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Villains Fanon Wiki
KingStormlance "King Stormlance has declared that this page is his domain."
This page, Kami, was written by BrandonDarkOne47. Any original work, images, etc. presented here is therefore theirs under the CC BY-NC-ND license. Please do not add onto, delete, or copy anything on this page without the original author's permission. Thank you.

With Galeem defeated once again, Dharkon saw this as his advantage. He captured Galeem and forcibly fused together with him, allowing another being to take full control over both Light and Darkness. This being was far worse than the two of them... it was the god of the multiverse... the creator of both Light and Darkness... the destroyer... Kami. He was almost unstoppable... after he destroyed the entire universe and beyond and recreated it, the heroes had to finish one final journey... even if they had no spirits with them.
~ The Narrator describing Kami.
The Light... and Darkness... will reign over all...
~ Kami right before his battle.

Kami (in Japanese: クリエイター, Kurieitā), also known as Galeem (in Japanese: キーラ, Kiira) or Dharkon (in Japanese: ダーズ, Darz) who are his other two halves, or Dharkleem in his final form is the overarching antagonist of the Super Smash Bros. series, first appearing in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Ver. 2) as the main antagonist and final boss of World of Light while both Galeem and Dharkon became the two central antagonists.

He is the supposed supreme being of the Smash Bros. multiverse, destroying it multiple times in order to create what he believes to be a perfect multiverse, and he will continue to do so until he is satisfied. He is destructive, nihilistic, delusional and is the main reason why the horrible events within the Smash Bros. series happened, as it was revealed that he had been corrupting the multiverse for many years in a flashback. He is possibly the darkest and most evil villain within the entire series.

He is voiced by Liam O'Brien, who also voiced Infinite in Sonic Forces.



Compared to both Dharkon and Galeem, as well as his final form, Kami's appearance seems to be rather humanoid. One side of his body resembles darkness, the other resembles light. He has one glowing green eye on the right and one glowing yellow eye on the left, and he has several tentacles that come out of his back that resemble Dharkon's. He also has several wings that float around him that look similar to Galeem's. During his battle, as he loses more and more health points, he begins to glow more. Depending on what attack he is using, either side of him could glow too. He also has a Magenta Smash Ball on his chest that keeps him together.


Galeem appears to be a glowing ball. He is surrounded by wing-shaped objects that orbit his body, aid him in his attacks, and vary through bright colors. Throughout his battle with the fighters, Galeem can change into different forms using his wings. When reaching half of his health, his core shines brighter and grows spikes.


Dharkon appears to be a floating, disembodied cyan eyeball. He is surrounded by red and black tendrils that can change forms during his battle. When he hits half health, Dharkon's eye becomes bloodshot with his pupil turning gray.


Dharkleem, Kami's final form, is seemingly a fusion of both Dharkon and Galeem's appearances. He has both Galeem's wings and Dharkon's tendrils, and their eyes seem to be combined. However, despite resembling them both, neither Galeem or Dharkon are in full control as Kami is truly.


While both Dharkon and Galeem may seem like mindless creatures at first, it is later revealed that Dharkon and Galeem have slight personalities. Dharkon believes that everything should be consumed in darkness, while Galeem believes that everything should be covered in light. Dharkon, however, wants Kami to return while Galeem doesn't, believing if Kami were to return, everything would go horrible. As Dharkon finally merges with Galeem, he seems horrified.

Kami himself doesn't care what's right and wrong, despite knowing how they both work. He doesn't that rules truly apply to him due to his good like status, and he seemingly takes big pride in it. Kami believes that he can do whatever he wants and that it shouldn't matter what other's think. He also seems to enjoy harming others, as he is seen laughing whenever he successfully attacks someone in the game and given his cackling when he destroyed the multiverse.

As his fight goes on, he seems to become more and more determined to kill the opponent, becoming more aggressive with his attacks. However, when he is finally defeated and presumably killed, he is heard screaming in agony. He most likely didn't think that he could be defeated at all, so this may have shocked him.



Not too much is known about Kami's past, but it is known that he did create the multiverse originally and created both light and darkness, which he decided to embody. However, after doing this, his body began to have a hard time staying together, so he used a Smash Ball for it's power to stay together.

Eventually, Kami began to get bored with the multiverse, believing that everything there was just boring. He didn't think enough action was going on, and he honestly began to find the entire multiverse boring. He decided to begin to corrupt it, wanting evil to finally come to existence. He was responsible for many things happening within that multiverse, such as several people attempting cataclysm, some people committing kidnappings, and various other horrible things.

Eventually, Kami decided to destroy the entire multiverse, only to recreate it to see if he could feel satisfied with it. However, he did not. It took years for him to fully recharge, and he did it again, just to see if anything changed. Nothing happened. Every few thousand years, Kami would destroy the multiverse and recreate it again to see if anything changed, and even if it did, he still didn't feel satisfied. He believed he was generally doing the right thing, and he honestly enjoyed doing it over and over again. However, he never felt satisfied with what he got. After using too much of his power one day to rebuild the multiverse, Kami's Smash Ball that held him together split in two and he formed into two separate beings with different minds. One of the beings, the one who embodied his darkness, sought to find the other being who embodied his light.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Ver. 2)[]

Galeem appears at the beginning of the story where it is confronted by every known fighter present. Here, he has a bunch of Master Hand clones by his side. Galeem then proceeds to wipe out all of the fighters in light, which then expands throughout the entire universe, wiping out all life. Kirby was the sole survivor of the attack. The other fighters were captured by Galeem's forces rather than destroyed (or else Galeem revived them). Using its light, Galeem creates copies of the fighters and used spirits of the lifeforms it absorbed to animate the hollow copies, creating an army of hostile puppets.

After all fighters trapped in Galeem's world have been revived, Galeem is confronted once more at his base to the north, where it is defeated in battle. Dharkon then emerges from the sky, leading an army of Crazy Hands. Galeem manages to flee but comes back once Dharkon has been defeated. From here on, Galeem, leading an army of Master Hands continues on his conflict with Dharkon.

If the player chooses to fight both Galeem and Dharkon, Dharkon will disappear before a final blow can be struck on him, leaving the fighters with Galeem only. After Galeem is defeated, Dharkon returns and takes this to his advantage, seeing this as his opportunity to bring back Kami. Dharkon would then trap Galeem by holding him there with chains, as he would begin to merge with Galeem, putting the Smash Ball that held Kami together back together. Kami would finally return and as soon as he did, he noticed the fighters, watching as he finally returned after hundreds, if not, thousands of years, horrified by what they had just witnessed.

Believing them to be pathetic and to be in his way, Kami would then defeat every single one of the fighters, and eventually, he killed them all in cold blood with his powers. After succeeding in this, he takes all of the spirits the player collected throughout the game and absorbs them, becoming more powerful himself. After doing this, Kami would then destroy the entire multiverse; this time, he got what he wanted.

The fighters would all be revived in a new realm which seemed to be a combination of both the Light and Dark Realm, and right above it, Kami floated above in a shield where he was regenerating his energy so he could possibly make something better with this new realm he turned the entire multiverse into. After collecting new spirits in the realm and defeating the four bosses in there, the fighters were able to break into Kami's shield, believing they could finally beat him.

Kami seemingly seems calm at first, believing that he was gonna win this fight, but as the battle went on, Kami became more and more aggressive, not wanting the fighters to win. After his first phase is defeated, he transforms into a hybrid like being of Galeem and Dharkon, known as Dharkleem and attempts to kill the fighters once again, believing that he had a better chance of winning this time and that he could actually kill them all. However, at some point during the fight, the Smash Ball that was keeping Kami together became exposed, giving the player the opportunity to damage it. As hard as he tried to protect it, Kami's Smash Ball was shattered by the fighters in the final fight.

Screaming in agony, explosions of dark and light energy came out Kami and he finally vanished. Kami was never seen again, all that remained of him was his one broken Smash Ball. With Kami gone, the multiverse finally returned to normal and the spirits were released.

Possible Return[]

After the credits to the game end, a dark room with Kami's shattered Smash Ball is seen. It suddenly begins to glow a little as Kami's distorted cackle is heard coming from its direction; this could imply that Kami isn't actually gone entirely and that he may return one day.


  • His design could arguably be similar to Tabuu, another Smash Bros. antagonist.
  • He is one of the few Smash Bros. main villains to actually have a personality, given that most of the others don't talk at all or have a clear personality.
  • After he is finally beaten, the player is rewarded a Kami and Dharkleem spirit, which are the two most powerful spirits in the game, even more than Dharkon's and Galeem's.