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If you too become one with this console, you may join me in The Hall. The True Heaven, where you, and you alone, are the true god of your own world.
~ Henry explaining The Hall to Kyle in an attempt to manipulate him.

Henry, or The Mii, is the overarching antagonist of Wii Deleted You: Recoded, a rewrite of the Creepypasta of the same name created by GloseTik.

He is a master manipulator with a God-Complex whose Goal is to manipulate Kyle, a young boy who owns the Wii he is trapped inside, into bringing people into the console, so he may Delete them and take them to a mysterious place known as The Hall.



Henry is described as a tall-faced Mii with an empty smile void of any emotion and black clothing.


Henry is a monotonous, deep-voiced man, who rarely loses his composure. He is a master manipulator, and seems to have a sort of God-Complex.


(The story has yet to be finished, so expect more information to be added in the future.)

Chapter 1: A Gift[]

When I was a kid, around... 8, I think? My dad got me a Nintendo Wii for my birthday. He was an employee at Nintendo of America, so he managed to get me an earlier version of the console. I can still remember the pure joy I felt when I saw the contents of that box with my name smacked onto it.

“A Wii! Thank you so much Dad! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” I cried out joyously, my dad smiling warmly in response. I kept begging him to help me set it up, and eventually, he did.

I don’t remember what I did at first, it didn't really matter anyways, but eventually, I made my way over to the Mii channel. There, it had a Mii waiting for me. If you’ve ever used a Nintendo Wii, that’s not normal. There’s no pre-made Mii on the console. I assumed it had just been used before though, it was a prototype that various employees had probably used after all.

The Mii itself was named “Henry”. I remember taking a good look at Henry. His black shirt contrasting the white plaza of the Mii channel, making him stand out and seem... unnatural. Like he wasn’t supposed to be there. Things only got worse when I looked at its face. An empty smile void of any emotion being plastered across it.

As one would, I decided to delete the Mii, seeing no real point in keeping him around. After deleting Henry, I made my own Mii, in my own image. Once I finished it though, I noticed that Henry had returned. Same black shirt, same empty smile, same name.

Henry walked up to my Mii, looking at him for a moment as if he was inspecting him.

“Kyle.” A crusty, deep voice said through the Wii Remote’s Speaker.

I looked around in a panic, before the realization set in, and I turned to Henry once he repeated himself.


“Me?” I asked quietly and fearfully, watching as the Mii nodded in response.

“I haven’t seen anyone from the outside world in what feels like years. You’re the first human I’ve ever seen since I became one with this console.” Henry said through the remote with a rumble.

I didn’t know how to respond to that. I mean, who would? A Mii, a fictional character who shouldn’t have any knowledge of the outside world, was talking to me? It seemed absurd, and yet, it was so very real.

“You... are you saying you’re real?” I mumbled back fearfully.

“Yes.” He replied in his calm, deep voice.

“And over the time I’ve been a part of this console, I’ve come to a realization. There is no afterlife for humans, however, the same does not apply to souls in a console.”

“What are you saying?” I asked, taking a step back.

“If you too become one with this console, you may join me in The Hall. The True Heaven, where you, and you alone, are the true god of your own world.” Henry explained.

This was... absurd. As someone who grew up in a Christian family, this was just impossible to me, so I said what I believed to be true.

“That’s not true! You’re- you’re lying!” I yelled.

“You can believe what you wish. But I’ve been to The Hall, I’ve seen it, and I simply wish to share it with you--”

I shut off the device before he could finish.

Chapter 2: Resentment[]

About a year after... that. I decided to go back and see if Henry was still there. Sure enough, he was. This time though, he was different. He refused to look at me, or even speak to me for a while. The worst part of it all though wasn’t related to Henry at all... it was my Mii.

The poor thing looked like it’d been torn apart, beaten, battered, and bruised to the point that it should be dead, and yet, it wasn’t.

I tried talking to Henry, being met with pure silence for 10 minutes straight, before he finally said something, ANYTHING to me.

“Kyle, you were my only connection to the outside world. My greatest asset. And now, my only chance to share the true wonders of The Hall, has been squandered. All thanks to the kid I trusted, no less.”

At the time, I didn’t know any better, I had no idea he was just lying to get his way. So, I tried to apologize.

“I’m sorry Henry, I know you just wanted to show people ‘The Hall’ but--”

“It’s too late for an apology Kyle. You left me here for a year, and you’ve had so many chances to apologize in that time. And yet, not once did the thought even cross your mind.”

Suddenly, a Player 2’s cursor appeared, grabbing my Mii by the head and throwing it into the Deletion Button.

“That could’ve been you, but instead, those lines of code will never find purpose again. They’ll never find the true grace The Hall can provide.” Henry said as the Player 2 cursor floated off-screen.

“Turn off the Wii, Kyle. Don’t come back.”

I didn’t know how to respond to that, so, after a good minute of silence with Henry having his back turned to me, I shut off the console, vowing to never push that power button again.

But, we’re here now, so clearly, that wasn’t the end of this story. Not by a long shot.

I didn't know it at the time, but what I'd seen then, was only the tip of a giant iceberg...


  • His name was changed from Eteled to Henry because "Eteled just sounds stupid."