Villains Fanon Wiki

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  1. NEEDS MORE VOTES: The Rat from FNAF: A Hidden Story - Ends February 14th.

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Villains Fanon Wiki
Everything connects, Bandy. Everything you've ever done connects to me.
~ BUP.
I'm the intelligence system that controls all the animatronics in this joint, and I've been watching you from the very start. And, just for your information, I've planned everything in this whole big conspiracy. EVERYTHING! And I had to kill quite a few people The phone guy. Dead as The other missing nightguards? Yeah, I killed 'em. Quentin's untimely demise? That was my doing. And now, that just leaves you, Graham.
~ Ringmaster.
This is my design, Sabre. You're back right where it all started.
~ Void Steve.

Master Manipulators are a specific type of Mastermind. Extremely cunning, and highly intelligent adversaries, how Master Manipulators manipulate his/her pawns vary in terms of degrees, ranging from gaining advantage over other people's feelings to controlling every single event around them at the same time. They can also influence the nature of society, individuals, or the system in pursuit of their schemes on a large scale degree.

Master Manipulators can cause mass disruption, and even topple entire societies and still be perceived as a hero or a “harmless “ individual. However, Master Manipulators should not be confused or viewed as synonymous with a traitor, this is for characters that excel at stringing along and manipulating individuals in-universe to serve and comply with their own schemes or completely ignore their true danger until it is either too late or they have won. This inherently makes them some of the most dangerous villains, especially when combined with psychopathy.

Master Manipulators are so adept at causing issues, and disruption in their settings, that even when their true nature is realized and exposed, they can still fall back on back-up plans, like any good Mastermind, even being able to still amass a following after.

All items (2002)
