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~ Sergey Taboritsky's final journal entry. |
“ | That serves them, right, THAT serves, them right!! FOR tooth-brushes! For toothbrushes!!! | „ |
~ Danyell Radcliff's brief and random tirade in response for reveling in the Imposter being defeated in the episode "*VRChat* ~ The Rock IS RACIST!? (Amoog Us)". |
Characters who suffer from extreme psychosis (not at all to be confused with psychopaths, which are, in fact, opposites of this category). Psychosis itself is not an actual condition but rather a symptom of many other illnesses, the most common conditions associated with high-levels of psychosis include dissociative disorders and schizophrenia. Psychosis can also be caused by drug or alcohol abuse, brain injury or trauma. People who suffer from psychotic conditions often become more violent, unstable or ill if they engage in drug and/or alcohol misuse.
Psychotics are outright insane, having little to no understanding of what they are exactly doing or the severity of their actions; to qualify as a psychotic a character must be shown to have the following patterns in most media they appear in:
- False beliefs (they will hold false beliefs that are nevertheless seen as fact, this means they often see the world in a very different manner to others and may hallucinate a wide array of phenomena - often this makes them appear to exist in their own world)
- Unpredictable behavior (due to lacking an understanding of reality versus fiction, many psychotics will exhibit extremely unpredictable behavior, this can be seen as one of the key differences between psychosis and psychopathy - while psychopaths can control their behaviors a Psychotic cannot, thus they are much more notably ill and would be classed as "criminally insane" in most settings).
IMPORTANT: do not use this category for any and all "Mentally Ill" - , only use it for characters who display all the signs and symptoms of someone who is suffering extreme psychosis, for any ill-defined or otherwise questionable behaviors that do not fall under extreme psychosis, use "Mentally Ill". In fact, do not add the psychopath, mentally ill or dissociative categories on the same villain as the three categories are different types of mental illnesses and adding them all on the same page would be redundant. Also, these characters can only be a Complete Monster if they manage to hit all criteria and possess a clear moral agency, even in spite of their limited views of reality.
Psychotic villains can be tragic since horrible experiences from the past at any age can also drive these villains insane and push them away from reality as it is too painful to grasp. Since many of these types of characters can barely understand what they are doing and suffering from immense psychosis on a daily basis, this can sometimes be considered a sympathetic factor if these villains suffer with mental health more than the average mentally ill villain (if portrayed sympathetically).
A psychopath/sociopath will almost never fall under this category because they are always aware of reality, are in control of their own actions and are extremely calculating, meanwhile a psychotic is most often in very poor control of their own actions and have a twisted perception of reality (though psychotics can’t be judged by our systems much like barbarians or ferals and as the formers may also be intelligent enough to hit the Mastermind category.). The exception to a psychopath qualifying is if they're also somehow driven to psychosis, but the categories should not be intermingled.
The Man in The Suit -
Wenda (Sprunki Incredibox) -
Sonic.OMT -
Sarah Henderson (Needlem0use) -
Mr. Puzzles -
Joe Biden (The Fire Rises) -
M (Mario's Madness) -
Mr. L (Too Late.Exe)
All items (382)
- Abdul Alhazred (Multiversal Legends)
- Adolf Hitler (Epic Rap Battles of History)
- Adrianna de la Santos
- Agent Rorick
- AGirlJennifer
- Alice Aduraice
- Alligator McAlligator
- Alto Scrapper
- Amanda The Adventurer (Puffymillie)
- Amber
- Amethyst Throatsbane
- Amy Rose (There's Something About Amy)
- Angry Korean Gamer (Half-Intellectual Korean Gamer)
- Anna (Disney Princesses but they're Villains)
- Antonin Artaud (Red Flood)
- Aoi Izumi
- Applejack (Piemations)
- Argent Gray
- Armless
- Artillery Strife
- Ash Graven (Disaster Almighty)
- Auri (Harmony of the Star World)
- Australium Saxton
- The Avatar (Red Flood)
- Bane (Skodward's Jungle Ferox)
- Batman (DC Analog Horror Universe)
- Bebe Stevens (Red and Friends)
- Benrey
- Bernard Blaymont
- Black Hat (Crossover War Heroes)
- Black Templars (Furry Crusade)
- Blades (The Blue Tri)
- Blood Voltage
- BLU Medic (The Fedora Chronicles)
- Bob Velseb (A Horror Story Before Bed)
- Bob Velseb (RecD)
- Boiler
- Bonnie (AndrewJohn100)
- Boscha (The Gods Awaken)
- Brexit Emperor
- Bryson (Haminations)
- Caillou (AOK)
- Caine (ZAMination)
- Cameron (Total Danganronpa)
- Carlton Hunter
- Carnage (DEATH BATTLE!)
- Carole (Rescaled)
- The Cat in the Hat (MeatCanyon)
- Cellbit (Impossible Escape)
- Chao Madness
- Chaotix
- Chef Pee Pee
- Cheyenne Garrison
- Chikage Tachibana
- Chitauri Soldiers
- Colaf
- Colette (TheGrandman500)
- Corest (Sinful Retribution)
- Corrupted Buzz Lightyear
- Corrupted Eula
- Corrupted Woody
- Corruptions (Databrawl)
- Council of Dick Elders
- Courage (Uncle Al)
- Crassus
- Creepy Dora
- Cumber (cumber x eveline the story of an evil saiyan and a biological weapon)
- CyborMedic
- Danyell Radcliff
- Dark Dizzy (Tabbykitth's Tabbyverse)
- Dark Mayhem
- Darla Dimple (Character What)
- Dave (Total Slaughtered)
- Dave Miller
- David Chiem (Danganronpa: Despair Time)
- Deacon Helfyre
- Death (Rainbow Dash)
- Decepticons (Rainbow Dash)
- Dennis (GoAnimate)
- Depravitas
- Derrick Acosta
- Desert Tumbler
- Devil
- Dic Soupcan
- Donut-inator Inventor
- Dr. Andonuts (Earthbound: Halloween Hack)
- Dr. Cliche
- Dr. Eggman (Real-Time Fandub Games)
- Dr. Frankenfreak
- Dr. Kirk Stiller
- Dr. Kureijī Sadisuto
- Draco Barzini
- Drillbone
- Dusk
- Dusk Lidicious
- Edward Martins
- Elsa (Frozen Heart)
- Emberly Comet
- Emperor Saevus Caedis
- Emperor Zalgo (The Gray Chronicles)
- End of Days
- Enerhgize
- Ephemerium
- Eppaljeck
- Eric Cartman (Red And Friends)
- Error Sans
- Eteled (original)
- Eveline (cumber x eveline the story of an evil saiyan and a biological weapon)
- Evil Truck (Skarloey123)
- Ewan and Manny
- Eyes (GH'S)
- Farlands Man (LoreCraft)
- FavreMySabre (Twisted Rainbow)
- Felicia Garrison
- Filthy Rich (Reaperverse)
- Finn Mertens (Pibby: Apocalypse)
- Flandre Scarlet (Touhou Fanon)
- Fleetway Super Sonic (0770Caro)
- Fluttershy (Butterflies)
- Fluttershy (PONY.MOV)
- Forenzik
- Frank (Rememberence)
- Fred Jones (FlopsyRailwayProductions)
- Fred Jones (Samster5677)
- Freddy Fazbear (Joy of Creation)
- Friar Tuck (HourOfPoop)
- Fritz Ludwig (Emesis Blue)
- Funtime Freddy (Legacy of Fright)
- Funtime Freddy and Bon Bon's Hallucinations
- Garrison Bots
- Gemini
- General Underghast
- Genos (Reaperverse)
- Ginevra Weasley
- Gizelle
- Green Goblin (The Spider-Man)
- Green Screen Man
- Greg (Legacy of Fright)
- Grinning King
- Grön Takaliken (The Return to Freddy's)
- Grön Takaliken (The Return to Freddy's: The Dreadful Truth)
- Guard (Elites of War: Exile)
- Gunslingerpro2009
- Jake Johnson
- Jake the Ripper
- Jar Jar Binks (Big fan of fett)
- Jax (Cartoonopolis Universe)
- Jeff the Killer (Distorted Reality)
- Jeff The Killer (Movie)
- Jeff The Killer (My Hero Academia meets Creepypasta)
- Jeff the Killer (Pastra)
- Jenny Goldlight
- Jeremy Valeska
- Jerome Valeska (Gothamverse)
- Jessica Bailey (Date A Re:Live)
- Jevil (Revtrosity)
- Jevil (Weird Route)
- Jimmy Casket (NoOnesVersion)
- Jinx (The Gray Chronicles)
- Joe Biden (The Fire Rises)
- John Osborn (The Spider-Man)
- Joker (Joker Blogs)
- Joker (Trisproductions28)
- Joker (What if the Joker Was in The Dark Knight Rises)
- Jomumnu Chan (The Toodles Show)
- Jonathan Rudich
- Joy (Outside In)
- Julian (98xx)
- Julius the Dressmaker
- Junko Enoshima (Danganronpa: Anomalous)
- Junko Enoshima (Danganronpa: Goodbye Innocence)