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"King Stormlance has declared that this page is his domain." This page, Madman, was written by BrandonDarkOne47. Any original work, images, etc. presented here is therefore theirs under the CC BY-NC-ND license. Please do not add onto, delete, or copy anything on this page without the original author's permission. Thank you. |
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Overview |
“ | Ah, yes. There is indeed beauty to annihilation! | „ |
~ Madman. |
Madman is one of the main antagonists of the Armored Studios Omniverse, also known as Multiversal Legends, serving as one of the main villains of the Megaverse series and the "Ultimate Immortals" saga of Multiversal Legends. Unlike many other antagonists in the Champions faced, he is motived purely by self-pleasure and wishes to kill the entire Omniverse "one universe after the other", then restart it so he can make it a never-ending cycle. All a means to flaunt his superiority and enjoys long "games" of torture, deceit and worse.
He is one of the few beings in existence that even the Prime Omegas and Chaos Gods despises and has expressed a desire to kill on sight, unfortunately for all the true origin and appearance of Madman is unknown to all save the Abyss itself, which has no care about such matters. Indeed, the Abyss is the one of the two beings Madman has ever expressed some respect for, yet it is clear from his actions that Madman acts completely alone and thus independent of the Abyss and its influence. He is the creator of Galaxis, a dragonoid child born through genetic experimentation secretly run by Madman and the Dark Legion. He is also the founder and leader of an interdimensional crime syndicate known as the Brotherhood of the Abyss, and aids other villains like Xuriah D'arcmast'r, Nekrozoth, and Rogue in their plans involving acts of terrorism and slaughter.
As such, do to his impact in the lore and personal crimes against the heroes, he is an enemy of both Team Multiversal Legends as a whole, as well as the archenemy of Galaxis himself and one of Akuma's two archenemies alongside Malitch Darkstein, his own creation whom he deemed a "failure". He is also accompanied by his minions, Doctor Erich Judai, and Frido who carries all of his weapons and equipment. So far hid threat level tends to vary but is commonly referred as between Shiva to Azathoth-level threat in Omniversal lore (meaning he is a threat to multiple multiverses if not the entire Omniverse). After the "Crossover Incident", Madman decides to summon the eldritch entity known as "Abyss" to destroy all of reality on a whim, leading to the Multiverse Protection Force to send in their divisions against him such as the Champions Divisions.
He was by Powermonger2003.
“ | Oh, nothing really... Loving parents, good food, plenty of friends to play with... It did sound nice if I didn't find it plain and simply... Boring. I don't miss those days, nor the people that loved me. Glad I even took all away, as I did with their lives. Not like it was ever your business to know. | „ |
~ Madman on his past. |
The origins of Madman are a mystery, with only speculation and theories popped up once in a while. One theorizing to be an avatar of the Abyss itself, the other of a demon who once served Lilith Darkheart or some equally powerful Hell-Lord, a fallen Champion, or a scientist who experiments turned him into a dimension hopping madman he is today. According to himself, he had a good life full of attention and love by those he greatly despises. So, in turn, he decided to slaughter those who loved him, and begin his quest to exterminate all life in the omniverse. He was deemed a "Madman" by many for his insane goals, and ruthless sadistic streak, a name he gladly took with pride. Whatever his origins are, George Tellum is firmly sure Madman is anything but human, implying Madman is something far darker than what they expected.
Often telling people "It's none of their business to know", wanting to remain an enigma. What is known that he showed up one day, first by leaving a trail of bodies in a sector of a city located in an alien dimension. It wasn't until suddenly, a nuclear power plant went off claiming half of all life in the city, an act of terrorism carried out by Madman's minions who are all monsters he created. By the time, he was only referred as "M", only being called Madman by the populace which he gladly took as his name. They became rampant, carrying out more attacks to garner more attention, which succeeded when Xuriah D'arcmast'r, Rogue, The Great Claw and his Dark Legion struck a partnership with Madman.
He states he became a longtime fan of the Abyss and Nekrozoth, for their omnicidal goals. The latter of whom, he showed admiration for his evil deeds and reputation and used the ultra-tech he has at his disposal in conducting research in monster design as homage to the dark lord. He has spent years destroying worlds across the omniverse, killing their populations one by one to achieve his dream to bring all life to silence.
It was then revealed he is a former citizen of the alien dimension of Knowheresville, much like his nemesis Jenny Everywhere and Doctor Know. They once drank from the Fountain of Youth created the Chesire Cat Chaos God Nusquam, using the Holy Grail to achieve "true immortality". Thus the two were given Quantum Immortality and can exist in every dimension simultaneously. Everything else about Madman however, is yet known beyond the fact he's an interdimensional alien from Knowheresville.
Forming the Brotherhood of the Abyss[]
He decided to go to an abandoned subway station in Brooklyn to create his own little organization called "The Brotherhood of the Abyss". Gaining followers in mass to carry out his vile atrocities in his name, even recruiting a mad scientist named Doctor Judai. Becoming a terrorist cell eventually, Madman would continue his experiments to create monsters and all sorts of horrifying demons at his command. He also enhanced his minions, turning them into an army of supervillains loyal to him, giving them technorganic modification and superpowers of their own.
Then, he joins up with other villains like the Dark Legion, led by Rogue, to aid in their plans as long as massive casualties are involved. He would start a project called "Project: Nidhogg", to create a human dragon hybrid powerful enough to kill all life in the omniverse. He has his minions to gather test subjects to harvest their DNA, even using Hell itself to give his creation power so the results could breed "Hell on Earth" across many worlds. Thus, the closest to a success was a child dragonoid named "Galaxis", whom Madman extracted DNA from a powerful, cosmic dragon he enslaved and kidnapped a woman to medically impregnate with. Thus, Galaxis was born between an unwilling union of dragon and human. Except Galaxis was nothing Madman wanted, instead he was pure soul whose personality was the opposite what Madman wanted: a kind-hearted child who cherishes live, not one who seeks to slay it.
Madman has the child locked away, planning to break him to the point of becoming the very thing he wants him to be: A destroyer of realities. Galaxis refuses to break and grew to hate his creator ever since due to his cruel, vile nature. As such, Galaxis was locked away for a very long time while Madman tries once more to create a "Beast of the Apocalypse".
Champions Raid[]
It was then he battles the heroes, the titular Multiverse Protection Force and their Champions Unit, fighting them alongside other supervillains. Taunting the heroes on how he'll kill every living being in the omniverse "One piece at a time" as a means to flaunt his superiority. He would battle with the hero known as Tetsuo Psyklone, where he enters his lair to battle with Madman, it was then Madman shows his true form not meant to be seen by mortals, knocking Tetsu out cold. It was then he placed Tetsuo in an unknown, fantasy-esque dimension to be his prison, revealed to be a product of Psyklone's psychic mind.
Madman appears as Tetsuo furthers down to his fantasy dimension, mocking him for his predicament much to Tetsuo's annoyance. As Galaxis and Delta further down the dark labs, battling hordes of monsters, Madman is seen with an army of monsters at his disposal revealing he was behind the slaughter of every scientist in the lab. As an act of vengeance against the boy, he reveals that the monsters were his creations, mocking Galaxis on how he's essentially killing his own siblings. There was also the fact Galaxis only became a dragonoid as he mutated the boy when he was experimenting on him. To his horror, Galaxis faints prompting Madman to sic his monsters on him and DELTA. After Xuriah sent a minion to steal a machinery from Madman, Tetsuo tricked the evil supervillain into opening a portal back to the real world. Madman became furious, but thinks he'll just try again next time and goes back to oversee further experiments for the Dark Legion (which recently formed a partnership with Mastermagus and Nekrozoth). Madman has his own secret plan up his sleeves.
Madman and the other villains conspire, with Nekrozoth leading them in his devastating plan that could destroy the very fabric of the omniverse itself. With Madman giddily anticipating whatever plan Nekrozoth has in store, wanting to see mass destruction and death in awe.
Aiding the Legion and Omega Empire[]
Madman hasn't been seen too much, as Rogue mentioned he has been busy performing experiments and his usual "hobbies" of terrorizing and murder. Raven then has a vision of DELTA, the genocidal AI robot, allying himself with Madman and Nekrozoth in their plans. He finally returns when he participates in a battle with the heroes trying to stop Nekrozoth from enacting his devastating plans of unleashing the Corruption Wave. Omega Knight faces Madman and throws the madman into a tree, and Tetsuo uses his powers to free the spirits of the forest they're fighting, summoning monsters, sending them off after Nekrozoth, who is still slowly coming into full godhood. Nekrozoth still manages to gain some semblance of his powers back, as both sides retreated.
Madman returns once again in the "Multi-Dimensional Merge" Arc, this time knocking Rayven out cold so he could perform dark experiments on her. Having grown an interest on her powers and wants to use them to destroy the heroes once and for all. However, learning on what is happening to the omniverse as Nekrozoth is attempting to merge all dimensions into one, Madman went into hiding with his new victim for him to continue his research in secret. The heroes manage to defeat Nekrozoth and stopped the Merge from destroying the Omniverse, but still most universes and Earths merged causing the event known as "The Crossover Incident". Leading to the creation of "Crossover City", where Paltron City was once built on, where Madman decides to move to and hid to continue his dark plans. The MPF acknowledges that villains such as Mastermagus, Xuriah, and Madman are still loose and will most definitely return to cause more trouble. But for now, they celebrate their victory and work on something about this new merger with other realities.
Crossover City[]
Madman has not been seen in a while, still in hiding as Madman is building his forces and gathering power for himself. Both Tetsuo and his best friend Tech Knight are searching for him and his hideout in the meantime, hoping they find out what he's up to before things go wrong. Galaxis himself often aiding them, wanting to find his creator to bring to justice and to find out why he made him in the first place. It wasn't until the Champion Nicholas was captured and sent to Madman's secret base. Madman demanded that they put an end to these superpowered beasts; no one who disrespects him gets away with it, and what better way than turning their loved ones against themselves? Madman has Nicholas tortured, telling him all of his favorite friends and family will die if he doesn't give him the necessary information he needs to destroy the heroes. Galaxis now senses Madman's presence and plans to find him at all costs.
Galaxis finds Madman, who expected his creation to locate him, and demands why Madman created him. Madman giddily revealed that the whole time, everything in Galaxis's life, he was made to bring the end of all of creation. Galaxis questions why until Madman then began to use a techno-probe to his head to make him shut down, he then revealed Galaxis was his old project he threw out, due to Galaxis nearly destroying him and his own works. In attempting to kill the dragonoid and cover his bases, he failed to know Galaxis can't be killed so easily, and that Tetsuo was right by him after being knocked to the portal thanks to Madman and came to his side. They engaged in battle, destroying Madman's base, killing the psychopathic villain for good... Or so they thought.
Madman returns from the dead due to his quantum immortality, now allies himself with the evil doctor, his friend Slaglord and his gang the Ripper Clan. Madman and the Ripper clan make a name for themselves causing a crime spree of murder, torture, and terrorism on the populace of a nearby city. They captured an innocent girl known as Gamma Heart in order to summon the Malystrit and have him wage his war on the Multiverse, with this the Champions track him down. When they found it's too late, but Neku showed up to destroy the monster. Madman decides to unravel the space-time continuum and see all reality fall into chaos and ruination this way, leading to Galaxies and the time-travelling heroine Timestorm to work together to stop him. The two engage in combat, with Madman decideing to awaken "Abyss": a cosmic being predating the omniverse itself, seeking to annihilate all of creation and return to the void. Madman himself showed admiration for it, and now thinks it's time for the "Omnipocalypse" to begin. Galaxis and Timestorm battles Madman in hopes of stopping him from summoning the Abyss. Nicholas brings S.O.I.L into reality and fights against Madman. Madman threatens to destroy the omniverse with a sinister plan involving a corruptor of his own design should his other plan fail.
However, the heroes prevailed and stops Madman but fails the realize a fragment of the Abyss has entered the Omniverse. Madman is beaten to a pulp and thrown into a cell in the Pandora Dimension, hoping they keep him there for the rest of his life, but Madman only gloats as he thinks he wins at the win: The Abyss still manages to find a host in the form of Nova-Man.
Other media[]
Worlds Arena[]
He appears as a DLC character of Worlds Arena. He tends to make snarky comments in his intro scenes, especially when interacting with other characters such as Aka Manah whose interactions tend to be nothing but seething hatred for each other.
In his character ending, should he defeat the final boss, a Vekkisul possessed Grandmaster Chaos, he would monologue on all the gruesome murders he committed on all the playable and non-playable characters and rejected an offer of omnipotent power. Rather, wanting to see carnage unfold by his own hands as it would be boring if he destroyed existence just right then and there. It was then he got the idea of instead breaking all of the prisoners of Pandora, such as Sir Madjak, Niklovich, Gemini, and Yeager God, promising them the great power he has gotten from killing the final boss. He watches from behind the scenes eating popcorn as he watches the villains tearing existence apart, watching with childish glee as we see flames from the sheer destruction and death reflecting from his glasses.
Madman mainly fights with projectiles and range abilities like shooting lasers or orbs of destruction, but when he uses melee, he switches to a sharp dagger to stab his opponents. His finishing move is when he uses the "Painiano", a Piano torture machine where each key activates a torture device, which Madman uses to kill his enemies in a gruesome manner. He also can switch his fighting style if the player chooses, using his signature duel pistols to fight the opponents in the game.
Legends Online[]
He appears as the secondary antagonist of the expansion back storyline "Hell on Infinite Earths" (an adaptation of the crisis event of the same name), where is a recurring threat and boss to the players. In here, Madman aids Nekrozoth in spreading the "Corruption Wave" which not only wipes out most of life in each reality it touches but taints them into a wasteland of turmoil and chaos. He also appears inside missions such as ones where the player must solve a series of brutal murders leading to a cult very much based on his Brotherhood of the Abyss.
Madman here is also different than his counterpart in the main story, instead being a more religious figure fanatically worshipping the will of the "Abyss" which he believes Nekrozoth to be its avatar or host, thus leading him to aid the dark Omega Lord in his omnicidal quest. With his murders being sacrificial, paying homage to his "God of Death" that is the Abyss. He experiments on sapient dragon, giving birth to an offspring of one of them who would be Galaxis, whom he plans to sacrifice to Nekrozoth and him be a new body for Nekrozoth to spread the Corruption Wave.
“ | Oh yes! How much are you willing to risk for this little brat's life, that you'll break your moral code that your self-righteous father taught you? I can do so many things to this child, most wouldn't even dare to imagine! So, what shall it be? Will you put a stop to me for good? Or will this child suffer a horrifying fate? | „ |
~ Madman goading Akuma to either kill him or risk a kid hostage to die a horrible death. |
Madman is by far one of the most evil and psychopathic character in all of the multiverse, a true nihilist who has a self-proclaimed "death-fetish" on a mass scale - he finds delight in not just taking life but also taking away everything that makes life worth living. he claims to have looked into the "Abyss" and found himself staring back at himself within - he states that the collective horrors of Hell are just the work of a "little kid pulling wings off flies" compared to what he has planned for the Omniverse, he goes to great lengths to kill every victim he comes across on a "personal" level but will not toss away chances for mass-genocide. Either way, to him each and every kill must be done in such a manner that he can "watch the eyes fade, see the skin turn pale, witness the life drain". He loves to taunt and humiliate the heroes, often using their trauma and lack of ability to save loved ones as a way to manipulate them, and often uses such words to try and turn people against each other or for their darker natures to drive them insane and to the point of suicide to defeat them. He is unafraid to mock virtually anyone in order to manipulate them into situations where he can torture them and especially since such tortures take on levels that normal beings cannot endure without breaking in some way: There are even individuals who are far less tolerant of him than the champions and, while they are aware of the need to ally with him, show animosity towards working together with one who not only sees them as pawns and tools. But he will freely and mercilessly brutalize people to their core without hesitation. It gets to the point where they (rightfully) think of them the equivalent of a serial killer who kills for pleasure, regardless of who they are killing, and show their dislike in the form of vile insults, threats and promises of terrible vengeance against him if he becomes too much of an annoyance or a hindrance rather than a boon.
Madman is completely fearless and claims to be invincible - so far, his claims of invincibility seem to hold some weight as he always returns and has survived multiple "deaths", driving his sadistic ego even further. He's incapable of holding grudges, so he claims, due to the fact his immortality allows him to survive death. So, he doesn't mind if his plans fail, or he gets foiled as he has all the time he needs until his enemies grow tired and he goes for the kill. He claims he doesn't really hate anyone, nor is the type to seek revenge, since he doesn't think he really needs to. To him, what he does is for his own entertainment, if he aims for a hero's family or friends it's not out of spite but because he wants to hurt them for sadistic pleasure. The only person he ever held grudges on were Aka Manah for mocking him, and Galaxis most of all. The latter of whom he held nothing but contempt for, seeing him as a failed experiment and a deadweight who acts as a thorn to his side. Madman always tell him that he's an abomination, a freak that no one would ever love and treat him as an outcast, going so far as to lock him in the basement of the lab in chains inside a dark room to never see the light of day. He even spitefully reveals the truth that Galaxis was a normal boy turned monster by his hands, and how he made him slaughter monsters who were essentially his siblings.
He is also a traitorous backstabber, who often switches sides whenever it suits him, leading to other villains be wary of him when recruiting the psychopath to their cause. He even admits he cares not for their goals, beyond the fact they're just steppingstones for him to further his own ambitions of mass destruction and carnage. He doesn't care for omniverse domination, or the conquest of other worlds like Nekrozoth or Xuriah do, feeling such plans are mundane for him and too much of a headache for him. He doesn't mind the fact someone attempting to rewrite reality to their image, as it only gives him opportunities to begin his sadistic campaign again for the fun of it.
Madman is not without nuance, while he doesn't mind inflicting horrible torture, he's usually not the type to condemn those to "Fates Worse Than Deaths". Not because of moral standards, but because it goes against his ideas of "Spreading Death and Decay", and living his victims alive in constant torment gets in his away of his goals. He is, however, fine if such fates are inflicted on souls, however. He also has fine taste in food, showing to favor eating meat and drinking wine as if acting like a sophisticated gentleman underneath his psychopathic nature. He claims to be a long-time fan of Nekrozoth, the Creator of Evil, and admires his horrible work. To the point that he conducts experiments in making monsters as tribute to the mad Prime Omega Emperor, with some crimes paying homage to him. Nekrozoth in return shows respects to the Madman, encouraging him to thrive in committing despicable deeds. Two card-carrying villains acknowledging each other for their depravity but is annoyed for how "free-willed" Madman is. Madman is even stated to be one of the few beings that rivals Nekrozoth in sheer evil, a feat not many has come close too. He also holds the same feeling for Abyss, the living embodiment of omniversal extinction, and even compared himself to the entity.
He also has a rather playful behavior, even with other villains, often compared to a "troll" for his antics and randomness at times. Even pulling some sick pranks, even annoying other villains for no reason other than self-amusement. He can be snarky and sarcastic doing so and is much akin to a trickster when not going about his wickedness. As he states, "Even bad men needs some hobbies too" and likes to be a jokester, a comedian as he claims to be. He also likes to be performed immoral science experiments in his spare time, usually not for anything value than creating monsters or enhancing his minions. The former was to see the results of how the monster will come out as, mockingly stating he wants to see if said beast would come out as silly looking even if it comes across as an agonizing abomination. He also once had a fondness for magic, claiming to wanting to be a magician until finding the experience boring, if doesn't help his victims suffer. It doesn't stop him from utilizing it for his plans, even aiding evil sorcerers and magic users if it benefits him, even capable of summoning and creating demons to serve him. Thus, showing he still holds some respects for the mystic arts.
Though, he usually preferred to act alone with carrying out murders as he has destroyed worlds this way, he doesn't mind any help from time to time. Hence, he created his own little organization sharing his like-minded psychos to aid in his apocalyptic ambitions. He is a manipulator, a charismatic man who gathers followers with his words and has them carry out torture-murders in the name of total annihilation. He also has them record the deaths and screams of his victims, so he doesn't miss out any slaughter he might've missed. He does this as a change of pace: Seeing worlds slaughter each other this time, see how the carnage plays out.
Physical Description[]
Madman appears as a man with black hair, dressed in a black suit and tie with glasses on. While a normal looking man, when he shows his true self, his face starts developing black crack like marks implying his form is merely a disguise further hinting on his inhumanity. He has red eyes underneath his glasses, that glows bright. He has shape-shifted into an eldritch, unholy abomination of flesh and bone in what could possibly be his true form. Back then, he used to wear a long dark cloak to conceal himself.
“ | Oh dear, you wouldn't begin to comprehend what sort of madness I can muster. With just a lift of a pinky, I dread that your nation would fall to an apocalyptic ruin... Or if I just so sneezed, the whole galaxy would be wiped out! Who to say what can't I do? | „ |
Madman's powers are vast but enigmatic, he seems to have at least ultra-technology, on a par with Primes. He has also exhibited more unusual abilities that gives subtle hints he might not be human:
- Omni-lock/Quantum Immortality: He has some form of Omni-Lock, allowing him to exist in multiple realities at once and cheat death via "quantum immortality" - these traits strongly suggest Madman is a fallen Champion of some kind or an otherworldy being.
- Psychokinesis: Said to be on par of Tetsuo Psyklone and Lord Supreme, two of the most powerful psychics on Earth if not the whole cosmos. The latter of whom he often has done battles with, and even won against suggesting he might be stronger. It also grants him the power to mind control people to do his bidding as well. Suggesting he much more than meets the eye.
- "Tomorrow's Torment/Torment of Tomorrow": This ability is one of his most deadly, and sadistic: Basically, he can not only see the future, but he can mentally make it happen. Specifically, he can see what injuries his victims will inevitably suffer, any sort of pain: Like in a few weeks they'll stub a toe, a few days they'll cut themselves with a knife. Just by that, he can make it happen much earlier in a fight just by thinking about it. Only drawback is he can't bring your death early, only the pain they'll suffer. So, he has to draw out their death slowly. He can cut them, maim them, mentally damage them, give them brain injuries, break their bones, all that until they'll meet a gruesome death. The only way to counter this is either being a borderline masochist or being extremely durable to withstand this.
- Shapeshifting: He can change the ship to whatever he pleases. but commonly appears as a normal looking man with glasses and a tuxedo. However, he has changed his shape into that of an abomination of flesh and bone, what could be his true, disgusting form. It has stated he shapeshifted into other species across the galaxy before just to fit in.
- Clairvoyance: As an extension of the aforementioned "Tomorrow's Torment" ability, he can see the future but only of his victim getting some form of physical or mental harm.
- Invulnerability/Super durability: He survives extreme conditions such as getting blasted point blank in the face with a beam capable of disintegrating planets, possibly due to his Quantum Immortality. He also tanks blasts of enough force to level mountains or obliterate whole armies.
- Dimension Travel: This is easily one of the most dangerous of his abilities, and also, most frequent to be used. He can go to multiple dimensions, worlds, realities, whatever you wish to call them. By use of this power, he can transverse the cosmos within milliseconds or span interdimensional space for his entertainment.
- Technopathy: He's quite quick with hacking and has control over machines and technology to an extent. In short, he has an innate knack for "control."
- "Last Resort": If the situation is near impossible and he sees he is losing, he'll simply rip open a dimension gate to run and jump through before the explosion, then he'll release a massive dark energy bomb which annihilated his opponents and created a massive singularity that destroyed the universe itself. If not stopped, it'll send ripples of destruction to a dimension nearby, ultimately ending a world or two.
- Summoning: Can conjure creatures such as his Rathlings, Crogswollers and other such terrifying servants. He is known to utilize summons he calls "Bane Shards" for more conventional battles. He can even summon his creations from past battles, or in a situation, if he hasn't destroyed it yet, a piece of a creature from a world he destroyed years prior. He has also summoned demons to his aid as well.
- Super-speed: He is usually fast, even surprising other villains like Xuriah who is known to outspeed superhuman speedsters like Tetsuo Psyklone (who's essentially a mini-Superman in that category). He often appears out of nowhere, sometimes confused for teleporting at random spots.
- Longevity: He's stated to be "Very, very old", to what point is unknown but he has been spotted in different time periods on Earth and stared to predate most creatures there. It's implied he's either as old, if not older, than Morbus and other ancient cosmic deities.
- Elemental Control: He's capable of using all matter and the forces around him, down to the core of a planet. In the most basic terms, he can shoot a large enough rock out of space and straight onto the surface of a planet.
- Immense strength: He can toss large mecha-beings of hundreds of pounds or tons with great ease.
- "Omniversal Crisis": Though rare, Madman has utilized this maneuver a few times throughout the story. In situations where Madman knows he isn't going to lose but would have to damage his own body beyond normal repair, he's capable of combining all of the above powers to a critical degree, to the point the damage alone would create the ultimate cosmic entity. In a situation like this, he can tear apart the Omniverse just to find that "one guy" and kill them. His eyes will turn red, the tentacles on the back of his head will stretch to his full form, his entire being would emit an energy which could obliterate galaxies just with him being within. This will most likely take him centuries or millennia to charge and create. Most beings can survive this attack, if he misses even once, or doesn't die after a strike.
- "Undefined Limits": This is perhaps his deadliest of all his powers. His body is powered by his madness and rage. For as long as he feels these feelings, he doesn't stop. Ever. It's like his powers have no limit and the madness grows deeper. With every enemy defeated and no outlet to use that madness, the insanity continues to increase. His lust for killing and torture continues to grow deeper and deeper. It is this madness that gives his body such power and endurance and it is that fact that terrifies his opponents beyond all reason. If Madman gets tired and is unable to find another victim in close range, then his body can absorb the fatigue of said enemies.
King's Men is an Half-Colony and Half-Long Distance type Battleloid that Madman also wields, he named in a derive/reversed way after a 2014 movie called Kingsman: The Secret Service. Three of them as a whole serve as his Battleloid.
- Summary: King's Men is a very useful Batteloid, though thought to be weaker due to being a Colony type, King's Men is actually said to have the ability to inject paralysis or poison using its blades armed around its arms' elbows and legs' shins. When injecting the said conditional features, the paralysis ends up making its opponent paralyzed permanently while the poison kills the opponent if the exact timing of 10 minutes is up. They are also very skilled in stealth, assassination, and mutilation thanks to each of its blades, even though it is short, the strength and sharpness of their blades can easily cut down anything, including some objects related to metal. However, if it hits any material or object made of Ag (Silver), Au (Gold), and Pt (Platinum), the blades will have no affect as the said elements could easily rust them, thus disabling their paralysis and poisoning abilities, especially their effects on their victimized opponents, this results to rendering the blades useless unless they recover from that weakness using water but it has an hour limit to refresh the rusted blades. However, the dragon part of the Third King's Man's arm can unleash a powerful fire breathe as a last resort needed, luckily it has no weakness unless a temperature rate of an negative percentage of a hail (term word is "ice" to be precise) freezes the arm.
“ | Let your weakness crush you! | „ |
~ Madman's usual catchphrase to his victims. |
“ | You ungrateful... Little... Spineless gecko... I made you, don't think I can't undo it! You were made to be a destroyer. A butcher of billion, slayer of gods and mankind! Yet I raise a little whiny sh*t that can't even hurt something as insignificant as a fly... | „ |
~ Madman expressing his contempt on his own creation, Galaxis. |
“ | Let's make the hero you wanted to be lose their entire souls to trauma! I hope you enjoy the fact I'm keeping them alive, because I want to do it all OVER again, every day. For eternity!... Or if I get bored, who knows! | „ |
~ Madman. |
“ | Hmm... this thing just carved things in half? It's a start... I wonder though... How many times we can have this happen? how many pieces can it be shattered into before it's just a whole, broken mess? Humpy Dumpty comes to mind - I always loved that rhyme because all the King's horses and all the King's men couldn't put Humpty together again. A real happy ending! | „ |
~ Madman after the effects of the Abyss War. |
“ | Xathro... I don't care how many bones you have to break, just break them and make sure they scream! | „ |
~ Madman ordering his right-hand, Xathro to massacre the Champions. |
“ | I do hate when someone spoils my fun... | „ |
~ Madman during the raid on the Dark Legion facilities by the Champions. |
“ | Wait! There must be something you want! Everything has a price! Even you!! I- I can help you! I can help you kill everything! Destroy everything! I've always been your biggest fan! You NEED me! P-please! I... I always come back! I always win! Y-you want to win, don't you!? Is it power you want!? You want souls? I got thousands! I can sacrifice you trillions of them if you want!!! PLEEAAAASSSE!! SPARE MEEEEEEEEE- | „ |
~ Madman's final words, as he's being devoured by the Abyss. |
- It is stated Madman can only die if he was devoured or erased by the Abyss itself, who embodies compete emptiness and annihilation.
- The artworks of Madman are through the use of AI called "MidJourney", while the one in the infobox are made by the user "RilledStilled" also known as "That Guy".
- Powermonger intends to base him on (or give him several traits of) several villains such as: Johan Liebert from Monster, The Major from Hellsing, The Master from the Doctor Who franchise, Heath Ledger's Joker from the Dark Knight trilogy, and shared traits from Nyarlathotep from the Cthulhu Mythos and Isaac Ray Peram Westcott from Date A Live franchise.
- If he was ever voiced by anyone, Matthew Rhys comes to mind according to Powermonger2003. As he claims that having an English accent akin to the likes of Emperor Belos fits him.
- Some of the characteristics of this villain was from an AI generated story made in Novel.AI which Powermonger used for fun and to get ideas. These traits would be used for the character such as the mad scientist aesthetic and what leads to Madman being heavily implied to be an eldritch abomination.
- It is implied that his name starts with the letter "M", especially since his aliases tends to start with the letter such as "Mister Murder" and "Michael Morbid".
- The character is based on a villain created by another user who goes by many names, such as Unseelie Queen and Pixination. Powermonger once took ownership of said character and expanded on him. However, after some disputes and problems with how to use the character himself and what not, it was decided that Powermonger will make his own version heavily inspired by the character but also differences to him as well. Mainly using the info they made and the artwork for him (both made by Rilledstilled or via AI such as Midjourney), Powermonger decided to make use of them and not let them go to waste.
- As of 9/27/24, Powermonger's Madman has officially become part of the public domain for anyone to use however they like.
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Canon Reboot Timeline Non-Canon See Also |