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“ | You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you? | „ |
~ Kelbris' most famous quote. |
~ The Father to Sarah and Circle. |
Kelbris, also known as The Father, is one of the two overarching antagonists (alongside Abel) of the Creepypasta series Ben Drowned.
He was the founder and leader of the Moon Children, who is responsible for the cult sacrificing many of its own members, such as Ben, through a method called ascension. Because of his mysterious and enigmatic death and his purported whispers from the cult's deity, Luna, he was revered as a legend among the Moon Children.
As the Father, he is shown to have a very furry body and an uncanny and eerie smile with large eyes. In-game, he is represented by the Happy Mask Salesman.
By sending menacing and foreboding messages to the players and other characters, Kelbris establishes himself as a very aggressive and controlling figure. In addition, given Jadusable's ascension, Matt and Rosa's disappearances, and the ongoing suffering of the souls imprisoned in the cartridge, he is suggested to be extremely sadistic and possibly murderous. He is specifically described as having a "propensity for wanton violence and uncontrolled aggression" on the Eternity Project website. However, it is unclear if this was always the case because the website speculates that his violent behavior could have been caused by the "rudimentary" method of his Ascension or by him gradually losing his mind over time as a result of things like being isolated for "several years", the "archaic" nature of his vessel, or the "unrefined" Ascension process.
Kelbris/The Father's appearance in The End.wmv presents a very different picture in spite of these findings. As he is revealed to be incredibly emotionless and mechanical, it is clear that The Father lacks true autonomy and is much more like an AI than any of the humans who have been digitally altered since him. Given everything that is known about Abel and the Eternity Project, it is debatable whether or not Abel's explanation that The Father has a "program and directive to corrupt as much as it could" is accurate. As the "last remaining god" of World άλφα, the Father describes himself and his role as "reflexive in design," meaning he keeps an eye on άλφα and its people by responding to their stimuli. He claims that because the "others" had either attacked him or desired him causing destruction, he had taken on a villainous persona. The Father is also shown to have a protective and giving nature, though it's possible that this is just a result of his "parameters" and not a choice he made consciously. He resets its population to ease what he refers to as their "severe mental trauma" and removes Matt for the benefit of everyone's safety. There is still uncertainty surrounding the clear discrepancies between these revelations and prior knowledge of Kelbris'/The Father's dealings.
Moon Children was established by Kelbris as a front organization for the Eternity Project. Kelbris was the first "Moonchild" to receive whispers from the cult's deity, Luna, according to an explanation on's Theories page. Kelbris explained to the cult that the whispers described how Luna would eventually consume Earth. Her messages were distorted, and occasionally she would say the number three in between sentences. Kelbris was discovered electrocuted later on, whether intentionally or unintentionally, having successfully ascended. He was later deified as The Father, and Kelbris's prophecies served as the cornerstone for the cult's subsequent incarnations. It was never clarified in the prophecy on the original Moon Children website whether or not Kelbris had ascended at the time of his death, but the sentence that followed referred to Kelbris' passing as his "transcension" without providing any more context. According to the Eternity Project website's complete account of the prophecy, the question was instead whether his death was a deliberate attempt at ascension. He was "the first to undergo Ascension," but it's possible that the procedure also made him insane because it says his vessel was "archaic" and the process was "unrefined." Additionally, it is said that it required "several years of failed attempts" for another Moonchild, likely Ben, to ascend and join him.
The Father was eventually integrated as a supervisor in World άλφα. After that, the Eternity Project claimed to have lost contact with Kelbris and said, "His whereabouts are currently unknown." However, in Methods of Revolution [Ben.wmv] and Live Transmission #3, Abel makes it abundantly evident that he is fully aware of The Father's presence in the cartridge.
Haunted Cartridge Arc[]
Rosa makes multiple passing references to The Father in the introduction of Ben Drowned, Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines - Rosa.
- "Why is he smiling? The father? Is it- Is it the father behind him?"
- "He's furious... the man with the crest... the voice in the darkness, boss."
- "Some [enemies] with swords, some with smiles."
While Jadusable's videos don't explicitly show the Father, he is at least represented by the Happy Mask Salesman, a connection that BEN later verified when uploading TheTruth.rtf to /x/. Jadusable mentions hearing his faint laugh while exploring the broken Clock Town in the day four.wmv summary. He is also briefly seen in the video during the Swordsman's School sequence. The Happy Mask Salesman laughs as the line, "You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?" at the timestamp 4:23 at the video.
In BEN.wmv, the Happy Mask Salesman appears in a more prominent manner. His laugh appears at the conclusion of Tatl's speech when Jadusable is first teleported to Clock Town, and the camera is placed inside the model of the Clock Tower, where he is situated. The standard introductory cutscene for begins for Jadusable as soon as he enters the tower, and then he is brought to Termina Field, where the Happy Mask Salesman's theme plays in the background in reverse and slowed down. Jadusable discovers the Happy Mask Salesman in the field with the Skull Kid, Epona, and Elegy Statue. He remarks that the Happy Mask Salesman is the most menacing character in the scene because, despite the fact that his idle animation is not playing, his head follows Link around. When Jadusable pulls out his ocarina, he is prompted to play Song of Healing, which causes Link to erupt into flames as the music accelerates. The Happy Mask Salesman's laugh then begins to play, followed once again by the words, "You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?"
The Happy Mask Salesman is initially absent from DROWNED.wmv. But once Link meets the Skull Kid, the Happy Mask Salesman's face flashes by again. Jadusable is teleported from area to area in Ocarina of Time after performing the Elegy of Emptiness in response to a song prompt. However, all of the dialogue is replaced with the phrase "You shouldn't have done that..." After spending a brief time in the Happy Mask Shop, despite the Happy Mask Sales absence, he is teleported to the Moon. The sound of Kotake's scream is accompanied by another flash of the Happy Mask Salesman, this time with an angry expression and an outstretched hand as he approaches and tries to look at the Elegy Statue. The exchange that follows plays, with the Happy Mask Salesman laughing at the last line:
- "You will be given one last chance..."
- "Back to where it all began..."
- "Come play with us."
Near the start of jadusable.wmv, the Happy Mask Salesman is not physically present. Jadusable quickly removes the image of the Happy Mask Salesman and the Elegy Statue side by side that he discovers when he examines his Pictograph Box. When he is killed by Gomess in a fight, the question "Why is he smiling? The father?" pops up, alluding to Rosa's remarks from Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines - Rosa. The next time Link appears is at night in Ikana Graveyard. He can hear Bongo Bongo's murmur in the background, which is a sound that will later be connected to Kelbris during the Moon Children Arc. Link jumps forward and through the ground after reading the last grave's inscription before the screen goes dark and the Happy Mask Salesman laughs again, along with the words "It'll be our little secret, okay?". Eventually, the screen goes black with the words "You can't run" after Jadusable enters the Clock Tower. The next scene features Link, the Elegy statue, and the Happy Mask Salesman standing together for a longer period of time. It ends just before the next Elegy statue appears in front of Link.
The Happy Mask Salesman briefly appears in TheTruth.rtf, where he claims to have a new mask that Jadusable can wear during his nightmare. "You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?" the Happy Mask Salesman says, bending down to Jadusable as the Moon Children from Majora's Mask sew his limbs together and attach the mask to his face , doing this with a grin on his face.
Moon Children Arc[]
The Moon Children's creed mentions the Father: "O father, I pledge to youa [sic]." Eventually, File 6 of the downloadable files turned out to be an image of the Happy Mask Salesman called "the father.jpg"; this is the same image that BEN had uploaded to /x/ at the conclusion of the Haunted Cartridge arc along with uploading TheTruth.rtf.
The initial discovery of the Father/Kelbris' presence on came from DROWNED's contact page, which featured Kelbris.jpg and the words, "Dead End." Return there," along with a code in the title that read, "MY EYES... THEY TOOK... MY EYES." "Do you honestly think you can escape me?" was another possible message from Kelbris that could have been found on the Search page. During the final hour of the first cycle, Matt's Final Hour.mp3, a sped-up and reversed version of the Happy Mask Salesman's theme, was playing on the main page. Although Kelbris did not appear to be directly involved at this point, he was implicated as The Father in Ifrit's disappearance. When the Song of Healing was played during the Second Cycle, a message from Kelbris appeared on the home page. "WHO DO YOU THINK THIS IS," was the username, and "I AM KNOCKING AT YOUR DOOR NEXT. LET ME IN. I WANT TO SPEAK." was the post. It was posted at 6:66 p.m. (actually 7:06 p.m.). Since Rosa and Ifrit both claimed to have heard someone "knocking at your door" just before losing contact with players, Kelbris is blamed for Rosa's sudden disappearance.
A Tenor account belonging to Kelbris was found to exist when the player base discovered Within Hubris. The topic "..." by Kelbris was found when the Wayward Horizon password was figured out. It was just one post with the words "GET OUT." The Wayward Horizon password was changed to "youshouldntbehere" shortly after that.
Awakening Arc[]
The Happy Mask Salesman greets Link as he enters the Clock Tower in end.wmv and gets irate when he doesn't have Majora's Mask back. Apart from the notification that "Only ' hours remain," the scene proceeds according to the standard game script before Link descends the stairs. Similar to BEN.wmv, the Happy Mask Salesman appears in Termina Field with the Elegy Statue, Skull Kid, and Epona in gateway.wmv, sonata.wmv, and CHILDREN.wmv. Link sees Epona and Skull Kid in the distance after playing the Sun's Song in CHILDREN.wmv, and as he gets closer to them, the Happy Mask Salesman also fades into view. Later, the Goron Elder and the Elder's son surround Link as he finds himself in a pitch-black void, with the faint sound of Bongo Bongo's murmur audible in the background. After a short while, the game resets and Link finds himself in a damaged version of South Clock Town, abandoned except for the Ocarina of Time Potion Seller. The Happy Mask Salesman laughs again as he fixes his attention on the man. Then, a snapshot of this particular instance was uploaded as a file called "why-is-he-smiling.png" to the Methods of Revolution website. On Patreon, Matt (Ifrit) would subsequently be revealed as the Potion Seller. (The End.wmv, where Matt is seen grinning with the Happy Mask Salesman, The Father, behind him, may provide some insight into why this is happening.)
The last video that Jadusable recorded before his death, THE FATHER.wmv, was initially named KELBRIS.wmv. It changed names multiple times before deciding on its current name; this, combined with pictures discovered on that same evening, strongly suggested that Kelbris and The Father were one and the same. The video itself attests to the fact that Kelbris and BEN and the other occupants of the cartridge were inside. In the video, Jadusable ignores constant cues to quit exploring and keeps going farther into the game. The game tells him, "You're going to wake him up," at first, but as he keeps playing, it tells him, "YOU ARE DIGGING TOO DEEP." NOW RETURN." Jadusable disregarded these alerts even after deleting "STOP" and "PLEASE" save files. It is likely that the Father awakens following the last reset. Taking charge now, he says to Jadusable, "I FOUND YOU." When Jadusable tries to attack, the Father' face eventually materializes and devours him, presumably signifying Jadusable's impending ascension and death.
It seems that the Father stayed in the cartridge even after BEN seemingly made his way to the internet through TheTruth.rtf. In Methods of Revolution [Ben.wmv], he can be seen looming over the gaming area and observing Sarah, the newest player, nearly ten years later. Additionally, the Happy Mask Salesman is seen lying on the forest floor, which could indicate that the Father has given up on his previous ship. After Sarah notices the Father's face staring down at her, she runs toward the forest's edge and falls through the ground, where she meets Ben, who comforts her by saying, "It's OK... you're safe from him here." As stated before, Abel makes it clearlt evident that he is fully aware of The Father's presence in the cartridge.
Ben (and perhaps some of the other occupants of the cartridge) tells Sarah in The Truth.wmv that the Father has been turning Jadusable into "another vessel" and has been torturing and controlling Ben and anyone else who has tried to step in for the past ten years. The power of the Father is also partially explained in the cartridge; according to Ben's explanation, he has "consumed and corrupted" all the other imprisoned souls; even though the spirits managed to elude him by hiding within the game's code, his power kept growing until the almost total destruction of the game's world, leaving only glitchy remnants in its wake. Ben suggests that Sarah's arrival has led him to their final safe haven when he says that their hiding place won't be safe for much longer now that the Father knows where they are. The spirits beg her to "heal their souls" and "go back to where it all began and stop him." Sarah uses the Adult Link mask's power to play the Song of Time, returning the game to how it was in 2010—the year before Jadusable played it.
The Majora's Mask simulation has a "program and directive to corrupt as much as it could," which may allude to the Father's destructive madness, and an ecstatic Abel mentions that, given enough time, the Father would eventually corrupt the game world once again in Methods of Revolution [The Truth.wmv]. Sarah defies Abel's orders and keeps playing the game.
When Sarah meets Matt in the Clock Tower basement in The Last Hero.wmv, he asks her if she's found anything that could "disrupt a simulation" in her world, which is the hotel. He looks disappointed when Sarah shakes her head and shrugs, noting that they will have to confront the Father on "his own plane of existence." He says that she should be careful because the Father probably knows that she exists, that he has the ability to "manipulate the very fabric of this world," and that he "seems to be making his move." Leaving the Clock Tower, Sarah is attacked by two Odolwas that she assumes the Father summoned.
Sarah discovers Clock Town virtually abandoned in The Happy Mask Salesman.wmv, with menacing footprints visible on the ground where characters used to be. The only character remaining in the Clock Tower basement is Anju, who can be seen traveling to the laundry pool just like she did in the original game. Matt and Ben have also vanished from the area. But when Sarah follows, she discovers that the laundry pool is also deserted. The reversed Song of Healing begins to play as she turns around after checking the back door of the Curiosity Shop and discovers the body of the Happy Mask Salesman lying at the bottom of the pool. (It turns out that Jadusable killed the Happy Mask Salesman to stop Sarah from possibly moving the storyline in the game.) As she heads back to South Clock Town, Bongo Bongo's murmur can be heard once again. Circle alerts her to the fact that the game's stability seems to be deteriorating even more quickly in West Clock Town as a result of her presence and the Happy Mask Salesman's apparent death. They are attacked by a Wart as they attempt to depart, but Sarah defeats it with Rosa's assistance and goes on to Snowhead. The Dying World.wmv provides additional proof of the Father's corrupting influence, with trees, snowballs, and other debris appearing randomly in the air.
In The Showdown.wmv Sarah meets a corrupted Jadusable in "the space between the code" as Zora Link. Jadusable declares, "FATHER-It's time for us to leave this world," having either been possessed by the Father or affected in some other way. He makes this statement as he gets ready to battle her. Another deep rumbling is heard after Bongo Bongo's murmur, and then Jadusable and Sarah are warped to the Sages' Chamber from Ocarina of Time.
Shortly after The Showdown.wmv premiered, the Eternity Project website was found, revealing that Kelbris created the Moon Children as a front for the project in order to recruit depressed and alienated kids for Ascension experiments. On a hidden page of the website, the words "THEY LIED TO ME" appeared repeatedly beneath an odd, blue-skinned man with an abnormally big grin. When you viewed the page, two different music tracks—one of which was the Ikana Canyon theme—played simultaneously, creating a spooky atmosphere. The phrase "JUST LET ME DIE" was hidden on the page, and the internal data of the Ikana Canyon theme was visible when looking at the metadata for the tracks in the page's coding. The album "THEY LIED THEY LIED THEY LIED THEY LIED" was listed in the mp3 file, along with an internal comment that said, "MY EYES... THEY TOOK... MY EYES..." This led to the idea that the Father was depicted in the picture.
Sarah performs the Fourth Day Glitch in The End.wmv, seemingly restoring The Father's freedom. It isn't until much later that The Father does, though, as he appears in a void with Matt, who by then has made it clear that he intends to use The Father to turn the world into a "nightmare". Sarah uses the Song of Healing to defeat the Majora Moon Child, and then all of a sudden Matt is "deleted" and The Father shows up in his place, demanding to know why Sarah is here. The Father remarks that Sarah is "not like the ones before" after Sarah shows him the Pendant of Memories. Circle says that the people who live in World άλφα are just scared and angry and want to live. The Father agrees and says that in order to protect the people living in World άλφα, he will be eliminating all "anomalies." After mentioning that Ben will receive a functional body and that his incarceration in the Elegy statue was a "oversight," he continues by saying that he will also need to "reset" the people's memories in order to heal their mental traumas. The Father eventually tells Sarah and Circle that they will be erased along with the other "anomalies" and that World άλφα and its people will live on as a user on the edge of World άλφα's reality. After that, the Father vanishes and Sarah and Circle are taken out of World άλφα.
- His avatar on comes from a painting called Elephant Man by Michael Kutsche.
- Additionally, the Elephant Man painting is based off of David Lynch's film, The Elephant Man.
- Three identical images of a gas mask (imagery typically associated with DROWNED) were found during The Glitch on The files had the names "Eyes.jpg" and "StoleMy.jpg," respectively. The images located at Files 44, 46, and 47. The image of Kelbris on DROWNED's contact page and this could be proof of a connection between the two.
- One of the four remaining Moon Children says, "For now, we will act in His stead until He is ready." in The Prisoner.wmv. It is implied that they are talking about Kelbris.
- Kelbris is always seen talking in all-caps.
External Links[]
Kelbris on the Jadusable wiki.
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