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Villains Fanon Wiki
Villains Fanon Wiki
KingStormlance "King Stormlance has declared that this page is his domain."
This page, Exitium, was written by BrandonDarkOne47. Any original work, images, etc. presented here is therefore theirs under the CC BY-NC-ND license. Please do not add onto, delete, or copy anything on this page without the original author's permission. Thank you.

Humans... monsters... both are pathetic. Just because monsters have better magic, it doesn't mean that they are gods. Just because humans have dominated the surface longer than the monsters, it doesn't mean that they are the superior race. I will show them all... what it truly means to be a god...
~ Exitium.
Do you not get it?! I am doing you all a favor! Life has no meaning. Why do everything you do in life even though it could all end just like that? Why care about anyone? Why do anything? I will give it a meaning; once I destroy this entire multiverse, I will recreate it my image, and you will all be my slaves...
~ Exitium before he destroyed his universe.
~ Exitium.

Exitium is a being of chaos and the main antagonist of the FallenTale AU. He was once a human scientist who sought to become godlike by experimenting with monsters he kidnapped on the surface and his own son. Now, he seeks to become even more powerful and to destroy the entire Undertale Multiverse and recreate it in his own image.



The human who would later become Exitium was born into a wealthy family in one of the many alternate universes to Undertale. At a young age, he seemed to have had a very high intellect. He would later become a scientist when he grew up and he worked for the government on the Surface. He would later marry a woman and have a child with her.

While most people thought he was a good person, he truly wasn't. He thought humanity was lazy and that life was meaningless. He would often lash out at his wife and son and abuse them. He would later kill his wife and frame someone for it. He would also end up experimenting on his son, seeing if any of his experiments affected him at all.

After the monsters returned to the Surface in his universe, he was curious about them. He kidnapped a few of them and experimented on them. He wanted to see if there was any way to be able to gain their powers. He actually was successful in getting one monster's powers, which shocked him a little at first. He then got a few other monster's powers and he became more powerful than before.

He was now able to absorb other monsters and humans powers without using his experiments. His son found out about what he could do, and he tried to stop him. However, due to being weaken from his father's experimental abuse on him, he could not do anything, and his father absorbed his soul, which would end up killing him.

He began absorbing more power across his city, killing those who stood in his way. He continued to absorb other people's magic until he thought he had enough. Due to his strong beliefs of humanity and monsters being worthless, he used all of his power to wipe out all life in his universe. Due to how much energy he used, he could no longer stay in his human form, which would lead him into turning into a dark form.

He found out that there were other universes outside of his through his powers, and he decided to go to those and absorb power there, in order to become godlike. He continues to grow more powerful due to how many universes he has taken power from. He wants to become powerful enough to destroy the entire Undertale multiverse so he can recreate it in his own image. One thing for sure is that he is no longer human.


Exitium is a cruel, selfish and utterly sadistic individual define by his arrogance and self-centered personality. He is also very competitive with his rival Roberto Bellwinter, another renowned scientist who also rivaled his intellect. Wanting to prove himself greater than before all, even to his competitor, even before his mutation he was implied to have a god complex of sorts. His hubris has gotten to the point of making him a control freak, feeling a need to be in charge due to always getting ticked even with the smallest things. Underneath it all is further revealed to be a megalomaniac, a power-hungry madman driven by ambitions and aspiration for godhood. After seeing how Bellwinter ascended to godhood and became "The Unknown", he holds nothing but contempt and jealously, feeling like it should've been him. He attempts to recreate the events leading to Bellwinter's ascension, not caring for the lives he'll destroy or ruin.

Even further showing how horrible he was as a human being as he was a monster, he shown to have always been a misanthrope. Viewing the human race in contempt for their "laziness" with meaningless short-spanned lives. He also holds monsters as no better than lesser beings for him to experiment on and torture on a whim. Further showing a sadist at his core, taunting and murdering his victims at a whim. When he became a monster with immense power, he became even worse. With his megalomania being left unchecked, he became vengeful on those who interfered with his mad quest for power. However, he also is unable to accept responsibility and projects faults onto others, such as his mutation was merely his own fault due to his own miscalculations but choose to blame The Champions for this mistake.


  • His dark form appearance heavily resembles Giygas' from Earthbound. However, Exitium is far worse than Giygas due to having no redeeming qualities and having a moral agency.
    • Ironically, Toby Fox (the creator of the original Undertale) was heavily inspired by Earthbound.
    • Also, the background in the photo of Exitium is actually a bunch of altered versions of Giygas.
  • Exitium is actually Latin for "Destruction."
  • Since he exists in a multiverse, there are actually other versions of him. However, he is the only one who has actually become an evil villain. Even if there are other versions of him, they are not as bad as him.
  • He was inspired by villains such as Isaac Ray Perman Wescott, Bill Cipher, Emperor Palpatine, Giygas, Flowey, Chara, and a few others.
  • He does indeed have an archenemy who has stopped him a few times; he will be talked about eventually.