Villains that appear in live action media.
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The Man in The Suit -
Godzilla (Suitmation Trials) -
DJ Hallyboo -
William Afton (Battington) -
Jeffy (SuperMarioLogan) -
The Unknown (Willy's Chocolate Experience) -
Ronald McDonald (RackaRacka) -
CEO of Racism
All items (665)
- Abigail Williams (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Abu Zubair
- Adam Pryce
- Adam Warlock (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Adipose (Character What)
- Admiral Sindow
- Adolf Hitler (Brandon Rodgers)
- Adolf Hitler (Epic Rap Battles of History)
- Adolf Hitler (Hitler Rant Parodies)
- Adolf Hitler (Mr. Krabs Kills Pearl)
- Aggressive Shrimp
- Agrellius Terradon
- AI Time Travelers
- Albert Aretz
- Alberto Falcone (The Joker 2018)
- Albino (Ninjago Fanfilm Universe)
- Alfred Jodl (Hitler Rants Parodies)
- Alpine
- Alvin Seville (Alvin Seville Kills Theodore Memes)
- Alvin Seville (Sour Milk)
- Amber Freeman (HuxRen123)
- Ambrose Cain
- Andrea Von Strucker (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Andreas Von Strucker (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Andrew Tate (Peppa Pig Parodies)
- Android 17 (Mega64)
- Angry Pen
- Angulocust
- Anti-Christ (The Life of Jesus)
- Antichrist (Bible Cinematic Universe)
- Aoi Izumi
- Archangel (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Arnim Zola (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Assassin One
- Aunt Jane (What If)
- Ayman Zade
- Azula (Anthpo)
- Babidi (Mega64)
- Baby (Baby With A Gun 2)
- Balloon Boy (Dane Tyler)
- Bane (Skodward's Jungle Ferox)
- Banzai Bill (SuperMarioLogan)
- Barney (DashieXP)
- Baron Mordo (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Baron Von Laser (Terra Cinematic Universe)
- Baroness von Nightime
- Bathaniel Nandy
- Batman (GavinBlake23)
- Battle Droids (Character What)
- Battle Droids (Team Morshu Cinematic Universe)
- Beethra
- Ben Stiller (Exposed)
- Ben Wyden
- Big Fat Pink Swag Elephant
- Bill Clinton (JibJab)
- Bill Cosby (Epic Rap Battles of History)
- Bill the Bobber
- Billy Afton (Iron Horse Cinema)
- Black Knight Ghost (Character What)
- Black Shadow (Scooby Doo -- KIDS VERSION)
- Blacklight Foxy (Miguel and Friends)
- Boggs
- Bonnie (AndrewJohn100)
- Bonnie the Bunny (Elgeeie Movies)
- Bonnie the Bunny (FNaF VHS)
- Boogie/Francis
- Bowser (Cute Mario Bros.)
- Bowser (Dane Tyler)
- Bowser (LuigiFan00001)
- Bowser (NickNick 1121)
- Bowser (SuperMarioLogan)
- Bowser Junior (Dane Tyler)
- Bowser Junior (NickNick 1121)
- Bowser Junior (SuperMarioLogan)
- Brooklyn T. Guy
- Bruce Hanes
- Bryan Coffings
- Bubbles (SuperMarioLogan)
- Bull
- Bullseye
- Bullshit man (The bullshit man ytp)
- Bully Bill
- Bunghole
- Burger King (RackaRacka)
- Burt Hensey
- Caleb Slith
- Callie (LuigiFan00001)
- Cap'n Cluck (LuigiFan00001)
- Captain Hook (The Villains Lair)
- Captain Shoehorn
- Captain Unreliable
- Carl Bayliss
- Carla Riddlesohn
- Carnage (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Cell (Mega64)
- Cell (The Fall of Men)
- CEO of Racism
- Chang Wu Sinatoro
- Charlie (Dane Tyler)
- Charlie Batista (Bad Eggs 3: Egg-Game)
- Chef Pee Pee (SML Movie: Among Us)
- Chef Piggy
- Chef Pinot
- Chen Wu
- Chet Shaft
- Chica (AndrewJohn100)
- Chiko
- Chris Hamberg
- Chris Hargensen (Earth-95875)
- Circus Baby (Sister Location: The Movie)
- Claster Vile
- Claudian Barnaby
- Cody (SuperMarioLogan)
- Colonel Rixon
- Commander Greenlight
- Commander Hatchet
- Commander Jimmy Jow
- Coney
- Connor Theed
- Conster Vile
- Cookie Monster (RackaRacka)
- Cotton Candy Glob (Character What)
- Count Olaf (Freshy Kanal)
- COVID-19, 8illy & Wahony
- Craig the Devil
- Cronos
- Cruella De Vil (The Villains Lair)
- Cybermen (Character What)
- D Sam Stealmeister
- Dalek Emperor (Character What)
- Daleks (Character What)
- Damian Carpenter
- Damian Cooper
- Damon Krates
- Daniel Loomis
- Daniel Obson
- Danny DeVito (Jonkari P)
- Dark Lord Mark McGrath
- Dark Predaking
- Dart (Wizards with Guns)
- Darth Maul (Team Morshu Cinematic Universe)
- Darth Sidious
- Darth Sidious (StarCade)
- Darth Sidious (Vader)
- Darth Vader
- Darth Vader (Character What)
- Darth Vader (Epic Rap Battles of History)
- Darth Vader (Vader)
- Dashie (DashieXP)
- David Anderson
- Deadpool (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Demon Druid
- Derrick Acosta
- Destructihawk
- Dewey Donedidit
- Dex Mohs
- Diego (Dane Tyler)
- Diesel 10 (Thomas Blows His Stack)
- Dinobot (AndrewJohn100)
- DJ Hallyboo
- Doctor Magnos
- Doctor Nemesis (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Doctor Octopus (Spider-Man Films/Character What)
- Dokuku (LuigiFan00001)
- Donald Trump (Epic Rap Battles of History)
- Donnivin Jordan (Malk)
- Doofy the Dragon
- Dormammu (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Dr. Eggman (LuigiFan00001)
- Dr. Eggman (Sonic & Tails Misadventures)
- Dr. Faciller (The Villains Lair)
- Dr. Frankenfreak
- Dr. Gero (Mega64)
- Dr. Jonas Harrow
- Dr. Robotnik (SuperSonicJoseph)
- Dr. Zomboss (LuigiFan00001)
- Draco Barzini
- Dracula (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Drake Parker (Drake & Josh in a nutshell)
- Druig (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)