“ | Well, well, friendly heroes! lovely teamwork guys, makes me want to spare your life. If you birds don't get out of my way, Your flamenco friend here what's coming to him (laughs). | „ |
~ Spunky's main quote. |
“ | Yeeaah! I'm still alive due to the masters of science!' | „ |
~ Dr. Robotnik, reveling in his survival by telling others how the 'powers of science' are keeping him safe from danger, all after gloating at Sonic and Scoobo on how Robotnik has a chance to win after losing a race in "SSJ Plush Adventure: Speed Racer!" |
Villains who obsess over something remarkable, which stands out besides obsessing about power (because obsession with power typically counts as a power-hungry villain or a megalomaniac due to egotism), or greed (because it counts as the obsession over money or treasure). Many obsessed villains are also mentally ill, though some are merely eccentric since they tend to lose control over their feelings in regards to what they are highly interested or worried about.
These type of villains are usually particularly obsessed with the hero themselves.
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