This article's content is marked as Mature Needlemouse found something very brutal for those with a weak heart. The page Perverts contains mature content that may include coarse language, sexual references, and/or graphic images which may be disturbing to some. Mature pages are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older. If you're 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. |
“ | This will not go unrembered. I'd sleep with one eye opened tonight, old sport. | „ |
~ Dave Miller showing his insane nature before he shoved an eggplant to Jack's urethra. |
Perverts are individuals who have abnormal sexual behavior. For the sake of villainy, however, these perversions must be notably abhorrent or obstructive to other people's lives and not merely a "kink."
Types of Perverts
Perverts can come in two main sub-types: the mischievous but relatively harmless kind and the more sinister and/or evil kind that prey on others. Both are considered villainous if their behavior negatively affects others.
Mischievous Examples
Perverts whose nasty behavior is merely mischievous but negatively effects those around them; if it does not, then its a "kink" and doesn't count.
- Streakers: Perverts who have the nasty habit in running or appearing while nude. Examples includes Mario and Mammon.
- Peepers: Perverts who love to peek at someone in the process of disrobing for fun.
- Lecherous: Individuals who possesses a disturbing obsession with sex.
More Serious Examples
Perverts of this type tend to have worse sexual fantasies. Some of these types of perverts can also be Complete Monsters. Should they have crossed the Moral Event Horizon or are they the most evil villains in the work.
- Rapists: A very common kind of pervert who have committed rape.
- Zoophiles: Perverts who take sexual interest in animals.
- Pedophiles: Perverts who take a sexual interest in prepubescent children. One example of this includes Mr. Hemmensway.
- Necrophiliacs: Perverts who take a sexual interest in corpses.
- Incestuous: Perverts who take sexual interest in those biologically related to them (siblings, childrens). Examples include Shadow the Hedgehog.
In many cases, perverted villains come from media intended for adults (for fairly obvious reasons). However, it is possible for them to come from children's media as well, though to keep the media appropriate for its target audience, their perversions will not be as extreme. These kinds of perverts will often attempt to have someone marry/fall in love with them (especially a hero/the hero's love interest) and/or may make subtle references to sexual/perverted acts. BADBAD is an example of this.
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M (Mario's Madness) -
Sonic.exe (2017 reboot) -
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Sark -
Black (GameToons' Sprunki Incredibox) -
All items (751)
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- Accusers (TheWeirdoGirl)
- Adam (Real-Time Fandub)
- Adam Bergon
- Admiral Rhiiblos
- Adrianna de la Santos
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- Alan Yates (Terror Toons)
- Alberto Falcone (The Joker 2018)
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- Alucard (Team Four Star)
- Amogus
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- Angela (Total Trauma)
- Angry Korean Gamer (Half-Intellectual Korean Gamer)
- Angry Korean Gamer (Insane Korean People)
- Animatronics (Five Nights in Anime)
- Animatronics (The GMOD Series)
- Anna Grace (Danganronpa: Case Despair)
- Antisepticeye (YouTube Channel/Space: Season Future)
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- Aruan (Minecraft: Apocalipse)
- Ashley Graham Flores (Westridge)
- Astronomical Chaos
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- Avi Alexander Rachlin
- Ayana
- BaconCrafter
- BADBAD (GameToons)
- Baldi (DAGames)
- Balloon Babe
- Ballora (Five Nights in Anime)
- Banban's Kindergarten (Man on the Internet)
- Barney (DashieXP)
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- Batman (RackaRacka)
- Bebe Stevens (Red and Friends)
- Bender Bending Rodriguez (Character What)
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- Berry (Character What)
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- Bill Cosby (Epic Rap Battles of History)
- Bill the Bobber
- Billy Mays (YTP)
- Binky (You've Gotta be Kidding!)
- Blabbie
- Black (GameToons' Sprunki Incredibox)
- Black Templars (Furry Crusade)
- Black Yoshi (AnimeBroMii)
- Bob (A Good Boy)
- Bob (Colônia Contra-Ataca)
- Bob (Melvin's Macabre)
- Bob Bobowski
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- Bodak
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- Boogie/Francis
- Booroong Motors (FamilyFun)
- Boris (Vyond)
- Bowser (Dane Tyler)
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- Brexit Lord
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- Bubu (One night with a box)
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- Clever(OCDB Lore)
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- Courage (Uncle Al)
- Cousin Black Yoshi
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- Discord (PONY.MOV)
- Doctor Magnos
- Does Bad Things Guy
- Dolan
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- Doma (Sunverse)
- Donald Trump (Epic Rap Battles of History)
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- Down Bad Man
- Dr. Eggman (Real-Time Fandub Games)
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- Dr. Eggman (Sonic For Hire)
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