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Villains Fanon Wiki

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The "Sonic logo" in the VHS'
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Needlemouse found something very brutal for those with a weak heart. The page Governor Rodger Maxwell (Original) contains mature content that may include coarse language, sexual references, and/or graphic images which may be disturbing to some. Mature pages are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older.
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NOTE: This page is only about how he was depicted in the original version of All For Luz. For his Redux version, see here

Governor Rodger Maxwell, aka The Governor is the main antagonist of season 1 of the original crossover fanfic All For Luz. He is the governor of Connecticut, who wishes to wipe all superpowers kids from the country, or at least his state and sets up a death game on Reality Check Summer Camp in order to kill off the superpowered kids in Gravesfield.


Rodger Maxwell is shown to be a smug, xenophobic and sadistic man who holds his authority above everyone else. He shows to have a complete hatred of quirks when they started popping up and wished to have them completely wiped out. He shows to sadistically and callously manipulate anyone, holding a billion cash prize to those who win, revealing to have lied about it to cover up his real goal, which is to completely wipe out kids with superpowers in the country, or at the very least his own state. Overall, Maxwell’s actions are simply derived by his own disdain for superpowers and wishes them gone.


When superpowers started awakening in kids, Governor Maxwell decided to wipe out all the children from his state, going behind the government’s back to make a plan to wipe them out. With help from The Wittebane Mega church, Maxwell took over Reality Check Summer Camp and created it to become a death game where the super powered campers would fight each other to death.

Kidnapping the 33 kids from the camp, Maxwell explains the rules of the games, splitting them into 3 groups of 11, having them do a war game where they would have to kill them, with the 11 kids having to go free and would likely be turned into child soldiers for the government.

Witnessing the power Luz has through All For One, The Governor decides to manipulate the two camps into committing a slaughter on Luz’ team by offering them a billion dollars, wanting to have Luz to snap and Mass kill everyone, while stealing their power before Maxwell bombs Luz to destroy it, having plans to use the opportunity of chaos around the country to wipe out all superhero’s from his state, and possibly convince the government to do it nation wide. However, as a mentally snapped Luz slaughters dozens of the campers during the bloodshed, the government intervenes and rescues her along with 5 remaining campers, and Rodger Maxwell is arrested for his crimes, being sent to life in prison his horrific crimes with no parole.

He is then confirmed to have been killed the massive explosion at the climax of the fight between Hunter and Luz in Season 2.


  • According to the creator, Rodger Maxwell was based on real-world governors and politicians such as Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis.
  • During his prison time, Governor Maxwell shared a cell with a man named Bubba. (If you know, you know.)
  • His English voice actor would be Michael Yurchak and his Japanese voice actor would be Wataru Takagi who both voiced Obito Uchiha from Naruto: Shippuden.

External Links[]


           The-Owl-House-logo Fanon Villains

MoringMark's comics
Main Timeline
Emperor Belos | Odalia Blight | Kikimora | Tibbles | Odalia's mother | Number 6 | Werebroom | Boscha's mother | The Collector | The Archivists (The Grand Huntsman)
Future Timeline
Grometheus | Boscha's mother | Boscha's Aunt and Uncle | Titan Trappers | Andes the Pain Shepherd | Odalia Blight
Witches Among Humans
Bat Queen | Grometheus | Philip Wittebane
Luzifer AU
Luzifer | Eda Clawthorne | Willow Park | Gus Porter | Amity Blight | Manny Noceda | Manny's thugs | Evil Vee | Raine Whispers | Darius Deamonne | Hunter

Normal Fics
Phillip and Caleb
Emperor Belos


What If? The Owl House
Luz Noceda (Zombie Universe)

Crossover Fics
All For Luz
All For One users: Toshiko Shigaraki (Redux) | Rikitasu Shigaraki (Redux)
Witch Hunters Association: Emperor Belos (Redux) | Tyler Wittebane (Redux) | Governor Rodger Maxwell (Redux)
Team Heaven's Devils (Redux): Kennedy Jennkins (Redux) | Cody Johnson (Redux)
Team Foxtrot (Redux): Emelia Worstoch (Redux) | Amber Stilwell (Redux)
Wittebane Militia Unit (Redux): Riley Stewardson (Redux) | Jonah Smith (Redux) | Sophia Humbolt (Redux)
The Order: Osmosis | Sheriff Martin Johnson (Redux)
Emperor's Coven: The Golden Guard (Redux) | Millie Ravenclaw (Redux)
Project N: Samual Rodriquez | Governor Adrian Rogers
Others: Tamashiki Shigaraki | Kyudai Garaki | Stanley Stewardson (Redux)

The Gods Awaken
Boscha | Cthulhu | Emperor Belos | Nyarlathotep | Odalia Blight

Web Videos
The Collector | Coven Scouts/"Steves" | Emperor Belos | Kikimora

we dubbed the Owl House and it was INSANE
Warden Wrath

Owl House Fanfilm

           Boku no Hero Academia LogoFanon Villains

Katsuki Bakugou

The Yakuza Isn't That Bad
Kai Chisaki

Izuku Esta Muerto
Evil Izuku

All For Luz
All For One users: Toshiko Shigaraki (Redux) | Rikitasu Shigaraki (Redux)
Witch Hunters Association: Emperor Belos (Redux) | Tyler Wittebane (Redux) | Governor Rodger Maxwell (Redux)
Team Heaven's Devils (Redux): Kennedy Jennkins (Redux) | Cody Johnson (Redux)
Team Foxtrot (Redux): Emelia Worstoch (Redux) | Amber Stilwell (Redux)
Wittebane Militia Unit (Redux): Riley Stewardson (Redux) | Jonah Smith (Redux) | Sophia Humbolt (Redux)
The Order: Osmosis | Sheriff Martin Johnson (Redux)
Emperor's Coven: The Golden Guard (Redux) | Millie Ravenclaw (Redux)
Others: Tamashiki Shigaraki | Kyudai Garaki | Stanley Stewardson (Redux)

Deku: The Dark Knight

Critical Multiverse

Villain Deku | Deku (Inverted AU) | Vanimikoleena The Inconsistent
