“ | Nobody cares about me... Nobody loves me... |
„ |
~ Mickey Mouse, Last Day |
“ | I have foreseen. I would die somehow. I knew this when fulfilling my plans to save C.O.G.S., Inc. from creatures like you. Although I am able to change fate, I thought this to be a fitting result for me - the Toon defeats the Cog or vice versa, just as I wanted. Letting me live will only hurt your species and benefit your opposition, so go on. You see the Sr. Virgil in me, do you not? Kill me in some way that you executed him. I deserve it, don't I? | „ |
~ El Lament provoking Drake the Dragon Toon to kill him. |
Villains who have either attempted to take their own lives, whether they have succeeded in doing so or been overly eager/bold in the face of death. There can be several different reasons for this including remorse, honor, knowledge of worse fates, despair, a greater cause, insanity, nihilism, taking others with them, villainous martyrdom or even redemption. Some of these villains might even be kamikazes, as they may attempt to bring down someone else with them (such as the hero), whether this means actually killing them or simply doing something such as bringing down their reputation.
Some of these suicidal villains didn't necessarily directly cause their suicides (whether attempted or successful) and were simply eager or bold in the face of death. This includes villains who, when faced with a potentially fatal issue (such as a medical emergency), they didn't do anything to save themselves. In some cases, they might have even attempted to make the issue worse.
It is important to note that if the villain does take their own life it must be ON PURPOSE to qualify as Suicidal. Villains who accidentally kill themselves DO NOT QUALIFY Villains who committed fake suicide and never wanted to die really, do not count either.
Many of these villains can be tragic as suicide is portrayed extremely seriously or even sympathetically in both fiction and real-life, so it is no doubt that a majority of these villains have suffered such experiences that have twisted them over the edge of taking their own lives.
However, some of these villains can be Complete Monster as they can also take their lives in an extremely fiendishly selfish or malevolent ways, many of which being where they try to take down the heroes with them, only to fail or even take their lives in a cowardly or egotistical way.
- IMPORTANT: It is to note that even cowards can ALSO qualify for this category. While they cannot be nihilists, cowards can occasionally take their own lives as a way to escape a situation they know they don’t have control over. Regardless, if they take their own life ON PURPOSE, they can still qualify.
- Villains who took their own lives CANNOT be Karma Houdinis, even if they took their lives to escape punishment or attempted.
Bloodbear (Zajcu37 Archiv) -
EXE (Sonic Prototype 2017) -
Trollface -
Devil Mario (Power Star) -
Mario (SMG4) -
Dr. Eggman (Real-Time Fandub Games) -
Azmuth (The Carnitrix) -
Jasmine (Melvin's Macabre)
All items (298)
- Accusers (TheWeirdoGirl)
- Acolyte (the Gray Chronicles)
- Actor Mark (YouTube Channel/Space: Season Future)
- Adam Goshenite
- Adelia McLauren
- Adolf Hitler (Creepypasta)
- Adolf Hitler (Mr. Krabs Kills Pearl)
- Adrianna de la Santos
- Ae-Ri
- Ai Tsaon
- Alekstro
- Althea Andrea
- Alto Scrapper
- Ambrose Cain
- Amethyst Paradinight
- Andrew Davenport
- Andy Apple (Andy Film)
- Anolgus Sportal
- Antisepticeye (YouTube Channel/Space: Season Future)
- Appendix (If Body Organs Were People)
- Arnulf von Wagenheim
- Ashi
- Austin Morrison
- Avi Alexander Rachlin
- Azmuth (The Carnitrix)
- BaconCrafter
- Bad Future Sayori (Querxes)
- Baron Mordo (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Black Templars (Furry Crusade)
- Blackrabbit
- Bloodbear (Zajcu37 Archiv)
- Blutsauger
- Bonnie (AndrewJohn100)
- Boogie/Francis
- Boscha's mother (MoringMark)
- Bowser (SuperMarioLogan)
- Bruno Gate
- Brutalight Sparcake
- Buckethead Zombie (Discord Event)
- Burnt Luigi
- C-Ex
- Calvin The Robot
- Cameron (Total Danganronpa)
- Cell (Dragon Ball C)
- Cell (Mega64)
- Cellbit (Impossible Escape)
- Ceroba Ketsukane
- Chara (Undershift)
- Christian Brutal Sniper
- Clayton "Onion" B.
- Clone Cop
- Clown (Flicker)
- Clown (Murder Island)
- Colonel Voldrac Reddeth Deatheart
- Colt Navarro
- Corrupted Eula
- Corrupted Skibidi Toilets
- Courage (Uncle Al)
- Cozy Glow (Danganronpa: In Harmony's Wake)
- Creepers (Element Animation)
- CyborMedic
- Edgar Evernever (The Darkest Tale of Lorcan Darcy)
- Edith Gru (The Whole Life)
- Edward Martins
- Ego (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- El Lament
- Ella (Total Slaughtered)
- Ellina Sancha.Mary
- Emma Magorobi
- Emobob Slaughterpants
- Emperor Zalgo (The Gray Chronicles)
- Empire of Japan (The New Order: Last Days of Europe)
- Enraged Guardian
- Erma Tor
- Evil 30k Ellina Sancha
- Evil Ellina Radioactive (YouTube Channel/Space: Season Future)
- EXE (Sonic Prototype 2017)
- Exegod
- Ezalco Starlight
- Jar Jar Binks (Big fan of fett)
- Jasmine (Melvin's Macabre)
- Jeff The Killer (Movie)
- Jeff the Killer (Pastra)
- Jeff the Killer (The Gray Chronicles)
- Jeffy (SuperMarioLogan)
- Jeremiah
- Jerome Valeska (Gothamverse)
- Jessica Bailey (Date A Re:Live)
- Jinny Wilde
- Jinx (The Gray Chronicles)
- Johan Liebert (LeoVoid)
- John Kramer (JLGRproductions)
- Joker (Forrestfire101)
- Joker (Trisproductions28)
- Jonathan (El Diario de Jonathan)
- Jordan (Brookstown)
- Josh Lovell (Malk)
- Judge Salone
- Junko Enoshima (Bullet Refutation)
- Junko Enoshima (Danganronpa: Anomalous)
- Madessa Efreeti
- Marcus (MUGENWarrior)
- Mario (All Day All Plush)
- Mario (SMG4)
- Mario's Father
- Martha (LEGACY)
- Matt (One Man One Mission)
- Maximous King
- Mephistos Orobriax
- Mickey Mouse (Wednesday's Infidelity)
- Miki
- Millie Larsen
- Mimic1
- MontagueGWR
- Mortimer
- Moser
- Mr. Burns (The Simpsons: Springfield Apocalypse)
- MrBeast (Avocado Animations)