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Villains Fanon Wiki

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Well, silly. I want you to learn the lesson I died to learn. We’re going to try a little exercise, if you don’t mind. […] I’m going to attack you, Papyrus. For real. And I want you to fight me. I want you to fight me for real. I want to see what you can do when you don’t pull your punches. […] I know you don’t, friend, but if you don’t, then I’ll have to find another way to teach you the lesson. Now, I know the great Papyrus wouldn’t dream of running away like a coward, would he? Because that would disappoint me. […] Of course we are, silly goose. You are my favourite, after all. Now, are you ready to fight like your life depends on it? Because guess what? It does.
~ Flowey begins abusing Papyrus.

Asriel Dreemurr, better known as Flowey the Flower, is the titular main antagonist of the Undertale fanfiction Flowey Is Not a Good Life Coach/A Thorn In My Side.

While playing around with the timeline, Flowey decides to have "fun" with Papyrus by torturing and abusing him to make him stronger.


In the Chapter 1, Flowey is seen talking with Papyrus, until he suddenly told him that he died once. And that he became a flower in underground. Flowey then forces Papyrus to fight him, in order to teach Papyrus the lesson that he died to learn. After catching up a little bit, Flowey lets Papyrus go to have his lessons with Undyne, while deciding to give him lessons few times a week. Just before he leaves, Flowey told Papyrus that either he keeps the secret, or he'll kill him and anyone he had told.

At the end of Chapter 3, Flowey asks Papyrus how was the training, and reminded him about their training before leaving. Next day, Flowey feels delighted to have Papyrus train with him, while overhearing him and Sans arguing. Before getting started, Papyrus tried to convince Flowey to stop what they're doing right now, but Flowey stops him before he can finish. Flowey then asks Papyrus if he thinks he is the one in control, before attacking him to start the fight. When Flowey was down, Papyrus tries to heal him, but Flowey pushes him aside and asks why he stopped attacking. As Papyrus pleads him to stop, Flowey calmed down and gently slip his vines onto Papyrus' left arm, before breaking it. Papyrus screamed in agony, and Flowey tries to calm him down by telling that he won't tell anyone.

In Chapter 7, while Papyrus and Undyne are training, Flowey appears and waves at the skeleton with a sadistic grin. Papyrus then accidentally makes his attacks stronger and he accidentally hurts Undyne in the process. Later, after sending Undyne to Sans for care, Papyrus confronts Flowey and calls him a horrible little weed for what he did, and Flowey taunts him by asking if that's a good idea to give him orders. Since Papyrus asked for his arm to be broken again and the joy of finally making him snap, they both fight again, Flowey is gleeful as Papyrus finally wants to hurt him. During the fight, Papyrus gets a call from Undyne, as she is not mad for what happened besides the fact that she will stay home for a week. After the call, Papyrus tells Flowey that the flower doesn’t care about Undyne, then Flowey sarcastically responds that he cares about him and that this is the first opportunity to show Undyne that he’s more useful than the rest of the idiots in the guard. Despite Papyrus claiming that he doesn’t want to be Captain, Flowey assures him that he wants to. Before going underground, Flowey warns him about having some information about something important.

After some time, the two have a conservation about how Sans made Papyrus missed the practice, then shames Papyrus for almost killing his brother last night, and then pops out his jaw joint and tells Papyrus that killing Sans would almost be a relief because he wouldn’t have to worry about him. He also mentioned how his sibling (Chara) once dislocated his shoulder and his father fixed it. He then tells Papyrus that he (Flowey) is a big loser and a failure for failing to take the six human SOULs. Papyrus soon realizes that Flowey is actually Asriel Dreemurr, but the flower tells him to be quiet. Sans appears and Flowey goes behind the trees. When the brothers hug each other, Flowey thinks they are idiots.

In another training, Flowey is surprised to learn that Papyrus doesn’t wear his armor, but the skeleton explains that he’s off patrol as Undyne found out about his damage on the jaw and arm. Flowey tells Papyrus that if he died, Sans would do nothing. Flowey then tells him to attack him with all he’s got, and he won’t counterattack, as something new for once. When Papyrus asks what was the surface like, Flowey has memories of carrying Chara to the village. As Papyrus can use Gaster Blasters now, Flowey decided to throw him in the snow until he implies that he would go to Sans' house and try to drag him out just to see the blaster. Papyrus was angered and shot Flowey with the blaster, as Flowey is satisfied and that he chipped Papyrus' vertebra during the fight. Papyrus hated to admit how Flowey's trainings actually helped him and overcome his usual tantrums, Flowey then gave him a few nights off as reward.

In Chapter 20, Flowey meets Papyrus in Waterfall. Flowey mentions that Chara would say some pretty awful things when they're arguing. Papyrus also grew tougher and harsher, as seen when he visited Undyne. Flowey then meets Papyrus again when he’s at his new home for a quick talk, mentioning that Asgore is pathetic. Because of the physical injuries Papyrus sustained from his and Flowey's training and Sans' nature to hide things, he is framed for abusing Papyrus and is promptly arrested by Undyne. When learning of this, Flowey sadistically laughs at this. Back at the practice, Flowey promises that he’ll go easy on Papyrus due to seeing the funniest thing he saw in years. But they don’t fight at all because Papyrus started crying and then has fallen asleep.

As in Chapter 22, Flowey admits that he stole some Nice Cream for Papyrus so he can have a breakfast. The narration also tells that Flowey killed Papyrus or left him alone to grieve in countless timelines. A bit later, he tells Papyrus to kill a female Snowdrake. Papyrus refuses and points out that the Snowdrake is a child. Flowey tells Papyrus that if he won’t kill the Snowdrake, he will kill Papyrus. Papyrus realizes Flowey will never be satisfied. He lets the Snowdrake run away. He then punishes Papyrus by breaking his hand four times for not killing the Snowdrake. Flowey then orders him to kill a Moldsmal in which Papyrus refuses as well. Flowey then threatens him that if he won’t kill the Moldsmal, he will just order him to kill a different Monster each time until he does it. He also tells him that he wants Papyrus to kill something simply because he wants to see it.

Flowey decides to punish Papyrus by killing the Moldsmal himself. He then threatens Papyrus by saying that if he won’t kill the next thing, Flowey will kill everyone he loves. Sans eventually finds Papyrus, and then Flowey appears. As Sans realizes Flowey's the one who is responsible for Papyrus' injuries and his arrest, they both fight. Papyrus eventually heals and hits Flowey, making him blue. Sans teleports himself and Papyrus away from the attacks. When Papyrus finally confirms that Flowey was hurting him, Sans fully intends on killing Flowey. With the help of Undyne, Dogamy and Dogaressa, Papyrus successfully defeating and killing Flowey. Flowey spends his final moments being happy that his best friend gained LOVE from his death.


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Flowey (FINAGLC)

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