Villains Fanon Wiki

To vote for the Complete Monster Proposals of the day, see:

  1. NEEDS MORE VOTES: The Rat from FNAF: A Hidden Story - Ends February 14th.

To vote for the Complete Monster Removal Proposals of the day, see:

  1. None at the moment.


Villains Fanon Wiki

Villains who are direct parodies of other villains, heroes, or real-world figures. Parodies are done only for comedy purposes and, as such, are not to be taken too seriously. Considering their comedic purposes, they can never be Complete Monsters, as they are meant for comedy and not seriousness. If they are taken seriously (even if they act in a comedic fashion), they are Homages.

Caillou, most versions of Shrek, Caddicarus, Mario, Joy, Mr. Krabs, and Oscar are good examples of comedic parodies.

It is important to note that, in order to qualify, a character must be directly and clearly parodying another character or character type (Dark Helmet and Darth Vader; Deadpool and Deathstroke; The Operator and Slender Man, etc.). A character that simply shares similarities to another character is NOT a parody or an homage.

It's also important to know that, just because a villain has a scene parodying or paying homage to another work, that does NOT mean the entire character is a parody or homage (i.e. Nostalgia Critic and Eric Cartman often parody or pay homage to movie scenes, but are original characters themselves).

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