~ Spyro Doomfire. |
“ | Watch your tounge! Oh right, I forgot, octolings aren't capable of feeling emotions or empathy. Silly me! Man I've gotta remember things straight. | „ |
~ Cyalux Clover. |
Xenophobes are villains who hate, dislike, or fear people from other cultures, countries, race, religion, or species. Many villains also use xenophobia as a means of either gaining support or to oppress people that they dislike.
Sometimes, they even hate their own species or just discriminate against other races because they have their genes according to their family tree and do not know how to accept themselves. This kind of villain can be Insecure because they seek love or acceptance to make up for their eventual insecurities, though this may not be the case if Xenophobic villains become Complete Monsters, which can easily rule out their insecurities. Xenophobic villains act on their xenophobia, letting it cloud their judgment, or use it against others for the aforementioned reasons.
Note: If a villain qualifies as a Misanthrope, they do not need to also be deemed a xenophobe unless they have proven a disdain of a different species as well or a separate dislike of a certain group of human. Also if a villain is Genocidal do not add this as these are only for characters who hate other races or species but not attempting to commit genocide.
Important Note: Magnificent Baddies cannot show any hatred towards other species, countries and more. Because Xenophobic villains cannot have any chances of winning the audience's respect and sympathy.
The Man in The Suit -
MX -
Joe Biden (The Fire Rises) -
MX (FNF: Mario's Madness) -
Patriot Front (The Fire Rises) -
Luigi (I Hate You) -
The Benchmark Void -
Saiba Momoi (Meme)
All items (745)
- A.S.S.
- Abaddon (The New Order: Last Days of Europe)
- Abby Thompson
- Abigail Williams (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Ace Ukiyo (Crossover War Heroes)
- Acidrage
- Actor Mark (YouTube Channel/Space: Season Future)
- Adam (No More Room in Hell)
- Admiral S. Swipe
- Adolf Hitler (Mr. Krabs Kills Pearl)
- Aekon
- Agent Rorick
- Aggregor (Character What)
- Akey (TheWeirdoGirl)
- Alan Yates (Terror Toons)
- Alastor (Real-Time Fandub)
- Albedo (The Chaquetrix)
- Albino (Ninjago Fanfilm Universe)
- Alekstro
- Alien X (The Carnitrix)
- Alphus
- Althea Andrea
- Alto Demolisher
- Alto Scrapper
- Alucard (Team Four Star)
- Alvin Seville (Alvin Seville Kills Theodore Memes)
- Amanda The Adventurer (Puffymillie)
- Ambrose Cain
- American People's Republic
- American Reich
- Ana Mosconi
- Ancient Minister (Real-Time Fandub Games)
- Angelico Capone
- Annie Wilkins (Truth or Lies)
- Anthony Rare (Harmony of the Star World)
- Anti-Christ (Hazbin World)
- Apodoll Yodel
- Ares (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Armion
- Artillery (Multiversal Legends Film Universe)
- Ashley Graham Flores (Westridge)
- Astronomical Chaos
- Avi Alexander Rachlin
- Azmuth (The Carnitrix)
- B.V.G (The Sheriff V.S The Mayoress)
- Bach Pane & N. Ygma
- BaconCrafter
- Baron Vile
- Bebe Stevens (Red and Friends)
- Behemoth (TF2 FreakShow)
- Belle (Disney Princesses but they're Villains)
- Bert and Ernie (Bertstrips)
- Big Jack Horner (Jack Horner goes to Therapy)
- Big Jack Horner (Joeybar)
- Billy (Highlander: The Avenger)
- Blackhuerd (Terminus)
- Bob Bobowski
- Boggs
- Boiler
- Bombay Rage
- Booroong Motors (FamilyFun)
- Bora the Invader
- Boris (Vyond)
- Boss Rock Peashooter
- Bowser (SuperMarioLogan)
- Bradley Larsen
- Brainiac (DC Fanfilm Universe)
- Brody Petric
- Brotonia
- Brutalight Sparcake
- Brutus the Triceratops (MUGENWarrior)
- Bull
- Bullseye
- C-Pen
- Caedas
- Caillou (Vyond)
- Cardin Winchester (Ultimatum)
- Cecil Clayton (Character What)
- CEO of Racism
- Ceroba Ketsukane
- Chang Wu Sinatoro
- Chara (ULTRA!TALE)
- Charles Eborock
- Charles Manson (Dark Fantasy)
- Charlie (Dane Tyler)
- Cheerilee (Cheerilee's Garden)
- Chef Pinot
- Cheshire Cat (Wonderland)
- Chinami Mikazuchi (Android)
- Chris Hargensen (Earth-95875)
- Christian Brutal Sniper
- Classic Caillou
- Claster Vile
- Clavius (What if Clavius had won?)
- Clover (Undertale Yellow)
- Clurkicus
- Coach Emerson
- Cobiken
- Coldsteel the Hedgheg
- Colonel Swagger
- Colonel Voldrac Reddeth Deatheart
- Commander Greenlight
- Commander Lanthanum
- Commonwealth of America
- Confederacy of Sovereign Nations
- Conker The Squirrel (A War Academy)
- Conster Vile
- Corest (Sinful Retribution)
- CORRUPT (Official-PSASD)
- Council of Hoop Angels
- Covenant Ship (Halo 2600)
- Crossy the Cross
- Crouker
- Crow Daddy (h2023gradverse)
- Crowbar and Gaybar
- Cuda
- Cyalux Clover
- Daimler
- Damian Carpenter
- Damon Krates
- DanielUnicomb
- Danno (CamiloG Animations)
- Dargem
- Darkiplier (YouTube Channel/Space: Season Future)
- Darktail (Moonkitti)
- Darla Dimple (Character What)
- Darth Vader (Star Wars: The Empire of Light)
- Dasney Corporation
- David Zaslav (TheWeirdoGirl)
- Dawn Bellwether (The Theorizer)
- Deadlock
- Death (MistaClean's Extra Lives)
- Deku (Inverted AU)
- Demoking
- Demon Druid
- Denver Luss
- Deryous Softbunny
- Destructicons (Transformers Prime: Galvatron's Revenge)
- Dic Soupcan
- Diego Shawson
- Disciples (TF2 FreakShow)
- Dixmor Project
- Dmitry Buyachev
- Dmytro Klyachkivsky (The New Order: Last Days of Europe)
- DNAliens (Character What)
- Doc Hudson (Kachows)
- Doctor Faustus (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Doctor Magnos
- Donald Trump (Epic Rap Battles of History)
- Donald Trump (The Penguins of Madagascar: Operation N-W.O.R.D.)
- Donetsk People's Republic
- Dora Marquez (GoAnimate)
- Doris (GoAnimate)
- Dr. Anxiety
- Dr. Henry Miller
- Dr. Honey Badger
- Dr. Jonas Harrow
- Dr. Kocchin (Team Four Star)
- Dr. Robotnik (Eddie Lebron)
- Dr. Robotnik (Tim Burton's Sonic)
- Dr. Zomboss (HH TQN)
- Dr. Zomboss (LuigiFan00001)
- Dra Cant Count
- Dracula (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Dragora
- Druig (Marvel Fanfilm Universe)
- Dudley the Vagrant Engine
- Duke of Weselton (HuxRen's Disneyverse)
- Duke Von Boom
- Duncan Gree
- Duncan's First Girlfriend