These are Villains who hold a rank in a Military of some sort making them Military Villains. They can be leaders of an army or members of one. Examples are characters with a military title such as General, Colonel, Admiral, Commander, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Private, Ensign, etc. in their name.
This category can also apply to characters who are threats to a force of a military. Although they are thought of as soldiers they can also be in other military-based positions like Sailors, Marines and/or Airmen. Some Military Villains can even cross over into the category of being a One-Man Army.
Generally, Military villains are not really that evil. They only obey order without questions, even if the order is clearly immoral. This element also applies in real life. They can be, however, Complete Monsters if they go far past beyond such orders or if they abuse their position of authority (e.g. Pepper Satanica, Nekrozoth, Zombros Engar)
Patriot Front (The Fire Rises) -
Fritz Ludwig (Emesis Blue) -
Donald Trump (The Fire Rises) -
Mecha Kong (Blunt Brothers Productions) -
The Hunter (Emesis Blue) -
Mario (Secret History) -
James Mason (The Fire Rises) -
Boris Savinkov (Kaiserreich)
All items (651)
- Abomination (Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes/Character What)
- Acidicus
- Acolyte (the Gray Chronicles)
- Adam (Hunt Down the Freeman)
- Adel Renard
- Admiral Bredenus Freslek
- Admiral Dykirak
- Admiral Jaina Crustel
- Admiral Rhiiblos
- Admiral S. Swipe
- Admiral Sindow
- Adolf Hitler (Creepypasta)
- Adolf Hitler (Mr. Krabs Kills Pearl)
- Adolf Hitler (The New Order: Last Days of Europe)
- Agent Jeff Byron
- Agent Marsen
- Agent Rorick
- Agrellius Terradon
- Akuma Mayoi
- Alan Jackson
- Alan Jonah (Abraxas)
- Albert Speer (The New Order: Last Days of Europe)
- Alexander Cherkassovsky
- Alfred Jodl (Hitler Rants Parodies)
- Alien Human Containment Bionic Military
- Alien Leader (deadspinosaur)
- Ambrose Cain
- American People's Republic
- American Reich
- Ancient Minister (Real-Time Fandub Games)
- Angelico Capone
- Aoi Izumi
- Arbitel Pilots
- Areshrak
- Armin Arlert (A Slap on Titan)
- Armion
- Arnulf von Wagenheim
- Arthur Dracarys
- Azrael (TheGamerLover)
- Azula (Anthpo)
- BabyLuigiOnFire
- Baron Von Laser (Terra Cinematic Universe)
- Basilisx
- Battle Droids (Character What)
- Battle Droids (Team Morshu Cinematic Universe)
- BeeBag
- Behemoth (TF2 FreakShow)
- Big Bully (Super Mario 63)
- Black Raiders
- Black Templars (Furry Crusade)
- Bleda
- BLU Pyro (Meet the BLU Pyro)
- Boos (Super Mario 63)
- Boris Savinkov (Kaiserreich)
- Boss Demon
- Boss Rock Peashooter
- Bowser (DEATH BATTLE!)
- Bowser (Goomzilla)
- Bowser (Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom)
- Bowser (South Park Super Mario Bros)
- British Soliders
- Brooklyn T. Guy
- Bruiser
- Bull
- Bullseye
- Bulltank
- Cafes (End of the Cafes)
- Captain Bill
- Captain Scout
- Caterpie Leader
- Catra (she-ra superheroes franchise)
- Chang Wu Sinatoro
- Chief Mwonga
- Chiko
- Chitauri Soldiers
- Cinder Brothers
- Clone Cop
- Clurkicus
- Cobiken
- Cobra Commander (Alternate Universe)
- Coldsteel the Hedgheg
- Colonel Gax
- Colonel Jack Samuels
- Colonel Richard Polynor
- Colonel Rixon
- Colonel Swagger
- Commander Greenlight
- Commander Hatchet
- Commander Jimmy Jow
- Commander Lanthanum
- Commander Shpiggs
- Commander Tzip
- Commissar Diego
- Commonwealth of America
- Confederacy of Sovereign Nations
- Conker The Squirrel (A War Academy)
- Corrumpereons
- Council of Dick Elders
- Covenant Ship (Halo 2600)
- Crimson Changelings
- Crimson Thorn
- Cthulhu (Monster Island Buddies)
- Cuphead & Mugman (Secret History)
- CyborMedic
- D.E.M Industries Droid Army (Date A Re:Live)
- Daedalus
- Daimler
- Damon Krates
- Daniel Obson
- Dargem
- Dark Mayhem
- Darko Ševošević
- Darth Hevokk
- Darth Maul (Team Morshu Cinematic Universe)
- Darth Tentacles
- Darth Vader (Character What)
- Darth Vader (Star Wars: The Empire of Light)
- Darth Vader (Universal Nintendo)
- Datascos
- Daveybird Randle
- David Gray
- Deacon Helfyre
- Deater Cluss
- Decepticons (Rainbow Dash)
- Delnos
- DEM Industries Board of Members (Date A Re:Live)
- DEM Industry Alpha Team of Japan Branch (Date A Re:Live)
- Demoking
- Demon King (Demon King's Heir)
- Denver Luss
- Deus.Ex.Machina Industries (Date A Re:Live)
- Devasternator
- Dinobot (AndrewJohn100)
- Dmitry Yazov (The New Order: Last Days of Europe)
- Dmytro Klyachkivsky (The New Order: Last Days of Europe)
- DNAliens (Character What)
- Doctor Doom (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Doctor Faustus (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Domina
- Donald Trump (The Fire Rises)
- Donetsk People's Republic
- Doomsday Alliance
- Dr. Eggman (Sonic Destruction)
- Dr. Eggman (Sonic Legacy)
- Dr. Eggman (Universal Nintendo)
- Dr. Lidia Janus
- Dr. Robotnik (Sonic Epoch)
- Dragora
- Dream (Dream SMP)
- Duke of Weselton (HuxRen's Disneyverse)
- Duke Von Boom
- E-101 Beta (Sonic Adventure: Beta Edition)
- Eddy's Brother (Ed, Edd n Eddy's Robot Rebel Adventure)
- Edgar Kallidus
- Edward Nygma (Wayne)
- Elanuelo
- Eleanor
- Elektrosoldat (TheGamerLover)
- Emperor Arcturus
- Emperor Bowser
- Emperor Durrian
- Emperor Zalgo (The Gray Chronicles)
- Empire of Japan (The New Order: Last Days of Europe)
- Endreai
- Endurance of Will (Halo 4: Mythic Overhaul)
- Eradicator (Transformers: Animated: Shadows of Redemption)
- Erebus (Highsky Comics Universe)
- Erma Tor
- Esdeath (DEATH BATTLE!)
- Eterna Bellezza
- Evil Mechagodzilla (Monster Island Buddies)
- Exdream Xenderfall
- Exodus (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Faceless (reboot)
- Faceless Mercenaries
- Fake Bowsers (South Park Super Mario Bros)
- Faora (DC Fanfilm Universe)
- Faygun France
- Fire Lord Ozai (Anthpo)
- Flippy (Everything is Broken)
- Flood (Five Nights With the Flood)
- Ford Westeguard
- Forest Herobrine
- Fourth Hungarian Republic