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The Flood are the titular main antagonistic faction of the 2024 mod of the 2009 video game Halo 3: ODST: Five Nights With the Flood.

They are a parasitic infection who make their arrival to New Mombasa during the battle and eventually infected a marine, a Jiralhanae and a Sangheili as well as gaining a Stalker pure form to help them.


As parasitic organisms, the Flood are fleshy aliens who take the body of any form that mutates the host. As combat forms, they have rotten and decaying skin, large claws, brains as heads with and pedals for their eyes. The pure form, Stalker, shares similar chararteristics with claws, rotten skin and pedals for eyes but isn't a combat form however.

Notable Members[]



The Flood originally started as the Precursors who created all life in the galaxy where they position the Forerunners as the holders of the Mantle. However, they eventually find the Forerunners unworthy of the Mantle and planned on wiping out the Forerunners to extinction, which was soon mistakenly found out by the Forerunners. To prevent the Precursors from committing genocide, the Forerunners had to deal with them in a gruesome war which results in not only defeating the Precursors but put them in near-extinction. Some of the surviving Precursors went to hiding while others faded to powdered to dust where they eventually become the Flood and begin their dominance to take over the galaxy by consuming all life most specically the Forerunners.

In time when all hope seems lost, the Forerunners built the Halo Array of Halos. ring-shaped fortress worlds that are designed to defeat the Flood by killing of their food supply. With the Rings activated, the Array begins, killing all life and defeating the Flood. As the surviving Flood were held in containment in the rings for study by the Monitors, the surviving Forerunners then reseed the galaxy and give their title of the Mantle to humanity before exiling themselves to a distant galaxy.

During the Battle of Installation 04 in the final year of the Human-Covenant War, the Flood were both encountered by the UNSC and the Covenant after the Covenant mistakenly release them and had Jacob Keyes captured and taken to a Proto-Gravemind where the Gravemind would telepathically using Keyes to give him the information through his memories. The Master Chief arrives and puts Jacob Keyes out his misery and with luck, manage to destroy the Pillar of Autumn which destroys the ring in the progress, defeating the Flood on it.

The UNSC and the Covenant soon encountered the Flood again on Installation 05 when Thel acciddntally released the Flood in the Quaratine Zone while in a race for the Index which falls to the hands of Tartarus before he and his Jiralhanae betrayed him and the other Sangheili. Using a reanimated Regret, the Flood reached High Chairity where they infested the entire city with one ship escaping to Voi on Earth where the Flood outbreak spreads. FOrtunately for the UNSC, the Sangheili under Thel's leadership arrived stopping the Flood and joined the UNSC on the assault against the Covenant which the Flood would soon also follow them at. With the Covenant defeated, the Flood remain the only opposition the galaxy ever faces until the Master Chief destroys Installation 00 using Installation 08's premmature firing sequence thus defeat a majority of the Flood while the surviving Flood were contained in a bubble around the destructed High Chairity.

Unknown to some, one particular group of Flood infector forms survived and escaped the onsalught as they manage to find and infected a standard marine, a Jiralhanae and Sangheili, becoming the human combat form, Jiralhanae combat and Sangheili combat forms known simply as Human, Brute and Elite while they also form a Stalker pure form known as Stalker. Togehter, they work their way on roaming Tayari Plaza at night to search for potential more victims. The unnamed protagonist, an ODST, was assigned to watch over the Plaza during the nightshift to watch for alien activity.

Five Nights With the Flood[]

In night one, Human was the first Flood form to be active during the first night. He would make some attempts to try to kill then infect the protsgonist to make him one of thd Flood. Unnarmed, the protagonist relied on shutting doors to prevent him from entering the office while carefully doing his best to save his power. After reaching 6AM, Human goes into hiding. The protagonist gave information about what he see and the body odor, but they ended up capturing the wrong suspect who is a Jiralhanae and the Phone Guy who the protagonist speaks to shows some confusion.

In night two, Human returned as he is active once again this time with Brute also active in the night. While Human remains focus on both doors, Brute remains focused on preparing to infect the protagonist through only the left door while the protagonist keeps on doing this to prevent him from reaching the office. With the time shifting to 6AM, the protagonist informs about the same alien with another, but Phone Guy remained confused about his explanation unsure what was going on after being told that the suspect remains in captivity and leaves him a message to give information about the aliens he encountered and to give further information of their appearance.

In night three, Elite joined both Human and Brute as they become active in the night. With Human and Brute doing their usual attempt to infect the protagonist, Elite will make his own attempt to reach the protagonist through the right door to kill and infect him before being blocked by the protagonist. This will go on for a few times before the shift reaches 6AM, the protagonist gives the information of what he sees to the Phone Guy. After the information was given, the UNSC soon wished to takeoever and the Phone Guy leaves the protagonist a message to finish the nightshift and see what he can do to give him the dayshift.

In night four, Stalker would join the others on their hunt to infect the protagonist. With all Flood forms taking their moments to attempt to reach the protagonist, Stalker will remain at the storage entrance with having two alternatives. Stalker will either chose the left side or the right side to attempt to breach the office. The protagonist had to keep a careful watch on Stalker to prevent him from escapinv being unnoticed. When unnoticed, Stalker will make his way to reach either side of the path to the door where the Portagonist has to close one of the doors to prefent him from entering. When blocked from either door, Stalker will return to the storage entrance to wait for his next move to either which way he goes. With 6AM, the Phone Guy would leave a message that the protagonist will have the dayshift on Sunday and informed that the UNSC took a very close look of the case and are growing concern and brought their Sangheili allies to help out looking for this case during the dayshift.

In night five, the protagonist gets the message from the Phone Guy and noticed the Flood forms now more active than before. The Flood forms desperately make their next attempt to ensure they try to get him even if it means to try to drain enough of the power in the plaza. Even if they try to drain enough power for their advantage, that didn't stop the protagonist from saving some power left in the doors to keep them away from the office. The shift then reaches to 6AM where the protagonist leaves for both the UNSC and Swords of Sanghelios to make a gruesome discovery about the Flood. Because of this discovery, the Superintendent had the city in lockdown to prevent anyone from becoming infected by the Flood.

In night six, the protagonist returns with the Phone Guy leaving him one final messsage as he sounded terrified about him and explain the situation going on in New Mombasa and lets him know the Swords of Sanghelios have shown great concern about the outbreak while still unaware of the cause. He then tells him to wait here until the Swords of Sangheilios arrived where the protagonist now has to wait until the shift is over from the aggressive Flood quartet. This would go on until the night had reached to 6AM for the final time where the Flood soon roared because of the help from the Swords arriving to save the protagonist and stopping the Flood. With the Flood quartet all defeated, a member of the rescue team approaches to the protagonist and the protagonist follows him and the rest to safety.




  • Due to some ongoing bugs, it was confirmed thst the bugs will be fixed in an update and with that the 7th night will be called DEV night which is 5th Night again except with the AI to never fail their movement check and resume their check each one to one point five to two seconds.
    • Despite this confirmed to be not a bug, the Flood AI despawned when then power is run out. It is likely that this may be an upcoming death sequence in the upcoming update.
  • As a Halo/FNAF crossover mod, the Flood do not possess a jumpscare as they instead instantly kill the player by striking at them which results to a death sequence as from the Halo games and restarting the night.


           FiveNightsAtFreddy's Villains

Disambiguation Pages
Bonnie | Chica | Foxy | Freddy Fazbear | Glitchtrap | RXQ | The Mimic | William Afton

Dayshift at Freddy's
Jack Kennedy | Dr. Henry Miller | Dave Miller | Steven Stevenson | Golden Freddy | Godred | Breadbear | Farfour | Nightman | Man in Candy the Cat Suit

The Joy of Creation
The Ignited (Ignited Freddy | Ignited Bonnie | Ignited Chica | Ignited Foxy | Ignited Golden Freddy) | Fallen Endoskeletons | Creation | Ignited Springtrap | Michael

The Return to Freddy's
Freddy Fazbear | Bonnie the Bunny | Chica the Chicken | Foxy the Pirate | Golden Freddy | Shadow Dug | Ghoul Balloon Boy | Shadow Lockjaw | Vincent | Kitty FazCat | Sugar the Cat | Dug the Dog | Lockjaw/The Puppet (book) | Vigo the Snake | Grön Takaliken (book) | Showbiz Lockjaw | Showbiz Freddy | Showbiz Bonnie | Showbiz Kitty | Koly the Koala | Sally the Panda | Purple Freddy | Alison Bäirren | Tortured Animatronics | (Tortured Freddy | Tortured Bonnie | Tortured Chica | Tortured Foxy | Torture Device | Tortured Sugar | Tortured Buster | Tortured Vigo | Tortured Saber | Tortured Dug | Tortured Sally | Tortured Koly | Tortured Puppet | Tortured Fang | Tortured Toony | Tortured Chuck | Tortured Nightbird | Tortured Butcher Boy) | The Slaughter Crew (The Beast, Tortured Saber, Tortured Buster) | DO NOT ACCESS | Fairytale Ty | The Stalker | Femjaw

Insane Freddy | Insane Bonnie | Insane Chica | Insane Foxy | Insane Springbonnie | Yellow Bear | Tophat | Insanity

Those Nights at Rachel's
Rachel the Rabbit | Doug the Dog | Pete the Pig | Bane the Bull | Ray the Raccoon | The Thing

Five Nights at F***boy's
Balloon Boy | The Puppet | Golden Freddy | Toy Freddy | Splash Woman | Vile | Springtrap

Bondee's Barnyard: Safety Violation
Bondee the Farmer | Grise the Pig | Fourly the Sheep | Chickling the Chicken | Mother | Pablo the Turtle | Tory the Bull | Geet the Goat | Grizzly

Bubba’s Diner
Bubba | Porkpatch | Mr. Giggles | Smiley | Bubtrap

Playtime with Percy
Pal Percy | Percy Poodle | Charlie Cat | Mother Moose | Farmer Felix | Rowen Rat | Playful Poodles | Poodle Pals | Tama-Terrors | Sunny Sheep | Helios | Polly Possum | Truman | Yellow Mutt

Tyke and Sons Lumber Co.
Seabob | Killtimber | Springcrab | Seabilly | Happyshroom

FNAF Five Nights
Purple Dong | Glitchtrap
Freddy Fazbear | Bonnie the Bunny | Foxy | Chica the Chicken | Toy Freddy | Toy Chica | Toy Bonnie | The Puppet | Mangle | Withered Freddy | Withered Foxy | Withered Bonnie | Withered Chica | Endo-02 | Springtrap | Phantom Freddy | Phantom Foxy | Phantom Puppet | Phantom Balloon Boy | Nightmare Fredbear | Nightmare | Nightmare Chica | Funtime Freddy | Bon-Bon | Funtime Foxy | Ennard | Freddy Frostbear | Glitch-Bon | Endo-03

Purpleman's Funhouse
William Afton | Flesh Bonnie | Funhouse Chica | Funhouse Freddy

Five Nights at Prototype Fredbear's
Prototype Fredbear | Shadow Fredbear | Lolbit | Springbonnie | Bonnet | Shadow Afton | Shadow Kennedy | HIM | Springfreddy/Jack Kennedy

Fredbear's Fright
Fright | Fredbear | Springbonnie | The Prototype | Hand Puppets | Scrapped Fredbear | Scrapped Mousiki | William Afton

Five Nights to Remember
Fredbear | SpringBonnie | H.I.M | Vision Freddy | Vision Bonnie | Vision Chica | Vision Foxy | Corpse | Bunnie | Ben | Bite | Stan | Yellow Bear | Shadow Fredbear | Shadow Bonnie

Final Nights
The Brother | Withered Fredbear | Withered Springbonnie | William Afton | Burnt Freddy | Burnt Bonnie | Burnt Chica | Burnt Foxy | G BB | Shadow Fredbear | Shadow Springbonnie | Fredbear Plush | Reaper Springbonnie | Reaper Puppet | Reaper Balloon Boy | Reaper Mangle | Reaper Golden Freddy | Reaper Toy Chica | Grimm Chica | Grimm Fredbear | Shadow Bonnie | Puppet Master & Puppets | Fredbear Springbonnie | Proto Spring Bonnie | Proto Spring Freddy | Insane Freddy | Insane Bonnie

Garvey Write | Havoc Freddy | Havoc Chica | Havoc Foxy | Havoc BB | Havoc JJ | Havoc Puppet | Soulcage | AMIREAL | Golden Call | Dawnbreaker | Springlitch | B.O.A | Cake Bear | Molten Evil

Five Nights at Freddy's: Rewritten
The Missing Children
Freddy Fazbear | Bonnie the Bunny | Chica the Chicken | Foxy the Pirate | Golden Freddy |
Toy Animatronics
Toy Freddy | Toy Bonnie | Toy Chica | Mangle | Balloon Boy | The Puppet
William Afton

Five Nights at Ronald's
Ronald McDonald | Hamburglar | Grimace | Birdie | Mayor McCheese | Inflatable Ronald | Photo Negative McCheese | John Hilbert

Five Nights at Pingas
Dr. Eggman | Scratch | Sanic | Mexican Satan | Vegeta Lord Gabe

Five Nights at Tubbyland
Tinky Winky | Dipsy | Laa-Laa | Po | Noo-Noo | Po 2.0 | Prototype Tinky Winky | Prototype Dipsy | Prototype Laa-Laa | Prototype Po | The Original | The CEO | Decimated | PTLD-93 | Employee 3 | Employee 6

Five Nights at Pokémon's
Pokétronics | Ursaring | Lopunny | Combusken | Zoroark | Shiny Ursaring | Toy Ursaring | Toy Lopunny | Toy Combusken | Pory-Mangle | Banette | Mew | Pikachu

Five Nights at Chuck E. Cheese's
Chuck E. Cheese | Jasper T. Jowls | Mr. Munch | Helen Henny | Pasqually | Crusty the Cat | Costume | Munch Jr. | The Bear | Dolli Dimples | Modern Chuck E. Cheese

Mario in Animatronic Horror
Michael Afton | William Afton | Freddy Fazbear | Bonnie the Bunny | Chica the Chicken | Foxy the Pirate Fox | Golden Freddy | Plushtrap | Nightmare BB | Nightmare Bonnie | Nightmare Chica | Nightmare Cupcake | Nightmare Foxy

Five Nights at Yoshi's
Yoshi | Daniel | Onion | Chilli | Scrappy | Inverted Yoshi | Jhon | Spindly

Five Nights with Mac Tonight
Mac Tonight | Hamburglar | Ronald McDonald | Mayor McCheese | Grimace | Chris | Birdie | Captain Crook | Speedee | Uncle O' Grimacey | Halloween Characters | Corrupt

Fun Times at Homer's
Homer Simptronic | Marge Simptronic | Maggie Doll | Bart Simptronic | Lisa Simptronic | Hugo Simptronic (Lendof Yupoo) | Ghost Abe Grandpie | Patty & Selma | Robo Pig | Balloon Nelson | Security Apu | Fnas The Edge | New Milhouse | New Nedlyonette | Old Romer Botson | Old Marje Botson | Old Barto Botson | Old Liza Botson | New Large Krust | New Maggie and Old Meggie | Old Golden Ruhma | Dark Homero | Kwyjibo | Suitcage | Ratbort | Lucy | Coffe | Victor | Lisart
Mr. Burns | Waylon Smithers | Sideshow Bob
Old Hans Consequences | Princess (Cyborwave's Dog)

Five Nights at Smudger's
Smudger | Albert | Bully Engines | Stanley | Smoother the Masked Engine

Five Nights With the Flood
Human | Brute | Elite | Stalker

Five Nights In Copper 9
Disassembly Drones
J | V | N
Zombie Drones

Five Hours On Copper 9
Disassembly Drones
J | V | N
Zombie Drones
Cyn | Uzi | Doll

Joke Games
Stop Bullying
Toy Bonnie | Foxy
One night with a box
Marcell Davis | Bubu | Boxes | Black Stickman | Black Stickman | Crowbar and Gaybar | Spring Box | Box Entertainment | Rhadamus | Walkie Talkie Guy | Toonster | Thomastis | Box | The NightGuard
Purple Fright
Laporté Bluey | Marionette (Purple Fright) | The Twisted Ones (Purple Fright)

Ringmaster | Old Lionel | Raider | Clownbert | Circus Entertainment

The Return to Freddy's: Reawakened
Freddy Fazbear | Bonnie the Bunny | Chica the Chicken | Foxy the Pirate | The Puppet | Golden Freddy | Sugar the Cat | Balloon Boy | Vincent Peterson

Peashooter Nights
Peashooter | Sunflower | Wallnut | Chomper | Potato Mine | Cactus | Puff-Shroom | Old Peashooter | Scaredy Shroom | HIM | Flora |

a Week with Javier
Javier | Mr. Monarka | Violet | Matty | Mindy | Mike | Jacky | Evil Javier | The Destroyed | Milk | The Beast | Dark Javier | FNAF_Bluerro | Soul Eater

a Week with Javier 2: a New Season
Funtoon Javier | Funtoon Mr Monarka | Funtoon Violet | Funtoon Matty | Funtoon Mindy | Funtoon Mike | Funtoon Jacky | Lily The Jester | The Cyangle
Old Cyangle | Dark Mr. Monarka |
A Week With Javier 3: The Scrapped Ones
Jeff | Liz | Tom | Zack | Darknette Shattered Cyangle | Shattered Milk | Shattered Yogurt | Shattered Jack | The Ravager | Mr. Springlock | Shattered Evil Javier | The Lost One |

The Marionette | Scott | Nightmare | Andrew Masters

Mike's New Ghostly Family
William Afton (Glitchtrap, other Glitchtraps) | The Nightmares (Nightmare, Nightmarionne, Nightmare Fredbear, Nightmare Freddy, Freddles, Nightmare Bonnie, Nightmare Chica, Nightmare Foxy, Plushtrap, Nightmare B.B., Nightmare Mangle) | Funtime animatronics (Bidybabs, Electrobab, Minireenas, Bonnet) | Vucarik | Fazbear Entertainment | Toy Bonnie

ShadowLL's Five Night's at Freddy's
Mike Schmidt | Bonnie the Bunny | The Puppet | Golden Freddy | Bonbon

Snonk's Fnafverse
The Shadow | William Afton | Funtime Freddy | Prototype Freddy

Crazybird101's Joy of Creation
Freddy Fazbear | Bonnie the Bunny

Wyatt Boi's FNaF
William Afton| Glitchtrap| Fredbear| Vincent Afton| Edward Afton| Eleanor Schmidt| Michael Afton| Elizabeth Afton| Terrence Afton| Bill Afton (Wyatt Boi)| Dave Afton| Old Sport| Phone Guy| Grön Takaliken| Henry Emily

Web Videos
Five Nights at Freddy's: The Musical
Henry Emily | AJ/Purple Guy | Glitchtrap | Springtrap | Vanny | Trash and the Gang | Circus Baby
Redbear | Fredbear | Monster Baby | Tangle | White Rabbit

The Special Strike
Shadow Army (The Chief, RXQ, The General, Shadow Droids, Shadow Mecha) | Glitchtrap's Gang (Glitchtrap) | The Observer

Tony Crynight's Five Nights at Freddy's
Fredbear | Springtrap | Mangle

Game Theory's Ultimate Timeline
William Afton | Clara Afton | Elizabeth Afton | Cassidy

Springtrap | Nightmares (Nightmare | Nightmare Fredbear | Nightmare Freddy | Nightmare Bonnie | Nightmare Chica | Nightmare Cupcake | Nightmare Foxy | Plushtrap | Jack-O-Bonnie | Jack-O-Chica | Pumpkin | Nightmare Mangle | Nightmare BB | Nightmarionne) | Phantoms (Phantom Freddy | Phantom Foxy | Phantom Chica | Phantom BB | Phantom Mangle | Phantom Puppet) | Fredbear Plushie | Bubba | Auto-Chipper | Bouncer | Seagoon | Eyesore | Mad Endo | Security | Chipper | Scott Cawthon | Simon | Tattletail | Music Man | Scrap Baby | The Scooper | Candy Cadet | Minireenas | Lolbit | Mr. Hugs | Funtime Candy | Glitchtrap | L.O.L.Z.H.A.X | The Mimic

Freddy Fazbear and Friends
Bonnie the Bunny | Chica the Chicken | Toy Bonnie | Nightmare Foxy | Nightmare Freddy | Nightmare Bonnie | Nightmare Chica | Lolbit | Ennard | RXQ/Agony | Nightmarionne | Cake Monster | Bowser. Jr | Bitsy

Five Nights at Freddy's Ransomware
Sedy | 7XORG

NQ Productions
William Afton | Michael Afton

Freddy Fazbear's Gang (Freddy Fazbear | Bonnie | Chica | Foxy | Golden Freddy) | Toy Freddy | Toy Bonnie | Toy Chica

Beanie Bros
Freddy Fazbear | Bonnie

Five Nights at Freddy's: The Stories
Nightmare | Nightmare Bonnie (Zajcu37) | Nightmare Mangle | Nightmare Balloon Boy | Mangle | Springtrap | Plushtrap | Hunters | Keepers | Golden Freddy

An Undeniably Canon Five Nights at Freddy's Timeline
Afton Family (William Afton | Michael Afton | Eleanor Schmidt | Elizabeth Afton| Crying Child) | Afton Robotics, LLC | Fritz Smith | Phone Dude | Missing Children | Ferdinand Von Bernard | Shadow Freddy & Shadow Bonnie | The Bears | Andrew | Phineas Taggart | Silver Parasol Games
Five Nights at Freddy's (by HuxRen123)
Vanny | Funtime Freddy | Freddy Fazbear | Chica | Bonnie | Foxy | The Mimic

The Interviewed
Cassidy | Ennard | G.E.M.S | Lefty | Major | Nightmare Bonnie | Phantom Animatronics | Toy Bonnie & Toy Chica | William Afton

Stolen Childhoods
William Afton | Freddy Fazbear | Toy Bonnie

FNaF Raps
William Afton | Nightmare Animatronics | Phantom Animatronics | Funtime Animatronics

William Afton | Circus Baby | Funtime Freddy | Ballora | Funtime Foxy | Ennard | Nightmare Animatronics | Nightmare Fredbear | Chica | Foxy | Springbonnie

The Stupendium
William Afton | Molten Freddy | Scrap Baby

After Hours Remake
Cassidy | William Afton | The Animatronics

LunaticHugo Trilogy
William Afton | Fredbear

Five Night Music
The Cupcakes (Bad Cupcake) | William Afton (Salvaged Rage)


Rizz Records
P Diddy

The Attraction | Veronica | Mike (Fazbear & Friends) | William Afton (Fredbear's) | Glitchtrap (Darkest Desire) | Bonnie the Rabbit (Random Plush) | Scrap Baby (Awesome Plush Productions) | Charles Cooper | William Afton (William Afton's Life Animated) | Activulpine | John Smith and Abel Hynes | William Afton (Springtrapped!) | Sparky the Dog | William Afton (Andiematronic's Theory) | Vanimikoleena The Inconsistent | Bloodbear (Zajcu37 Archiv)

See Also
JOLLY Villains | Fazbear Fanverse Villains | Five Nights at Creeper's Villains | Five Nights at Sonic's Villains | Five Nights at Treasure Island Villains | Five Nights at Wario's Villains | Five Nights at the Krusty Krab Villains | Five Nights in Anime Villains | The Return to Freddy's Villains | FNaF VHS Villains | POPGOES Villains | FNAFHS Villains | Xman 723 Villains

             Halo (series) logo.svg Villains

(Thel 'Vadamee | Rtas 'Vadumee | Usze 'Tahamee | Zuka 'Zamamee | Lepidus)
(Guilty Spark | Sentinels)
Jackal's Journey
Spec Ops
(The G-Man | Spartans | Flood | Sentinels | Marines)
Mythic Overhaul
(Prophet of Truth | Ravarrus | Ignis Brothers | Yapflip | Caze 'Kayam | Cethegus)
(Gravemind | Infected Arbiters)
(Guity Spark | Sentinels)
Storm Covenant
(The Didact | Jul 'Mdama | Gek 'Lhar | Endurance of Will | Vykan 'Vurum | Parg Vol | Prometheans)
Del Rio
Halo 3: New Covenant
New Covenant
(The Warlord| Thuro 'Vadam)
Halo 4: Genesong Cut
Storm Covenant
(The Didact | Prometheans)
Del Rio
The Prophets' Hand
The Prophets' Hand
Halo 4: Reclaimer
Storm Covenant
The Didact | Jul 'Mdama | Prometheans
Del Rio
Operation Takedown
Echo Ops
Storm Covenant
The Didact | Prometheans
Crossover Mods
Five Nights With the Flood
Human | Brute | Elite | Stalker
Doom 2553
Maledict | Sabaoth | Cyberdemon | Guardian of Hell and Seekers | Vagary
Halo Kart
Guilty Kart

Fan Games
Halo 2600
Covenant Ship
Halo: Combat Devolved
Breaking Quarantine
Flash Halo

Fan Films
Covenant vs Locust
Halo: Lost Wolves
Halo: Megatron Unearthed
Halo: Fireteam Expendable
Jenna-102 | Elite Commander | Yalp | Nogog

Fan Comics
Halo: Created
Cortana | Prometheans
War Torn
Rula 'Ujil

Elites of War
Legionary Coalition
(Gharst 'Omelum | Jan 'Coldrun | Damk 'Moramee | Fleet Admiral Krata | Admiral Lumier | Gregory Recko | Captain Exavier | T'kan Ghan | Captain Tak | Baka | Penelopy | Legion Stormtroopers)
The Alliance
(Ritak 'Vamalee | Tokra 'Bemunee | Battre 'Gammee | Maso 'Vulsamee | Alxe 'Xiphiamee | Ra'ak 'Tulamee | Marshal 'Batonee | Elder 'Rikatee)
Prophet of Truth | Guard
(Admiral Bass | Admiral Delson | Agent Doe | Johnathan Reed | Colonel Swagger | Captain | Sergeant Hicks | Private Jenkins)
Black Raiders | Senator Wilks
The Running Dead
Lazy Bunch
Anderson | Fields | Delilah
