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Villain Overview

Well done... [claps four times] What a show that was... Great choices... We should really do this again sometime...
~ Mr. Puzzles revealing himself at the end of WOTFI 2023, as well as his most famous quote.
♫(Are you ready for trouble?) Gotcha binge-watching!
(You’re stuck with Mr. Puzzles!) You can’t stop me from
cooking up this instant classic! You and your friends will look fantastic!
(The red carpet is rolled out), come and get your tickets!
(Before they’re all sold out!) Don’t want to miss this moment
when those stars hit five,
I get creative control of your real...
When those gorgeous stars hit five,'
I get creative control of your real...
And... SCENE!!

~ The final chorus of “Creative Control”, Mr. Puzzles’ villain song.
YOU!!! You somehow continue to come up with UNIQUE and Creative Ways TO RUIN MY LIFE!!! I will GET YOU MARIO! I'LL GET ALL OF YOU!!!
~ —Mr. Puzzles expressing his hatred to Mario and his friends in A Night At SMG4's…

Mr. Puzzles, also known as the Mysterious TV Guy, is a major antagonist in the 2011 Australian adult-animated comedy series SMG4, serving as the main antagonist of The Showgrounds Era.

He is the titular main antagonist of the Puzzlevision Saga, serving as the overarching antagonist of Seasons 13, SMG4 Movie: IT'S GOTTA BE PERFECT, and War of the Fat Italians 2023, one of the two overarching antagonists (alongside Francis) of SMG4 Movie: Western Spaghetti, and the main antagonist of Season 14, SMG4 Movie: PUZZLEVISION and War of the Fat Italians 2024. He is the current arch-nemesis of the SMG4 Gang, particularly the current arch-nemesis of SMG4 and Mario, the second arch-nemesis of Meggy, and the arch-rival of SMG3.

Being a manipulative, charismatic and insane founder and CEO of the streaming service Puzzlevision who wishes to achieve complete perfection in his shows by brainwashing the whole world into being characters in it. Mr. Puzzles torments and manipulates the SMG4 Crew into several sadistic adventures to create content, and uses them as the main cast for his streaming service, causing the destruction of the Peach's Castle, the fall and death of One-Shot Wren and Meggy becoming permanently traumatized, and temporary betrayal of Mario. Ultimately being responsible for forever changing the lives of the SMG4 gang. Yet his constant failures to get his 5 Stars rating progressively worsen his treatment of his unwilling cast and break his friendly façade, culminating in him losing his temper and sanity by the time his ultimate plan comes into fruition.

After being deactivated due to his failed attempt at brainwashing the entire world, Mr. Puzzles returns as a miserable, petty, and vengeful villain who devises several plots to ruin the lives of the SMG4 Crew, especially targeting Mario. While trying to uncover the source of "funny" in the Meme Factory, he starts his first genuine friendship with Leggy (the real Meggy), developing an obsession with her and wanting her as his sidekick. As his failures mount, Mr. Puzzles becomes more unhinged and abandons his current dream to revive an old one: becoming the owner of an amusement park. He takes over Didney Park and, with Leggy by his side, now aims to brainwash the rest of the SMG4 Gang as the main attraction, making one last attempt to gain fame and recognition.

After his plans were foiled once again, SMG4 immediately called the police on Mr. Puzzles for his most unforgivable crimes. Mr. Puzzles now in underground padded cell in maximum security prison for the rest of his life, now in an even worse mental state, he compliments now he has given up for being disillusioned on senselessly pursuing fame and fortune he cannot achieve, with Leggy 2.0 as his "new friend", their new friendship decided to more open to the world's other possibilities and implied resentment towards the Glitchy Gang for getting him arrested as he laughs menacingly, having completely lost his sanity as a result.

He is voiced by Brendan Blaber, who also voices Mummy from My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising and Setsuo Miyamoto in Fire Force.


Physically, Mr. Puzzles is a tall and thin black humanoid with a dark gray analog TV head, containing in its bottom edge the name "Puzzlevision". His real "face" is an off-white beige background with differently shaped eyes, and a large grin taking up most of his lower face; the mouth's colors are intended to resemble the TV color bars. He wears a black bowler hat on his head, with two TV antennas sticking out, though one is bent. He wears a light grey vest with a white undershirt and a black bow tie, as well as white gloves and black and white sneakers. His pants are dark grey, with silver puzzle patterns.

When as a pop-up, he was simply a TV similar to his head with cartoonish eyes and smile in it.

As a child, he was similar to Ness but totally black and with white eyes; he still had a normal human head back then.


Initially, Mr. Puzzles was your stereotypical rubber hose character, a lovable, thrill-seeking, and very goofy, yet caring and charismatic individual who loves entertaining people with his genre of television shows and would often show his charmingly delightful attitude towards his performers. However, this is all a façade to hide who he really is and to keep his reputation safe. Once this façade of his is dropped, Mr. Puzzles is truly shown to be a mentally unstable, callous, arrogant, cold-hearted, ruthless, and downright sociopathic being who shows little to no regret in manipulating people and turning them to against SMG4 and his friends as he will make them to be his own performers/slaves as he showed enjoyment in seeing Meggy mistreated by One-Shot Wren and took delight in SMG4's ability to "play an antagonist so well." His unstable mentality can make him have severe breakdowns when something keeps going wrong, and his temper reflects it.

During his youth, it was stated that Mr. Puzzles was once a normal and kind, yet insecure outcast who had no friends at school. Until one day, he gave up on trying to make friends and began watching TV all day to forget his troubles, and with that he became so obsessed with television that he made his own decision to cut off his head and replace it with a TV along with his current body, thus turning him into the wicked TV being we see him as now. Mr. Puzzles is also shown to have quite an ego as well, since he would congratulate himself for endangering the cast to entertain himself and refers to himself as a "handsome devil."

Mr. Puzzles’ charisma and well-meaning mature is clearly two face and he has a temper to him, losing it on a drop of a hat when he’s interrupted and annoyed too much, and he is obsessed with a perfect five star review on his shows, slowly losing his mind when the reviews aren’t up to his standards, even calling a 4 star episode a flop. The true motive behind his actions, once Mr. Puzzles had finally reached five stars, was that he could turn the world into a TV show with him as the main character, fulfilling a twisted sense of finally being accepted and being blindly adored by others. As a result of isolation and escapism due to an extreme attachment to television, he was willing to even dismember a part of himself in order to carry out his goals.

As stated in Mario the Exploro, Mr. Puzzles has seemed to have dropped trying to achieve 5-stars and intends to make SMG4's show more entertaining, but in reality, he wants to make it his own, thus showing that he hasn't changed at all. He has taken over SMG3's old role as the villain of the series since then.

In Despicable Mr. Puzzles, it reveals that Mr. Puzzles has at least some humanity left within him, such as mentioning his father telling him to never trust strangers, this strongly implies that he had a good relationship with his father, including learning to never trust strangers before spending his life watching TV. However, it's somewhat debatable since he said this while he was brainwashed and the reveal later on that his father didn't approve of his dream and said he lacked creative vision. He also had a genuine friendship with his temporary sidekick Leggy (the real Meggy) as when SMG4 uses his claw of his ship to grab Leggy while she screamed in fear, Puzzles scared and he boldly trying to save her, after he and her wake up from his adventure, he admits to her that at first she was mischievous and annoying but during their adventure to steal the moon, he says to her that she is decently good sidekick and minion which makes her says to him cutely that Puzzles is nice that he briefly crying in happiness but he somewhat yelled at her to says he is "nice" and he admits he is callously cold-blooded villain, as when she finally access the security gate on factory, he gratefully says that she did a good job and he laughs psychopathically and she laughs (in cute way) like him, which is indeed that he loves her.

in A Night At SMG4's…, some random people bullied him, which made him cry and then he tells them not to look at him. This is presumably the reason why he stopped making friends, though this remains unknown. The bonds between Mr. Puzzles and Leggy continued to strengthen in A Night at SMG4's as the latter had saved him plenty of times while they fought their way past Bob, Luigi, SMG3, and SMG4 in their efforts to take the Comedy Zone. Furthermore, the two had also teamed up to take down each foe, making use of their unique traits in size and skill set in the process. This can be seen when Leggy used Mr. Puzzles' TV screen to distract Bob with a "boobie channel" so the Garo could stop raising the level of his Monster Energy River, and when they combined their own emotes to defeat SMG3 with a powerful beam, followed by Leggy exploiting her small size to trick SMG4 into destroying himself with his Robotnik head. Defeated and getting desperate, SMG4 turns to his last resort, which is to summon Mario from the flying elevator above. Upon breaking the glass and pressing the button underneath, Mario comes down and starts causing chaos, all while giving Leggy a mushroom antidote and restoring Meggy back to normal. This has made Mr. Puzzles completely devastated that she is no longer in his manipulation, leaving him completely friendless again. Mr. Puzzles is now furious at Mario for taking away his first friend as he expresses his hatred for him for always ruining his life, and he swore to get revenge on him and the entirety of the gang.

His dedication to entertainment is so compulsive, that he has transformed into a cyborg with a television set-like appearance, and once he took over Didney Worl and replaced it with Puzzle Park, he fused with the engine room of his new amusement park, becoming its power source, all of this symbolizing his obsessive nature. Even though he possesses ruthless ambition and a craving for control over his entertainment platform, Mr. Puzzles is still able to be affable if he wants to, as evidenced by his temporary bond with Leggy. He experiences deep emotional distress when she is taken away, revealing his underlying vulnerability and bit of humanity.


Hey! It looks like you need a bit of editing help! Can I interest you in a magical keyboard? It's guaranteed to make your work perfect!
~ Mr. Puzzles' first lines as his avatar; offering the keyboard containing the Eldritch Goop to SMG4.
Congratulations on finishing your project. Would you like to rate your experience with the magical keyboard?
~ Mr. Puzzles trying to convince SMG4 to use the keyboard again; before being whacked by SMG3.
~ The mantra during the countdown to Western Spaghetti.
🎶It’s TV time with your friend, Mr. Puzzles!
TV Time, take a break from your troubles!
We’ll sit down, crisscross applesauce
And go flipping through the channels to see what we come across!🎶
~ The theme song of Mr. Puzzles' "TV Time".
Bob... That's not even close... In fact, that's the worst answer I've ever heard.
~ Mr. Puzzles to Bob
~ Mr. Puzzles puts Mario in the No-No Zone for ruining his show.
I think it's time for our final game... Here's how to win... DON'T DIE!!!
~ Mr. Puzzles’ villainous breakdown as he crashes everything down on his game show.
And let me tell you... Once I hit five stars... nothing will ever be the same again...
~ Mr Puzzles as he attends to hit 5 stars, which could lead into something even more sinister in YOU WILL SEE.
~ Mr. Puzzles after seeing Mario has escaped his shows
Mr. Puzzles: FOOOOOOL!
Mario: Turn back on the Teletubbies, I was watching that.
Mario: No TV for Mario...?
~ Mr. Puzzles getting furious at Mario for escaping his shows before making him super angry.
Dammit! One more channel flip and those brats... will remember everything! And I'll never get to 5 stars! If they go off the rails on air everything will be... c-chaos.... (laughs) THE SHOW MUST GO OOOOONNN!
~ Mr. Puzzles after getting weakened by Mario.
Like you, Meggy! Your performance in Western Spaghetti brought me to tears! Watching you die OVER AND OVER!– UGH– the emotion was so RAW! And SMG4! Who knew you could play an antagonist so well! High marks from me. You're all the best cast a producer could ask for.
~ Mr. Puzzles revealing that he turned One Shot Wren into a monster and made SMG4 destroy Peach's Castle.
The common denominator! The root of all your recent adventures!
~ Mr. Puzzles revealing himself to the SMG4 crew.
All your epic, excellent escapades have eluded to the epitome of entertainment! That is...
~ Mr. Puzzles’ rise to power after achieving his 5-star rating.
~ Mr. Puzzles' second breakdown after Mario ruins his show and makes his 5-star rating drop.
You idiots think you can show me up?! I've had it with trying to get you guys to obey! I think it's time I retired this crew... and found some NEW actors!
~ Mr. Puzzles preparing to kill the SMG4 gang.
I'm... I'm not the highest rated anymore?
~ Mr. Puzzles' being outperformed by the SMG4 Gang.
I just wanted… to make a good TV show…
~ Mr. Puzzles' first defeat as he turns back into a regular TV after losing his 5-star rating.
You bet your shiny white overalls I’m back!! And THAT was but a little taste of the epic TV shows I could see the SMG4 show transforming into!
~ Mr. Puzzles revealing that he is still alive.
That’s right! Ever since our last little kerfuffle, I’ve given up on the whole 5 star rating ordeal and figured it’d be a LOOOOOOOOOT easier to just transform your show into my own! (punches himself) I-I MEAN– into something unique and COOL instead! How does that sound?
~ Mr. Puzzles explaining his new idea but accidentally telling his secret new plan for a second.
WAIT!! I’ve got this new idea that’s sure to knock your socks off!! SMG4!?!
~ Mr. Puzzles rambling while Mario and SMG4 walk away
That must be it... The source of SMG4's power... THE COMEDY ZONE! Oh, if only I could get my devilishly handsome hands on the secrets that place holds! 🎶 I've got a Golden Ticket... I've got a Golden Twinkle in my EYE... 🎶
~ Mr. Puzzles planning to get to the Comedy Zone.
Don't you just love it when a plan comes together?
~ Mr. Puzzles entering the Meme Factory.
Hello! (Mario punches Mr. Puzzles' TV screen, which messes up his voice) LET ME SPEAK FIRST!! Great, now my voice is out of tune... (knocks himself on the head, which turns his voice back to normal) Anyway, how DARE you try and hurt my precious creation!
~ Mr. Puzzles revealing himself as Pedro's creator.
Ahhh, Mario. Have you met my friend Pedro? A puppet of my own creation... I hope you don't mind I, uh... (clears throat) TOOK some inspiration from you.
~ Mr. Puzzles as he explains who Pedro is.
What a devastatingly hilarious Gut punch! Looks like Pedro has Mario beat, folks!
~ Mr. Puzzles gloating on Mario about to lose the meme off to Pedro.
Oh good heavens! Mario is attacking the city! Who will save us? Fear not citizens! Take this you ruffian! That'll teach you not to mess with me, and for breaking my screen, and destroying my plans, and taking away my ratings, AND STEALING AWAY MY ONLY FRIEND, AND NOT LETTING ME WIN!!!
~ Mr. Puzzles releasing his anger on "Mario".
So. This is what gets you famous nowadays... I think I've finally found a way to get back on top... No, no, no, I can't subject myself to this garbage! But you can finally have the fame you rightfully deserve! But to stoop down this low?! The fame... But my pride! AAAAAAAUUUUUUGGGGGHHHHH!... Although...
~ Mr. Puzzles questioning kids content for fame.
How... DARE YOU?! You uncultured ingrates would prefer THIS SLOP over my MASTERPIECES?! You wouldn't know good cinema if it hit you in the FACE!!!
~ Mr. Puzzles yelling at the Puzzlebox kids.
Is... Is this what I've become? A laughing stock in the eyes of adults... And a mere afternoon plaything for children? This... This wasn't worth it... No amount of fame or money was worth selling my dignity! Ah... What a shot... The crane up... The melancholic music... Brilliant cinematography... This is what true art looks like. Wait a moment... That’s it! I know what to do!
~ Mr. Puzzles feeling humiliated over the creation of Puzzlebox.
How DARE you dismiss my work, you ungrateful little BRATS!!
This isn't just "skibidi puzzlebox adventure 5" or whatever BRAINLESS SLUDGE you mindlessly drool over!! THIS. IS. ART!! A masterpiece that your tiny, underdeveloped minds, CAN NEVER, TRULY,
~ Mr. Puzzles’ third breakdown in "Mr Puzzles' Lowest Point", having completely lost his mind.
Listen to me, you little fat f**k! PUZZLEBOX... IS NO MORE!!!!!
~ Mr. Puzzles furiously telling the Goomba kid in a clear manner that there won't be anymore Puzzlebox.
Sorry Mickey... long live the king...
~ Mr. Puzzles before throwing Mickey Mouse off the balcony to his demise.
Mr. Puzzles: Why, your beloved Mickey has taken an early retirement! Courtesy of yours truly...
(Donald then gets mad before Puzzles grabs him by the neck)
Mr. Puzzles: Now now Donald... Haven't you learned anything? (he then vacuums Donald's soul) Don't fret comrades... I shall take it upon myself to turn Didney Worl into something bigger, bolder, and flashier than anything that filthy RAT could have ever dreamed of!
Donald's Soul: GOOFY STOP HIM- (Goofy immediately sniffs out Donald's Soul)
Mr Puzzles: Excellent... My new vision for Didney Worl shall eclipse the old in every way... and with it, my "dear" father will finally see that I DO have the creative vision to run an AMUSEMENT PARK! Let's get to work!
~ Mr. Puzzles explaining starting his plan on changing Didney Worl into something of his own making after eliminating Mickey Mouse.
Yes... YES... THE PARK OF MY DREAMS, FULLY REALIZED! The only thing left is a crew that can help me run the park... Certainly not these morons... (lightbulb pops up next to Mr. Puzzles' head) I've got an idea...
~ Mr. Puzzles as his park is complete, before deciding to get Leggy back.
Who says I'm trying to be funny...?
~ Mr. Puzzles meeting Meggy once again.
Meggy: Mr. Puzzles!? You'd better get out of here before I kick your ass!
Mr. Puzzles: Not right now... I have an unpleasant migraine... Oh, need a new TV, by the way. That poor outdated gentleman... I had to put him out of his misery.
Meggy: Are you trying to warm up to me?? AFTER EVERYTHING YOU'VE DONE TO ME AND MY FRIENDS!?
Mr. Puzzles: You must forgive me, Meggy... I was, and still am trying to make the world a better place.
Meggy: By trapping people for your own sick desires??
Mr. Puzzles: Entertainment!! Bringing a smile to people's faces! This world knows nothing of what TRUE art is. But... regrettably, I cannot do it alone...
Meggy: I would with you again!
Mr. Puzzles: Meggy... Fame and power means nothing if I cannot retain my trustworthy subordinates. Rather...the only trustworthy friend that I had...
Leggy: He was such a good boss! Join him! Join the winning team!!
Meggy: NO!!! (jumps to reach for her splattershot, but it's gone)
Mr. Puzzles: I didn't say you had a choice. (Pete grabs Meggy by the throat) Last chance! Come on out, Leggy!!
Meggy: hell...
Mr. Puzzles: (snaps fingers, and Pete crushes Meggy offscreen)
~ Mr. Puzzles to Meggy, preparing to turn her back into Leggy.
Those fools won't see it coming... (maniacal laughter)
~ Mr. Puzzles about to become one with the Engine, foreshadowing his plans.
Well, well, well... my "esteemed guests"! Tell me, have you been enjoying your stay at Puzzle Park?
~ Mr. Puzzles to Mario in a mirror.
Always so eager, Mario. Such a perfect fit for this park, wouldn't you agree? And not just you... you AND your dear friends... are the missing pieces to Puzzle Park...
~ Mr. Puzzles to SMG4 and Mario before he reveals that he fused himself with the Engine.
Leaving so soon? The ride's just starting...
~ Mr. Puzzles’s second rise to power at the end of Step Right Up.
And now, for your viewing pleasure, a portrayal of my life. Re-enacted by my... loyal friend. You see when I was a boy (long before my love for movies), all I wanted to do was own... an amusement park! The rides, the sideshows, the cotton candy, oh the SPECTACLE of it all! But alas... My dear old Papa never believed in me. "NO VISION!" he said. "NO CREATIVITY!" HAH! So I did what any ambitious, misunderstood young soul would do... I locked myself in my room amd watched TV all day! And the rest... is history! And since my hopes and dreams of making the world's best movies were VIOLENTLY F*%@ING CRUSHED BY YOU LOT!!!!! I'm reviving my newly rekindled dream! Of opening my VERY OWN amusement park! And not just ANY amusement park... One filled with the most ENTERTAINING performers! And that... of course... includes... you!
~ Mr. Puzzles explaining his story and his motives to Mario and SMG4.
Why? Why else?! You and your... "delightful" group of friends are simply the MOST ENTERTAINING FOLKS IN TOWN!
~ Mr. Puzzles explaining why he kidnapped SMG4's friends.
You misunderstand, dear Mario... We are going to be playing fun games! You both have the prestigious honor of testing out all the sideshows before the park opens! Lucky, lucky you! It'll be an unforgettable experience. Just... for you twoooo!
~ Mr. Puzzles kicking off the WOTFI challenges.
Mr. Puzzles: WHAT?! This can't be! How did you figure out how to change my precious Leggy back?
Mario: Goomba!
~ Mr. Puzzles after losing Leggy a second time, which is temporarily
No… NO, NO, NOoOoOo, NO, Nooo!!! This isn’t how things were supposed to go! YOU’RE RUINING… EVERYTHING!!!
~ Mr. Puzzles’ fourth and ultimate breakdown after SMG4 and Mario turn Meggy back to normal and losing Leggy permanently.
🎶Welcome, everyone to Puzzle Park!
Lights and magic, it's a work of art!
When you enter here, the fun will start,
You're MINE, you'll never part!🎶
Oh, it's going to be so fun! Getting to watch you pay for all you've DONE!
3, 2, 1.
~ Mr. Puzzles' first line in "Puzzle Park", the rap battle of War Of The Fat Italians 2024.
🎶Step right up, my friends, to Puzzle Park!
Sights and frights, not for the faint of heart!
Don't you break away, you won't get far!
Keep your hands and legs inside;
This ride is right about to start!🎶
~ The chorus of "Puzzle Park".
🎶Well, it took you a while to find out,
But you found my secret hideout!
Like to say congratulations,
But it's time for you to die now.🎶
~ Mr. Puzzles in the bridge of "Puzzle Park", when SMG4, Mario, and Meggy enter the Engine Room.
🎶You can't just barge in here
and act like YOU'RE in charge;
I'd like to see you dodge a barrage of FLAMING ROCKETS and tell me you're feelin' LARGE!
~ Mr. Puzzles attacking the trio in "Puzzle Park".
🎶You think you've won??
Well, I'm gonna turn your filthy corpses into gushing mounds of blood!
Your lives are as GOOD AS DONE!!
~ Mr. Puzzles about to kill the trio in "Puzzle Park".
🎶Oh, Meggy dear...
That child is GONE...
Six feet under right where you and your STUPID FRIENDS BELONG!🎶
~ Mr. Puzzles preparing to kill Meggy in "Puzzle Park".
My dear friends... I've learned a very valuable lesson today... and that lesson was-
~ Mr. Puzzles seemingly redeeming himself before SMG4 calls the police on him.
I was so foolish... All this time, I was chasing five-star ratings and fame... Fame is but a fleeting shadow. What I really needed was a friend, Friends are eternal, Isn't that right, Leggy 2.0? And now, we're free to chase NEW dreams, you and I! Perhaps we could express ourselves in painting! Or maybe we'll adopt an adorable little puppy! OR we could assassinate our enemies and anyone who's ever double-crossed us! The world is full of possibilities! And we shall experience them all!
~ Mr. Puzzles last words being trapped in maximum security prison for the rest of his life, having completely lost his sanity as a result.


  • SMG4 Movie IT'S GOTTA BE PERFECT (debut/overarching antagonist)
  • SMG4: Our New Home (icon/unseen overarching antagonist)
  • SMG4: We Interrupt This Broadcast (overarching antagonist)
  • SMG4: Ready to Ride?... (main antagonist)
  • SMG4 Movie: WESTERN SPAGHETTI (icon/overarching antagonist)
  • SMG4: War of the Fat Italians 2023 (physical debut/overarching antagonist)
  • SMG4: No TV Make Mario No Okie Dokie (main antagonist)
  • Mario's Mysteries (overarching antagonist)
  • Once Upon an SMG4 (overarching antagonist)
  • Scooby Mario, Where'd You Go! (overaching antagonist)
  • Mr. Puzzles' Incredible Game Show Spectacular! (main antagonist)
  • SMG4 Movie: PUZZLEVISION (main antagonist/offline)
  • Mario the Exploro (main antagonist/survived)
  • SMG4 and the Meme Factory (overarching antagonist)
  • Despicable Mr. Puzzles (villainous main protagonist)
  • A Night at SMG4's (villainous main protagonist)
  • SMG4 Inside Out (main antagonist)
  • SMG4 Mario Loses His Mustache (main antagonist)
  • Mr. Puzzles Lowest Point (villainous main protagonist)
  • Mr. Puzzles Clubhouse (villainous main protagonist)
  • Welcome To Puzzle Park (main antagonist)
  • War Of The Fat Italians 2024 (main antagonist/arrested)



  • One-Shot Wren - Possible pawn and indirectly victim.
  • Eldritch Goop - His creation and ally.
  • Peach Toadstool - Possible pawn.
  • Marty - Pawn
  • Mr. L (Too late.EXE) - Animatronic pawn.
  • His Leggy/Meggy - best friend and pawn.
  • Pedro - Creation and former pawn
  • Mickey Mouse (formerly) - Victim.
  • Goofy - pawn.
  • Didney wokers - pawns
  • Juniper Montage - Possible pawn


  • Mario - Most hated arch-enemy and attempted victim and former pawn
  • SMG4 - Second arch-enemy and attempted victim
  • SMG3 - Attempted victim.
  • Meggy - Third arch-enemy, attempted victim and temporarily brainwashed ally.
  • Tari- Attempted victim.
  • Fishy Boopkins - Attempted victim.
  • Saiko Bichitaru - Attempted victim.
  • Luigi - Attempted victim.
  • Bob Bobowski - Attempted victim.
  • Melony - Attempted victim.
  • Karen - Attempted victim


  • His personality was based on Mojo from Marvel Comics.
  • He is the second villain to possess god-like powers, the first being Niles.
  • He has a similar appearance to Vox from Hazbin Hotel as they are both TV-headed man who use TV to manipulate people. Ironically, Vox makes a cameo in SMG4 Movie: PUZZLEVISION as Mario confuses him with Mr. Puzzles.
  • He serves as a foil to SMG4 himself, as both of them are directors and are known to create videos that's entertaining and hilarious, but while SMG4 is a compassionate person who cares for his friends and doesn’t manipulate them for his own benefit and lets go of his obsession with the perfect video, Mr. Puzzles is a downright sociopath who manipulates both physically and psychologically his victims for him to get his 5-Star Rating and plans to involve everyone in the world in to his platform, to the point of devoting his time to torment SMG4 and his friends just for the sake of his entertainment. If SMG4 hadn’t let go of his obsession for perfection and having people he cared for, he would've ended up like Mr. Puzzles.
    • He also serves as a foil to Niles, as they seek perfection in their own way (Niles seeks the perfect universe, while Mr. Puzzles seeks the perfect entertainment) and have eldritch powers that corrupts individuals. However, Niles is prideful and obvious when he is planning his next schemes, Mr. Puzzles always plans his next schemes in the shadows, manipulating people to do his dirty work for the sake of his entertainment. In fact, while Niles often just does new yet effective versions of his original plan after the second one falls apart, Mr. Puzzles targets people outside of SMG4's direct circle after his first loss to make them suffer, and often waits until the heat dies down, also unlike Niles, Mr. Puzzles seems to have a tragic backstory where he was once kid who lacks any friends and being lonely at school so he instead watches TV all day and became obsessed to it. His defeat was quite (although not very much) sympathetic as he wants to make a good TV show (though he goes beyond any sympathetic moments as he still continues to plot against the SMG4 Crew to this day), While Niles's death was where he breaks down crying because he only wanted to make a perfect universe for his friends SMG0 and Fred showing great care for them, which Niles accepts his fate and lets go of his obsession to join SMG0 to live together peacefully.
  • Despite replacing his head with a TV, he is the third SMG4 main antagonist to be a human (or at least once a human), the first one is Waluigi and second one is SMG3 respectively. Impressively, he is the third one who is a human but possesses a magical powers thanks to his current body.
  • He can be considered Meggy’s second arch-nemesis due to him mostly mentally tormenting her indirectly through Wren and causing his death, thus making Meggy permanently traumatized.
  • Ironically, he resembles Mario in terms of history, because just like Mario, they both had a father who scorned them. In Mario's case, a father who hated his son to death. And Mr. Puzzles, his father told him that he would never be anything in this life, thus making his father indirectly responsible for all the tragic events that forever changed the lives of the SMG4 gang due to his son's actions.
  • He could be considered the counterpart of SMG3 while he is fake tragic who only became a villain because he wanted to be better than SMG4 and Mr. Puzzles if he is genuinely tragic due to all the abuse from his father and the fact of never making friends.
  • in a post said (We really want to explore more characters indepth like this in the future too, so please look forward for what's to come) implying that more characters are explored and also more of Mr. Puzzles, possibly implying that his story is not over and that we will continue to see more of him.

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           SMG4 2023 Logo Villains

Protagonists and Anti-Villains
Mario | Bowser | Bob Bobowski | SMG3 | Saiko Bichitaru | Toad | Princess Peach | Swagmaster69696969696 | Hal Monitor | Jeeves | Beeg SMG4 | Bowser Jr. | Dr. Eggman | Desti | JubJub Boopkins | Rob the Scarecrow | Whimpu | Melony | Belle Fontiere | Kaizo Koorumaniru

Arc Villains
SMG3 | Waluigi | Bob Bobowski | Francis | Niles | Lawyer Kong | Mr. Puzzles
Wario | The Imposter | Boss | Herobrine Persson | King Boo | Grand Dad | Mr. L | The Butt Ninja | The Terrorist | Shadow Meggy | Ztar | Enzo | Master Hand | Agent Biker | Reymond D. Gai | Admiral S. Swipe | Ivan | False Mewtwo | False Sephiroth | False Super Saiyan God | Team Killer Ink Leader | WeaBOO | Anti-Shroomy | Susan Wojcicki | Papa John | Ernie | Fuego the Water Bottle | Xenomorph | Mario's Father | Maestro Mano | Jeeves | Mr. Krabs | SpongeBob SquarePants | Cosmo Cosma | Jimmy Neutron | Big Chungus | Bowsette | Serial Designation N | Mickey Mouse | Goofy | The Villager | Animatronics | Springtrap | Mr. Incredible | Daycare Attendant | The Blob | Baldi | Daddy Dearest | Mommy Mearest | Oofio | William Afton | Grand Mario | Jevil | Bill Cosby | Yoshi | Hulk Yoda | Box Club Leader | MX | Luigi.exe | Juan Carlos Bodoque| Serial Designation N | Marty | Depresso | Mr. L (Too Late.Exe) | Freddy Fazbear | Eldritch Goop | One-Shot Wren | Mr. Nice Guy | Demoman | Skibidi Toilets

Luigi Dolls | A.S.S. | Anime Cartel | Anime Replicas | Team Killer Ink | Ugandan Knuckles | All Star Brawlers | Anti-Cast | Sinister Six | The Box Club | Teletubbies | Inkling Flummie Bullies | Puzzlevision | Leggies | Puzzlebox Kids Subscribers

Emperor Arcturus | Imperium of Mogtopolis | ᗩᖇT̴̩͝𝓗U̵Ṛ̶̈́ | SMG.EXE | Mario | Sonic The Hedgehog | Tari | Zelus | Nula | Wario | Waluigi

See Also
Sunset Paradise Villains
