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I can't believe he and other Internet users just ruined my reputation! I am the most popular SNK waifu! I am miss Crossover! I am the big and bouncy boobs!! I'm a Shinobi!!! *sobs* A Shinobi who just got humiliated because of my outfit!!
~ Mai describing herself before crying in rage of the many times she got bullied by the Internet because of not being in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Mai Shiranui is a major antagonist in TheGamerLover's Mematic Universe and a major character in the upcoming The King of Fighters Gameplay Parody series.



Mai is the granddaughter of Hanzo Shiranui, master of Ninjitsu and Koppoken. Mai learned from her grandfather the secrets of Ninjitsu. She had met Andy, during this time, who had come to train under her grandfather and immediately fell in love with him.

The years passed, Mai started to participate in many tournaments alongside King and other gals in the Hoes Team, although she never won a tournament until now.

The Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Controversy[]


One of the many memes of Mai Shiranui.

After Masahiro Sakurai announced that Mai will not be in Smash Bros. because of the game being for good boys and girls of all ages, Mai was being victim of memes and tried multiple times to get in Smash from asking Sakurai directly to let her in to use some gadgets in a similar fashion to Wile E. Coyote in order to get in, only to fail multiple times.

On the day of Christmas, Ruby gave her a letter from Masahiro Sakurai as her Christmas present, which says that "he will not include her and nothing will change his mind no matter if she has been in Dead or Alive alongside Kula Diamond or any other game", obviously enraging Mai.

When watching TheGamerLover's videos, Mai notices he has made several jokes about her, which led her go to her room to cry in rage, that was when she encountered General Selvaria Bles, who sneaked inside the appartment she was living on to propose her to join the Neo THOT Army.

Selvaria Strikes Back![]

Now as a member of the Neo THOT Army, Mai helps Selvaria on her plans of create a new world based on their ideals as THOTs and Simps in grattitude for allowing her to join the KOF XV Tournament, after the general defeated and kidnapped Ruby and Yang and put them on capsules, both her and Perfecti are assigned to watch over them, only for them to be distracted with Mai trying a new cow swimsuit as Yang and Ruby are rescued by Kati (Perfecti's former host) and eventually taken out of the lair thanks to Yang's somehow cunning abilities.

Shortly after, they are berated by Selvaria and Mai is threatened to be thrown to the Social Justice Warriors' cage so she can become another victim of the denominated "Cancel Culture", however, after Hazama appeared with good news, Selvaria allows them to continue serving her as she prepares for the "real game".

During the meeting with Dick Dastardly, he and Mai are assigned to follow Ruby and Yang all the way to the United States. Upon following them to the Regular Army's base, Mai and Dick eavesdrops on Ruby and Yang's conversation with Heidern, Whip and Leona, informing Selvaria about what they heard shortly after.

Continuing with their mission, Mai and Dick defeats the Regular Army and captures Fio Germi, in the way, they are contacted by Perfecti to go to London and meet with the general at the point of Tartarus' rebirth. In London, they witnesses Selvaria accomplishing her plan to restore the Dark Hour and becoming a Goddess of Destruction in order to start their world's rebirth, but as our heroes destroys the Army of the Dead, Mai and Dick are caught by Chun-Li and eventually arrested.

Since she is on prison, her relationship with Andy and her teammates seems to be on an unknown direction since they most probably are disappointed on Mai's actions and may not include her on their teams.





           TheGamerLover Villains

Ruby Rose | Weiss Schnee | Blake Belladonna | Yang Xiao Long | Lillie | Nebby | Morrigan Aensland
Selvaria Bles | Perfecti | Mai Shiranui | Blitztank | Yumi | Murakumo | Asuka | Bayonetta | Bonne Jennet | SYSTEM XX | Mommy Mearest
THOT Patrol
Murakumo Zero | Yuuki Terumi | Kazuma Kval | Asuka R. Kreutz | Adler | Relius Clover | Shuichiro Ayatsuki | Es-N | Elektrosoldat
The Gods
Zamasu | Goku Black | God of Darkness | Takehaya Susanoo | Neopolitan | Hades: Izanami | Ariels | Sailor Galaxia
Salem's Inner Circle
Salem | Arthur Watts | Cinder Fall | Hazel Rainart | Tyrian Callows
Injustice League
Cinder Fall | Roman Torchwick | Neopolitan | Emerald Sustrai | Mercury Black
Aether Foundation
Lusamine | Faba | Wicke
Rebel Army
Donald Morden | Allen O' Neil | Abigail | Beatriz | Grazia | Loretta | Norah | Jane Doe | Cony | Vita | Abul Abbas | Shizuka | Aisha | Nantes | Pawda | Leone | Rapid | Destrade | Olga | Navy | Dolores
M. Bison | Sagat | Vega | Balrog
Servants of "That Man"
Asuka R. Kreutz | I-No | Raven | Jack-O' Valentine
The Conclave
Chronus | Axus | Libraria
Martian Army
Mars People
Lord Raptor
WarioWare Inc.
Wario | Ashley
Other Villains/Unknown Group
Hazama | Azrael | Tohru Adachi | Hilda the Paradox | Raven Branwen | Tifa Lockhart | Dick Dastardly | King Ramses | Nine The Phantom | Bedman | Testament | Tsubakumen | Zato-1 | TheGamerLover | Waluigi | Army of the Dead | Platinum the Trinity | Susan Wojcicki | Francesca the Magician | Krampus | Sephiroth | Juri Han | Toppin Monster Gals

Alternate Realities (Counterparts and Crossover Villains)
RU🅱Y Movieverse
Rowan Trickster | Prankster & Bankster

Other/Unknown Reality
Neco-Arc | Johnny Cage | Huitzil | Pyron | DeviantArt Alcremies

           Ru🅱️y Logo Sidestory/Movie Villains

Neo THOT Army
Selvaria BlesPerfectiMai Shiranui • Hazama • Dick Dastardly • Muttley • Mommy MearestArmy of the Dead
Trickster's Crime Empire
Rowan TricksterWeiss Schnee • Prankster & Bankster
King RamsesWeiss SchneeRuby Rose • Baldi • Roman TorchwickNeopolitanYang Xiao Long • Cinder Fall • Salem • Daddy Dearest

           SNK logo.svg Fanon Villains

The King of Fighters
Puppet YukinoElementNaoAnthym RubyHomuraClio SodaliteSophie ChrysocollaFuyuhimeSealSchlusselC-ExLukahSachielRai Salazar RyuuguuinGlen Bernhardt
Neo Geo Battle Coliseum
Crimson Saiki

Metal Slug Gameplay Parody series: Donald Morden (TheGamerLover)Allen O'Neil (TheGamerLover)Abigail (TheGamerLover)Beatriz (TheGamerLover)Grazia (TheGamerLover)Rebel Army (TheGamerLover)Mars People (TheGamerLover)Professor (TheGamerLover)Mars Army (TheGamerLover)Little Lady Black (TheGamerLover)
The King of Fighters Gameplay Parody series: Mai Shiranui (TheGamerLover)Yuri Sakazaki (TheGamerLover)Rugal Bernstein (TheGamerLover)

See also
M.U.G.E.N VillainsM U G E N VillainsKOF MUGEN VillainsThe King of Fighters VillainsFatal Fury VillainsMetal Slug VillainsNeo Geo Battle Coliseum Villains
