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The Hungry Birds are the titular main antagonists of the video of the same name made by the YouTuber Xploshi. They are much different from their original counterparts, eating the pigs instead of defeating them like their original counterparts do.


The Hungry Birds are looking forward to having pigs as their dinner. One pig is their first victim, as Chuck launches and kills the first pig. Red is next, launching himself as well and killing the second pig. Bomb goes last, killing the third pig by unknown causes, possibly blowing it up.

The next pair of the Hungry Birds spotted more pigs. Hal goes first, launching and asking where to find the first pig before looking at it and possibly kidnapping it. The Blues go next, as they swoop in threes as they kill the pig at once. Matilda goes last, She launches an egg at the pig, the egg turns into another Matilda and blows up.



Chuck looks identical to his original self, but he is crudely drawn. He has two tail feathers and two black beady eyes, and his beak is shown to have sharp teeth.


Red somewhat retains the same shape as his original self, but he is missing a lot of details. He is animated in 3D and has sunken eye sockets, along with more head feathers than usual.


Bomb looks like his original counterpart, but he is mostly realistic. Bomb has a realistic bird beak and sunken eye sockets.


Hal looks identical to his original self, but he is crudely drawn, when he speaks, he has multiple inconsistent teeth.

The Blues[]

The Blues looks animated in 3D and has sunken eye sockets just like red.


Matilda resembles her original counterpart, but she is mostly realistic. The egg she lays that becomes another Matilda is crudely drawn.


The birds are gluttonous and care only about eating, but Hal is shown to be well-mannered and the Blues are very unstable.


I sure could go for some pork right now.
~ Chuck
They say bacon soothes the soul.
~ Red
Does anyone else smell sauasges?
~ Bomb, and the implication that he was going to blow up the third pig.
Pardon me good sir, but could you point me to the direction of the nearest HAM?
~ Hal
Three servings of ribs, are on the menu! Let's eat! (maniacal laughter)
~ The Blues
You can't have bacon without eggs!
~ Matilda before blowing up a pig.