“ | Mario is a psychopath. For millennia, my ancestors called this "great" kingdom their home. Now I must endure the relentless humiliation, as the fields my fathers tended for generations, are used to race go-karts. As my people are stripped of their dignity, and left to starve in squalor. *sobs* ...how many great men do you know who stomp on baby turtles? | „ |
~ Bowser explaining Mario's personality. |
Tyrants are powerful villains who seek to conquer, or have already conquered, a certain area. Their territory can range from a city, to a particular region/country, to the entire world, to an entire galaxy or galaxies, to even the entire universe or cosmos. They often seek complete domination of whatever territories lie out of their influence but not always, for some are content to rule small to mid-sized territories and do not seek expansion on larger scales (this differs them from Imperialists and Totalitarians, who seek to reshape not only their own society but often the world itself (in some cases they even seek to reshape the universe itself).).
NOTE: NOT to be confused with Cosmic Entities who are practically gods and not simple dictators, and Hegemony who wishes to be a Tyrant, but failed/yet to be able to fulfilled their said goal.
The Man in The Suit -
Sonic.exe (Creepypasta) -
MX -
Mr. Puzzles -
Joe Biden (The Fire Rises) -
Exetior -
Nazo the Hedgehog -
M (Mario's Madness)
All items (1512)
- A.S.S.
- Abaddon (The New Order: Last Days of Europe)
- Abigail Williams (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Abnormal King
- Acidrage
- Acolyte (the Gray Chronicles)
- Aculon Empire
- Adam (No More Room in Hell)
- Adam Pryce
- Adam Warlock (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Admiral Jaina Crustel
- Admiral Rhiiblos
- Admiral Sindow
- Adolf Hitler (Brandon Rodgers)
- Adolf Hitler (Creepypasta)
- Adolf Hitler (Hitler Rant Parodies)
- Adolf Hitler (Mr. Krabs Kills Pearl)
- Adolf Hitler (Razor47)
- Adolf Hitler (The New Order: Last Days of Europe)
- Agent Jeff Byron
- Agent Marsen
- Aggregor (Character What)
- Agrellius Terradon
- Aka Manah
- Aku (Armored Studios)
- Akuma Mayoi
- Albert Speer (The New Order: Last Days of Europe)
- Alberto Falcone (The Joker 2018)
- Albino (Ninjago Fanfilm Universe)
- Alfredo Gostapo
- Alien Human Containment Bionic Military
- Alien Leader (deadspinosaur)
- Alison Bäirren (The Return to Freddy's)
- Alison Wallace (Ultraverse Rescaled)
- Alphus
- Alpine
- Althea Andrea
- Alto Scrapper
- Amadeus Sterling
- Amanpreet Bhangu
- American People's Republic
- Amogus
- Amy (Animals and Bfb)
- Ananta
- Anastasia Romanov (Disney Princesses but they're Villains)
- Ancient Minister (Real-Time Fandub Games)
- Andrea Von Strucker (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Andrealphus Goetia
- Andreas Von Strucker (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Andrey Dikiy (The New Order: Last Days of Europe)
- André Sistellion
- Angelico Capone
- Angry Pen
- Anomaly 358
- Anthony (Sonic and the Powerpuff Girls)
- Anthropomorphic Transport Sphere
- Anti-Christ (Hazbin World)
- Anti-Christ (The Life of Jesus)
- Antichrist (Bible Cinematic Universe)
- Anton Ego (2019 remake)
- Antonin Artaud (Red Flood)
- Arceus (The Lost Child)
- Arch Dee
- Archangel (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Archon
- Ares (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Arnulf von Wagenheim
- Arson
- Asgore Dreemurr (Negativetale)
- Ashfur (Moonkitti)
- Ashley Graham Flores (Westridge)
- Assassin One
- Auri (Harmony of the Star World)
- The Avatar (Red Flood)
- Awesamdude (Dream SMP)
- Awsomecolin Creature (Off Meds)
- Ayin (Hazbin Hotel)
- Ayman Zade
- Azula (Anthpo)
- Babidi (Mega64)
- Baran
- Barbara Kean (Gotham Fanverse)
- Baron Mordo (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Baron Von Rustbottom
- Baroness von Nightime
- BeeBag
- Beelzebub (Creepypasta)
- Belle Goldarm
- Ben Drowned (original)
- Ben Stiller (Exposed)
- Ben Wyden
- Berdinon
- Beru
- Betelgeuse (Morning Star)
- Big Bad Wolf (Little Red Forest)
- Big Bully (Super Mario 63)
- Bill Roberts
- Bill Sikes (2020 fanfilm)
- Bishop
- Bitt
- Black Hat (Crossover War Heroes)
- Black Hiver
- Black Templars (Furry Crusade)
- Bloodlust Monster (Team Morshu Cinematic Universe)
- Blossom.EXE (MUGENWarrior)
- Bob the Builder (DocuDubery)
- Boggs
- Bombard King
- Bora the Invader
- Boris Savinkov (Kaiserreich)
- Boris Shepunov (The New Order: Last Days of Europe)
- Boss (SMG4)
- Boss Rock Peashooter
- Bowser
- Bowser (Age Of Wario)
- Bowser (DEATH BATTLE!)
- Bowser (Goomzilla)
- Bowser (Luigi's Bad Day)
- Bowser (Luigi's Lament)
- Bowser (M.M)
- Bowser (Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom)
- Bowser (ShinRyoga)
- Bowser (SMBZ)
- Bowser (South Park Super Mario Bros)
- Bowser (The Blind Toad)
- Bowser (The End of Mushroom Kingdom)
- Bowser (VAVillain Dubs)
- Bowser Jr. (Universal Nintendo)
- Bowser Junior (SuperMarioLogan)
- Bowser Koopa Jr. (FreezeFlame22)
- Bowsette
- Box Club Leader
- BR-14N
- Brainiac (DC Fanfilm Universe)
- Braylon (Annette's Unexpected Journey)
- Brexit Emperor
- Brexit Lord
- Brigitte (The GMOD Series)
- Brokenstar (Moonkitti)
- Brokenstar (Rustclaw AU)
- Brokenstar (Warrior Cats Animated)
- Brotonia
- Brutalight Sparcake
- Brute Bulldog
- Bryan Coffings
- Bryson (Haminations)
- Bull
- Bullseye
- Burt Hensey
- C.A.I.N.
- Cade Holter
- Caine (Digital Disruption)
- Caleb Slith
- Candy and Diamond (The Reckoning All-stars)
- Captain Scout
- Caramel Yeast
- Carlis (GoAnimate)
- Carnage (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Carnage Circle
- Carny (Rexyverse)
- Carole (Rescaled)
- Cecil Burns
- CEO (I Predict a Riot)
- Chairo the Terrible
- Chang Wu Sinatoro
- Chanyu Gezir Yan Khan
- Chao Madness
- Char Vhar
- Chara (The Indie Game Movie)
- Charles Morton
- Charles Vi Britannia (Code Prime)
- Chen Wu
- Cheshire Cat (Wonderland)
- Chester Bundy
- Chiko
- Chomper Mudbeard
- Chris Hamberg
- Chris Hargensen (Earth-95875)
- Chuck (Duo-Franchise)
- Cigar
- Claner Rairman
- Classic Caillou
- Claster Vile
- Claudian Barnaby