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Villains Fanon Wiki

This Villain was Featured in February 2024.

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Villain Overview

Hmm. You looking for someone? It seems you don't-a recognize me. Heh heh, It's-a-me, MARIO... almost.
~ Horror Mario meeting Boyfriend and Girlfriend.
Well done. Very well done. I must say, I am impressed. You’re a long way from home, aren’t you? Tell me, why do you persist? No matter, all good things must come to an end. You broke our little deal, and I can’t let that slide. [chuckle] And, you fell right into my hands. Thinking your path was clear, the goalpost in sight, but no. Tell me, do you know what all of the creatures down there have in common? They're all in my game! They all. Belong. To me. YOU CANNOT UNDO WHAT HAS BEEN STARTED. YOUR FATE WAS SET IN MOTION THE MOMENT YOU LAID EYES ON THAT LITTLE CARTRIDGE. THE BOTH OF YOU ARE MY PLAYTHINGS NOW, AND WE’RE GONNA HAVE SO MUCH FUN! Come and face me, little rat. Your time has come.
~ Horror Mario’s speech to Boyfriend before All Stars.
~ Ultra M taunting Boyfriend by puppeteering Girlfriend’s corpse during Act 3 of All Stars.

Super Horror Mario,[1][2] also known as Mario.exe or M,[3] is the main antagonist of the 2022 Friday Night Funkin' mod, Mario's Madness.

He is a sadistic, malevolent and twisted videogame-haunting entity. He originally partnered with Daddy Dearest to monopolize the gaming industry, but it all ended once the latter sealed him within a cartridge of Super Mario Bros. After believing that he benefitted enough from it. 30 years pass and M eventually learns about the Dearest's daughter and son-in-law, Girlfriend and Boyfriend. Desiring revenge against the man who screwed him over, M imprisons the couple in his domain and desires to have "fun" with them.

He was voiced by RedTV53 as his regular form. As Ultra M, he was voiced by Scrumbo.


Horror Mario appears largely very similar to his original counterpart, with blue overalls with yellow buttons, brown leather shoes, white gloves, a long brown moustache, and a red cap with the letter "M" on it. He is, however, much larger than his counterpart, towering above Boyfriend and Girlfriend, and his eye sockets bore no eyes spare for two small red glowing dots. Blood spills from his sockets and down into his mouth, which, like his eyes, are black and soulless, apart from two long rows of sharp teeth. He holds a bloody butcher's knife, with his white gloves also stained red.


Horror Mario strays from what you'd come to expect from the original; rather than being heroic and humble, he is twisted and sadistic, and relishes in his murders by prolonging them, outright saying to Boyfriend and Girlfriend that he wants to have "fun" with them before killing them. This, combined with his immense power that is capable of tapping out GF's own, makes him arrogant and cocky as well. He's also very vindictive and spiteful, as his main motif for wanting Girlfriend, and Boyfriend to an extent, dead is out of revenge against her father for locking him away, despite the fact that neither of them have anything to do with their quarrel. Further adding to that, he later drags Pico in the game as well when he investigates the scene, who also had no involvement in his motifs.

Throughout the mod, it's evident that Horror Mario has a short temper, as he screams in frustration at the end of Starman Slaughter due to his inability to beat Boyfriend in their deal due to his injuries. It only grows worse when the latter and Girlfriend escape through the warp star instead of facing him in their third and final song, promising they'll "see [him] next time". Sure enough, M bites back hard by the time of All Stars by killing Girlfriend and controlling her corpse as means of breaking Boyfriend's spirit and succeeding in that matter.

M is also quite intelligent and strategic, knowing how to beat his enemies by hitting them where it hurts most. In this case, it's by killing Girlfriend, knowing full well how much she means to Daddy Dearest and Boyfriend alike. He's also able to keep the rapper at bay while he does the deed himself by sending Omega and his creations to keep him busy.

That being said, M does seem to have some amount of humanity within him. During Starman Slaughter, he's snapping his fingers to the beat of the music in a jovial manner and one of his death quotes in All Stars consists of him breaking the 4th wall to tell the player to take a break, showcasing some amount of silliness and humor. When first meeting Boyfriend, he's at first cordial and respective towards him, having heard stories about how he's faced opponents similar to that of himself and was willing to bargain for his and Girlfriend's survival. It's only when he backs down from their deal and runs that he wants him dead along with Girlfriend, implying that he actually would have upheld his end of said deal if they were to win against him. On that note, instead of being happy or prideful of his successful murder of Boyfriend and Girlfriend, it's anything but. After finally killing the two, he was left with no satisfaction. The lyrics of "A Mad World Without You" shows that their deaths have left him hollowed and empty inside, to the extent that M even ponders if this is what he truly wanted since the outcome was pyrrhic, resulting in him being all alone once again, as if to say Boyfriend and Girlfriend were the only ones to truly give him a purpose for the first time in 30 years ever since he was sealed away.


Before the mod[]

In the early 90s, 'M' and Daddy Dearest partnered up and had a monopoly in the videogame market, with the former earning a fortune thanks to Nintendo. However, after believing he had enough money, Daddy Dearest would seal 'M' away into a Super Mario Brothers Cartridge, where he would lie dormant for years. Eventually, 'M' learned that Daddy Dearest had a daughter, Girlfriend, and a son-in-law named Boyfriend. Desiring revenge against his former partner, 'M' decided he would take away what Dearest valued most.[3]

During the mod[]

On a seemingly normal day at home. Boyfriend and Girlfriend are both playing on their phones, that is until the doorbell rings, and upon answering it are met with a mysterious yellow "crewmate" who has come to offer them a game cartridge for the Nintendo NES that is simply titled "MARIO" and is completely covered in blood. Rudely shutting the door on them, Boyfriend and Girlfriend decide to play the cartridge, which turns out to be a copy of the very first Mario game. Playing through the game as normal, Boyfriend winds up running into an enemy, which causes the game to start glitching out like mad along with the sound of a distorted scream being heard. Freaked out by the strange occurrence, he continues to try and play the game, only for a hand to come out of the TV and pulling him along with Girlfriend inside.

Waking up in a strange, distorted world, Boyfriend runs in Horror Mario, who introduces himself, before stating that he is not going to kill them "yet", wanting to have fun with his two newest subjects first. In response, Girlfriend intervenes and transforms into her demon self, attempting to use her powers on Horror Mario, only to fail, and to reveal that her powers were completely useless in this place, stating that this world was his and that she'll pay for what her father did to him years ago.

Turning his attention to Boyfriend, Horror Mario informs him that he has heard the tales of how he's has taken on many dangerous creatures similar to that of him. He then strikes up a deal, stating that if he could beat him in a duet of three songs, he would let him go, and if he lost, Boyfriend would perish by his hand, to which Boyfriend agrees to Girlfriend's complete bewilderment.


During the first song titled ‘It’s-A-Me’, Horror Mario and Boyfriend begin to sing, mostly like a duet. (with Horror Mario having a sadistic smirk on his face all the while) At a later point during the song, Horror Mario begins to go CRAZY with laughter and amusement, (with his face beginning to melt a little bit, along with his vocals becoming deeper) causing Boyfriend to start becoming anxious a little bit.

Starman Slaughter[]

Following the conclusion of It’s-A-Me, Horror Mario (who once again laughs, stated that he’s started to have so much “fun”) rhetorically asks that they start taking things ‘up a notch’, before grabbing Boyfriend and Girlfriend and throwing them into a nearby area in front of the fallen Mushroom Kingdom that has been completely set ablaze. From there, the next song titled ‘Starman Slaughter’ begins. During a later point in the song, John Dick joins in on the rap battle, playing on his trumpet, fighting alongside his master against Boyfriend.

After John Dick’s departure, while Horror Mario and Boyfriend still face off, Yoshi.EXE comes in from the background, landing on the background P.O.W. block, causing Horror Mario to fall off the platform he was on and into the fire below, but then Super Horror Princess Peach took his place as she and Yoshi.EXE became the opponents for a short duration of the battle. Killing the both of them and returning with a now-melted expression and clearly aggravated by their interruption, Horror Mario continues his fight with Boyfriend, who once more looks unnerved by the situation, before ending the song with a LOUD scream of frustration.

The Escape to The Warp Zone[]

Following the closing events of Starman Slaughter, after gaining yet another victory, but now noticing Horror Mario’s frustration, Boyfriend made a run for it, grabbed Girlfriend, and jumped off of the platform they were on, leading them to falling on top of a “Warp Star” and "escaping" Horror Mario’s grasp, thus breaking their agreement. However, Horror Mario, instead of fazed, gleeful about what had happened, knew that eventually, the couple will run into the other distorted entities within his realm, and by knowing that his “friends” will play their parts to eliminate them. Regenerating his arm and body, he ending things off by saying that even though they’ve “escaped” him this round, "MARIO’S GONNA GET YOU NEXT TIME"


While Boyfriend and Girlfriend were busy facing off against Horror Mario and his gauntlet, Pico had came into their house to investigate their disappearance. After some time searching, he noticed her TV being turned on, approaching the screen to take a closer look, before Horror Mario grabs Pico by the arm and pulls him into the TV, forcing him to face off against Mr. L (Too Late.EXE) with a little help from his fallen Mario, THE FORGIVEN.



After Boyfriend and Girlfriend (with a little unknown help from Pico) had managed to beat all of the opponents within the Warp Zone, Horror Mario returns, congratulating the young rapper by how far he's gotten, despite being a long way from home, though he goes on to state that all good things must come to an end eventually and adds the fact that he had broken their deal. It is then when Horror Mario reveals that all the opponents the couple (trio in secret) fought in the Warp Zone were all a part of his game, meaning that they all belonged to him. Dropping Mario’s impression, Horror Mario informs Boyfriend that his fate was sealed the moment he laid eyes on his little cartridge and that now he and Girlfriend are both his playthings now, insisting that they're going to have "so much fun!" before challenging Boyfriend (and Girlfriend) to come and face him one final time.

All-Stars (Act 1)[]

Now in his new form fused with the other characters from the mod, Ultra M faces off against both Boyfriend and Girlfriend in what looks like New Donk City, but now completely destroyed. After a short back and fourth between the two sides, Ultra M captures Girlfriend as they transverse through the warp pipe and sends out Omega, alongside the old man’s minions LG, W4R and YOSH to keep Boyfriend occupied and distracted while he kills Girlfriend and makes her into one of his puppets, leading to Act 2 of the song.

All-Stars (Act 3)[]

Having managed to mangle Girlfriend's corpse and turn her into GX, one of his puppets, Ultra M has her face off against Boyfriend as a way to break his spirit, taunting him about how he failed to save her and then told him that it was time for him to "take the step" and that there was no point in looking back due to there being nothing left, before transporting Boyfriend to the final act.

All-Stars (Act 4)[]

Taunting Boyfriend about how he and his army were now one soul stronger and that he was completely alone, before questioning what the point in trying even was, Ultra M commences the final act. However, when on the verge of giving up, Boyfriend suddenly persists much to Ultra M's annoyance. But wanting to avenge his fallen partner from falling into his hands, Boyfriend took his FINAL stand against Ultra M, despite the odds being very much stacked against him, singing his heart out through the tears, trying his best to show no fear.

In the end however, it would all prove a futile effort, as despite his best efforts, Ultra M would manage to impale Boyfriend from behind and right through the heart, killing him instantly and finally securing victory over the rapper.


Despite having finally gotten revenge against his former business partner, Daddy Dearest, M found his triumph extremely hollow, empty and sadly realizes that, by killing Boyfriend and Girlfriend, he's all alone once again. With nothing left to do, the demon expresses his melancholy by singing on a piano, wondering if it was worth getting revenge on Daddy Dearest and if this was what he truly wanted since he's anything but satisfied.

In the Funkcast Trailer 2, this was implied that he disowned his own world, claiming it that this is "no longer his world", but probably gave ownership to Mark.


Aw, you seem a bit scared. Well don't be. I'm-a not gonna kill you... YET. I want to have some fun with you two midgets before I end your lives.
~ Horror Mario announcing his intentions to Boyfriend and Girlfriend.
Oh, don't-a-bother using your powers. They're useless here. This is MY WORLD. Oh-ho you're gonna pay for what that traitor of a man you call a father did to me all those years ago.
~ Horror Mario after Girlfriend tries and fails to use her powers against him, while also revealing his history with Daddy Dearest.
You on the other hand. I've heard so many stories about you. You've defeated lots of creatures, some like myself! Monsters, demons, angels, freaks. So, how's about we make a deal? Three songs. Just three. Beat me, and I'll let you go. Lose, and you perish by my hand.
~ Horror Mario striking a bargain with Boyfriend for his and Girlfriend's lives.
Very well. Let's-A-Go!
~ Horror Mario faces off against Boyfriend upon the latter accepting his challenge.
Oh this is so much-a fun! How's about we take things up a NOTCH?
~ Horror Mario prior to the second song.
So... they found the warp star. Which means, eventually, they'll stumble across the others. (cackles) But don't-a-worry... MARIO WILL GET YOU NEXT TIME.
~ Horror Mario after Boyfriend and Girlfriend escape him through the warp star.
Don't worry. The assimilation will only hurt a bit. HAHAHAHA.
~ One of Ultra M's defeat lines in All-Stars.
We've seen all the possible outcomes. There really is No Hope for you.
~ One of Ultra M's defeat lines in All-Stars.
We can do this all day, all night, and all eternity.
~ One of Ultra M's defeat lines in All-Stars.
Look at you. Chasing Apparitions. Pathetic.
~ One of Ultra M's defeat lines in All-Stars.
Soon enough, your voice will be added to our choir, and we will perform a symphony.
~ One of Ultra M's defeat lines in All-Stars.
~ One of Ultra M's defeat lines in All-Stars.
Don't worry. They'll all come looking for you once you're gone... and we'll be waiting. HAHAHAHA.
~ One of Ultra M's defeat lines in All-Stars.
Come now. Take a step away from the computer if you need to take a break.
~ One of Ultra M's defeat lines in All-Stars.
You're wandering a Dark Forest of misery with no light to guide you, rat.
~ One of Ultra M's defeat lines in All-Stars.
~ One of Ultra M's defeat lines in All-Stars.
Seems like you're having a Bad Day! HAHAHAHAHA!
~ One of Ultra M's defeat lines in All-Stars.
Don't you get it? We are Mario's Madness.
~ One of Ultra M's defeat lines in All-Stars.


~ Ultra M speaking to Boyfriend in the final act of All Stars.
🎵Oh, how sweet
A bitter defeat
At hands of all of us
And all of me (Oh...)

And after it's over
And after the final curtain has closed
So when the script is made true
Complete removal of you
Is the outcome...
Is this really the outcome?

But will it be the same...
..With you gone?
It's a mad, mad world
It's a mad world
It's a mad, mad world
Without you

The stage is set
But our players have all gone home
Our great production, our world
And yet I'm alone...
You've met your maker, I've said my peace
So why won't this feeling cease?

And so it clutches around my soul
I feel the bitter, everlasting cold

Is this what I wanted?
Am I satisfied?
And now I'm standing tall
Yet all I want to do
Is hide inside
This empty shell
This husk
This world
This empty hell
I wander through
My song reigns true
The world is mad
And I am too
Without you...🎵
~ M singing A Mad World Without You during the end credits, expressing that, even though he succeeded in his plan, he still feels more empty and hollow than ever.


  • The original artist of Horror Mario (Shadow-Shana.) is OK with their art being used, as long as credit is given. However, it sadly often isn't. Regardless, Shadow-Shana is glad that Horror Mario is in a project.[4]
  • Super Horror Mario is most often interpreted as Mario.EXE due to Sonic.EXE's fame for its similarities. Ironically, Marco Antonio has already called him Mario.EXE several times.[2]
  • This take on Horror Mario actually has a definitive origin and backstory, as opposed to the original who is simply just a piece of art.
  • This take is obviously based on the art of Super Horror Mario, but also Coolrash's Mario.EXE (who later known as Super Boy.EXE) due to the poisonous mushrooms in It's-A-Me.
  • A similar art piece was made by the same artist called Super Horror Peach. It's likely she is a partner to Horror Mario, as the description reads "Every Super Horror Mario needs a Super Horror Princess Peach!" Shana also made a Super Horror Daisy, and a Super Horror Luigi.
  • Originally, Horror Mario and GB were the same entity before Marco Antonio decided to change it.[5]
  • Oddly, he wields a butcher knife in this mod rather than a kitchen knife like in the original artwork.
  • He's one of the few Friday Night Funkin' villains who not only succeeds in killing Boyfriend and Girlfriend onscreen, but in breaking the former entirely. Furthermore, he's the only one who actually seems to regret doing so to some extent.
  • Despite claiming the opponents in the mod are his "friends", they're nothing but slaves to M as confirmed by Marco Antonio.
  • The eyes on his "hat" as Ultra M is an obvious reference to Cappy from Super Mario Odyssey.
  • Marco Antonio confirmed that Horror Mario's Ultra M form is a fusion of all the mod's opponents, in Steven Universe style. This could explain why Ultra M has a different voice than Horror Mario.
    • For some unknown reason, L is Real Luigi, John Dick, Racist Mario, Luigi's Day Out Mario, Super Bad Mario, Somari, Grand Dad, and Chris Pratt are not present in the Act 4 of All-Stars.
      • Ironically Mr. SyS is present in the Act 4 even though his song is unlocked after All-Stars and is not canon.[6] This is because, according to a conversation between y0ucannotbeatus on Twitter and Marco, All-Stars Act 4 and Unbeatable were getting finished up around the same time, and the devs thought it would be funny to add him.
  • Despite his immense power and capability, M doesn’t appear to be immortal despite being a demon. He at least appears to be vulnerable to fire, as seen by his melted appearance once he remerges after killing Super Horror Peach and Super Horror Yoshi for knocking him into the flames. However, this could very well be a visual ruse by M to intimidate BF, as he quickly reforms himself in seconds after BF runs away onto the Warp Star.
  • Marco Antonio has stated on Discord that Horror Mario and Mr. Sys are partners and although they don't dislike each other, they aren't friends either.



Friday Night Funkin' HD
Daddy Dearest | Monster | Pico | Mommy Mearest

Friday Night Funkin' Soft
Father Fairest | Mother Mairest | Soft Monster

Friday Night Funkin' Corruption
The Corruption | Corrupted Boyfriend | Corrupted Girlfriend | Corrupted Skid and Pump | Corrupted Pico | Corrupted Mommy Mearest | Tank Amalgam | Harvester | Null Senpai

Friday Night Fever
Peakek | Taki | Robo Fever | Hallow

Funkin' MIX
Pico | Daddy Dearest | Monster

Friday Night Troubleshootin'
Torrent | Nitro

Story Mode
Daddy Dearest | Mommy Mearest | Chester | Sensei | Dwayne | Planeman
Zephaniah | Sonic.exe | Majin Sonic | Lord X | Virtual.ROM | Tricky The Clown | Zardy | Tenma Mighty | Zeus

Vs. Sonic.exe
Story Mode
Sonic.exe (MaimyMayo | Juno Songs | GameToons)
Grimbo | Sonic.exe | Encore Majin
Freeplay and Sound Test
Majin Sonic (GameToons) | Lord X (GameToons) | Sanic.exe | Fleetway Super Sonic (GameToons) | EXE (GameToons | SayoSkyy) | Tails Doll | Starved (Juno Songs | anton2fangs) | Furnace (Juno Songs) | Fatal Error | Needlemouse | Coldsteel the Hedgeheg
Scorched (Sayo) | NormalCD | Chaotix | Wechidna | Satanos | Requital | No Name | Apollyon | Lookalike | Girl | Melthog | No More Innocence

Restoration Of Sonic.EXE
Story Mode
Sonic.exe | Lookalike | Rosy_ALT |Amy_ALT | Knuckles_ALT | Sally_ALT
Sonic.exe | Encore Majin | Shadowm0use | Sunther
Sound Test and Freeplay
Majin Sonic | Lord X | Melthog | Tails Doll | Fleetway Super Sonic | EXE | Fatal Error | Furnace | Starved | Needlem0use | Luther Artwright | Coldsteel the Hedgeheg | Secret History Tails | Griatos | X-Terion | SHP Sonic | Genysys | Chaotix | Scorched | NormalCD | Apollyon | Satanos | Educator | No Name | SL4SH | DSK | Mono.BW | Sonic.OMW | Sonic.exe (Bratwurst) | No More Innocence | Grimeware | Exetior | Movie Sonic (Lumpy Touch)

Friday Night Funkin': Rodentrap

Duke | Chaotix | Wechidna

DareDevil Funkin'
Satanos | No Name | Wechidna

Hoggy Holidays
Sanic.exe| Lord X | Majin Sonic | Fleetway Super Sonic | Zephaniah

Tails Gets Trolled
Boyfriend | Girlfriend | Pico

Friday Night Funkin': Secret Histories
Secret History Tails

Cyclops.ISO | Tails.JPEG | Knuckles.Jpeg | Fatal Error

Mario Mix
Story Mode
PS135 | Soul Luigi | Soul Peach | Soul Yoshi and Oogtar
Emperor M | Hotmetal | G0nzales | Baby Mario | Cornered | Dorkly Mario
BW | MX | The Baker
Lord X | Sonic.exe

Wednesday's Infidelity
Mickey Mouse | Satan | Cheddar | Impostor Mickey | Weed Mickey | Donald Duck | Miki | Luis and Felipe

Mario's Madness
Mushroom Kingdom
Super Horror Mario/M | Super Horror Peach | Yoshi.EXE | John Dick | Omega | LG, W4R, and Y0SH
Woodland Of Lies
Tentacles | I HATE YOU Luigi (Lyrical Cover) | Wario Apparition | Turmoil | Coronation Day Peach
Content Cosmos
Super Bad Mario | Secret History Mario | Racist Mario | Devil Mario
Hellish Heights
GB (Fiepid) | DJ Hallyboo | Mr. Virtual | Mr. L | MX

Classified Castle
Stanley | Classified Luigi | Costume

Mario's Madness D-Side
Horror Mario | I ABOMINATE YOU Luigi | Waluigi Apparition | Over M | Lost

Thomas' Railway Showdown
Void Thomas | Timothy the Ghost Engine | The Slender Engine | James' Bad Day James | The Beast | Dr. Topham | Terminator Thomas

Friday Night Funkin' Lullaby
Hypno | Unown | Red | Freakachu | Silver | Buried Alive | Purin | DISABLED (Springy) | Steven | Glitchy Red | Beelze and Hell Bell (Juno Songs) | Shinto | Lord X | MX

Mistful Crimson Morning
Red Mist Squidward | Canon Squidward | The Tortured One | Faceless SpongeBob and Patrick | Robot Chicken Mr. Krabs | Ronald Reagan | Teuthida | Teuthida Plankton

Funkin' Traumatized
TMK | The Boss | Karl | Marx | Dark Matter | Galacta Knight | Vibe Check Kirby | Xploshi Kirby | Xploshi King Dedede | Dark Kirby | Kuamo | Somina | Eggby

Toy's Madness Friday
Woody.EXE | Black Friday Reel Woody

Big Engine Brawl

Doki Doki Takeover & Doki Doki Takeover: Bad Ending
Senpai | Monika

Friday Night Crunchin'
Trolljak | Idi | I AM GOD | Providence

The Blueballs Incident/The Trollge Files
Smiler | Stairway | JJ | Exhalted | Derpy | Legion

VS Impostor
Red | Green | Black | Loggo | Argent Gray | Ash Maroon | White | Red Mungus | Monotone | Reginald copperbottom | Right Hand Man

VS Impostor Alternated
Black | White

Gray | Black | Chara

VS. Five Nights at Freddy's series
William Afton | Freddy Fazbear | Bonnie the Bunny | Chica the Chicken | Foxy the Pirate Fox | Golden Freddy | Shadow Freddy | Sun/Moon | Glitchtrap | Vanny | DJ Music Man | Map Bot

Hit Single
Lord X | No More Innocence | Starvedwared

Indie Cross
Cuphead | The Ink Demon | The Devil | Sammy | Frisk | The Butcher Gang

CN Lost Episodes
Scarecrow | Clown

Poppy Funktime
Huggy Wuggy | Mommy Long Legs | Bunzo Bunny

Step Right Up: Adventure Isle
Thumper | Smile Dogs (Husky | Demon | Dragon | Fuckass) | Mama Tattletail | The Hound of Langford | Amy Martin | Michael Davies

Late Night City Tales
Limulady | The Master

Vs. Gorefield
Gorefield | Lyman | Sansfield | Cryfield | Godfield | Cartoon Cat | Jon Arbuckle | Binky the Clown

Vs. Cartoon Cat
Cartoon Cat | Cartoon Dog | Long Horse | The Man with the Upside-Down Face | Siren Head | Fetid King | Ghost Pig | The Lamb | Bridge Worm | Cheddar | Weeping God | Gorefield

Skeleton Bros
Chara | Killer Sans | Murder Sans

Pibby: Apocalypse
Finn Mertens

South Park: Destroyed Past
Eric Cartman | Kyle Broflovski | Ike Broflovskki | Stan Marsh | Kenny McCormick | Corpse Kenny | Craig Tucker | Tweek Tweak | Pip Pirrup | Damien Thorn | Nathan | Shelly Marsh | Heidi Turner | Kyle Schwartz | Karen McCormick | Bebe Stevens | Wendy Testaburger | Timmy Burch | Butters Stotch
Liane Cartman | Gerald Broflovski | Sheila Broflovski | Mr. Mackey | Randy Marsh | Sharon Marsh | Stephen Stotch | Linda Stotch | Grandma Stotch | Mr. Hankey | Officer Barbrady | Chef | Carol McCormick and Stuart McCormick | PC Principal | Satan
Boyfriend | The Visitors

FNF: Broken Strings
Sesame Street
Elmo | Cookie Monster | Oscar The Grouch | Big Bird | Abby Cadabby | Telly Monster | Count Von Count | Grover | Gonger | Brad | Rosita
The Muppets
Miss Piggy | Fozzie Bear | Gonzo | Animal | Swedish Chef | Dr. Honeydew | Manha Manha | Constantine
Don't Hug Me I'm Scared
Yellow Guy | Duck | Red Guy
Barney & Friends'
Barney | BJ | Baby Bop | Sarah | Derek
In The Night Garden
The Tombliboos | Upsy Daisy | Makka Pakka
Strange Hill High
Mr. Abercrombie | Miki and Mikiko
Big & Small
Big | Small | Ruby | Twiba
Yo Gabba Gabba!
DJ Lance | Muno | Foofa | Brobee | Toodee | Gooble | Mr. Trash Can
Bear In The Big Blue House
Welcome Home
Wally Darling
Tinky Winky | Dipsy | Laa Laa
Be Cool about Fire Safety
Seemore Smoke | Jose Hydrant
Wallace & Gromit
Wallace | Gromit | Preston
Shaun the Sheep
Chuck E. Cheese
Chuck E. Cheese | Helen Henny | Mr. Munch
Showbiz Pizza
Billy Bob | Birthday Bird | Dook | Fatz | Looney Bird, Choo Choo and Earl | Uncle Klunk
The Banana Splits
Fleegle | Bingo | Drooper
Willy's Wonderland
Willy Weasel
Ronald McDonald | Birdie
Five Nights at Freddy's
William Afton
Bowser Junior | Joseph | Cody
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Jack Skellington | Lock, Shock and Barrel
1, 2, 3 Slaughter Me Street
The Follower
Comedy and Tragedy

Markiplier Montage
Foxy | Chica | Bonnie | Mr. Cupcake | Golden Freddy | Freddy Fazbear | Ralph

Vs Ourple Guy
Ourple Guy | Dr. Henry Miller | Sinnoh

Mario's Monday Night Massacre
MX | I HATE YOU Luigi | Wario Apparition | Coronation Day Peach | Secret History Mario | Dais-eye

Dirty Bubble | Animatic | One | Evil Leafy

Ourple Guy (Garten of Banban Mix)
Jumbo Josh | Opila Bird

Friday Night Funkin': The Musical
Daddy Dearest | Mommy Mearest | The Monster | Tankman | IRIS | Bob | Ron | Tord | Zanta | Black Impostor | Xenophanes

The Basement Show
Jerry | Pibby Tom | Alien Body Slammer | Tuffy (D-Side Jerry) | WB Splatter Spike | WB Splatter Tom | Famished

Funkin' Physics
Corruptus | Garry | Cereal Guy | You Are An Idiot | Sanic | Weegee | Guiyii

YTP Invasion
Weegee | King Harkinian | Morshu | Dr. Octogonapus | Dr. Robotnik | Sanic | Dat Boi | Wood Man | Paragoomba & Bob-omb | Black Hiver | Malleo | Sonic.exe | Sexer | Lone Warrior | Gizmo Boo | No iPhone Shy Guy | Street Magic Weegee

Friday Night Dustin'
Sans | Chara | Boyfriend

FNF: DustSwap
Chara | Papyrus | Starved Papyrus | Sonic the Hedgehog

Sonic.exe (Death Toll | Brimstone) | Tails Soul | Xenophanes | Lord X | Starved | Furnace

Friday Night Funkin': Classified
Wario Apparition | C-N64 | M

Myths of Yamaha
No More Innocence | Stargazer | Smiley | The Test Subject | Smile Dog

Jeffy's Endless Aethos
Jerry | Does Evil Things Guy | Flower Boy | Evil John | Marvin (Aethos Oneshot)

The Amazing Grace: Rotten-Smoothie
Orange | Kool-Aid Killer

Jespoh Nugey | CJ Plush

Vs. Joseph and Chandler/Vs. Joseph and Chandler: T&TRKFNF2022's Saturday Night
God Joseph | Evil Joseph | Denson

Vs. RetroSpecter
RetroSpecter | Sakuroma | Izzurius | Insatian | Hivemine | Atrocean | Dozirc

Parallax: Redefined
Satanos | Sonic.NES | Eggman.NES | G8ME 0V3R Sonic | G8ME 0V3R Tails

FNF: Parallax

Friday Night Monsters of Monsters
Godzilla.EXE | RED | Suitmation Trials Godzilla

Other Mods
Updike (Fire Fight)| Activulpine | Arch | Ayana | Bambi | Belle Fontiere | Bob | Bowser (Infernal Bout) | Boyfriend and Girlfriend (Plants vs. Rappers) | Cablecrow | Carmen Winstead | Conbi | Convict | Crazy Girlfriend | Discord | Dr. Jack Springheel | Expunged | Faker Sky | Friend.fla | W.D. Gaster | IRIS (VS Hex) | KB | Lia | Lord X (Phantom Attack) | Mad Boyfriend | Manbi | Maximus | Melty | Monster (Twinsomnia) | NuSky | Omori | Parasite | Rewrite | Sigma | Sketchy | Sky | Turbo Mecha Sonic (Vs. MECHA) | Spinel | Squid Baron | Tabi | The Darkness (/Pibby) | The Devourer of Gods | Tord (Vs. Tord: Red Fury) | Tricky The Clown | Xenophanes (Confronting Yourself) | William Afton (Funkin' at Freddy's) | Red (Crimson Awakening) | Zardy | Beepie | Max the Monkey (TWIDDLEFINGER) | Uncle Ian (im alvin) | Jeff (AnotherBrother.) | Tweaking Boss | RUST_010 (slingmingo)

Incel | Mommy Mearest (TheGamerLover) | Daddy Dearest (Fera Animations) | Mommy Mearest (Fera Animations) | Sky (Fera Animations) | Tankman (Fera Animations) | Monster (Fera Animations) | Daddy Dearest (SMG4) | Mommy Mearest (SMG4) | Boyfriend.EXE (Leromax) | OG!Sky | MatPat (DEATH THEORY) | Daddy Dearest (TheGamerLover) | Sky (KBAMF2006) | GB (Fiepie) | XML | Freakposter (VS CARTOON CAT: FREAKPOSTOR) | Max the Monkey (greggreg)

           Mario.exe Villains

Mario's Madness
Mushroom Kingdom
M | Horror Peach | John Dick | Yoshi.EXE Others

King Mycelios | Emperor M | Sophie

                 Featured Villains
Evil Connie
Bête Noire


  1. ItisntMfellas
  2. 2.0 2.1
  3. 3.0 3.1

External Links[]
