Villains who have starred in movies.
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ULTRA Vegito -
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The Undertaker (Emesis Blue) -
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Jeffy (SuperMarioLogan)
All items (605)
- Abigail Williams (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Actor Mark (YouTube Channel/Space: Season Future)
- Adam Pryce
- Adam Warlock (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Adelia McLauren
- Admiral Sindow
- Agatha McWarner
- Aka Manah (Multiversal Legends Film Universe)
- Al McWhiggin (Toy Story 2 Redialed)
- Alan Yates (Terror Toons)
- Albino (Ninjago Fanfilm Universe)
- Alekstro
- Alex (Nalam City)
- Alpine
- Althea Andrea
- Alvin Seville (Sour Milk)
- Amber Freeman (HuxRen123)
- Ambrose Cain
- Anderous
- Andrea Von Strucker (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Andrealphus Goetia
- Andreas Von Strucker (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Andreiko Nero Igorobravitch
- Antichrist (Bible Cinematic Universe)
- Antisepticeye (YouTube Channel/Space: Season Future)
- Archangel (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Army of the Dead (TheGamerLover)
- Arnim Zola (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Arson
- Aunt Jane (What If)
- Ayman Zade
- Azathoth (Parodyverse)
- Bagan (Godzilla: Final Wars)
- Bao-Dur
- Baron Mordo (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Baron Von Laser (Terra Cinematic Universe)
- Baroness von Nightime
- Battle Droids (Character What)
- Battle Droids (Team Morshu Cinematic Universe)
- Bebe Stevens (Red and Friends)
- Beer
- Beethra
- Bellroc (Misry6's Rise of the Titans)
- Ben Wyden
- Berdinon
- Bill Cipher (Character What)
- Blast Off (Transformers Prime: Galvatron's Revenge)
- Bonko the Bat
- Bowser (Puppet Pals)
- Bowser Jr. (Universal Nintendo)
- Bradley Larsen
- Brainiac (DC Fanfilm Universe)
- Brenda Goose
- Brine
- Bruce Hanes
- Bugsy Daniels
- Bull
- Bullseye
- Cafes (End of the Cafes)
- Caleb Slith
- Captain (The Microsoft Dialed Man)
- Captain Bill
- Captain Hook (Disney/Character What)
- Captain Yarri
- Carla Riddlesohn
- Carlis (GoAnimate)
- Carnage (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Catra (she-ra superheroes franchise)
- Cecil Clayton (Character What)
- Chang Wu Sinatoro
- Chara (The Indie Game Movie)
- Charlie Batista (Bad Eggs 3: Egg-Game)
- Charlie DeAngelo Jr.
- Cheshire Cat (Wonderland)
- Chick Hicks (Team Morshu Cinematic Universe)
- Chiko
- Chucky (Minecraft Child’s Play)
- Clavius (What if Clavius had won?)
- Clive
- Coach Emerson
- Commander Greenlight
- Commander Hatchet
- Connor Theed
- Council of Legion
- Cousin Millie
- Craig the Devil
- Crouker
- Cruella De Vil (Character What)
- Cuda
- Dad (Angry Man)
- Damian Cooper
- Dancing Pig
- Daniel Loomis
- Daniel Obson
- Daniel, Kate and Raveena
- Dareen Younes
- Darina (Finland)
- Darth Maul (Team Morshu Cinematic Universe)
- Darth Rednax
- Darth Secuulus
- Darth Sidious
- Darth Vader
- Darth Vader (Character What)
- Darth Vader (Epic Rap Battles of History)
- Dave Miller (Dayshift at Freddy's: The Movie)
- Davello
- Daveybird Randle
- David Anderson
- David Zaslav (TheWeirdoGirl)
- Dawn Bellwether (The Theorizer)
- Dayne Quade
- Deadpool (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Death (Manow Show)
- Dennis (The Journey of Shape Pocket)
- Dennis Watterghast
- Destroyer King
- Destructicons (Transformers Prime: Galvatron's Revenge)
- Deus.Ex.Machina Industries (Date A Re:Live)
- DeviantArt Alcremies
- Doc Hudson (Kachows)
- Doctor Magnos
- Doctor Octopus (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Domina
- Dr. Albert Wily (Eddie Lebron)
- Dr. Anxiety
- Dr. Dimension
- Dr. Eggman (Universal Nintendo)
- Dr. Facilier (Disney/Character What)
- Dr. John Obson
- Dr. Jonas Harrow
- Dr. Lightning
- Dr. Robotnik (take two film academy)
- Dr. Robotnik (Tim Burton's Sonic)
- Draco Barzini
- Dracula (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Druig (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Duke of Weselton (HuxRen's Disneyverse)
- Edmonton
- Ego (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Ekanrock
- Eldritch Goop
- Emperor Gorg
- Emperor Satan (Bible Cinematic Universe)
- Ender Dragon
- Ender Dragon (A Minecraft Movie)
- Eric Cartman (Red And Friends)
- Ernico
- Error Sans (The Indie Game Movie)
- Esther Stoley
- Evil Computer
- Evil Ellina Radioactive (YouTube Channel/Space: Season Future)
- Exodus (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- F (Niko the Kid: The Movie
- Fairy Godmother (Shrek Retold)
- Faygun France
- Fox (Woah Universe)
- Freddy Fazbear (2023 fanfilm)
- Freddy Fazbear (Elgeeie Movies)
- Freddy Krueger (The Gray Chronicles)
- Friar Crook (Small One)
- Friends on the Other Side (Character What)
- Frieza (Dragon Ball Adventure)
- Fritz Ludwig (Emesis Blue)
- Funtime Freddy (2023 fanfilm)
- Furious Bob the Boxing Target
- Furious Bob the Builder
- Furious Bob's Father
- Furious Doctor
- Fussy (Beanie Babies Families Galore)