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Villains Fanon Wiki
Villains Fanon Wiki

Entities: Thus, we have us a champion... Superman! Let us proceed with the healing and repairing of the survivor's clothing... Wait. Goku lives, too... Why did you not kill him?
Superman: Because I am no murderer, nor do I fight to entertain anybody.
Entities: Our will is beyond your concepts of morality. In fact, you owe your continuing existence to us. Without us, you would never even have come to exist. You cannot impose your codes on us.
Superman: I don't care. If you keep toying with innocent lives, you'll leave me no choice but to put you down...
Entities: That choice is not yours to make. Now, return to your own world... and live as the champion you are... Until we summon you again.
~ The Entities and the victorious Superman.

A species of god-like entities serve as main antagonists of Mistermoster's 2004 Superman VS Goku comic.


Svgp02 english by mistermoster d52bhy

Multiple entities observe Goku and Superman after summoning them.

The entities are menhir-like humanoid rocky faces with glowing eyes and occasionally also glowing lines across their faces.

When compared to people (specifically Son Goku and Superman) they're fairly large, several meters tall at least.

A few of them appear to be partially buried in the ground but most float in the sky.


Son Goku. Superman. Both heroes, warriors powerful enough to shake Earth itself... This promises to be an interesting match. Both contestants are so powerful, that perhaps nowhere but here, where the laws of physics of their homeworlds merge in the middle, could they fight in equal conditions. Heed our mandate! FIGHT!!
~ The entities begin the match.

The entities don't showcase much personality but are clearly malevolent to an extent, or at least would be defined as malevolent regardless of them and their will being above Superman's "concepts of morality", which shows arrogance more than anything.

They will casually kidnap individuals from other universes and force them to battle to the death, showing a complete disregard for the lives of others, especially since they tell Superman that they'll just summon him again some other time. The desire to entertain themselves also shows some degree of joy related to this disregard for life.


The entities are implied to be primordial beings responsible for the creation of the universes Superman and Goku are part of, and within the comic's continuity it might be true, though the true creator of both realities are known and they aren't these creatures, and even without taking the true creators into the account it could be a lie they tell to the warriors they summon.

They are also implied to have summoned other warriors in the past, their latest bunch being Goku and Superman who at first don't seem to take the entities into account (though in the comic it's unclear when they're thinking and when they're talking). They craft a world based on both their homeworlds, specifically and technically their Earths rather than their original planets of origin.

Svgp05 english by mistermoster d52bp3

The entities watch as the fight begins.

Goku provokes Superman with the destruction of Metropolis after sensing how powerful the Man of Steel is and the battle starts, quaking the planet.

Hmmm... Interesting. Goku can get so excited by a powerful opponent he can actually tell a lie to start a fight...
~ The entities react to Goku provoking Superman by threatening Metropolis.

Goku goes Super Saiyan and the two warriors clash with their most powerful ranged abilities, causing an explosion that leaves the entities impressed and unable to follow the true outcome, and they use their powers to follow the events at a slower speed, realizing Superman has won, though leaving Goku alive which doesn't amuse them as much.

For entertaining them, they fix their clothes, heal them and return them to their universes, to be summoned another day.

Powers and Abilities[]

Svgp01 english by mistermoster d52bf1

The entities teleport Goku and Superman from their respective homeworlds and universes to a new dimension of their own making.

Incredible... It is all over already... But how did it happen? I'm turning back my vision in time... Slowing it down... In order to analyze... To understand... Good... So Superman never really intended to win this match by brute force... He used his heat vision as a diversion... And to... fly through the Kame Hame Ha? Impossible... Concealed by Goku's own attack, Superman tackled him... and carried his foe higher and higher... until the pressure drop... the shortage of air... and the coldness of a thin atmosphere... caused Goku to lose his life... and the battle.
~ The entities analyze how the battle ended.

The entities are godlike beings of immense power, able to create new worlds and perhaps even dimensions for their warriors to fight in and able to transport beings of similarly great potential like Superman and Son Goku away from their universes, though they may not be as impressive as both warriors in some aspects, such as when they became unable to track their movements after an explosive clash. They could still go back in time in their vision to see at a slower pace what occurred, and at no point were they afraid of the power showcased by both of them.

They also claim to be responsible for the creation of both Superman and Goku's universes, though this is very debatable and could be a lie. They still possess knowledge of both warriors to a great extent, aware of both Superman and Goku's best abilities.



  • It's unclear when the story is set, but given Superman's martial arts prowess it'd imply it's set sometime during the 90s (when Superman's martial arts skills were really delved into), though Goku not using higher forms of Super Saiyan could contradict this (even if it's possible Goku simply didn't get the chance to go Super Saiyan 2 or 3 due to Superman ending the battle quickly enough). Granted, both characters could've been taken from different points in time and the Ages of the Dragon Ball world are different than the more realistic calendar used in DC comics.
  • Given the comic's age, these entities are some of the first original villains to be featured in the myriad of Superman VS Goku stories that have been made since at least the late 90s.
  • The comic stems from a colored rendition of a fan art illustration drawn by fellow DeviantArt user Chachaman.