usual evil they can count as long they not brought to justice again ex. imprisoned again or killed again for good.
The Man in The Suit -
Sonic.exe (Creepypasta) -
Bloodbear (Zajcu37 Archiv) -
Wenda (Sprunki Incredibox) -
Sonic.OMT -
MX -
Serverblight -
Sonic.exe (X-Verse)
All items (1274)
- A-posing Sparky
- A.J. Befumo (MeatCanyon)
- Abaddon (The New Order: Last Days of Europe)
- Abby Anderson (Official-PSASD)
- Abobo
- Abu Zubair
- Adam (Go! City Elimination)
- Adam (Real-Time Fandub)
- Afton Family (AUCFNAFT)
- AI Weathers
- Akira & Sola
- Albert (Legacy Mr. Virtual)
- Alice (Disney Princesses but they're Villains)
- Alien Robotnik
- Altrive
- Alucard (Team Four Star)
- Alvin Seville (Alvin Seville Kills Theodore Memes)
- Ambush (GH'S)
- Andrealphus Goetia
- Andrew Skinner
- Andrew Tate (Andrew Tate Catches You Memes)
- Andy Apple (Andy Film)
- Andy Apple (Andy WebComic Series)
- Angela (Total Trauma)
- Angry Roommate (Uce Gang)
- Animatronics (Five Nights in Anime)
- Animatronics (Halloween at Chuck E. Cheese)
- Anntik
- Anthropomorphic Transport Sphere
- Antisepticeye (YouTube Channel/Space: Season Future)
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- Applejack (Bad Apples)
- Armin Arlert (A Slap on Titan)
- Armion
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- Arthur Hitler
- Ash Ketchum (Gumbino)
- Asha (Disney Princesses but they're Villains)
- Ashley Graham Flores (Westridge)
- Assassin Imps
- Assassin One
- Atem (original)
- Attention Parasite
- Audrey The Destroyer
- Australium Saxton
- Azula (Anthpo)
- Bacht (Crossover War Heroes)
- Bagan (Godzilla: Final Wars)
- Baldi (Baldi Goes Crazy)
- Baldi (Level UP)
- Baldi (MarioVz18)
- Ballista (They're Sticks, Probably)
- Balloon Babe
- Ballora (Five Nights in Anime)
- Bannedfrom7
- Banzai Bill (SuperMarioLogan)
- Bao-Dur
- Barney (DashieXP)
- Baron Von Hitler
- BartekZioomPro (Vyond)
- Bartleby Montclair of Dresdin (Tamers12345)
- Bathaniel Nandy
- File:Bcetcevr.png
- Beelze (Juno Songs)
- Beelze and Hell Bell (Friday Night Funkin' Lullaby)
- Belial
- Belle (Disney Princesses but they're Villains)
- Belos (Whittebane)
- Ben Drowned (original)
- Bender (Backrooms RP)
- Bendy (Backrooms RP)
- Bendy (Out Of The Ink Machine)
- Bendy (Welcome Home)
- Benrey
- Benson Dunwoody (MeatCanyon)
- Bex (Peach Pinky The FNAF Fangirl's Punishment Day!)
- Big Bad Wolf (Little Red Forest)
- Big Fat Pink Swag Elephant
- Bike Theif (yunglimabean)
- Bill Clinton (Beavis and Butthead Use Discord)
- Billy Afton (Iron Horse Cinema)
- Billy Mays (YTP)
- Binky (You've Gotta be Kidding!)
- Black (VS Impostor)
- Black Mage and Bruiser
- Black Templars (Furry Crusade)
- Blitzo (PopCross Studios)
- Blitzo (Reversed! AU)
- Blocky (BFB But Loser Never Shows Up)
- Bloodbear (Zajcu37 Archiv)
- BLU Nnnngh Sniper
- Blue (GameToons)
- Blue (Kyle Allen Music)
- Blue (Pokémon: Abandoned Lonliness)
- Blueberry
- Bob Velseb (A Horror Story Before Bed)
- Bondee the Farmer
- Bonnie the Bunny (JOLLY)
- Boogie/Francis
- Boos (Super Mario 63)
- Boris (Captain Argonut 24)
- Boris (Legend)
- Boss (SMG4)
- Bowser (Dane Tyler)
- Bowser (SMBZ)
- Bowser (SuperMarioLogan)
- Bowser Junior (Dane Tyler)
- Bowser Junior (NickNick 1121)
- Bowser.EXE (MUGENWarrior)
- BR-14N
- Breezepelt (Moonkitti)
- Brendan (Gumbino)
- Brotherhood of Super Rabbids
- Bruiser (TF2 FreakShow)
- Bryson (Haminations)
- Bubbles (SuperMarioLogan)
- Bully (Fuga Impossível 2)
- Burnhog
- Burnt Luigi
- Business Official (Five Nights at The Chum Bucket)
- C-Pen
- Caillou (AOK)
- Caine (OBEY)
- Caine (ZAMination)
- Cantaloupe
- Cartoon Cat (Albaricaverse)
- Casablanca (The Collector's Playhouse)
- CaseOh (MeatCanyon)
- Cave Dweller
- Cell (DevilArtemis)
- Cell (Dragon Ball C)
- Cell (The Fall of Men)
- Cesar Castle
- Chaos Sonic (Mega Jack Horner Cinematic Universe)
- Chaos Steve (reboot)
- Chaotix
- Chara (bumble-lily version)
- Chara (Frisk vs Chara, Undertale animation)
- Chara (Kanon version)
- Character specifically made to be a Magnificent Baddie
- Character specifically made to be near pure evil
- Charles (End Of The Line)
- Charles Manson (Dark Fantasy)
- Charlie (Dane Tyler)
- Cheeto Man (Tails Gets Trolled)
- Chef Pee Pee (SML Movie: Among Us)
- Chef Pinot
- Chica the Chicken (Five Nights at Freddy's Ultimate Edition)
- Chica the Chicken (JOLLY)
- Chick Hicks (Mega Jack Horner Cinematic Universe)
- Child Murderer (Squidward's Suicide)
- Cigvynn
- Circus Baby (Don't Come Crying)
- Clara Afton (The Ultimate Timeline)
- Classic Caillou (Shucks)
- Clavius (What if Clavius had won?)
- Clawblade
- Cleavepool
- Cletus Hitler
- Clio Sodalite
- Clone Roman Norrow
- Coach Emerson
- Colossal Titan (A Slap on Titan)
- Colossus
- Commander Tartar (Dedz0ne)
- Corbin Ryeburn
- Cornelius Robinson (The Theorizer)
- Coronation Day Peach (Mario's Madness)
- Coronation Day Peach (MUGENWarrior)
- Corpsey McDeadman
- CORRUPT (Official-PSASD)
- Corrupted Skibidi Toilets
- Cosmo (Fairly OddParents Theory)
- Costco (MeatCanyon)
- Costume (Mario's Madness)
- COVID-19, 8illy & Wahony
- Craig (Hero Havoc)
- Craig Junior
- Craig the Devil
- Crally
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- Creepio
- Creepy Dora
- Cronkers (Wraith SMP)