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This article's content is marked as Mature Needlemouse found something very brutal for those with a weak heart. The page Mr. Krabs (Mr. Krabs' Unquenchable Blood Lust) contains mature content that may include coarse language, sexual references, and/or graphic images which may be disturbing to some. Mature pages are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older. If you're 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page.
You little yellow b***ard! I trusted you, and you gave me this?! I can't believe me own crew could betray me like this! I'LL HAVE YOUR REAR ENDS CUT OFF, AND MOUNTED OVER ME FIREPLACE!!!
~ Mr. Krabs threatening SpongeBob and Squidward before he got caught by the police.
I know what you're thinking. "It's just a dumb old dollar! Let's just leave the old man! He won't notice!" (sobs) Well, it's not going down like that! There's only one use for a backstabbing crew like you....
~ Mr. Krabs' breakdown as he descent into madness before transforming into Moar Krabs.
~ Mr. Krabs before he kills Squidward.
Mr. Eugene Harold Krabs is the titular main antagonist of the popular YouTube Poop video entitled "Mr. Krabs' Unquenchable Blood Lust", created by EmperorLemon. This YTP portrays Krabs as a deranged serial killer who started his killing spree when he discovered that the Health Inspector from the "Nasty Patty" episode was a con artist who ate fast food for free and did not pay for it.
He has the same voice actor from the show, Clancy Brown.
The YouTube Poop begins with SpongeBob SquarePants and Patrick Star in Mr. Krabs' tent. While they were looking at Krabs' map, Mr. Krabs suddenly appears behind SpongeBob and Patrick, and he has a chainsaw in his hands. The scene then goes back three days earlier to explain Krabs' descent into madness and murder.
Killing Spree[]
It all started when the Health Inspector arrived at the Krusty Krab. Mr. Krabs then learns that the Health Inspector was a con man who ate fast food without paying for it. Wanting revenge, Mr. Krabs forces SpongeBob into helping him poison the Health Inspector with a Krabby Patty, and then hiding his body. After they hid his body, two police officers came by, and Krabs murders them by shooting with an RC gun and sets their car on fire with a flamethrower to hide the evidence. Later that night while Mr. Krabs is sleeping, he hears a voice in his head telling him to kill more people, driving him to insanity.
Getting Arrested[]
The next day, the customers were watching in confusion as Mr. Krabs begs to the voices in his head to stop. When Squidward noticed that Mr. Krabs was acting rather strange at work, he and SpongeBob quickly call the Navy on him. They then proceed to tie up the deranged crustacean, and the police arrive to arrest him. Shocked that his two employees gave him up to the police, he angrily declares vengeance on them both before being beaten up by the police officers.
Escaping from Jail[]
While in prison, Krabs transformed himself into Moar Krabs and proceeded to rip two police officers' faces off. He then escaped through the sewers in a reference to the film The Shawshank Redemption. He goes to Squidward's house first, and he murders him by clubbing him to death with an axe. When SpongeBob and Patrick learned about their neighbor's murder, they immediately left Bikini Bottom in order to escape Krabs' wrath.
The scene then goes back to where the video started, with our two aquatic friends in Krabs' tent. They proceed to open up a paint can, and to their horror, instead of paint, they instead find blood erupting from the can. We also see that Krabs had cut off Squidward's head, and then he wrote an inscription over it stating that he "gotta have more."
(SpongeBob: Mr. Krabs, stand back! I'm warning ya!) For a second there, I mistook you for a threat. But you're just a dirty little man. (SpongeBob: NOOOOOOOOOOOO!) So long, SpongeBob!
~ Mr. Krabs before attempting to kill SpongeBob with a knife, only to find out that SpongeBob had places a bomb on his chest, right before they died.
Krabs proceeds to chase them out of his tent, yelling how he feels like a total barnacle head as he destroys a giant rock. He then catches Patrick with a lasso. SpongeBob soon went to hide in his house, and Patrick comes to his house as well. However, instead of our lovable goofball, it turns out that Krabs had murdered him and is now wearing his skin. Krabs then takes out a knife and approaches SpongeBob with it. He then hits SpongeBob with the knife, only to discover that there was a bomb wrapped around his chest. When he asked his former fry cook what he was planning with that, SpongeBob states that he was going to do what should've been done a long time ago. He then ignites the bomb, and it explodes, killing him and the deranged Krabs, and ultimately ending Mr. Krabs' blood lust forever.
After the credits roll, it was revealed that this YTP is apparently a story that Patrick told to SpongeBob in order to try to make him feel better about being ugly. SpongeBob responds by chewing him out.
List Of Victims
The Health Inspector: Poisoned with a Cyanide-lased Krabby Patty.
Police Officer 1:
Police Officer 2: Both blasted with machine gun and burned with a Flamethrower.
Security Guard 1:
Security Guard 2: Both faces were ripped-off.
Squidward Tentacles: Cleaved his head with an axe, later decapitated/Sacrificed to the acklay (non-canon).
Patrick Star: Skinned him alive/dissected off-screen, body later worn as a costume.
SpongeBob SquarePants: Exploded with a bomb/suicide.
Others: It‘s heavily implied that Mr. Krabs killed other people, since SpongeBob SquarePants discovered that Mr. Krabs kept severed heads in a box.
Bo-Katan Kryze: Accidentally got shot in the jetpack, causing it to blow her up.
Captain Rex: Burned by a flamethrower, turning him to ash.
Pearl: fed to the hyenas.
Mrs. Puff: get stabbed in the back.
Rhino thugs: Pushing them to there deaths.
Jimmy 10 - strings: Thrown into the furnace, and explodes.
Inhuman Strength
It seems he will return in Robyn Stewart's story arc The Multiverse Arc as one of the guest antagonists.