Villains Fanon Wiki

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Villains Fanon Wiki
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The Nameless Assassin is a fan made villain from Solite's pixiv animations and discontinued YouTube video. He is a mysterious young man who unknowingly kills innocent women.


He is a young man who has a typical hentai protagonist inspired design and black hair and brown eyes covered by his blinding bangs and wears a black suit with a white shirt and necktie.


The assassin's personality is a ruthless, remorseless, and misogynistic by nature. He is a sadistic individual who has a strange fetish for dead women is willing to kill innocent women and drive them to extinction.


While Lumine was watching the sunset at a bridge, the mysterious young man unknowingly went behind Lumine and strangled her to death without a word. Lumine collapses to the ground dead and he taunts her and this led to Aether being guilty in not protecting her and heartbroken.

When approaching Ningguang, she begs for her life to be spared from him. He rejects the offer and fires a laser from his palm at her. When the laser hit her, she falls to the ground and died.

While meeting Reimu Hakurei, he strangled her and sadisticly smiled while strangling her. Reimu falls in the ground and died and the mysterious man smiled.

His Worst Crimes[]

  • Strangled Lumine at the bridge while looking at the sunset.
  • Strangled Reimu Hakurei sadisticly without a word.
  • Killed Ningguang with his laser beam while she is begging for her life.
  • Killed a blonde girl from the corps while she is trying to protect a Kitsune woman.
  • Killed a Kitsune woman without saying any word nor showing remorse.
  • Sexually assaulted a animal earred woman after kicking her.

