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Unbelievable... Even if I had dropped it, I would have heard it dropping, considering its size... Or at the very least, I would've noticed the weight decrease from the medical kit... I didn't even leave it to Hibiki... I did this part myself just in case something like this happened...
~ Kanade trying to defend herself during the trial.
..I have no way to run, right? If you can't avoid it, enjoy it! It is tragic that my plan has failed... But if I get to see my sister's most despairful dying moments while I die... Then that doesn't seem that bad of a death. .....You've won. We were the culprit of this case.
~ Kanade revealing her and Hibiki to be the culprits behind Setsuka's murder.

Kanade Otonokoji is a major antagonist in the Korean Danganronpa fangame Super Danganronpa Another 2. She's the younger twin sister of Hibiki Otonokoji and a guitarist in their popular band "Melody Rhythm".

Although she was considered to be one of the "symbols of hope" by the world, she was secretly a serial killer obsessed with her sister that would kill anyone that came in contact with her, from her puppy to their own parents. Her goal was to traumatize Hibiki as much as she could in order to control her like a puppet.

In the game she starts off as an "innocent and shy" supporting character until chapter 3 where she's revealed to be one of the two culprits (alongside Hibiki Otonokoji) behind Setsuka's murder.


In her "faux affable persona" during the first chapter she was a shy and normal girl, being friendly and timid towards everyone. Whenever Hibiki insulted her she would apologize and start crying, but she was also very protective towards her.

However, when investigating and trying to uncover the identity of the culprit, she would be much more aggressive and active, sometimes even insulting others for disagreeing with her and speaking sarcastically, but most of the time she would be cooperative.

Her true colors were fully revealed in the third post-trial, she was a sadist who was completely obsessed with her sister, wanting to be the only one loved by her. Whenever she found out Hibiki loved/cared for someone, she would remorselessly kill them. She started to do this when she realised Hibiki always reached out to her when a close one died. She's also a control freak who wanted to control all of Hibiki's actions.

Despite claiming to love her, she was extremely sadistic and abusive towards Hibiki, even making her fully conscious just to make her experience their unfair execution. She was truly happy to see her own sister in despair.

As a serial killer who never got caught, she was extremely intelligent and calculating, she planned everything about how she would murder Setsuka and made up a backup for any situation, from simple contradictions to perfectly framing someone. Whenever confronted she would always act wrathful and try her best to convince the others that their accusation was a contradiction.

In the post-trial she has been shown to be proud of everything she had done, easily admitting all the crimes she did and even explaining how she controlled Hibiki. She was also even more aggressive than before and burned Setsuka's last will, who contained important information, just because she could.



Kanade and Hibiki were twins that were born 10 seconds apart. According to Kanade, Hibiki was abusive to her at first but she later stopped. They were friendly and loved each other but it all changed when their parents brought a puppy. Kanade was jealous because Hibiki loved the puppy more than her, so Kanade decided to kill and get rid of it. At first she felt remorse but after Hibiki reached out to her, Kanade realised how much of a great idea that was.

That was the start of Kanade's serial murder, whenever possible, she would murder or heavily injure anyone who formed a close relationship with Hibiki, including her band members, her teacher and their own parents. She also made Hibiki's best friend suffer an accident and stay in hospital forever. She killed around 60 people.

Since several people close to them were suddenly dying, Tsurugi Kinjo started investigating and interrogating the twins, but was never able to find out they were responsible for it. Since they were interrogated by Tsurugi, they were officially "connected to the class of 79" and thus, Mikado and Syobai kidnapped the twins and put them in the Neo World Program.

Kanade and Hibiki had their memories erased and their bodies modified to when they were High School students. Their memories were also modified to make them think they had been invited by Hope's Peak Academy. With that, they were put on the first island inside the virtual world and the Killing Game began.


Sora and Yuki Maeda first encountered the Twins at the Utsuroshima Park. Hibiki introduces herself as the "Ultimate Vocalist" and Kanade as the "Ultimate Guitarist". Yuki was surprised to see two celebrities on the trip but Sora didn't recognize them, making Hibiki angry.

Later Yuki gathered all the students on the island so that they could get to know each other better and discuss why they were on the island. During the conversation Kanade and Hibiki realised that they had no memory of how they ended up on the island. Setsuka had the idea of going for a swim since they were on the beach, and the Twins agreed to that.

Eventually all students lost consciousness and, by the time they woke up, it was already night. Everyone was confused until they heard a mysterious audio telling them to gather at the Utsuroshima Park. After everyone went there, Monocrow appeared and introduced himself. Kanade called him cute but Hibiki disagreed and said she hates birds. Monocrow explained that they were stuck on an infinite school trip and that the only way to get out was by killing someone.

They all watched as Mikado Sannoji said he was gonna protect them only for half of his mask to be destroyed by a bullet. Rei Mekaru and Teruya Otori appeared and said that Mikado was the mastermind of the game and they were about to arrest him, but Mikado used his magic to burn Rei to ashes and throw Teruya far away. The prologue ended with Syobai accidentally stabbing Sora while trying to murder Yuki.

Chapter 1[]

Kanade first appeared in the meeting chatting with Iroha. Eventually Monocrow told everyone to meet at the Utsuroshima Park, which they did. Monocrow then explained that violence without the intent of murder is not allowed and he also explained the rules of the class trials. He also gave everyone Handbooks. Mikado Sannoji explained that, although his identity was revealed, he will still participate in the Killing Game like a normal student.

After several days Setsuka threw a park which Kanade and Hibiki went to. During the party Kanade argued with Hibiki and insulted her because she dragged Kanade to the party.

Later Yuri Kagarin was murdered and everyone started investigating for the class trial. Kanade advised that someone should keep guard of the crime scene so that the culprit doesn't remove evidence, Hajime offered himself for that, but Kanade said they needed one more person in case Hajime is the culprit, and Shinji decided to guard the crime scene with him. However, that wasn't enough, Kanade asked for a third person to guard the crime scene, in case Hajime and Shinji were working together, and Nikei Yomiuri offered to guard the crime scene with them.

After the murder Kanade was much more active and agressive than before.

While Sora was investigating she found a green liquid in the floor, Kanade came and explained that it is anesthetic from the infirmary. She also explained it could be used to make someone unconscious for a determinable amount of time.

At some point Kanade asked Monocrow if there could be accomplices, and he explained that there can be accomplices but only the one who murdered someone can leave the island, and that if two murders happen, only the first one will count.

During the class trial, Kanade was one of the many people to accuse Yoruko Kabuya of being the culprit, but eventually it was found out that the real culprit was Hajime Makunouchi. He was then executed due to the rules of the class trial. It was also revealed that he was a member of an organization known as "Void" lead by Mikado and every member was meant to kill someone at a determined time.

Chapter 2[]

After the first class trial, Hibiki was paranoid and unable to trust anyone. Kanade made a promise that she would protect Hibiki and spent most of the time with her.

After a week has passed, Setsuka and others set up a concert so that Kanade and Hibiki could sing on it. It took a while to convince Hibiki but eventually she decided to cooperate, she and Kanade sang an upcoming song called “La La La Sweet Pretty” in front of several people. While they were singing, Emma Magorobi knocked out Kokoro Mitsume, took her to her room and trapped her in the fridge.

Three days later, Kokoro was found dead in her room and the investigation for the second class trial began. Kanade once again became more confident and aggressive during the investigation. At some point she found a dying message inside the fridge and told Sora about it. She also deduced that the fridge was set to maximum power.

During the class trial, Kanade explained that the liquid nitrogen found in the investigation was “fake evidence” and Kokoro’s real cause of death was freezing inside the fridge. Kanade also explained the dying message: She said every icicle was meant to represent a girl, and that the penetrated icicle was meant to represent Kokoro. The penetrated icicle was also bigger than the others, meaning the culprit is the tallest girl among them. With that information, Sora was also to pin down Emma Magorobi as the culprit.

At first almost nobody believed them, but as the class trial progressed, Kanade, Syobai and Sora solved every trick together and were able to fully explain and convince everyone that Emma was the culprit. After everyone voted for her, it was revealed that Emma Magorobi was also a member of the Void and eventually she was executed for being found out as the culprit.

Chapter 3[]

Daily Life[]

After a few days, the monocrow finally arrived on the third island, but before they could leave the monocruise, Mikado and Monocrow gathered everyone and explained the rules of the new island: it was a theme park and, in order to enter every attraction, they needed to use their handbooks.

He also gave everyone pads which would be the "motive videos". Every pad had an incomplete video of the viewer's close ones nearly dying. Kanade and Hibiki's motive videos showed their parents being killed by an unidentified person. Everyone was scared of what they saw in the video, especially Hibiki. Setsuka tried to comfort Hibiki and told her that she should come to the parade tomorrow. At that point, Kanade was already planning her murder.

Killing Setsuka[]

In the next day, Kanade picked sleepings drugs, medkit and blood packs to use for the murder. She put the sleeping drugs in Iroha's cafe in order to eliminate any chances of her having an alibi. Kanade lured Setsuka to the pool, knocked her out and put blood packs on her. When Hibiki entered the pool and saw Setsuka lying down and bleeding, she thought she was dead and that was the breaking point for Hibiki, she entered a traumatized state where she was "awake but unconscious" and could only obey Kanade.

Kanade used that to her advantage and controlled her throughout the entire plan. She brought two knives, gave one to Hibiki and both stabbed Setsuka at the same time, killing her and making both of them be recognized as the culprit. Kanade and Hibiki also used Setsuka's handbook to confuse the gate's IN and OUT records. Hibiki then put a "sanitation time, don't enter" sign in front of the pool so that Kanade could cut Setsuka's corpse into pieces without being noticed. After a few hours, she had successfully cut Setsuka into eleven pieces. She then cleaned the pool and hid the torso somewhere since that's the place Setsuka was stabbed. At some point Kanade accidentally left an antibiotic behind at the crime scene. Since carrying it herself would be difficult, Kanade put Setuska's chest inside one of the Parade's robots in order to send them to the other side.

Meanwhile Hibiki disguised as Kanade by putting Setsuka's hand in a plastic bag and putting it on her chest, since Kanade's chest was bigger than her's. She also used Setsuka's hands to turn on her handbook and sent a message to Iroha telling her to come to the mirror mansion at 18:00, removed her disguise (while accidentally dropping her pins) and purposely entered the mirror mansion at the given time, in order to be witnessed by iroha. Inside the mansion, she put off the fire causing a blackout.

Later she disguised as Kanade again and watched the parade with the others, in order to create a fake alibi for Kanade while framing herself. Meanwhile the real Kanade used the monorails to throw seven of Setsuka's body pieces into the mirror mansion's chimney, one by one in a total of seven monorail runs.

At that point, everyone was worried for Setsuka and started searching for her. At that point, Hibiki had removed her disguise again. After Sora entered and left the Ghost House, Hibiki entered the Ghost House with the three remaining body pieces, picked up the other seven body pieces in the chimney and put all of them into the altar. Once that was complete, she hid in there until the others came and the body discovery announcement played. Then she pretended she had just entered like everyone.

At that point, Kanade made Hibiki conscious again and, since she was controlled throughout the whole murder, she had no memory of anything that happened during the last hours. With that, Kanade's plan was perfect, she had created a fake alibi for herself, had two backup plans for framing either Iroha and Hibiki and, even if they voted for Hibiki or Kanade, it would be wrong as the real culprit was both of them, and thus both would be able to escape the Killing Game as part of the class trial rules.

Class Trial[]

During the class trial, Hibiki was eventually pinned down as the culprit due to Iroha's account and due to her lying about not going anywhere. Kanade explained that Hibiki loses her memories when she is scared and accused her of commiting the murder and forgetting about it. However, Syobai disagreed, he brought up the idea that Hibiki was simply used as an accomplice and that the real culprit was Kanade, who knew about her memory loss and used it to her advantage.

Kanade kept doing her best to defend herself while Syobai and Sora find more evidence to accuse Kanade. Eventually Kanade used her backup plan to accuse Iroha of being the culprit, saying that she planned to frame Hibiki from the start with her "fake account". However, Mikado confirmed Iroha's alibi and Sora found evidence that the real culprit was trying to incriminate Iroha, since they put sleeping drugs in her coffee in order to eliminate any chances of her having an alibi.

The class trial continued for a long time, with Kanade continuously pulling contradictions in order to confuse the rest but Syobai and Sora were slowly able to discover almost every trick in the case and were able to fully pin down Kanade as the culprit. However, just when they were about to vote for her, Sora objected and said that they should continue to discuss the case. Sora's algorithm was programmed to prevent Yuki from getting killed at any costs, which is why it convinced Sora to not vote yet, as voting for Kanade would result in everyone except for her and Hibiki to be executed.

Syobai agreed that they should continue to discuss the case, even though Kanade kept admitting to being the culprit. Mixing the fact that the torso was missing and Hibiki had no reason to help Kanade escape since she would be executed in the process, Syobai came up with the theory that Kanade and Hibiki stabbed Setsuka at the same time and both were considered the culprit. Monocrow explained that, if two people stabbed someone at the same time, the finishing blow would decide who is the culprit, but Syobai insisted on it, and Monocrow confirmed that, if two people were to stab someone at the same time with no time difference, they could be both recognized as the culprit.

That angered Kanade, she knew he was correct and started shouting desperately in order to hopefully refute them. As a last piece of evidence, Sora brought up the antibiotic found at the pool area, saying that the reason Kanade stole the medkit was to heal Setsuka in case the simultaneous stab failed. After summarizing everything that happened in the case, Kanade was forced to admit that their reasoning was correct.

With that, Monocrow unlocked a new option in the voting for the participants to vote for both Hibiki and Kanade, and everyone voted for them.

Post-trial and execution[]

The class trial ended and Monocrow gave the verdict: They were correct, the culprit behind Setsuka’s murder was both Kanade and Hibiki. Everyone was disgusted and wondering why the twins would do something like that, and some accused them of being part of the Voids, but Mikado confirmed that they weren’t part of the Void, they were simply killing to escape. They also wondered if they killed because of the motive, but Kanade denied it, saying she had planned the murder from the start and that she didn’t care about the status of her parents.

When they asked why she killed Setsuka, Kanade showed her brainwashing abilities: she was able to make Hibiki “turn off” and force her to do anything Kanade says. Kanade then revealed all of her crimes, including her serial murder towards people Hibiki had a relationship with, saying that her goal was to traumatize Hibiki as much as she could in order to make her enter a state of shock where the only thing she can do is listen to her sister’s request, making her the perfect puppet. She revealed that Hibiki was controlled throughout the entire murder ever since she saw Setsuka lying down and “bleeding” on the ground.

When Syobai asked why she gave up so easily, Kanade said that, not only she wanted to keep her dignity, but that she also wanted to see Hibiki’s despairful moments during their double execution. Kanade also revealed that she picked up a last will from Setsuka, saying it contained important information, but instead of giving it to them, she used a lighter and burned it as revenge

Before they were executed, Monocrow said he was going to show the truth behind their motive video since they still committed the murder despite losing the trial, and Kanade made Hibiki conscious again so that she can watch the video. It was an extended version of the motive video, but this time revealing the identity of the murderer: it was Kanade Otonokoji, she was also the one who killed her own parents. Since her memories were erased, Kanade was confused about the video, but after Monocrow confirmed it was legit, Kanade understood what happened and laughed, while refusing to reveal what she discovered.

After that, they were about to get executed. While Hibiki was scared and begging for help, Kanade was happy knowing she would get to see her sister’s last despairful moments.

During their execution, they both had their necks tied to a mid-air object with chains, and there was a machine with a key near them, which presumably would free them. Hibiki, struggling, ran towards the machine and beat up Kanade with a microphone for trying to stop her. When she finally picked up the key and put it in the chain lock, her head was decapitated and sent mid-air, all while Kanade was smiling. A few seconds later the floor disappeared and, due to their necks being tied with chains, Kanade was hung to death.



  • Kanade has one of the longest-lasting class trials in Danganronpa games, lasting six hours in a normal playthrough.
    • While some of Danganronpa's "uncover all the secrets behind the killing game" last more than six hours, Kanade's case is unique given that it's a "find the culprit" class trial which doesn't usually last that long.
  • Kanade and Hibiki share the same Free Time Events due to them being close twins.
  • According to LINUJ's official site, Kanade wasn't intended to be a serial killer. However, when LINUJ saw the reveal of Korekiyo Shinguji as a serial killer in Danganronpa V3, he decided to do his own take on a serial killer with her. Despite this, the Otonokoji twins were still intended to be the culprits of Chapter 3 with Kanade being revealed as the real evil twin between the two.
  • According to LINUJ, Kanade would've committed suicide if she ever outlived Hibiki.
  • Kanade Otonokoji along with her sister Hibiki Otonokoji are the subversions of the two victims trope for third trials in the original Danganronpa. Instead they both are culprits killing one victim.

External Link[]


           DanganronpaAnotherLogo/SDRA2Logo Villains

Danganronpa Another Despair Academy
Masterminds: Utsuro | Akane Taira | Alter Ego Monokuma
Killing Game Participants: Mitsuhiro Higa | Kizuna Tomori | Kinji Uehara | Tsurugi Kinjo

Super Danganronpa Another 2
Masterminds: Mikado Sannoji | Monocrow
Void: Hajime Makunouchi | Emma Magorobi | Iroha Nijiue | Nikei Yomiuri
Others: Kanade Otonokoji | Kokoro Kurokawa | Syobai Hashimoto
