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Villains Fanon Wiki

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Power Scaling

To be a god, means to be a true creator, to create life. A god creates, a barbarian destroys
~ Vergomoth's most famous quote
A great crimson cosmos, the dominion of light and flesh, My dominion
~ Vergomoth about the fleshverse

Vergomoth or The Velvet King is the titular main protagonist of The Velvet King. He is a powerful Outer God and has been regarded as The God of Life and Light. His end goal is to create a multiverse that where death does not exist, and to become the supreme ruler of all flesh



In his angelic/first form, Vergomoth appears very similar to that of an angel found in the old testament, his body is entirely that of a white-yellow glowing like colour, and by definition very heavenly in appearance he has no mouth like features on his face, and has 5 eyes on his face. he also has 2 large wings on on his back, and has 4 smaller wings on his chest


In his corrupted form, he appears as a much more twisted form, which could be considered a mirror to his original form, unlike his original form, he has a large mouth and no other facial features, unlike his original form, which has a white "angelic colour" this form's is coloured almost entirely Vantablack, except for the red eyes which are found in chest, in concept art for the story, it was shown that those eyes had actually melted off his face, he has 2 large antler-like horns on his head

Perfected Form[]

In his "final" or "perfected form" he appears as a red-horned like being, this form could be seen as a mix of his two previous forms. He has 5 red eyes on his head, with two large horns as well, his skin is that of a crimson-dark like colour, he has mouth on his head and has a nose, unlike his two previous forms, instead of legs he has a large set of tentacles for his lower body, he has a muscular appearance on his upper body, and is usually seen wearing a cloak/cape


Vergomoth's personality goes through a lot of changes through the story, so instead of giving a brief summary of his various personalities in the story


Before Vergomoth's fall into the abyss, he was someone who saw the world in a heavily biased way, he had believed himself to be above all else and deserving of more power, more land and more respect, whilst he was someone would be willing to commit acts of horror, was at the end of day still someone who had respect for a few friends of his. He would usually go on to speak in a sophisticated and calm manner, although despite this, he still had a great hunger for power, which would lead to his downfall.

He would go on to make a deal with Nyarlathotep, and would be greatly interesting in gaining the so called "ultimate power" and agreed to his task, however his ego would get the better of him, eventually going on cheat which would lead his exile into the abyss

Post Abyss[]

During Vergomoth's time in the abyss, he would go on to change both physically and personality vise, he would become obsessed with the idea of a "ultimate great power" going on to quite literally think about it for millennia's, due to the vast isolation and lack of interaction with anyone or anything, that he would think about would be ultimate power, obsessing over it to the point of insanity

Upon his release, he had attempted to find the ultimate, with nothing out of his way, he had destroyed several starts and created black holes in an attempt to find the so called ultimate, his obsession with the power led him to not only become insane, but to gave up his care for everything barring such power, however as he became more and more desperate to find the power, he had decided to contact Yog Sothoth in a final to find the so called ultimate power, after Yog Sothoth had explained it to Vergomoth that such thing is very much objective and explains Vergomoth's true potential and power, upon this realization Vergomoth seemingly is able to get rid of his insanity, and would begin to develop new plans


After Vergomoth had gotten rid of his insanity he would develop a newer personality, now seemingly fully understanding his power and potential, Vergomoth had begin to look for the "far realms to gain even more knowledge". Now, he seemed very a mixture of his 2 previous personality, keeping the pragmatism and charisma of his pre-abyss personality, but keeping the cruelty of his insane personality, he had sought out to be worshipped by people and was willing to not only trick, but cause atrocities to mortals and their allies, he was someone who at his core did not truly care for life, but only created them to satisfy his ego, he is someone who despite committing actions one would considering good, at the end of the day only did it only for the sake of getting praised, not out of a true desire to be good.

Despite his charisma and sophisticated manners, Vergomoth is still someone who shows no signs of empathy or care for anyone, whilst his so called "care" for his creations might be genuine, there is nothing to truly suggest that, Vergomoth also now shows himself to be much more cold and emotionless than before, whilst he does indeed take interest in a few matters, he show himself to be indifferent to most of most of the world around him, acting as a rather emotionless sociopath, dismissing the lives he had slain or ruined as simply cosmic dust and clearly rarely actually displaying any sense of emotion or strong reaction


Eldritch War[]


Chapter 1[]


Chapter 2[]


Chapter 3[]


Chapter 4[]


Chapter 5[]



Powers and Abilities[]

  • Absolute Creation: Vergomoth is able to create anything and everything, no matter how impossible or contradictory it may seem, even being able to create, includes realities, Outerverses, any concept, the opposite of any concept, any limitation, any ability, even being able to create the concept of destruction/decreation itself, create things that are beyond destruction (or for that matter, creation itself), the ability is on an infinite scale
  • Omega Reality Warping: Vergomoth has the ability to manipulate reality on a large scale, and manipulate many of it's aspects and fundamental concepts and is even able to create new rules, concepts, realities and manipulate said concepts as well, even being able to manipulate its fundamental origins and at times even its endings, due to this ability Vergomoth can be considered one of the most powerful outer gods and beings to ever exist, being able to control, manipulate and and freely create the origins of Omniverals realities, timelines and beings
  • Nigh-Omnilock: Vergomoth exists in-between reality and it's outside area, and thus exists outside many of its concepts and limitations, granting him immunity of many negative (and positive) changes to reality, space time, multiverse or even the Omniverse, and while Vergomoth still exists in many aspects of reality (Hyperverse, Fleshverse, etc.) he effectively achieves a Nigh-Omnilocked state. He is also able to notice changes that are made to reality and its aspects and concepts
  • Omni-Energy Manipulation: Vergomoth is capable of controlling and manipulating all forms of energy, anti energy, and any other energy variations on an infinite scale, this also includes creating, destroying, or otherwise transforming any forms of energy. He is also able to use any energy or energy based attacks on any scale, demonstrated during the Eldritch War when he was using energy attacks on a Hyperversal and Outerversal scale. He can create any matter, beings, avatars, realities (including any Uni/Multi/Omni/Hyperverse) made out of energy itself, and can change his form/physiology and manipulate any being possessing such physiology on an infinite scale
  • Reality Embodiment:
  • Erasure:
  • Flesh Manipulation:
  • Omniverse Manipulation:
  • Dream Manipulation:
  • Supreme Divinity:
  • Matter Manipulation:
  • Time Travel: As a being that is above the space-time continuum itself, Vergomoth has the ability to enter any point in time, be it in the past, present, or the future, this includes erased or otherwise nonexistent timelines. Vergomoth also possesses the ability to alter any timeline to his will effortlessly and in most cases in a irreversible (or nigh irreversible) manner
  • Absolute Immortality: Vergomoth is a being who is truly immortal, in every sense, he cannot die, get sick, age, be permanently wounded. His mind, body, soul and other aspects of himself are truly immortal as well, he is immune to all mental and spiritual damage and has absolute levels of regenerations, he can and will regenerate from any amount of damage, even if he is disintegrated, or completely destroyed on the molecular level, even if he is completely erased from existence he will return and come back, and by all means is immune to all forms of erasure and destruction and thus truly immortal. His immortality cannot be removed, destroyed, nullified, erased or manipulated, as he truly transcends both life and death itself, and only a truly omnipotent being could erase him/affect his immortality, as his immortality cannot be effected by reality warping or time manipulation, and would ironically outlive time itself.


  • He took inspiration from The Upside Down Man from DC Comics, Nightmare from Marvel, Shuma Gorath from Marvel, and God from The Old Testament.
  • His design resembles The Scarlet King.
  • He is the only villain from The Velvet King to be a debased villain.
  • His original name was "Je'Vah", which was inspired by the name Jehovah.

External Links[]


           Vergomoth Dream Villains
Outer Gods
Azathoth | Yog Sothtoh | Mist King | Darkness | The King in Yellow | Lord Vergomoth | Nyarlathotep | Yig
Great Old Ones

Cthulhu | Hydra | Death | Yaldabaoth | Shub Niggurath | Amon-Gorloth | Cthylla | Cthugha | Y'golonac | Tsathoggua


The Colour | Elder Things | The Shoggoths | Hypnos | Shoggoth Lord | The Banker | Abdul Alhazred | The Church of The Flesh | Cthulhu Cult | The Yellow Cult | The God Believer| Phillips Von Smith | The Moon Beasts | The Worm | Dagon | The Deep Ones | Flying Polyps | The Eldritch Polyp | The Knowledge Gate | The Dunwich Horror | Officer John Smith | Hand of Destiny | Leader Jehovah | Court of Vergomoth

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Lord Vergomoth