“ | So one day, this annoying little shit kept trying to ask me out... SO I GRABBED HIM AND JUST SMASHED HIS HEAD AGAINST THE WALL! | „ |
~ Wrath, as his name implies, explaining how she killed someone out of pure petty anger, and a great example of her severe anger issues. |
“ | Wait a minute... I get it now! They're mocking me! Mocking the fact I am suffering here and they have what was once mine! I'll show them how It feels to lose EVERYTHING! I'll make them PAY. I'll make them SUFFER. I'LL BURN THEIR WORLD AWAY AND RESTORE MINE FROM THE ASHES. BUT I'LL FIRST DESTROY EVERYTHING THEY HAVE. THEY'LL SHIVER AND CRY UNDER MY FEET. I'LL SHOW THEM ALL! You can't get rid of me. You can't erase me. I WON'T LET YOU. I WILL NOT BE REPLACED! |
„ |
~ Scorched's descent into villainy, containing his most infamous quote. |
~ Cheeky's villainous breakdown after the player enters his house in the Potato Time ending |
Wrathful Villains are villains who are incredibly wrathful in nature, and motivated by anger, hatred, or simply the love of bloodshed and violence. They can easily lose their temper or control of themselves. They quite commonly possess colossal tempers, and are often quick to both anger and violence. Normally, they do not require much to get them furious and argumentative.
It is also quite often for these villains to relish in their wrathful nature. More often than not, their temper proves to be a downfall. This is a very common trait in villains, mostly due to the fact that the nature of villainy itself can be considered a form of wrath.
Note that these villains have to either have extreme tempers that they have a hard time controlling or have a love for violence in order to qualify. If they get angry at something that's understandable, they don't automatically qualify.
The Man in The Suit -
Sonic.exe (Creepypasta) -
Sonic.OMT -
MX -
Serverblight -
Sonic.exe (X-Verse) -
Sarah Henderson (Needlem0use) -
ULTRA Vegito
All items (2297)
- Abigail Williams (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
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- Abu Zubair
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- Achmed Zuri
- Acidrage
- Acolyte (the Gray Chronicles)
- Actor Mark (YouTube Channel/Space: Season Future)
- Actual Satan
- Adam (No More Room in Hell)
- Adam Pryce
- Adelia McLauren
- Admiral S. Swipe
- Adolf Hitler (Creepypasta)
- Adolf Hitler (Hitler Rant Parodies)
- Adolf Hitler (Mr. Krabs Kills Pearl)
- Adriano Flores
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- Aku (Armored Studios)
- Akuma Mayoi
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- Alex Mercer (DEATH BATTLE!)
- Alice Aduraice
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- Alison Bäirren (The Return to Freddy's)
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- Alma Madrigal (Disney Princesses but they're Villains)
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- Anthony Rare (Harmony of the Star World)
- Anthropomorphic Transport Sphere
- Anti-Christ (Hazbin World)
- Anti-Christ (The Life of Jesus)
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- Asgore Dreemurr (Undertale: Monster's Day)
- Ash Graven (Disaster Almighty)
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- Asha (Disney Princesses but they're Villains)
- Ashfur (It's Been So Long)
- Ashfur (Mary On A Cross)
- Ashfur (Moonkitti)
- Ashfur (Peace)
- Ashley (Five Nights at Wario’s)
- Ashley Graham Flores (Westridge)
- Asmodeus (Normalman)
- Athena Anthonyson (Punkettes RPG)
- Auri (Harmony of the Star World)
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- Beelzebub (Creepypasta)
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- Bender Bending Rodriguez (Character What)
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- Big Bully (Super Mario 63)
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- Big Z (Bird Island YTP: Big Z Roasts Mr. Grandon)
- Bill Cipher (DEATH BATTLE!)
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- Black (GameToons' Sprunki Incredibox)
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- Blackbeard (Never, Neverland)
- Blackhuerd (Terminus)
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- Blitzo (Reversed! AU)