Villains Fanon Wiki

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  1. NEEDS MORE VOTES: The Rat from FNAF: A Hidden Story - Ends February 14th.
  2. Nemeth Ulalee from All Worlds Alliance - Ends February 16th.

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Villains Fanon Wiki
The "Sonic logo" in the VHS'
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Villain Overview

To believe, for even a moment, that YOU are worthy of my presence... is a stain on my reputation.
~ Kito to the player

Kito is an antagonist from the Soulless Sonic series by JoeDoughBoi. They are one of the Seven Guardians serving under Lord X, being the Guardian of Prayer.

They are voiced by Zavemann.


Kito is a gargantuan sized statue nearly three times the size of Lord X. They are almost completely petrified, with long grey arms and a deformed face, as their tongue seems to be the only thing not affected. Their attire is similar to that of a priest, wearing a large biretta on their head and a cloak-like robe on their body.


  • According to JoeDoughBoi's Twitter thread on the Seven Guardians[2].
    • They are an extension of X himself, with their identity being forged by the human emotion they were infused with.
    • Their tongue is the only part of them that moves fluidly.
    • They will emit a heavenly glow from their eyes and mouth as a means to trap victims, causing them to kneel before Kito until death.


  1. @losermakesgames on Twitter. Twitter (Mar 24 2023) "JoeDoughBoi: - Their names are rough japanese translations of the emotion they represent, explaining the name changes. - The Guardians exist to keep X's world in check while he's busy with his games, with the Guardians joining in on some occasions. I have attach some concept art as well"
  2. @losermakesgames on Twitter. Twitter (Mar 24 2023) "JoeDoughBoi: General trivia about the 7 Guardians - They are extensions of X himself, given identities by the human emotion they are infused with. - The line "There is so much to show you" is a nod to Sheygrell's trailer for the cancelled 7 Guardians game."


           Sonic.exe Villains

Sonic.exe (SONIC 2011 + Soulless Sonic)
Sonic.exe | Seven Guardians (Kito | Ken'o | Kofuku | Gekido | Zetsubo | Kyofu | Yokubo) | Cult of X
Sonic II Gaiden
Bandado | Lord Mortis | The Annexes (Thanatos | Kenos | Immortuos)
Sonic Prototype 2017
EXE | Harbingers

Sonic.exe | Cult of X (Seven Guardians | Shannon Goldman)
Sonic.exe - THE REMAKE
Sonic.exe | Cult of X

Other Works
Sonic Legacy
Sonic.exe | "Sonic" | Cult of X
MY5TCrimson Duology
Sonic.exe | Sally.exe
Sonic.exe 2
Sonic.exe | Sally Acorn

Jack Gore
The All-Father

Vs. Sonic.exe
Story Mode
Sonic.exe (MaimyMayo | Juno Songs | GameToons)
Grimbo | Sonic.exe
Freeplay and Sound Test
Majin Sonic (GameToons) | Lord X (GameToons) | Sanic.exe | Fleetway Super Sonic (GameToons) | EXE (GameToons | SayoSkyy) | Tails Doll | Starved (Juno Songs) | anton2fangs) | Furnace (Juno Songs) | Fatal Error | Needlemouse | Coldsteel the Hedgeheg
Scorched (Sayo) | NormalCD | Chaotix | Wechidna | Satanos | Requital | No Name | Apollyon | Lookalike | Girl | Melthog | No More Innocence

Sonic.exe: Nightmare Universe
Exetior's Dimension
Exetior | Negagen | Junter | Creep | Biblio | Zeal | Tails (Inner Tails) | Knuckles | Dr. Eggman | Team Metallix | Crally | Dia-Li-Lax
Sark's Dimension
Sark | Richard | Cream | Sally | Tails | Knuckles | Dr. Eggman
Pervision's Dimension
Pervision | Jina | Brally | Boddys | Eggsorcist | Christy Glow
Chaos Alliance
Crowd | Abominatter | Blinded Justice | Shadow Exetior
The Highests
All-Father | Stich-Lite | Brave-Lite
Chaos | Sanity & Corrupted Tails | Shadow Knuckles | Shadow Tails and Shadow Cream | Viiva | Xato

Sonic.exe: The Spirits of Hell
Exeller | Execun | Exebi | Exebark | The King | The Red-Eyed Curse

Blood Scream Series
Executor | X

BECEnterprises' Sonic.exe Series
Exegod | Corrupt
Shannon Goldman

SonicAllStars.exe Series
SonicClone | Duxiyn

Sonic.exe: Phantom Saga
Phaton | Talrareth | ExHeller | Phantomites

Sonic Fear Series
Tails Doll | Sonic.exe | Metal Sonic | Eggrobo | Metal Knuckles

Duke | Chaotix

Sarah Henderson | Atem

S0NIC | Atem

Fatal copies
Fatal Prime | Fatal Error | Node

Luigi's Mansion: The Dead Monarch
King Bøø | Q̷̪̾U̵̩͘E̴͚͝E̶̅͘Ń̴͌ | The Phantom

Starved | Furnace

Sonic.exe (Death Toll | Brimstone) | Tails Soul | Xenophanes | Lord X | Starved | Furnace

Horror Fangame Frenzy
Sonic.exe (Horror Fangame Frenzy)

Sonic.DMG Trilogy
Sonic.DMG | Sonic.exe

MUGENWarrior Multiverse
EXE Demons
Sonic.EXE (Unidentified Individual) | Xenophanes

Sonic.EXE: The Disaster
Sonic.exe | Kolossos | Tails Doll

.NightKill | 0EXE | 32X | Amalgam | Angler the Fox | Antix | Apollyon | Arachnix | Arsnia | B0ws.gertxt | Backlash | Binarix | Blizzard | Booclown | Brutal Mech | Burnhog | Caffrin the Gamer Girl | Chaotix | Compution | CREAK.wad | Crimtake | CURT1S | Cyber.exe | Cyclops.ISO | Desperate | Dexelebur | Disk.CD | Dread | Dreamwalker | DSK | DX | Eclipsed Sonic | Entity 666 | ERR | Executable | Exezar | Exodius | Exodus | Exolphus | Exolution | Exrath | Exruby | EYX | Faker.ENT | File_X | Forgotten | Froggy (Big the Cat.exe) | Fun X | Game Eggman | Gem | GEN | Genesys | Geo | Glitched Amy | GLiTchHoG | God Z | Grey Scale.WXD | Griatos | Grimeware | Growned | Hapulep | H3llhog | Helminth | Iptamai | Infexion | Insanity | IRIS | I-Speye | John Walter | Jack Thompson (Sonic.ARR) | Knuckles.dmg | Kolt Davis | Leech | LEGION | Lord X (Phantom Attack) | Maceration | Masker | Meadow | Metallix.EXE | Mirror Sonic | Mono.BW | Mobius (Sonic.exe: The Appearance of Mobius) | Mobius_ALT | Needles | No More Innocence | NormalCD | OIL.RIG | Overwritten | Parmenides | PCX | Phantom-Arma | PhantomHog | Pira-Sin | Proditor | Prototype | Puppeteer | Quenched | Rainbow Dash (Rainbow.EXE) | Rat Demon | Red X | Requital | RE-RUN | Respiro | Rewrite | Roze | Satanos | Scarlett | SCOPTO | Scorched | Seek | Seer.rar | Smiling Sonic | Sonath | Sondick.sexe | Sonic.exe (J.B.M.) | Sonic the Hedgehog (HungryHero.EXE) | Sonic.EXE (BoomBusterBB) | Sonic.EXE (Bratwurst) | Sonic.exe (Kishinpain) | Sonic.EXE (M80Marc) | Sonic.exe (NES.EXE) | Sonic.EXE (SatSoA) | Sonic.exe (Sprite Animation) | Sonic.exe (Survive and Kill the Killers in Area 51) | Sonic.exe (WIENERBLAST) | Sonic.OS | Sonic.OMT | Sonic.SMS | SoniX | Spamnic | Spindash | Spineless | Starved | STH2014 | System | SystemCrash.WIN | Teacher | The Collector | The Expanse | The Ignited | The One With Many Eyes | The Virus | The Void Hog | Torment | Trojan | Valley | Velleity | Vengeance | Vexation | VISION | Vortex (DIMENSIONAL COALESCENCE) | Vulpes | Vulturick | Wechidna | White.pdn | WW.Falsehood | X (10 Years of Chasing Tails) | X (Sonic Villains) | XENO.act1 | Xenophanes (Confronting Yourself) | Xenophanes (Executable Education) | Xylo (The XYLO Chronicles) | Zalgo (Sonic2.EXE) | Zephaniah | ZER0 |
