“ | I block you. You are monster...You ruin my life!!! Moldy I swear to God I block you forever! I'm block you...Do you stop click to friend...Jumpman12- I block you Moldy! | „ |
~ Expunged in "Cheating". |
[DATA_EXPUNGED], better known as Expunged is the main antagonist of the Friday Night Funkin' Mod Vs. Dave and Bambi as well as its fan-made (albeit canon) mod Vs. Dave and Bambi: Golden Apple Edition. He is a powerful 3D entity that takes on a physical form resembling Bambi.
While not much is known about his personality or motivations, what is known is that he is a cruel yet goofy and childish being who tortures those who enter the 3D realm on accident for no known reason. Due to his facial expressions and speech patterns, he's also pretty crazy. He values power and does not like anyone who purposely wastes it/give it up. In Vs. Dave and Bambi: Golden Apple Edition, he has a brother named Bandu who looks up to him and wishes to earn his recognition, although Expunged has yet to give Bandu any approval (so far). Expunged also has no problems eating his brother in order to fight Boyfriend.
In "Cheating", Expunged resembles Bambi with a green hat, red torso and blue legs, although whether this is flesh or clothing remains unconfirmed. He has a wide smile, large glaring eyes and seems to be aggressively shaking.
In "Unfairness", Expunged takes on his most recognized and notable form in which his skin appears to darken (though this is due to the use of Paint 3D's Nether filter), with his hat, torso and legs turning red. The brim of his hat turns dark in color and his hat also gains a pointed tip. He now has a demented grin on his face and seems to be constantly falling apart and putting himself back together again.
In "Exploitation", Expunged takes on its final appearance, which is his true form. He has black skin, a red witch's hat, a single eye on his right, sharp teeth, pointed eyebrows, black shapes that appear to be sleeves and red hands and feet.
In the unofficial song "Applecore" from Vs. Dave and Bambi: Golden Apple Edition, Expunged takes on its Unfairness appearance, but he is much larger and twitches way more chaotically.
Vs Dave and Bambi[]
Expunged has very mysterious origins and appears to have just popped into existence. On that day he saw Bambi's in-game sprite sheet and decided to take on a form similar to Bambi. At an unknown point in time, he tortured someone and found it fun, thus he made up his own purpose, which was explained in "Polygonized". The Terminal reveals that Expunged was created from Dave's powers, however.
Expunged makes his first in-game appearance in "Cheating" in which he takes on his Bambi-like form, during the song he will warp and play around with the game's mechanics to gain advantages, such as having the player taking damage each time Expunged hits a note (in a near identical manner to Vs. Tabi's song, Genocide). Expunged also rearranges each note (except the down note) so they appear in the wrong lanes. He also moves around the notes to confuse the player.
Expunged then appears again in "Unfairness" where he takes on his more traditional red form. Just like before he will use the same tactics against Boyfriend to win. However, he will also do more actions in addition to the previously mentioned mechanics. Whenever he hits a note, Boyfriend's health drains slower than in Cheating. He will also have the Notes and Strike lines circling around the center of the screen, starting the song with maximum health each attempt, turning off ghost tapping automatically, changing the scroll speed of each note, making the player miss notes even when they don't actually miss notes and changing the song to down scroll if up scroll is being used.
When going into the control panel, the player gets the option to give Expunged admin privileges. Upon doing so will cause Expunged to crash the game while laughing. Rebooting the game will show Expunged having corrupted the entire mod, and to access the mod normally, Boyfriend will have to face off against him in the secret song "Exploitation", in which he will reveal his true form. Throughout the song he will use similar mechanics to previous songs, but will randomly change the positions of the notes, forcing them into patterns of movement or random locations. Halfway through the song he will shrink the game window and proceed to leave it all together, flying around on the player's desktop. After beating the song, the mod returns to normal, but it is assumed Expunged is still roaming around in the player's computer.
Vs. Dave and Bambi: Golden Apple Edition[]
Expunged makes another appearance in "Applecore" where after Bambi interrupts Bandu by invading his dimension, Expunged himself invades by turning the background red and using all mechanics he used in "Unfairness". He then grows to a massive size from behind Girlfriend's speakers and then eats Bandu and Bambi mid-song in order to fight Boyfriend himself. Hinted at by his dialogue of 'never coming back again', Expunged never makes a proper appearance outside this song within the mod.
- Expunged during "Exploitation" would reveal the username set on your computer. In this case, "You won't survive, Boyfriend!"
- Contrary to popular belief, Expunged is not stronger than Shaggy.
- Expunged does have more control in "computer files corrupting" than Monika.
- Expunged is more powerful than Dave as seen by the things it does to the notes in Cheating and Unfairness.
- Expunged looks like Bambi because Bambi's joke sprite sheet was the first one Expunged saw when it came into being.
- Its voice sounds like Bambi's.
- The reason Expunged sounds like Bambi is because they lacked their own voice at the time.
- Its voice sounds like Bambi's.
- Originally, the character select menu mistakenly referred to Expunged as "3D Bambi".
- This has been fixed in 3.0.
- Expunged has the ability to take any asset from the mod and use or mess with them however it wants.
- The appearance of Expunged during Unfairness is due to him corrupting 3D Bambi's sprite sheet.
- It can do this with all sprite sheets or assets as well as take their form.
- Expunged can summon the Bambi Minions at will.
- This means they're canon to the original mod as well, not only Vs. Dave and Bambi: Golden Apple Edition.
- Expunged's original purpose is to torture whoever accidentally enters the 3D world as seen in "Polygonized".
- It made up its own purpose because it thought it was fun the first time it did it.
- However, now Expunged does not care to have a purpose.
- Expunged has a brother named Bandu who is only canon in Vs. Dave and Bambi: Golden Apple Edition.
- Expunged's True Form is based on his lore and is made by his creator.
- Expunged can escape the game, as seen in Exploitation when he exits the window.
- Cheating Expunged doesn't have hands, contrary to popular belief.
- Expunged has a proto form that is not seen in game but is only mentioned in a lore document named "davetabase-birthday".
- Expunged has no gender, nor sexuality.
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