This article's content is marked as Mature Needlemouse found something very brutal for those with a weak heart. The page Lord Tirek (Harmoniaverse) contains mature content that may include coarse language, sexual references, and/or graphic images which may be disturbing to some. Mature pages are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older. If you're 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. |
Lord Tirek (Harmoniaverse) is driving Monocrow crazy! Help improve this article by improving formatting, spelling, general layout and removing anything that doesn't need capitals - or it will be executed! |
“ | Speak as if it is unending torment all you want, prince. But the fact is, under ordinary circumstances, I could live with such a thing. Knowing how much agony, and suffering the six of you would undergo at the thought of what either Cozy Glow, or any number of dark influences may arise to take advantage of your worlds newfound weakness. In could say that this may tip the scales of balance in favor of Darkness. | „ |
~ Tirek to Duck |
Lord Tirek is the main antagonists of Harmonia-verse created by kahnac. He is a power-hungry centaur with the power to drain the magic and abilities out of other creatures. He is based on his G4 incarnation. He is also the descendant of Tirac and his successor to carry on his dark legacy. He is also the archenemy of Dusk Shine.
The Evolution of Lord Tirek[]
4,000 years ago, in the Netherland Kingdom, a centaur male was born to King Vorak and Queen Haydon. His name was one born of unknown inspiration: Tirek. First born heir to the throne of the wasteland kingdom. Though he was raised to be a prime example to his kingdom, and all within, he was conflicted. Though he did care for his family, and his subjects, the young prince was driven by a sense of rebellion, and a drive to be better than others. This put him at odds with his father more times than can actually be counted. Even more so when both his mother gave birth to a younger, gargoyle child they named Scorpan: and when it was discovered he himself was born with rare, magical abilities that only a few centaurs are born with. This, along with his parent's favoritism towards his kind-hearted brother, gave rise to a resentment towards them - though he did care for his brother, and didn't blame him for the treatment the centaur prince received from the king. This began raising an impending sense of superiority, and drive to surpass his father as his magic grew stronger. Something that a hermited centaur wizard named Sendak cultivated on as he took the prince on as a pupil, teaching him all that he knew. He fed Tirek's arrogance, and pride every day with more knowledge bestowed onto him: only Scorpan knew of his secret lessons with the hermit, but said nothing out of love, respect, and fear of Tirek. The prince didn't hate the little gargoyle, but his low self esteem did grate on him sometimes, as did his cautious nature. But he had every confidence that his brother would keep quiet about his meetings with Sendak, despite his parent's suspicions. And for many years, until he was 17 of age, since he was 11, learned many of the lost magics of his people with the aid of his master, and kept his hands clean of any suspicion during his time under his mentor's teachings. But all that changed when the hermit wizard ventured to the land of Equestria, and brought home a Unicorn for a most ambitious, mystical experiment that would change Tirek's fate forever.
Sendak had learned of an ancient, and powerful type of magic, and the spell to harness its true power: the ability to consume and absorb the magic of others. He foalnapped a unicorn from Equestria to experiment on with this magic in the hopes of finding a way to reclaim his vitality, and obtain a new source of power - maybe even a means to seize the throne for himself, though he'd never say that to his young protege'. Unfortunately, he made the mistake of sharing this secret with Prince Tirek, who saw opportunity in his master's experiment, and desired the same thing Sendak himself desired: the power of equestrian magic. In addition, despite the fact he knew nothing of the art, he secreted himself to Sendak's cave in the dead of night, and tried to consume the unicorn's magic. He tapped into that demonic ability, if but a moment, but his control slipped, and he had a magical rebound that destroyed the cavern. His master was exposed, and he fled before he could be discovered. Though he denied any accountability, King Vorak remained skeptical, and confined him to his quarters as he escorted the Unicorn home while trying to prevent any national incident between his kingdom, and the alicorn's own. This act turned the embers of Tirek's anger into a cindering, roaring fire that made him swear to overthrow his father, and become an indomitable force. This caused him to also verbally lash out at his brother, Scorpan, for his emotional turmoil, but he had enough sense of self to apologize when he did. The brothers swore to each other that, no matter what happened, they would always be bound together by the bonds that held them together. Even Tirek, who resented his parents for holding him to such low regard due to his negative, and ambitious attitudes, agreed to this and swore that like the Princesses of Equestria, would one day rule together as Co-Rulers. Even if they were driven apart, they would still love and care for one another, in each other's hearts.
But the brief taste of Equestrian magic never quite left Tirek's mind since that night. And he gained a newfound obsession which caused him to make drastic choices. One of which had him getting into an argument with Vorak about the truth regarding Sendak while holding court, which eventually got so out of control that the overworked, paranoid, and fearful king struck his own son for the first time. Now fearful of his own father, and with the father himself realising his mistake, to his horror, Tirek tapped into more of his own magical reserves and shot Vorak away from him with a blast from his hand in desperation, and the need to protect himself. Seeing the fear in his own people and families eyes, Tirek knew he had no choice: without so much as another word he fled the castle, and went into the wilderness of the Netherlands - though not before grabbing a bow, and sliver full of arrows from a guard along the way. His father sending his guards to pursue and bring him back in the desperate need to atone for his mistake. Young Tirek thought he was being sought out for punishment by his father, and only resisted with his newly acquired offensive abilities, while trying to save his arrows for when he needed them. Soon, even the King joined the recovery party, which lead them into an ominous part of the mountain region, where Tirek had gone into a cave that was strong with the essence of "The Darkness". Fearing for his son's safety, Vorak even called on Discord, a member of his court, to help them find Tirek. The chaos spirit couldn't simply snap his fingers to bring him out because the darkness of that cave disrupted his powers. So, with no choice they went in - and in doing so, learned that this was some kind of dark fortress which had been forsaken eons ago. Large wells of indigo colored, mystical essence, steaming in the depths below. Soon enough, during their search, they indeed found Tirek. But he wasn't alone in those caves.
A host of corrupt satyrs had taken refuge in these caves, and had succumbed to the very fumes of the Wells of Darkness in there. Thus turning them into more demonic, feral creatures who were still fully capable of armed combat, and had also gained offensive, magical abilities. To protect themselves, Discord gave the gargoyle guard's spears a chaos-infused boost so they can also fire magical beams, and they can have a chance to fight back - even as restricted as he was, the chaos spirit still had plenty of tricks up his sleeves (if he had any.). While Tirek, himself, was repelling Satyr after Satyr while retreating further into the crypt-like cave, and with only sword in hand and Discord beside him, Vorak set forth to save his son. Tirek saw his father, and Discord, and was now further filled with fear as he tried to shoot them away, too. With only his magic, and his bow and arrows in hand, Tirek continued evading his enemies, only barely managing to hold off a Satyr that got the drop on him. When ambushed, Vorak begged Discord to save his son, to which the draconequus obliged.
Managing to keep up with short-ranged teleports, he eventually made it through the remaining satyrs and cornered Tirek on a causeway - rooted above one of the Dark Wells. In the fuming mists, just as Discord flashed next to him, the prince fired at him with a mystically charged arrow, only for the chaos spirit to reflect it on instinct by turning his paw into crystal, and having the arrow him back in the face in fiery splinters. Young Tirek was burned from his own attack, and riddled with agonizing, burning splinters that made the world around him nonexistent: so much so he never managed to stop himself from stepping backwards, and over the ledge. He recovered fast enough to grab a stone spike, and halt his fall. Still unable to teleport him, Discord reached for the prince, and tried to lift him up. Perhaps if Tirek hadn't gotten his hands scraped on the rock, his grip wouldn't have loosened. But in the end, Discord lost his holding, and the young prince fell screaming through the air. Down, down, down below straight into the Well of Darkness below him. His body disappeared in a splash of black and red liquid before it settled. All who witnessed this were mortified: but none moreso than the King, and Discord. The former falling to his knees as, to every parent's greatest horror can be, he had witnessed his first born his baby boy, die right in front of his eyes. And the grief turned to anger when Discord offered his most sincere apologies for his failure to save Tirek, hence causing him to blame the draconequus for this tragedy - even though he knew it wasn't his fault because of this evil place. Even so, he let his anger control him to the point he officially cast him out of his court, and his kingdom forever. Dejected, and sad, Discord gave one last apology before he did as the king ordered, and left. This would set the spirit of chaos on his own path, which would lead him to Equestria one day - and unfortunately, it would lead to him displaying why he is called the spirit of chaos. Once the king finished grieving, he went home to give the bad news. The Netherlands mourned for the passing of their lost prince, and shared in the grief of their future ruler's end. Yet on this dark, and rainy day, none but his family felt more pain for the death Tirek had succumbed to: Scorpan, worst of all, as the promise made between them had been broken, and now the young gargoyle was alone. As father, mother, and brother privately blamed themselves for this tragedy, the future of their kingdom seemed to be shrouded in a bleak veil of sorrow. Little did any of them know that the cavern fortress had secret aqueducts leading outside, and into a small lake nearby where all in the land was dead except for the owner of the crimson hand with vicious claws, and a malformed wrist band that emerged from this excess as the remains of bows and arrow alike appeared. Prince Tirek was dead and now, something new had been born from his boiling remains.
The moment he was able to get out of the noxious lake of darkmatter, he felt his whole body in pain. As if he had been expanded from the inside, and his bones had stretched against their will. He even felt a new weight on his head as he crawled out of the mire, and onto solid earth. His armor torso plate now little more than molten metal pouring off of him, except for a single, metal ring surrounding his neck. He was amazed he was alive, but wondering if this pain he felt was worth it. Feeling over his itching, burning body, he felt himself coated in a layer of fur? Hair? Something fuzzy, that was for sure. And he knew he never had a beard, save his signature goatee, but the most startling thing he noted was how much he felt his own face had changed. Where once there was only a flat surface and a nose, now there was a muzzle long as a bulls. Even his horns, which he glimpsed in a puddle in the rain, had grown to resemble a bovine set. This finally got him curious enough to actually look at himself in the rain puddles growing from the deluge pouring overhead. He was cautious at first, but knew he had to find out what happened - what was wrong with him. When he did finally see, it was so far beyond what he imagined. Even by centaur standards, he was no longer normal. Whatever that well was he landed in, had cursed him into the form of a a hellish beast out of the darkest pits of Hades, or rather the TRUE Tartarus (not that oversized cave prison the princesses were said to have at their disposal.). His eyes now gleaming with sinister gold, he could no longer hold it in. What sounded like quiet weeping suddenly began morphing into deranged laughter as the now fully grown centaur arose to his feet. His laughter sounding more mortifying and broken with every bout he let out as he clutched at his pitch black hair-fur. He was no longer the Tirek he remembered, and never again would he be the same. This whole incident, caused by his own parents, his subjects and that misshapen freak of nature who couldn't even save him from a high dive of death. The Prince was gone, replaced by this new creature and all it took was one bad day to make it happen.
Even so, he had no idea what he should do. He couldn't go home as he was now: he would be imprisoned on the spot once his fath-no. Once Vorak recognized him, he would use his current state to give him the excuse needed to justify intended punishment. That draconequus couldn't be tracked thanks to his unpredictable ability to literally disappear into thin air, so hunting him down was out of the question. And anywhere else he goes he would be treated like the monster he had been turned into. It seemed like he was on his own now, with only his anger, and hatred for his father, his mother, his home, and the chaos spirit who let him become this thing. Even the Equestrians had the biggest hand in his fate because of that unicorn. Yes! THEY started this whole thing, and they were the ones to truly blame. Only hatred for all he blamed let him carry on for as long as he could. But then something happened which he did not anticipate, or imagine could happen: a voice called out to him, like an elderly grandparent speaking out to their grandchild, asking if he were lost. He looked to the source, and noticed some kind of distortion in reality that acted like a mirror at the same time. On the other side, he saw an old, horned figure in black skin, whose eyes shined like his own. Again, he called out to him, and then presented a thin, aged hand which actually had hints of green, like rotting flesh. Still, the figure offered him sanctuary, and aid. He wasn't afraid of the centaur he somehow knew was just a boy. What choice did Tirek have but to agree?
He took the offered hand, and soon found himself in another land entirely. The window he passed through was some kind of massive crystal that was shining like a rainbow in silver glass. There were other crystals there, as well, surrounding what he now realized was a mausoleum in a dark cemetery. All around him, he sensed only Darkness: the same Darkness he could smell coming off of the crimson cloaked figure whose horns were like antlers, a pelt of fur wrapped around his neck and acted like a tail hanging behind as his hooved legs moved about. His face, however, was another story entirely as it was completely aged to the point of decaying. Even with no lips to cover his predator sharp teeth, he could still express himself with his fiery orange and red eyes. The figure then said he was named "Tirathos", and he had much to teach, and show the former prince. He was old, but his work was not over yet: The Sacred Tree of Light still stands, and Harmony thrives in their realm. He no longer had the power to war against it - but Tirek had been chosen to carry on this dark crusade in his stead. Listening intently, Tirek heeded the withered lich as he spoke of making the centaur his heir and successor, who he would train in the ways of the Vashtar, itself - the Darkness, itself. In exchange, Tirathos would teach him many things even his old master never could in a single millennia, and gift unto him ALL of his dark powers. Then show him the way to reawaken, and claim all of it.
Tirek agreed, enticed by the promise of power, and intrigued by this stranger who, despite his withered appearance, harbored a mass of power exceeding anything the centaur ever imagined - but then again, he hadn't the ability to sense energy and magic to this extent before. His curiosity, and the sign of opportunity from this 'training': if things worked out, he would finally fulfill the pledge he made to himself to show Vorak that he was indeed an indomitable force before he lays waste to that worthless kingdom he once called home. Why content yourself with ruling one spit of land when all the world can be your kingdom? To conquer, and reign over as you see fit while making all those despised pay to your hearts content. More, to claim the power of the cosmos, wasted on frightened farm animals who consider themselves the ruling class. These were the thoughts that burned in his mind before he agreed to be apprentice to this new master. And in this hidden domain, which was a pocket dimension hidden between the mortal realm, and The Dark Realm, yet accessible to those who can find the way without a traveling crystal, as the one Tirathos wielded. As such, the concept of time itself ran differently between the two: a day in the mortal realm was year in the dark one. And so it was weeks that gave Tirek all the time he needed to hone his newfound might, and abilities: even harnessing the ability to absorb magic from other living things - provided by his master in the form of wandering ponies. At last, he had tasted the power of Equestrian magic, and found it most delicious. And he was harnessing his own inner-darkness to become even stronger. If Discord was an embodiment of chaos, then Tirek would soon become an embodiment of darkness, with the same level of might to match, and even surpass. He even learned something truly important: the ability to utilize the Sacred Dragon Crystals. The objects of power belonging to a race of dragons said to be directly descended from the Bahamut: the Primordial Archangels of Light. The majority returned to their own realm for reasons lost to time, but there were others who stayed behind - and in doing so, provided the dark wielder a means of gaining new power that would make him a god. Tirek himself soon armed himself with the knowledge of wielding these crystals, and added it to his arsenal. However, he would not be using the master's crystals just yet.
After 15 years in the dark realm, the lost prince had mastered the dark arts, and had grown in both body and mind. He had taken his hatred, and rage, and turned them into the tools needed to give him the strength to seek out what he desired, and take it for his own. He would become a true god on Earth. Only two things remained in order for him to complete his training. The first was for Tirek to perform an ability that is considered forbidden even among the Primordials, themselves, and yet was used to give birth to Tirathos: and he wanted Tirek to use it on him, and absorb his soul into himself. Like a vessel, he would harbor his master's very essence, draw on greater power, and ensure that Tirathos would endure in spite of his imminent death, which was what also brought the training to its final stage. The second was simply a pledge: a pledge to bring back the empire Tirathos had created centuries ago, in the First Age of the Ancient Equestrian world. First, he would need to recover the source of Tirathos' powers, hidden in the vaults of Tirek's old home: The Dark Crucible. Once he had it, he could begin his rise to power, and in the process learn the true reason his parents hated and feared him. Though he didn't fully understand, Tirek wanted to know what the dark one apparently did. And thus agreed to the pledge, and to let the master become part of him. Being taught the technique, Tirek siphoned Tirathos' soul into himself, and then left only his master's withered husk in the wake. However, it could still be a medium for Tirathos to commune with, and would act as such should his pupil ever require aid. Therefore, as apparently had already been prepared, Tirathos had been swallowed by the very darkness itself, and brought into the Mausoleum to be laid to rest. Once it was sealed, his crystals vanished without a trace: according to Tirathos within Tirek, they were bidden to hide away in The Midnight Mountain. A place Tirek would one day find, and take as his seat of power, just as it served his master eons ago. With the soul of his mentor giving him power, and serving as his silent sage whom he could commune with through meditation, he opened a portal through his own magic back to the mortal realm. He was surprised when he learned of the time dilation effect, and that 15 years had only been a little over two weeks out here. No matter, not when there was work to be done. And the king and queen were due a visit from Lord Tirek.
Tirek reveals himself to Scorpan after the Gargoyle prince hears commotion outside of his room. Something had happened that the guard were keeping quiet about, and it was then the centaur teleported into his room. Naturally, he didn't recognize him at first, until the centaur spoke of things only his younger brother knew that would prove who he was. With the revelation, the brother's embraced each other for what felt like eternity. He then asked Tirek what had happened to him, and why he looked so different. He first insisted that Scorpan address him as Lord Tirek, and secondly, he was a victim of circumstance who simply found a way to survive, and endure. And now, he was mighty, and powerful like he always wanted. When the subject of their parent's came up, though, Tirek refused to see them because he had watched a terrible thing occur thanks to his newfound powers: their parents had been murdered. Murdered by the Equestrians for what Sendak had done, and blamed for his actions as well. They wanted vengeance on their kingdom, and so Tirek intended to bring justice and retribution to them in turn - and he needed Scorpan's help to do so. Something about Tirek made Scorpan weary, and hesitant at first. But his love, and trust won through and he agreed to aid his brother. Though when asked what would be done about their home, and if they were going to leave it in a state of panic, and leaderless, Lord Tirek merely smiled and said that all would be taken care of. A steward would see to it that their kingdom was enlightened to the events, and cleansed of the fear, and histeria that would follow once word of the King and Queen's death came forth. Trusting him with small hesitance, Scorpan relented. And the two of them went through a portal of Tirek's making, leading to the land of Equestria. Their Kingdom was indeed left to the affairs of a steward chosen by Lord Tirek: Dismay, who did all as Tirek described by assuming her true, dragonian form and cleansing the kingdom in her dark flames until all was only ash, and soot - all of the dead would find enlightenment in the next life.
From there, history takes its main course: Lord Tirek, and Scorpan set forth to steal the magic of Equestria in order to weaken, and dominate the opposition. Though first, Scorpan would need to observe and study the ponies to survey the threat level. He agreed, and was prepared to go forth, before Lord Tirek halted him. Reminding him of the bond they had, and the promise they made, the centaur gave his brother an ivory ring, with a bud-like gem of silver on its top. This was his sign of gratitude and loyalty. Touched by this, Scorpan felt the need to return the favor in kind: and so gave Tirek his medallion, though it was a gift from their grandmother. He wanted him to have it for the same reasons Tirek said he gave the ring. Tirek expressed his gratitude, and wished him the best as he set off for Equestria the centaur hoping that he would indeed not fail him by siding with those worthless creatures against him. A week had passed since then, and Tirek spent most of his time meditating to hone his control over his power. On the eight day, Scorpan finally returned, and the eager centaur was quick to greet him and ask how his mission went. What he was almost surprised to see was a look of uncertainty on his brother's face. His suspicions only grew when Scorpan began asking questions he didn't like hearing: is their campaign truly necessary when it involves ponies who had nothing to do with their parent's deaths? What if it was indeed only a small band, unassociated with the rest of the society itself who acted independently? Why should they consider ALL ponies enemies when only a few were their quarry? Couldn't they perhaps ask the ponies to aid in their search for justice? Things like that. And it became all too clear when Scorpan revealed he had been conversing with them that he was turning to their side. He even dared to beg Lord Tirek to leave the Equestrians alone, and not go through with his plan to punish them needlessly. Tirek refused, and told Scorpan to get these ideas out of his head. The ponies were his head with lies in order to gain his trust, and betray him. He reminded him that Vorak and Haydon were allies to the Alicorn Princesses until Sendak abducted one of their subjects. How the gargoyle could not see that what happened was retaliation, plain and simple, then he was a fool, as Tirek put it. Hearing Tirek speak like this, with such hatred, and contempt was unnerving, intimidating, and unbecoming of the Tirek he once knew. And for the first time in his life, he openly defied his brothers claims by saying HE was the fool for letting his anger, and rage control him as he always did. Even before he disappeared he allowed anger to dictate his actions. Now he was taking things too far, and Scorpan was wondering if this was all worth it, or not - and if he wanted to be part of it any longer.
The demonic centaur was livid that Scorpan had spoken to him this way, and said such things. He was prepared to remind him of their oath when the worst thing to ever imagine happened: Dismay flew in right at that moment, and declared that The Netherlands were now only a desolation, as he had ordered. This snapped Tirek out of his furious state, and he saw the horror of his brother after hearing this. Before he could fabricate more lies, Scorpan demanded to know what the monster pony had meant by that. This made Dismay respond in defense of their master, and without thinking, reveal that his brother had created Dismay to destroy their own home so that no evidence of her master's actions could be traced back to him, and so he and Scorpan would have no reason to return to that wasteland. Before they could speak any further, Lord Tirek seized Dismay by the neck with his magic, and began throttling them as he ordered their silence. But it was far too late. Despite his timid, often complacent, and docile nature, Scorpan was NOT a fool, and he began piecing things together. Before anything, he asked if all that he'd heard was true. His spiteful scowl gave him away, it seems, given it wouldn't leave with any attempts to hide it. He knew he'd been caught, and admitted to it. This made the Gargoyle turn to anger himself, as he realized that Tirek had lied, and manipulated him: and he know believed it was his own brother who murdered their own parents. The outrage was unbelievable, and eventually it came to the point where Tirek actually tried to shoot down Scorpan with his magic at non-lethal levels. All he did was scare him away, and leave the heir of Tirathos bewildered. He gave Dismay his most murderous glare for what they had done though he did nothing to truly harm them, since he had no wish to lose his immortality a horcrux like Dismay provided. Instead, he was forced to accelerate his plans, and take Equestria himself. He bid his creation begone, and await his command when he summons them.
And the rampage he partook in would lead to one of the most devastating conflicts Equestria has ever seen. With the magic of numerous ponies within him, The Dark Crucible in hand, fully unsheathed, and the sight of his own flesh and blood beside the Princesses and their mentor, Starswirl the bearded, fueled the power his hate, and his rage was unfathomable. For a while, he took Scorpan captive, further expositing his ambitious desires before trying to kill him, only for the alicorns to swoop in to save him. Scorpan was tossed aside, and Lord Tirek focused his attention on his true enemies. However, he was in an unstable state of mind because of his unbridled fury, and it drove him to follow his master's example in order to show these miserable nags what the power of Darkness was capable of. Ignoring Scorpan's pleas, he thrust his blade into his own heart while energizing it to the fullest. To the horror of all present, instead of Tirek dying by his own weapon, something far worse occured: it turned miasmic as it sank into his body with only a violet wound in its place. And out of the wound a wave of pure Darkness emerged to wrap itself around Tirek, encasing him as though it were a cocoon. A fair description, for in but a few minutes, the former centaur had undergone another startling transformation: he was a monstrous, bipedal creature clad in gothic-like armor that seemed to be part of his body, and a massive pair of wings rested on his back, only flapping once in a while. Startled, yet undeterred, the young rulers of Equestria combined theirs with the power of Starswirl to besiege the dark demon. But nothing could harm him: no magics, or swords, or spears, or ANY weapons of this world could harm him despite their efforts to prove otherwise. He merely used his might to swat them like insects, and gain the shortest victory in history, before he then cast his gaze to the heavens, and bid a shroud of darkness encompass it as he rose to heights that were of titans, themselves.
Tirathos had been reborn into the fourth generation of Equestria, and as his assault upon the land went undisturbed - not for the equestrian's lack of trying - the Darkness' victory was close at hand. That is, until the last enemy he ever expected to come against appeared before him in a form that disguised his aura, and soul: Scorpan. He had been chosen by Lignum Harmonia to become the fabled "Champion of Light", who his master told him was the one who had slain him eons ago, and had come to defend Equestria from Lord Tirathos' evil reign. With the sacred blade known as The Sword of Light - the ONE weapon that can harm the servants and masters of evil - he clashed with the monster that was once his brother for the fate of not only Equestria but the world. For hours they fought, both sides seeming equal in strength and power, with neither side seeming to have an edge over the other. But as time went on, Scorpan showed no signs of weakening or tiring, not like Tirathos. His desire to protect Equestria was strong, and his desire to save Tirek from himself even stronger. This gave him the strength to persevere, and his natural knowledge of flight was his advantage. After giving the Primordial Dark Lord more strikes to weaken him, Scorpan took his chance to strike. And with a downward thrust of his sword, he impaled the sword of light into the skull of Lord Tirathos. A wave of distorted energy flooded over the Dark Lord when this happened, and after Scorpan pulled out the sword, the results were instantaneous. His very body began overflowing with energy from the sword made of harmony, and light, and he began shining through his armored body like a sun until finally - B-DOOOOOOM! He exploded in a wave of magical, and cosmic energy so powerful it broke through the dark veil, and nearly blew everything apart in a hurricane-like wind. The armor that made up the Dark Lords body fell to crumbled pieces - with only his helm surviving. It was over: Tirathos, the enemy of the free creatures of the mystic Earth, was defeated.
Tirek himself reappeared in his previous state lying on the ground. Unconscious, but alive. His weapon faded into darkness, and flew away to any number of places imaginable. He had failed, and now lay in ruin: not yet realizing that Scorpan had cast Tirathos deeper into the confines of his mind and souls, and in turn damaging all memory related to his master. Once all was settled it was decided that Tirek would face punishment for ALL his crimes. And since they found he could not be killed, their only option was imprisonment. And after a sorrowful Scorpan left Equestria to rebuild his home, and his kingdom from the ruin it lay in - unaware of the trap the gift ring would spring once he reached the Everfree Forest - Tirek himself would be banished into the cavernous prison of Tartarus, to spend the rest of his days in isolation, and solitude for all time. When he awoke in a cage atop a claw-like peak standing erect from the shadows below, he had found it hard to remember what had happened. All he could remember was an accident making him into a beast his parent's deaths at his hands his journey to Equestria with his brother and then the sensation of fogged memories that only told him Scorpan betrayed him, and helped the princesses imprison him here. His face scrunched into a hate-filled scowl at the thought of both being betrayed, and beaten, by his own weaker, and inferior brother. But that he chose ponykind over him earned nothing but his full hatred for the gargoyle he once called brother. The only other thing he remembered was Scorpan giving him his own medallion, to symbolize the strength of their brotherhood, and the friendship it entailed. Now, for over 4,000 years in this eternal condemnation, it would serve as a symbol of hatred, betrayal, and his thirst for revenge on the ponies who thwarted him - and the brother who betrayed him.
Thousands of years would tirelessly move on following his defeat, and imprisonment within Tartarus. And in all that time, the heir to the throne of Midnight had found he had lost more than merely his majority of memories: as time went on, his own body began to age, and wither away. Though time itself held no complete meaning in Tartarus, the centaur was now vulnerable to the annals of time. Only his magic, which he had claimed from those he slaughtered kept him alive indefinitely - that, and a factor he, himself had all but forgotten. Many things happened as he had been reduced to even less of a weak, frail old fool than his old, former master, Sendak: the most notable being the return of Nightmare Moon, and the Return of The Elements of Harmony by the hooves of six ponies who embodied each aspect of the omnipotent force, and returned Princess Luna to the world by using that power to cleanse the evil which had corrupted her. Then came along the spirit of chaos, himself, thanks to a quarrel between a trio of Cutie Mark Crusading fillies that grew wild, and chaotic enough to free him from stone imprisonment caused by the elements original bearers: The Princesses of the Sun and Moon. Though he held them at bay for a time with his trickery, corruption, and ultimately keeping the six apart, they remembered their own bonds of friendship, regained themselves, and used The Elements of Harmony to cast the Draconequus back into stone. A pity Tirek himself was not there to see it, nor was he there to completely shatter the miserable trickster in his vulnerable state. Though now that he thought of it, even though he remembered Discord causing his physical change because of his weakness, that hatred towards him had dimmed down. He still couldn't remember why, but for some reason he felt Discord had done him a favor. He just wished he could be free to remember who else he was, and figure out why he sensed there was more to himself than he realized.
His wish came true when the most unlikely form of aid had arrived through the gate to this accursed realm. His weak vision gave him the sight of a pony standing over there, with that miserable, three-headed down checking them out. He then saw the blurry image of the pony raising something into the air, Cerberus getting excited, and then chasing after whatever it was. With that out of the way, the pony he now saw as a pegasus came before him. Though he bitterly demanded to know what they wanted, something familiar to him occured: the ponies eyes flashed into those of a serpents, and then suddenly red and black flames coated in crimson lightning changed the pegasus into the familiar form of Dismay. In regards to their master, it pained them to see he doesn't know who they are, or remember much of his past. But Tirathos, through the psychic link between Primordial, mortal host, and horcrux incarnate that still exists - but because of Scorpan, Tirathos was far too buried in Tirek's soul to affect, and restore him - tells them there is a way. Tirek's memories were indeed damaged, and would require outside help to restore completely: but they can at least remind him of who THEY are - if they but make contact with one another. Understanding, they ask Lord Tirek to hold the hoof they had morphed into a hand so that he can know who Dismay is. Though skeptical, and uncertain, part of him wants to know the truth, so he accepts. And in a flood of distant memories surrounding this shape-shifting creature, Lord Tirek regains the memories of his wondrous creation now here before him. He remembered who his Dismay was, and expressed how happy he was to see them.
Dismay was also happy for their master, but also knew there was no time for reminiscing: the 3 headed hound would be brought back soon, and it would be in their best interests if Tirek was not here when that happened. So, after producing massive, strong arms reminiscent of the cyclopes, or even the Arimaspi, Dismay bent open the bars, and lead the frail, and weakened centaur out of this cesspit. As predicted, Cerberus had indeed been returned to Tartarus, due to the efforts of a unicorn named Dusk Shine, whose brave actions intrigued Tirek, but then got him to scoff at the nag's foolishness in risking his own safety for such a dangerous deed. Either way, it was of no concern to him. After producing a dark cloak for him to hide behind, Dismay was then bidden to guard her master for as long as possible. 5,000 years of having to feed on his own magical essence to stay alive reduced him to this worthless state, and left him utterly helpless. He could not even drain the essence of a parasprite, much less a pony right now. So, he had to wait to regain his strength, without Tartarus' draining influence to weaken him any more. And without the need to live off his own magic, he could now replenish his natural reserves. But he would need to be patient, for the day would not come too soon: not to mention the princesses may eventually learn of his escape. That's when his faithful servant devised a few ideas that may aid them in keeping their discretion. Ideas the demonic centaur couldn't help but grin at as he agreed.
Through Dismay, he learned of several events that had occured since his imprisonment. The shapeshifting demon had made sure to keep an eye on ALL of Equestria's events as they unfurled: including the rise and fall of the tyrannical King Sombra, and even of one whom Tirek would enjoy knowing about. And the knowledge of that treacherous fool, Discord, getting himself petrified by the Alicorn Sisters was incredibly amusing to him though the knowledge of these artifacts known as "The Elements of Harmony", along with the tree they come from was troubling to him. They would need to be dealt with, in due time. First, he would create pandemonium in Equestria as he prepared his inevitable return. With Dismay's formidable espionage skills, which included learning the location of the Kingdom of Queen Chrysalis, and the notorious Changelings, Tirek had gone to 'inform' her majesty of a special wedding due to take place very soon - inciting the potential of harvesting the love of all the ponies in Canterlot, with her skills of deception, and infiltration. And the changelings did indeed capitalize on this idea though if it weren't for Dismay, whose power tied directly into Darkness itself, and not magic, thus making them immune to the magic-stealing power of the Queen's throne, her master was set to be their next meal: though he DID challenge Chrysalis to drain his love, for the queen to learn the painful way that Tirek himself had nothing but hatred in the empty void of his heart. The two left before the bugs could feed on them the old fashioned way, and decided to enact the next part of the plan, following The Changeling's predicted defeat, as they both knew how formidable the ponies were, and that they would not fall so easily. Perhaps the same could be said about the umbrum demon, King Sombra, once the ritual to return both him, and The Crystal Empire from its timelock, had done its work, and the shadow king was left to his own devices. To his surprise, Tirek could feel his strength slowly returning to him, as panic and terror washed over Equestria during these two separate incidents. Perhaps his other source of strength was the same as the shadow king: Fear.
Either way, it made it easier for him to personally enact a ritual to strengthen a possession of Discord's, meant to destroy the Tree of Harmony: The Plunder Vines. What noone knew was that the Plunder Vines had been created by Lord Tirek, himself, under the guidance of his master, to act as his contingency should he fail in his mission. This little 'experiment' took place during Scorpan's absence, as did his solo visit to the chaos spirit's hiding place. Though he hated the misshapen freak with ever fiber of his being, Lord Tirek knew that he could use the creature to his advantage. And the fact his appearance strayed from what Discord remembered proved further advantageous, as it allowed him to broker a deal with Discord. He explained the seeds purpose, and offered to give them to the chaos spirit, who was starting to truly fathom the scale of his magic. Though he dismissed the need for a bunch of seedlings, Tirek assured him that there were powers out there greater than his own. And warned that without these seeds, the powers that be would see the draconequus undone: but with the seeds, Discord would be able to literally root out the source of this threat, and ensure he would be unopposed in his mischief-making. Tirek asked for only one thing in return.
That he make the ponies suffer in ways only he could devise. But that was long ago, and much had changed since then, including Discord's reformation, which the centaur refused to believe at first. He was instead focused on performing the ritual that would give his Plunder Vines the needed might to overcome the already weakening tree of harmony, and slowly suck the life out of it while they continued to terrorize the rest of Equestria. Of course, his plan was thwarted when the six Element Bearers figured out they needed to return the elements to the Tree in order to save it. In doing so, they wiped out the pestilence, and saved the Princesses of Day and Night receiving a mysterious chest in the process. In spite of the loss of his greatest asset, Tirek was not deterred: because in the end, The Elements of Harmony had been returned to the Tree from whence they came, and had to stay there in order to keep it alive, and Equestria safe. The greatest threat to his return was now removed, and it was now only a matter of time before he could finally make his move - even spying on the Mane Six and Spike as they resided within the Ruined Castle of the Two Sisters. His ominous, yellow eyes glaring at the sound of their laughter as he swore to see to it they were all made to suffer for his torment. The days spanning into weeks, then into months, until he was finally ready. He could feel his greatest power had returned to him, and he was ready to strike. Though they were hesitant, Tirek ordered Dismay to go into hiding as he took care of business. It wasn't that he didn't need her, or anything: he just wanted to ensure his living soul retainer was unharmed, and thus he remained invincible, and immortal. The horcruxian demon did as commanded, and left him to begin his conquest. And this time, noone would be able to stop him.
He wasted no time in hunting down, and draining any unicorn in his sight to replenish himself. And as time went on, with every ounce of magic consumed, the more the centaur began feeling his old strength return. He hated having to hide in old, filthy alleys to conduct his business, but it was the safest alternative. He knew it would be a matter of time until the Princesses sent someone to capture him, Expediency was the key in this game of cat and mouse. Though he prefered to consider himself the cat - even when his next mouse was revealed to be Discord, himself who oddly didn't seem to remember him. A complete contrast to Lord Tirek, who'd been long made aware of the Chaos Spirit's freedom by his horcruxian servant. Did he really forget what happened all those centuries ago: including their 'exchange' involving the Plunderseeds? He wasn't sure, but he would play along. Feigning ignorance regarding Discord, even as the spirit had turned his own arm braces into prison cuffs, while making a false attempt at resistance. Knowing fully well he was no match for the draconequus in his current state, he instead opted to fight him in a different field where HE was superior in every way.
The art of persuasive manipulation. The idiot didn't even hesitate to admit he was doing this bit of 'police work' for his friends - moreso for a pony named "Fluttershy". And while he was actually baffled the spirit had actually stooped so low after the animosity he had created between himself and the equines long ago made him a dark legend in Equestrian history, Tirek now had something to work with. And he immediately played towards Discord's greatest weakness: his egocentricity, pride, self-centered sense of importance, and his reputation as the "master of chaos" - with the freedom that came with it. Lord Tirek convinced him the ponies were only using friendship to bend him to their will, and restrict him - even comparing his circumstances to that of his brothers (or how he always remembered it, even with his lesser amnesia). Thus he struck a deal with the trickster, making an offer he couldn't refuse. Join Lord Tirek in his conquest and help him claim the magic of all Equestria, while being given the freedom to unleash his chaos on everything he saw fit? Or hold onto the new friendship he had with the ponies? Even though Fluttershy was the only one who even bothered to give him the sort of compassion friends deserve, did she really do it because she cared? Or because she was ordered to by Celestia?
In the end, he decided the freedom to be who he is, and express it to the world was far more preferable to being disrespected, and belittled by ponies who claimed to be his friends. Thus began a Deadly Alliance between a Trickster, and a Devil. Together, they wasted no time harvesting the magic of the ponies themselves. The more he consumed, the younger, and stronger he became. Out of his elderly form, he now had converted into a state of being that was his physical prime, which his horns now outstretched beyond mere stubs. His power was slowly returning to him, and he relished every moment of it: and all while Discord took enjoyment in Tirek's ruthless method of consuming equestrian essence. Soon enough, he was strong enough to consume the essence of the Pegasi, and with Discord's aid he drew forth the resisting forces of cloudsdale, and with ease restrained them in his own magic before sucking them dry, and leaving them to drop to the earth like flies. He had magic, and now he had control of the heavens themselves. All he needed next was the essence of the earth, itself, which he had been guided to by his chaotic friend, who was more than considerate enough to round up the Apploosians who tried to flee as if they were a fresh catch of the day. Even so, his rampage would not end until he had hunted down every last pony in the land and devoured their essence. Then he would secure the true prize he came to this land for to begin with. And with Discord, those miserable princesses would be unable to oppose him. The world would soon be his, and all would burn in the fires of his hatred. Little did he know that the Alicorns had already devised a plan to waylay him.
The conquest had taken the duo to Canterlot City, itself, where Tirek wasted no time in draining every pony in sight. However, as he had finally regained his original form before his imprisonment, a comment from Discord not meant for his ears had come out to make him begin to doubt his unwitting stooge's status with their partnership. The draconequus was hiding something, and his quick dismissal only further proved it. Tirek now knew he had to deal with this fool who he already knew would betray him eventually as soon as possible. But first, he had to acquire his prize to ensure his victory over his enemies. The only minor obstacle was a unicorn guard - a captain, based on his armor's style - who was actually willing to take out Discord "the traitor", and then the centaur after he shared his philosophy regarding the ponies notions of betrayal due to them forcing the Spirit of Chaos to abandon his true nature, just to make 'friends' with weak-minded equines who had nothing to offer him except freedom from stone imprisonment. In the end, the pony Discord called Shining Armor, despite his courage, and bravery, fell to Tirek's might, and became another addition to his meal. When he noticed a look of confliction from Discord, followed by a weak "how could you do this?" from Shining, which actually seemed to get to him, Lord Tirek suggested he go and have fun while he attended his business. It was almost hilarious how easily the trickster gave into his base desires - it would make dealing with him all the more amusing.
Like an unstoppable force of nature, Lord Tirek tore his way through the castle until he came upon the throne room. As apparently he doesn't do doors, the centaur ripped them out of the walls before tossing them to the side. And with a malicious grin, he marched over to the princesses who he noted seemed less than themselves. He quickly learned why that was when he tried to drain them like the other ponies. But nothing came out of them as he tried to drain their essence. That's when he realized that the alicorns had played him: they somehow sent their own magic away into something or somepony to keep it away from him. He was angry at being screwed, but he got over it quickly in spite of their defiance in telling him what they had done to their magic. It put a damper on part of his plans, but this only meant his domination of Equestria was unopposed. He even went so far as to mock their efforts while sitting upon Celestia's throne while indulging in a bit of villainous gloating, up until Celestia warned him that he would not prevail. His only response was for them to give Cerberus his regards, before he opened a direct gateway to Tartarus. Without hesitation, he cast the 3 alicorns into the dark prison, and left them to rot. Though he had to deal with Discord, who was taking his monologue to heart and was probably beginning to question their partnership. But Tirek was a master of improvising, and after reassuring Discord that he was still part of the conquest, he then strengthened his hold on the platonic leash he had over the Chaos Spirit: by giving him Scorpan's medallion under the pretense of it being a sign of gratitude, and loyalty. Discord most certainly appreciated the gift, and once again bought into Tirek's lies: even managing to make Tirek chuckle at one of his comedic renovations to the stain-glassed windows. But he was more concerned on what they would do now that the princesses were dealt with.
However, things changed when he noticed a window with the image of Prince Dusk Shine, himself. Though he recognized the stallion, he was surprised to see that he was somehow an alicorn, if this 'mural' was anything to go by. Even so, as he knew to do, Lord Tirek feigned ignorance to prove his theories right. And Discord basically admitted that there was now indeed another alicorn out there: a fourth ruler who was the first stallion to gain the so-called honor. The centaur's patience for Discord finally reached its zenith when Discord also admitted to be omitting information from him out of suspicion of the legitimacy of their alliance: claiming Tirek's gift had only reassured him. Though Tirek honestly had no idea where this "Alicorn Prince" was residing him. At the notion of him living in a castle, Discord laughed it off by revealing that Dusk lived in a library in Ponyville. Like the idea of Dusk acquiring a castle of his own was impossible. Lord Tirek, however, made it clear that, either way, Prince Dusk Shine would have nothing once he was done with him relaying his point by melting the stain-glass into molten glass before journeying to Ponyville - to face the one who would become a true nemesis for him to face more times than one.
Thanks to Discord, Lord Tirek had learned of Prince Dusk's closest friends, who were also the former wielders of The Elements of Harmony, as well as an infant dragon who the prince considered a brother. Pathetic. Yet the chaos spirit had helped him realise that this stallion was clearly no different from the princesses in that he cared for others greatly. Thus, these mares and the brat would be the perfect tools to use against him should the need arise. They were actually surprised that Discord had sided with him, when they gave him no reason at all to be loyal to them. As usual, they could do no wrong, and didn't consider their role in his betrayal. Something they should've seen coming, but didn't. Either way, they would be his final feast of pony essence, with dragon on the side, before he would move onto the main course. To his mild surprise, however, he found these seven had more magic in them than he knew. Enough so that he obtained a new level of power that made him tower over the very town he stood in, his mass to increase with his height, as his horns elongated, with a mane of white hair inbetween. And his braces broke off in a 'symbolic gesture' as he finished his metamorphosis. He was even stronger than before, and it showed in his new form, along with his newfound power and strength. Which made it all the more amusing when Discord went on some tangent on how soon noone would be able to stand against them only for Tirek to make it clear that there was no "us" in this expired partnership.
He was so ecstatic when he realized how much stronger he was than even the "Lord of Chaos", who could have easily escaped the magical hold of any other mystic, including the princesses. After unofficially thanking the draconequus for helping him get this far, and giving him the tools of victory (which would include his own chaos magic), he openly cast Discord to the side like the fodder he was - after consuming the chaos spirit's primordial essence in the most disturbing display possible. Now, he was more than ready to crush the alicorn fluke who thought he could hide from him. Before he left, though, Discord pathetically tried to appeal to the centaur by reminding him of Scorpan's amulet, and what Lord Tirek had said of it. With disgust, and spite he admitted that it was his brother's amulet and thus was as worthless as HE is, before going forth to face his destiny. Leaving the surprisingly naive' draconequus to wallow in his newfound weakness, and the reality of his actions, and how he was nothing more than a puppet to a Devil who was superior to him in every way. Now he was ready to show this 'prince' how inferior he was compared to him. Following the centaur's discovery of Dusk near the derelict castle of the princesses, and demanding he surrender to him, leading to the coward fleeing to his library built within a treehouse, Lord Tirek gave his enemy a display of his power: by obliterating the library that Dusk had called home since he had moved to this village. The skies turned crimson as the structure burned in the inferno, and Dusk was left with his pet owl to witness it happen. This action on the centaur's part seemed to have given the prince his spine, and ignited the anger in his heart to the point he was done running and hiding: now it was time for action.
And Lord Tirek found that Dusk Shine wasn't hiding merely out of fear, or cowardice: he was harboring the alicorn's unified magic within himself. A fact proven when the prince shot at him with an extremely powerful ray of offensive magic that actually pushed back Tirek while he was held up in a shield - only destroying the landscape behind him. Now, Tirek understood the scope of those princesses scheme, and he found himself revelling in what he was about to do. For the first time in his life, as far as he could remember, this was the first true challenge he's had in centuries. A conflict that shook, and nearly tore apart the very land around them. Yet despite how much power they threw at each other, neither alicorn nor centaur could do either one harm, or incapacitate. In other words, with Dusk in control of his enhanced power, and Lord Tirek equal in every way, their conflict could last much longer than needed. Thus, it was finally time for Tirek to bring out his trump card: the captive friends of the prince, along with the traitorous Discord. An ultimatum was then made to exchange their freedom and lives for the alicorn magic the lavender stallion housed in him. And despite their protests, Dusk was not willing to give up his friends lives just to keep this magic safe. So he made the choice that would save his friends, and Equestria: he agreed.
Tirek held up his end and let them free - but was surprised when Dusk demanded Discord's freedom. Even bringing up the oddity of his desire, after the way the draconequus so willingly betrayed them. Still, he insisted, and Tirek agreed in the end with mild annoyance. Now, it was time for the prince to follow up on his end, to the demonic centaur's delight. Before any chance to back out could be made, Tirek drained every ounce of alicorn magic housed in Dusk's body. And after he was done, Tirek could feel the sheer power now flowing through his being - the ABSOLUTE power! Power than made him into a God on earth, with power to revel the Gods, themselves. The universe was now his to command - to control! And no force on this world could stop him now! Or so he thought, before something unexpected happened to prove him wrong: The Mane Six had acquired the power hidden within a mysterious chest granted unto them following the return of The Elements of Harmony to the Tree from which they came. Of the five keys uncovered by the girls, it was Discord who unwittingly gave Dusk his own key to the chest. And together, they unlocked a new state of power that harnessed the power of the sacred "Rainbow of Light", with new forms to match. And like angels emerging from the darkness to illuminate the world in their light, they appeared before Lord Tirek, who was once again taken by surprise by this turn of events, given the ponies supposedly had no magic. But Dusk corrected him by saying "I may have given you my alicorn magic, but I carry within me the most powerful magic of all!"
And with the "Magic of Friendship", their power struck the centaur and bathed him in the essence of Harmony and Light. The process draining him of all the magic he had stolen, and reverting him to his elderly form while returning him to his cage prison in Tartarus, with enough magic to at least maintain some form of dignity, one could surmise. In the end, with the "Rainbow Power" aiding them, the mane six returned the stolen magic to their rightful owners, freed the princesses from Tartarus, and were then given a crystal castle tree to act as the heart of a new era of harmony, and friendship. With his friends at his side, Dusk Shine was now ready to take his place in the role he was meant to be in: The Prince of Friendship.
The Price of Freedom (Mk. 2)[]
The Mane Six visit Lord Tirek in his Tartarus prison and accuse him of stealing the magic of Equestria again. When they meet him, he looks different from when they last met him. Tirek denies this but reveals that he conspired with Cozy Glow to drain Equestria of its magic in order to get his revenge on the ponies who defeated him. He also coerced Cozy into making him a suit of armor that could absorb magic due to having pieces of Chrysalis' throne put into it, and then sending it to him so that he may regain his vitality. He then plays the ponies like fiddles, and forces them to release him in order to help them escape. How cozy sent him that armor is a mystery, but she may have learned some glyph magic for teleportation at some point. After they begrudging let him free, he agrees to help them escape. After Cozy Glow's plans are foiled, Tirek takes her away before she could be sent to Tartarus for her crimes.
My Little Pony: The Light of Harmonys Hope[]
Lord Tirek and Cozy Glow are at the Castle of the Two Sisters. Lord Tirek plans to open a portal to Limbo and free the Pony of Shadows. Grogar suddenly transports the two from the castle to his lair to join forces with him, Queen Chrysalis, King Sombra, the Pony of Shadows, and the Storm King against the Mane Six. The six are tasked by Grogar with retrieving his Bewitching Bell from the summit of Mt. Everhoof, but he is unable to cooperate with Cozy, Chrysalis, Sombra, and Storm King at first. Tirek quickly determines the quest to be too difficult to face alone and decides to let the others do all the work. The Pony of Shadows, who he gave the name Erebus, decided to say with him. When Tirek finally learns to work together with the other villains, they successfully retrieve the Bell and decide to use it in their scheme to overthrow Grogar.
Like his canon counterpart, Tirek is a demonic-looking being with elements of a centaur. His lower body is black, with a white horse tail and cloven hooves. His upper body appears to be covered in black fur, except his arms and face, which are crimson red. He has a pair of razor-sharp horns and a white beard. The more power he absorbs, the more bigger, muscly and nastier he gets. Unlike his canon couterparts, however, Tirek has full yellow eye and dark armor with a cape and shoulderpads. His has a symbol of Grogar on his front and sides.
Like his canon counterpart, Tirek is extremely power-hungry, sadistic, oppressive, ruthless, brutal, wrathful, abusive, cold-hearted, heartless and obsessive. His main goal is to absorb as much magic as he could to make himself all-powerful, as well as complete and utter dominion over all of Equestria, and he will stop at nothing to accomplish it. However, he prefers not to kill his enemies, preferring to leave them alive, but powerless, to better oppress them. Tirek is also quick to anger, and his wrath is absolutely terrifying to behold.
Unlike his canon couterpart, however, Tirek is more horrifyingly cruel and sadistic with no redeeming qualities. He is an irredeemable monster. He has more relating to Tirac, his G1 counterpart. Acting as a Devil figure who only sought an eternal night and used the Rainbow of Darkness to transform Little Ponies into horrific monsters, alongside anyone else who opposed him. He has no redeemable qualities compared to his original couterpart. He does not take crap from anyone and would either force things his way, or coerce it because he's a high caliber manipulator who knows how to play others, but his temper would also make him an intimidating force.
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