Villains who are direct parodies of other villains, heroes, or real-world figures. Parodies are done only for comedy purposes and, as such, are not to be taken too seriously. Considering their comedic purposes, they can never be Complete Monsters, as they are meant for comedy and not seriousness. If they are taken seriously (even if they act in a comedic fashion), they are Homages.
Caillou, most versions of Shrek, Caddicarus, Mario, Joy, Mr. Krabs, and Oscar are good examples of comedic parodies.
It is important to note that, in order to qualify, a character must be directly and clearly parodying another character or character type (Dark Helmet and Darth Vader; Deadpool and Deathstroke; The Operator and Slender Man, etc.). A character that simply shares similarities to another character is NOT a parody or an homage.
It's also important to know that, just because a villain has a scene parodying or paying homage to another work, that does NOT mean the entire character is a parody or homage (i.e. Nostalgia Critic and Eric Cartman often parody or pay homage to movie scenes, but are original characters themselves).
M (Mario's Madness) -
Trollge -
George Droyd (StampyZaza) -
Mega Jack Horner -
Gorefield -
Quandale Dingle -
EXE (Vs. Sonic.Exe) -
The Benchmark Void
All items (1211)
- A.J. Befumo (MeatCanyon)
- Abnormal King
- Abobo
- Aboboy
- Accusers (TheWeirdoGirl)
- Actual Satan
- Adelia McLauren
- Adolf Hitler (Brandon Rodgers)
- Adolf Hitler (Epic Rap Battles of History)
- Adolf Hitler (Hitler Rant Parodies)
- Adolf Hitler (Mr. Krabs Kills Pearl)
- Afton Family (AUCFNAFT)
- AJ (FNAF Musical)
- Alastor (Real-Time Fandub)
- Alekstro
- Alexander Anderson (Team Four Star)
- Alfred Jodl (Hitler Rants Parodies)
- All Star Brawlers (SMG4)
- Alpha (Skibidi Toilet Multiverse)
- Althea Andrea
- Alucard (Team Four Star)
- Alvin Seville (Alvin Seville Kills Theodore Memes)
- Alvin Seville (Sour Milk)
- Amanda the Adventurer (GameToons)
- Amanda The Adventurer (Puffymillie)
- Amogus
- Ancient Minister (Real-Time Fandub Games)
- Android 17 (Mega64)
- Andross (Minecraft)
- Andy Davis (MeatCanyon)
- Angry Korean Gamer (Half-Intellectual Korean Gamer)
- Angry Korean Gamer (Insane Korean People)
- Angry Roommate (Uce Gang)
- Animated King (Backrooms RP)
- Animatronics (Five Nights in Anime)
- Anton Simms
- Appendix (If Body Organs Were People)
- Applejack (Piemations)
- Armin Arlert (A Slap on Titan)
- Arnold Smith
- Ash Ketchum (Beanie Bros)
- Ash Ketchum (Gumbino)
- Ashfur (Moonkitti)
- Athena Anthonyson (Punkettes RPG)
- Audrey The Destroyer
- Aunt Grandma (TheWeirdoGirl)
- Axis
- Azula (Anthpo)
- Babidi (Mega64)
- Bagan (Godzilla: Final Wars)
- Baldi (DAGames)
- Baldi (MarioVz18)
- Baljeet and Baldeet
- Balloon Babe
- Balloon Boy (Five Nights at F***boy's)
- Balloon Toad
- Ballora (Five Nights in Anime)
- Balthazar Bratt (Shovelware Studios)
- Bambi Bambi Bambi
- Banban's Kindergarten (Man on the Internet)
- Barney (Barney Error)
- Barney (GoAnimate)
- Barty Crouch Jr. (A Very Potter Musical)
- Battra (Monster Island Buddies)
- Beethra
- Beggar
- Behk (Enderslime SMP)
- Bell Monsters
- Bella Pstrokoński
- Ben Drowned (Laurenzside)
- Ben Stiller (Exposed)
- Bender (Backrooms RP)
- Bendy (Backrooms RP)
- Bendy (Cartoon Fight Club)
- Benrey
- Benson Dunwoody (MeatCanyon)
- Bert and Ernie (Bertstrips)
- Big Jack Horner
- Big Jack Horner (Jack Horner goes to Therapy)
- Big Jack Horner (Joeybar)
- Bill Cipher (Cartoon Fight Club)
- Bill Clinton (Beavis and Butthead Use Discord)
- Bill Clinton (JibJab)
- Bill Cosby (Epic Rap Battles of History)
- Binky (You've Gotta be Kidding!)
- BJLoanShark (Insane Korean People)
- Black Star (Black Star and the Golden Bat)
- Black Stickman
- Blackfoot (Warrior Cats Animated)
- BLU Pyro (Meet the BLU Pyro)
- Blue-Eyes White Dragon
- Blueberry
- Bob (Colônia Contra-Ataca)
- Bob (literally every fnf mod ever)
- Bob (Slap Battles)
- Bob Bobowski
- Bob Ross
- Bob the Builder (DocuDubery)
- Bob the Builder (Mashed)
- BOB the sailor Man
- Bog
- Bombay Rage
- Bonnie (AndrewJohn100)
- BonziBUDDY (Official-PSASD)
- Boris (Go! City Elimination)
- Boris (The Tyler Green Show)
- Boris the Wolf (Random Encounters)
- Boulder (Warrior Cats Animated)
- Bowser (Beanie Bros)
- Bowser (Cute Mario Bros.)
- Bowser (Dane Tyler)
- Bowser (Luigi's Bad Day)
- Bowser (Luigi's Lament)
- Bowser (NickNick 1121)
- Bowser (SMG4)
- Bowser (SuperMarioLogan)
- Bowser (VAVillain Dubs)
- Bowser Junior (Dane Tyler)
- Bowser Junior (NickNick 1121)
- Bowser Junior (SML YTP: Junior’s Nuke)
- Bowser Junior (SuperMarioLogan)
- Breezepelt (Moonkitti)
- Brendan (Gumbino)
- Brian Martin
- Brokenstar (Moonkitti)
- Brokenstar (Warrior Cats Animated)
- Bronx
- Brotherhood of Super Rabbids
- Bryson (Haminations)
- Bubu (One night with a box)
- Buckethead Zombie (Discord Event)
- Bullshit man (The bullshit man ytp)
- Bully Bill
- Burger King (RackaRacka)
- Caillou (AOK)
- Caillou (TheWeirdoGirl)
- Caillou (Vyond)
- Cain
- Captain Crook (FNwMT)
- Captain Unreliable
- Carn & Veeg
- Casablanca (The Collector's Playhouse)
- CaseOh (MeatCanyon)
- Cat and Dog
- The Cat in the Hat (MeatCanyon)
- Cavalier
- Cave Dweller
- Celica A. Mercury (Bizarre Adventures of Hakumen and his friends)
- Cell (DevilArtemis)
- Cell (Mega64)
- Cell (Team Four Star)
- Cesar Castle
- Chairo the Terrible
- Character specifically made to be a Magnificent Baddie
- Character specifically made to be near pure evil
- Character.AI Girlfriend (Spadescardkin)
- Charles (End Of The Line)
- Charles (Press Start To Laugh)
- Charmander (OMC Movies)
- Chef Hatchet (Total Drama YTP: Duncan Murders Chris)
- Chef Piggy
- Chef Pinot
- Chica (AndrewJohn100)
- Chichi (Dragon Ball Adventure)
- Chick Hicks (Kachigga Daily)
- Chris-R
- ChulGu (Insane Korean People)
- Classic Caillou (Shucks)
- Clawface (Warrior Cats Animated)
- Clone Mario
- Clone Sonic
- Clone Tails
- Clone Yoshi
- Cobiken
- Cody (SuperMarioLogan)
- Colaf
- Colossal Titan (A Slap on Titan)
- CommanderZico (Insane Korean People)
- Cookie Monster (RackaRacka)
- Corald
- Coris (GoAnimate)
- Corpse-01
- Corrupted Eula
- Costco (MeatCanyon)
- Count Olaf (Freshy Kanal)
- Courage (Uncle Al)
- Coven Scouts (Tomotasauce)
- COVID-19, 8illy & Wahony
- Crappy