“ | Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to kill more than just you! | „ |
~ Taco’s imposter leaving Gaty to burn and die as she proceeds to kill more. |
Terrorists are criminals who use terror (hence their name) and commit flagitious and unforgivable atrocities for some gain. Terrorists range from ruthless, yet well-intentioned anarchists to extremely destructive and genocidal individuals. They can also be hate-mongers, fanatics or simply insane individuals who commit mayhem for fun or as an act of retaliation against the society or a law enforcer they hate.
This is not simply a category for villains who commit large scale destruction; in order to qualify as a terrorist a villain must have a cause beyond their own self gain that they are working for.
Many terrorists believe what they are doing is right (especially those known as Eco-Terrorists), but have no qualms about killing innocent civilians or causing massive damage in order to achieve their goals; in fact, unlike most soldiers, terrorists often deliberately target civilians as they see "terror" as a valuable tool of getting what they desire.
Terrorists can also be linked to other crimes such as piracy, drug-dealing, and slavery, which they may do to fund their cause or as a means to gain more notoriety for themselves.
Sub-Types of Terrorists include:
- Eco-Terrorists who commit terrorist activities for what they see as the good of the environment - this may make them more noble than other villains (at least in their motives) but often they are every bit as dangerous and uncaring of human life as any other villain. Some extreme examples of Eco-Terrorists may also see humanity as so dangerous to the environment that they seek humanity's destruction.
- Bio-Terrorists or Plague-Bringers who spread horrible ailments or extremely dangerous bio-hazards in order to cause fear and panic.
- War Criminals who are guilty of War Crimes (both those convicted and those who managed to evade justice) - usually serving as soldiers or equivalent in their settings they have either abandoned the "code of war" completely or manipulate it in order to justify atrocities that go against the international laws regarding warfare.
Sonic.exe (Creepypasta) -
Sonic.OMT -
MX -
Sarah Henderson (Needlem0use) -
ULTRA Vegito -
Black (VS Impostor) -
Mr. Puzzles -
Nazo the Hedgehog
All items (1878)
- A.R.T.H.U.R.
- Abdul Alhazred (Multiversal Legends)
- Abigail Williams (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Ace Ukiyo (Crossover War Heroes)
- Achmed Zuri
- Acidrage
- Actor Mark (YouTube Channel/Space: Season Future)
- Adam Warlock (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Adel Renard
- Admiral Bredenus Freslek
- Admiral Jaina Crustel
- Admiral Sindow
- Adolf Hitler (Creepypasta)
- Adolf Hitler (Razor47)
- Adrian Veidt (Absolution)
- Aebyst Blight
- Aekon
- Aetheon
- Agatha McWarner
- Agent Jeff Byron
- Agent Marsen
- Agent Rorick
- Aggregor (Character What)
- Agrellius Terradon
- Aka Manah (Multiversal Legends Film Universe)
- Aklove
- Akuma Mayoi
- Akuma Omnoraki
- Alan Jonah (Abraxas)
- Alastor (Cartoonopolis Universe)
- Alberto Falcone (The Joker 2018)
- Albino (Ninjago Fanfilm Universe)
- Albus Dumbledore (The Dragon Legacy)
- Alchidna
- Alexander Cherkassovsky
- Alfred (Sodor: The Dark Times)
- Alfred Jodl (Hitler Rants Parodies)
- Alfredo Gostapo
- Alien Human Containment Bionic Military
- Alien Leader (deadspinosaur)
- Alison Wallace (Ultraverse Rescaled)
- Alma Madrigal (Encanto Fanfiction)
- Alphus
- Alpine
- Althea Andrea
- Alto Demolisher
- Alto Scrapper
- Alvin Seville (Sour Milk)
- Amadeus Sterling
- Amanpreet Bhangu
- Amass
- Amber Freeman (HuxRen123)
- Ambrose Cain
- Ambush (GH'S)
- American People's Republic
- American Reich
- Andrea Von Strucker (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Andreas Von Strucker (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Andrew Tate (Andrew Tate Catches You Memes)
- Android 17 (Mega64)
- André Sistellion
- Andy Apple (Andy WebComic Series)
- Angel Dust (OMC Movies)
- Angelico Capone
- Angry Korean Gamer (Half-Intellectual Korean Gamer)
- Angulocust
- Anime Cartel
- Anomaly 358
- Anthony Rare (ShadeLight)
- Anti-Cast
- Anti-Christ (Hazbin World)
- Anti-Sebastian Malovec Of Hostile Security
- Antisepticeye (YouTube Channel/Space: Season Future)
- Anton Ego (2019 remake)
- Anxiety (Object Towel)
- Aoi Izumi
- Apostles of the New World
- Arbitel Pilots
- Arch Dakon
- Archangel (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Ares (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Arf (SAU)
- Arius
- Armada
- Army of the Black Sun
- Arnim Zola (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Arthur Dracarys
- Arthur. K. Kakuonara
- Artillery (Multiversal Legends Film Universe)
- Artillery Strife
- Ashi
- Assassin One
- Assassin Two
- Asymatous
- Athena Anthonyson (Punkettes RPG)
- Auri (Harmony of the Star World)
- Austin Morrison
- Australium Saxton
- Awsomecolin Creature (Off Meds)
- Axem Rangers X
- Axem Red (SMBZ)
- Ayman Zade
- Azmuth (The Carnitrix)
- Azur El-Fatwa
- Babidi (Mega64)
- BabyLuigiOnFire
- Bagan (Godzilla: Final Wars)
- Baldi (Uniferyes)
- Ballista (They're Sticks, Probably)
- Balloon Boy (Five Nights at F***boy's)
- Bambi Bambi Bambi
- Bane (Skodward's Jungle Ferox)
- Barbara Kean (Gotham Fanverse)
- Barney (DashieXP)
- Baron A. Droid
- Baron Mordo (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Baron Robotnik
- Baron Von Laser (Terra Cinematic Universe)
- Barty Crouch Jr. (A Very Potter Musical)
- Basilisx
- Battle Droids (Character What)
- Battle Droids (Team Morshu Cinematic Universe)
- Beast Megatron (TFI Creations)
- BeeBag
- Beelzebufo (The Prehistoric Show)
- Behemoth (TF2 FreakShow)
- Behk (Enderslime SMP)
- Beijing Pact
- Ben Wyden
- Bendys
- Berdinon
- Betelgeuse (Morning Star)
- Bidoof Boy
- Big Bully (Super Mario 63)
- Bill Cipher (Cartoon Fight Club)
- Bill Cipher (Tabbykitth's Tabbyverse)
- Bill Roberts
- Billdolf Hitler
- Black (VS Impostor)
- Black Raiders
- Black Templars (Furry Crusade)
- Blazer Bassist
- Blood Voltage
- Bloodlust Monster (Team Morshu Cinematic Universe)
- Blossom.EXE (MUGENWarrior)
- BLU Nnnngh Sniper
- Blue Soul Human (Undertale Yellow)
- Boggs
- Booming Ombrè
- Booroong Motors (FamilyFun)
- Bora the Invader
- Boris (Captain Argonut 24)
- Boris Savinkov (Kaiserreich)
- Boss (SMG4)
- Boss Demon
- Bowling Pins
- Bowser (Age Of Wario)
- Bowser (Luigi's Bad Day)
- Bowser (Luigi's Lament)
- Bowser (SMBZ Reboot)
- Bowser (SMBZ)
- Bowser (South Park Super Mario Bros)
- Bowser (The End of Mushroom Kingdom)
- Bowser (VAVillain Dubs)
- Bowser Jr. (Universal Nintendo)
- Bowser Junior (SuperMarioLogan)
- Brainiac (DC Fanfilm Universe)
- Brandon Richardson
- Brenda
- Brenda Goose
- Brigitte (The GMOD Series)
- Brotherhood of the Abyss
- Brotonia
- Bruce Hanes
- Bruiser
- Brutalight Sparcake
- Bryan Coffings
- Bryon McClacke
- Bryson (Haminations)
- Bull
- Bull V-Wolf