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Villains Fanon Wiki

This Villain was Featured in January 2021.

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This page, Delnos, was written by BrandonDarkOne47. Any original work, images, etc. presented here is therefore theirs under the CC BY-NC-ND license. Please do not add onto, delete, or copy anything on this page without the original author's permission. Thank you.

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Villain Overview

You can't change anything from how it has been remembered! Because it tends to tread lightly as a mere memory.
~ Delnos' most famous quote.
It takes one to tell the difference between choosing who you want to be or who you're meant to be. Honestly, I've chosen a path for myself to prove my worth, it's true I killed millions of innocent people but were some of them really that "innocent" to begin with? Please, if I were God, I'd tell you that the existence of a good person and a bad person can't exist without learning the concepts of polar opposites, which is the very thing I'm explaining to you! You're the hero, I'm the villain! You're the protagonist, I'm the antagonist! We're enemies! Rivals! Opposites! Who else God knows what we are out there! But should it matter!? Should we matter on our own roles to this goddamn story? I could care less, because that's on you, Jake!
~ Delnos' rant about the difference between a protagonist and an antagonist.

Delnos Seraph (or just Delnos), or is often called and known as Lucifer, is the main antagonist in the 2020 crossover WattPad fanfiction, Critical Multiverse. He is the archenemy of Jake Ryan and the brother-like figure of Eterna Bellezza.

He was once the Prince of the Illumight Kingdom, as well as the son of King Delabelos, who was the current wielder of Crossixior (a powerful sword with capabilities of traveling/combining worlds alike) at his time, and Queen Amara. For some unknown reason in the event, he transformed into a Shidrosapient, the another counterpart of the Illumians. Onward, he ended up stealing the Cross Yagi, a dual-typed spear-like weapon, hidden within the Illumight Kingdom's vault when his father transporting the sword to an exact location near Jake's world.

In order to have the advantage of what he desires, he made it his main objective to find and collect the Crossixior, including to kill Jake for "stealing" what is rightfully his. Because of this, he has been held responsible for at least four annihilations of each planet he visited in his search for the Crossixior. Formerly, he was one of the leaders of the Doomsday Alliance until he betrayed them, along with being a rival to Mendax and Xuriah D'arcmast'r.


Click here to view: Delnos' synopsis.


As a Erebosapien and like most of them, but uncommonly, Delnos is a shadowy, black silhouette with red aura surrounding his presence and resemblance to a demon but looking more humanoid. His appearance consists the body of a teenage boy with horns and wings, however, prior to his complete Erebosapien form, he did not have his red aura nor horns since while he was first corrupted, his form only consisted a nearly shadier appearance with his wings being less visible at that time.

When revealed without the use of his Erebosapien's shadowy form, he can revert to his normal self, where he wants an attire consisting of large gray-ish black hood that covered most of his face with the eyes glowing brightly red and having a few of what seems to be his hair.

As a human, Delnos seems to be a bit tall in height and is well-fit under his appearance. He has dark, black messy hair, bright red eye pupils, and his neck is consisted of bandage-like wrappings from top to the bottom near his shoulders as it resembles some kind of scar he wears. As for his outfit attire, Delnos is seen wearing a ragged, damaged skinny sweatshirt, a ruined dark gray coat followed with a light gray robe held front from his shirt, to which is held by a black belt, black skinny pants, black tabi, and a pair of straw branded zōri.

For his second outfit, Delnos began wearing a much more expensive look. His entire outfit attire consists of a black rain jacket, a black sleeve shirt with a zipper (to which it consisted of a silver large, thin ring connected with a chain connecting to his belt and another one under it), a dark gray colored belt, black damaged jeans, and black Adidas sneakers.

For his third outfit, also new appearance, through the timeskip of a year later on. Delnos' hair color how has half of his dyed white for slight parts such as the left side and close to his front bangs. His outfit attire consists of what seems to be a luxurious, formal uniform that consisted of a golden chain earring on his right ear, a solar/lunar-themed cloak jacket, dress shirt, a belt buckle that had golden chains with crescents and stars, black pants, and a pair of black loafers. His eye pupils seemed to change from bright red to a darker, pink-ish color.


Maybe things could've been easier... if you'd just gone with me instead. Then again, was this all worth losing you too?
~ Delnos expressing his remorse of leaving his mother to die. It also states he still cares for her.

Delnos was once, before he corrupted himself, an humble and decent prince in the Illumight Kingdom, that was until he grew jealous of his father, Delabelos, the many reasons behind his envy was because he was jealous of the skills he possessed within the Crossixior during his days growing up after his seventh birthday, throughout the years he grew impatient for the sword's abilities and has been trained to practice his swordsmanship to earn his heritage to become said user after his father.

But within his viewings, instead of seeing the Crossixior as a key to maintaining justice, peace, and balance to the entire multiversal system, he only wanted the sword for his own desires and dreams, which ultimately led to his corruption in the first place slowly until Eterna pressured him in doing so, thus led Delnos to embrace his own "flaws" and the darkness deep within his heart afterwards.

After he got corrupted into a Erebosapien (via a certain misandrist), he became a ruthless and sadistic traitor that would later form his own empire underneath his breach. He showed no remorse when he killed off his own (former) kind, as well as he killed his father in the coldest way possible. However, he spared his mother, stating he doesn't need her any longer, as he leaves her to die as she is left alone, mourning for his husband and the man who fathered him together with the woman who mothered him as well.

Apart from this, Delnos has great leadership and charisma when it comes to battle strategies and fleet preparations, as he speaks to his pawns and soldiers alike on how their organized bargain to fight with backup strategies and counterattacks should measure out on the course through the enemy's defenses. While he does seem to be genuinely concern for each of his soldiers' strengths in the army, he isn't above letting them die in the battlefield or wartime, showing that he does genuinely see everything in his arsenal as a sacrifice to his needs, not even bothering to mourn for their losses, mocking their potential as failures. However, Delnos himself has great intelligence when it comes to fighting his enemies as a singular fighter himself, skilled and cunning, he manages to outmatch them through each move he makes, even with or without the Cross Yagi, the most powerful weapon in his arsenal, Delnos can still carry himself to fight off while provoking his opponents to advance some thrill to the fight.

He's also hypocritical at best when it comes to his intentions, trying to justify it as "civil and just" while most knew exactly what he had in mind brought nothing more than "delay and hardship", stated from their descriptions. He also happens to think he could be a much more better king than his father was, but this statement was only proven wrong on how he treats his subordinates with mockery and disrespect, while he does compliment their potential in strength and power, he only does so to manipulate them into thinking he does care for their well-being, but in reality he's just using them for his own sake and acts civilly sophisticated to them as a way to keep them at bay. He also isn't above abusing those who are at his domain, brutally beating and torturing them in the most destructive method he can to make them obey his orders whenever they go out their way instead of his, even having those who have unclear psyche or sadistic behavior to get psychological therapy from Eterna as a way to shape them to be more "civil", but even if he does manage to keep them in check, he isn't above threatening them with the same abusive method he could pull out under his wrathful outbursts.

However, despite his hypocrisy regarding the motives of becoming a "better king" than his father and in which earned him a descriptive title as a "disgrace" to the Seraph family, although in spite of every heinous deed he committed, Delnos is never truly a genuine pure evil to begin with, no matter how horrible he was, the only thing that did not consider himself a complete monster by others, including himself, was a mother's love.

He is still shown to have some care for his mother, Queen Amara. Even if he left her to die with his now deceased father, he did it because he never wanted her to be heartbroken on the next cruel acts he would've committed and he had so many reasons to leave her, but he thought that someone like her should've just went with his ways instead without letting her see himself, her own son, commit countless atrocities, one after another, but sometimes after thinking about her death, he noted to himself if all of his actions and ambitions were worth losing her. But in any other way, he knew killing her would also give more pain to himself. But deep down, he thought what he did was for the best for her to not see her son grow into the very incarnation of evil after his conquest were made into reality, so he put his mother into rest painlessly.

Even after every horrible thing he has done, he still visits his deceased mother's grave in the very garden where it had the same decorated tree from every Christmas ever since he was four-years-old at that time. He would come here as his comfort zone, always telling his mother beyond the grave everything he's committed and whenever he says so out of his world, there would be a haunting and saddening tone following through each sentence he made, telling his mother that there are a lot of things he was proud of, but a lot more he knew would upset her from the heavens. Delnos lacked a lot of remorse for his actions, but for his mother's death he was reluctantly yet indirectly responsible for, he knew it was truly his fault and tries to ensure her that she'll truly be at peace once he is fallen to the underworld one day, knowing they won't be at the same place in the afterlife, but to reassure she'll never have a sad expression again.

He also seems to have some compassion and care for Eterna Bellezza, as she was the only one who understood him and his many reasons of why he chose to become evil in the first place, even though it was her who corrupted him in the first place. Their bond grew very tight and close, making Delnos thought of Eterna as his sister, even though there are times he is annoyed with her small pranks and teasing to him, he still leniently lets that slide. When she was held hostage by Xuriah D'arcmast'r and the other leaders of the Doomsday Alliance, he was worried for her safety to the point he was forced to get help from the heroes to save her. Though begrudgingly, he thinks it was the only way to save her, until he finally did rescue her and was about to betray the heroes soon after until Eterna convinced him to let them go.

Delnos also happens to be very bright on his expertise when it comes to studying the resources and knowledge behind society ever since he gotten most interest to the planet Earth, unlike some worlds he eradicated. Despite wanting to rule Earth as part of his conquest, he's quite fond of their technology and culture, acknowledging the fact that earth wasn't so bad due to his experiences so far of the prime example of their food he tried out (most notable example would be Japanese and Asian food at best, such as ramen, kaarage, or kimchi rice in some occasions). Overall, although he was intrigued by everything he learnt, he remains neutral to earth as his opinion after what he has seen, but still chooses to conquer it all regardless once he regains the Crossixior and a gain a new resource of power at his disposal.

In spite to his cruelty, Delnos can be very calm in nature when it comes to some activities in his free time daily. Such as spending his afternoon watering and taking care of the very garden his mother once planted. He would even spend time with Eterna when it comes to helping her shop for new outfits and accessories, though the latter didn't enjoy being around the public and can have an aggressive intent of killing. Apart from this, he can be humorously sarcastic when it comes to his commenting or whatever seems to annoy him in any specific description to his disdain. When it comes to relationships with other villains, he admits he doesn't much like the leaders of the Doomsday Alliance, especially Xuriah D'arcmast'r. He believes their philosophy of seeing "sentimentalities" and how they criticize his care for his mother and Eterna as "weaknesses" disgust him, especially having a rivalry with Mendax due to their opposing goals. He is also disgusted with some of Xuriah's tactics too, and for his lack of care for even his family. Showing that, for his sadistic cruelty, Delnos does have moral boundaries on how far he goes.

Although he had a personal agenda on Jake for having the Crossixior's power, he had many signs of insecurity in him. This is most likely due to how hard he worked to gain the Crossixior for his desires and dreams, even if it meant having to hurt his mother into knowing she'll highly be very disappointed in her own son, which then led to realization of how unappreciated it felt for him to work hard for something he should've reconsidered, but he was desperate in the end. But it did not mean he was genuinely jealous of Jake, who has a uniqueness in terms to strength and personality compared to Delnos, who was his equal opposite, seeing him with his newly made friends and the crushes he formed got Delnos thinking that his current life could've be like Jake's, showing that as both an enemy and rival who has no honor codes, he did show a bit of respect on how and why Jake was made the Crossixior's user in the first place, something Delnos couldn't achieve and why he loathed Jake so much in an uneasy way to feel about him, to the point he wanted to take away something or someone from other people just so he could feel like he has surpassed him. Regardless of his insecurities and respect for Jake, he still tried to consider him as an obstacle standing in his way at a minimum.

Overall in general, Delnos is a complicated young man with evil intentions he saw as necessary to accomplish by any means while having to maintain a heart left within him at some moments. But even if he was given another chance to stop what he was doing or realize the error in his eyes, he has no choice but to refuse to accept the good within him without any hesitation and to the fact its his decision to maintain. Because deep down he knows he is too dangerous to exist, but he still doesn't show remorse for any of the terrible things he did nor will he surrender in honorable terms to the situation.



For being a lifeform that clearly has an aura of darkness surrounding him and formerly an Illumian. Now as an Erebosapien, Delnos is without description, powerful than one may seem to underestimate him due to being surrounded by the darkness' shadiness and presences he held, but nevertheless is skilled to know what he's doing. Despite this, he is no one to mess around with, he has a various yet unique set of abilities each Erebosapien has depending on what they can be capable of. In Delnos' case, he is the strongest across his current kind, that of him being a "unique" blooded (which are often considered as more intelligent and powerful) while most of the common Erebosapiens are often categorized as "raw" blooded (as in being completely animalistic and violent with malicious intent and less powerful in comparison).

  • Erebokinesis: It is the primary ability each Erebosapien possesses, the ability to control one's own shadow. Upon seeing it, Delnos can control or manipulate the energy of each shadow he absorbs into a powerful attack, he can also not only control the shadow of someone near him, but the person as well when the shadow is placed under his control and can cause physical harm to syncs both shadow to the person at that cost.
  • High Intelligence: With his IQ level at the minimum reach that is beyond those gifted with intelligence, Delnos is without a doubt very strategic and knows very well in combat when it comes to that situation. Upon outmatching and outsmarting his opponents, he observes their abilities and fighting styles carefully enough for him to quickly change his own way of fighting into something new quick that does not match the same standard as his opponent.
  • Swordsmanship: It was considered to be the second skill he sometimes uses in often occasions but nevertheless is completely strong in using a sword. Mostly out of any sword he's skilled in, let alone blades of any kind, including some similar, his primary weapon to use is mostly a katana, but this katana is a special one from where he's from, given the extremely sharp lineage between the blade's steel.
  • Umbrakinesis: One of the primary abilities and powers he possesses as a Erebosapien. He was the ability to manipulate, control, emit, or create darkness at his own will and core, creating dark-based moves, special attacks, or infuse his dark essences into any weaponry he holds.
  • Photokinetics: An ability all Illumians use to have until they are corrupted and said power changes to Umbrakinetics instead. However, in Delnos' case, he still manages to maintain said power mysteriously. But nevertheless does his photokinetic light became a source of dark energy within the light he uses, allowing him to manipulate and create energy moves from dark light energy within his core and his erobokinesis combined.
  • Gyrokinetics: The ability to control the weight or manipulate gravity. With just one touch or using his mind he can defy the level minimum of gravity through his will fully upon the circumstances used on either people or objects of some sorts.
  • Cloning ability: He has the technical ability to multiply and duplicate himself into 10's - 20's at his limit. Upon moving at higher speed levels or doing a stance while surging most of his willpower, various versions of him will appear.
  • Somnipathy: Can control the dreams of others and shift the theme of the dream into a nightmarish, hallucinating one depending on their worst fear/s alike. The effects from using his Somnipathy will result in his victims to have temporary traumatization through the process, however, has a cost of equivalent death if said person remains traumatized for the next month passing.
  • Phobikinetics: He has the ability to subjugate and mind-break his victims' minds using the presence of the dark energy he wields, creating hallucinations and illusions that goes on and on inside their thoughts and minds alike to the point it drives them to insanity, trauma, and at an emotionless state, in which is one of the worst cases. But in addition, the more fear they feel in their heads due to the mind-breaking process, the more it enhances the user itself under status of power and strength.

The Cross Yagi[]


The handmade, crafted pair of Yagi spears of a Japanese tradition, solely made from Illumian craftwork with a single drop of essences from both the Crossixior and the Passivior alike. While a replica of both multiversal-warping sword in anyway, with differences of the weapon being a duo of spear-like daggers, it can also not only form or merge worlds or travel within the multiverse, it can also be used as a weapon to destroy worlds alike.

  • Crossover Manipulation: Just like the Crossixior and Passivior (formerly after becoming the Catastrife), it grants the eternal ability to warp and forth come numerous worlds and universes alike through its significant type of portals. While the universes and worlds transport through the portals, it has numerous side effects on how it could change said world's people and avatar alike, effects such as something related to another universe coming towards the main universe at the same time, like superpowers, de-age effects, and amnesia.
    • World Combination:
    • World Destruction:
  • Dark Matter Energization:
  • Self-healing:
  • Teleportation Portals:
  • Multiverse Travelling:


Delnos's statistics

Energy Level

List of his Worst Doings[]

List of Victims under Delnos' hands
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Crimes and Acts[]

Prologue Arc and Season 1[]

  • After having to grow impatient and unappreciated for his hardwork in training, he attempted to steal the Crossixior before he was found out by the guards. His father banished him for high treason for stealing something that is meant to be a weapon for balance and peacekeeping as stated, thus resulted into meeting Eterna as he allowed her to focus his thoughts and corrupt him into the very first Erebosapien in years.
  • Upon his corruption, he manipulated the guards of the Illumight Kingdom who still trusted him into meeting him with their friends along. Instead, he had Eterna help him into capturing and torturing them into their corrupted forms.
    • The same went on everyday against most of the population in half thanks to the other Erebosapiens, same goes for the animals, until the dated month occurred for him to assemble his army, thus formed the Penumbra Crusade as stated. (Moral Event Horizon)
  • After his army was finished in complete prediction to the numbers, he led them into war across the Illumight Kingdom. Upon battle against the army and its soldiers, he also killed innocent bystanders and his own "former" people in doing so without hesitation, even against children, who were trying to hide and escape the ongoing war zone that was falling before them. (Moral Event Horizon)
    • In the end, he has eradicated over presumably a million of them in a half, or otherwise to be five thousands in total extinction since only a few dozen escaped the ongoing genocide. Let alone some survivors were enslaved by him and his army as he and his kind successfully brought down the Illumight Kingdom's downfall, deserting his own planet to its last ashes. They also imprisoned them for some fates he'll grant them worse and near death. (Moral Event Horizon)
  • His worst act was killing his own father and mother, who also happen to be the king and queen, not only committed regicide, but both patricide and matricide alike. While he killed his father in cold blood in anyway imaginable, he left his mourning mother to die under one of the explosions. (Moral Event Horizon)
  • In addition to killing them and with the Crossixior transported to Jake's world, he stole the Cross Yagi and used it to eradicate at least four planets alike in his search for the Crossixior. To make things worse, before having to destroy said worlds, he led his army into wreaking havoc and war against their civilizations, having to commence multiple massacres and pillaging alike before having some of the remaining survivors spend their last moments in despair as he uses the Cross Yagi to erase their worlds. (Moral Event Horizon)
  • During his search for the Crossixior, he had his men torture the remaining Illumians to increase his army's numbers while he had one of them trafficked to some of his buyers, possibly for either slavery, soldier usage, or even something worse.
    • In addition, some of the tortured prisoners died and didn't survive that long from the ongoing pain they've felt.

Season 2[]

  • ???

Season 3[]

  • ???

Season 4[]

  • ???

Kill Count[]

  • All citizens, including the Illumight Kingdom's army and forces during the war (presumed to have thousands killed given the other half of a thousand corrupted in for his army)
  • His father, King Delabelos (slain from his hands)
  • His mother, Queen Amara (left to die in a explosion, but under reluctance)
  • One of his enslaved prisoners after the war (presumed to be dozens since one of them didn't survive)
  • All lives and civilizations from each four worlds he visited (eradicated from the Cross Yagi's power and died from the wars and massacres he committed)

Final Scoring[]

Total from respective victims:

  • 560,349 (Illumian genocide)
  • 2 (his parents)
  • At least 23, presumably (his enslaved prisoners)
  • Billions (from the four worlds he eradicated and reign war on)
    • 1,000,000,000 (First world)
    • 7,000,000,000 (Second world)
    • 4,000,000,000 (Third world)
    • 6,000,000,000 (Fourth world)


  • 18,000,560,374



  • The marigold he placed underneath the decorated tree's trunks implies that the said flower was his mother's favorite, stating he plant it beside the tree as a way of honoring the first time he spent Christmas with his mother.
  • As stated by Delnos himself in-story, he's zodiac sign is a Cancer around the time he was born. According to the Illumian's traditions around birth Zodiacs, if one is born a Cancer they are gifted with an higher IQ minimum. This implies that he was born around June 21 ~ July 22, but the date of his birth around those months haven't been revealed yet.
  • Delnos constantly serves as a dark counterpart to Jake Ryan. While the story tells how Jake will overcome his past to become a hero people can be proud of, it also tells how Delnos will overcome his envy to become an superior ruler people can bow down to. However there are some patterns that differ them, while Jake lived a horrible life but descends to do good after meeting the people he can trust, Delnos lived a good life but descends to do evil under envy and corruption from the only person he trusts.
  • His accent is mostly both British and Australian, despite his human appearance is mostly Japanese related.


                 EvilRedCrownHeadlinedFeatured VillainsEvilRedCrownHeadlined
Evil Connie
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Bête Noire
           Critical Multiverse Villains

Main Villains
Penumbra Crusade
Main Leaders
Delnos | Eterna Bellezza
Council Members/Admins
Zaffron | Sargei | Desparelda
The Righteous Ones
The Unknown | Rhea Lucifero | Hel Kirose
Pieter Cardinal | Sishen | Endo
Kirose Army | Royal Guardians

Other Universal Villains

Grand Theft Cartel
Cooler (leader/founder) | Tesla | Hanzo Suiden | Steel Bulwark | Victor | Hard Head | Starservant
Undead Impero
Leaders: Strigo Wraist | Triungh Osanda
2nd-in Commands: Skirmisher | Jacques Hook | Sunder | Tona Kai
Hayashi Kiba (Grove Blade) | Kurohana
