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Villains Fanon Wiki
KingStormlance "King Stormlance has declared that this page is his domain."
This page, Nekrozoth (LOTCU), was written by BrandonDarkOne47. Any original work, images, etc. presented here is therefore theirs under the CC BY-NC-ND license. Please do not add onto, delete, or copy anything on this page without the original author's permission. Thank you.

Oh I just love some pain and deceit.
~ Nekrozoth
Use your negative feelings boy! Let the darkness corrupt your heart, mind, and soul!
~ Nekrozoth to Malroc

Zoth Nekronan, also known as Nekrozoth, Nuron, or the Omega-Lord is the main antagonist of Legends of the Champions franchise created by BrandonDarkOne47.

He is a former Prime Alpha and the Leader of the Prime Omegas that seek to bring destruction and chaos across the Multiverse so he could rule it and reign supreme. He is the actual creator of Evil and the supreme ruler of the hellish dimension called Oblivion. 

His goal is to either destroy, corrupt or conquer the Infinite multiverse and remake it in his own image. He is the evilest villain the mythos and the archenemy to all gods and supreme beings, and by far, the evilest being in the Omniverse. The darkest and tyrannical Supreme-being of all the universes and the most powerful enemy of all time. As the most recurring main villain of all, and the most evil being in existence, Nekrozoth was the one that caused all the evil in the first place, he caused almost every villain to join the side of evil, and was the one who orchestrated all of the Evil, discord, conflicts across the multiverse and the main caused of the existence of the Champions which makes him the villain of the series overall. He was even the most smartest, powerful, and evil villain in the multiverse and the franchise as well.  

He first started as the main overarching antagonist of Beyond Dimensions movie, one of the two main antagonist in The Greatest Crossover of the Century (along with Endgame the Anti-Maker) and later the main villain of Omniversal Champions and Omega Wars trilogy series. He was also the titular main antagonist of the prequel series Rise of the Omega.

He was voiced by Oscar Isaacs who also played Apocalypse from X-Men Apocalypse.


I see that got a lot of question for this situation here like "Who are you? Why are you doing this? What's going on?" . Let me spicy this for your weak brains to comprehend. I am Nekrozoth, the Creator of Evil. I've destroyed worlds that I don't like and conquered ones that I want because I am a villain, Scratch that! I AM A MONSTER! I do what I want because I am a God, my ambition is too complex for simple brains to know, but it is NOT noble. What's happing right now is that I'm going to destroy your world because your "Heroes" had finally pushed me to the limit! I'mooing to enjoy it, and going to destroy it slowly and make it very painful or you for my own entertainment. have fun in Hell!!!
~ Nekrozoth to everyone on Earth.

Nekrozoth is treated as the embodiment of pure evil, megalomania, cruelty, and chaos, wanting nothing but conquest, power, and destruction. He enjoys seeing others suffering and despair, everywhere he goes, showing no signs of remorse or empathy for his actions. He is very manipulative, cunning and has an extremely sophisticated intelligent mind and has vast knowledge about science and magic. Nekrozoth is the very definition of a Complete Monster happen to Power-Hungry, Treacherous, and Narcissistic. He is borderline arrogant and egotistical that he believes that he believed that the Omniverse belongs to him and HIM ALONE to rule and destroy if he chooses. Nekrozoth also believes that no other being could stop him other than Daevas himself, the god who possessed Zentipotence. He sees the Prime Omegas as expendable tools for his own ambitions as he merely manipulated them to join him for his goal of getting revenge on Deus for abandoning him at the hands of Velnias.

Nekrozoth is sly, Cunning, malicious, unspeakably cruel, and a ruthless, having an unquenchable bloodlust and desire to spread agony and pain. He is an irredeemable monster that sees hatred and spite justify the means for his agenda. He utterly hates redemption, vowing to eradicate it from existence as sees it as a coward's concept. He would even torture the redeemed and reward the pure evil. He is very vicious and megalomaniacal to the point of lacking any sign of sanity or any morality. He can be quite unpredictable like his original counterpart and take failure as an excuse to kill or torture his followers with glee. He even has a superiority complex, thinking that he is the superior being in the multiverse and views other evil entities as amateurs and not up to his level.

He views good as weak and thinks to be pure evil will make you strong by being brave enough to commit the vilest acts imaginable. He is Utterly brutal, Prideful, arrogant, tyrannical egotistical maniac to the point of even declaring himself as the very Supreme being in the multiverse. He is the definition of a complete monster, wanting to spread chaos and evil everywhere he goes and has an intense hatred towards the Prime Alphas, his nephew Legend, and even the concept of both good and redemption. Nekrozoth shown to hate other religions for believing in false gods the mortals created and often tries to force them to worship him instead while also destroy their culture. Nekrozoth is also hypocritical and petty as he thinks that Deus would fail as a father yet it was revealed done far worse than what his father had done to him like treating to kill them or do twisted experiments on them. When he first appears in the franchise, he shown to be a compassionate, affable, and well-meaning person, until it was revealed that it was merely a facade to hide his true nature. Nekrozoth often tries to set himself as a wise philosophical ruler, as he has a belief that the world should be run through mass chaos and destruction whee the strongest runs it through a tyrannical fist. If those who doesn't believes in his so called "Philosophy" than he would ruthlessly execute them or send them into one to his death camps as he did to his son Zartath.

Nekrozoth shows no concern to his own family, allies, or anyone but himself. Nekrozoth only seeks power, revenge, and only complete omnicide of the entire multiverse so that he could recreate it as he sees fit and rule it in chaos. Nekrozoth is the direct opposite of his brother Deus, a being who favored order and creation who wanted to see the betterment of the multiverse, as Nekrozoth only favored Chaos and Destruction and wanted to make the entire multiverse living hell. As egotistical and arrogant he may be, he is not overconfident as he's always prepared just in case a threat dares to deny him by killing others such as children, adults, the elderly and so forth. He also seemed to enjoy the massive amount of pain he receives from his opponents, which possibly hints that he is a sadomasochist which is someone who is both a sadist and a masochist. Nekrozoth is as always, is portrayed as an immoral monster and the most evil character in franchise.

Powers and Abilities[]


Being a Prime Alpha, Nekrozoth wield unimaginable power which grants him the ability to do anything he wishes. This is only limited unto his true form being locked up in Oblivion, now only allowed to nearly do anything. He is capable of creating avatars of himself which is why he was somewhat able to escape Oblivion. He has the ability to manipulate reality, time and space itself. He has godlike strength, can shoot laser out of his eyes that can pierce a fellow prime alpha and can make rifts in time. It was said that in his true form he was capable of He has the ability to wipe a pantheon from existence by just snapping his fingers or just staring at them. He is a very creative shape-shifter, being able to change his size and appearance and look like anything he his brother Deus, He as stated "Knows things that transcends the mortal perspective". Nekrozoth has vast knowledge about the entire multiverse and knows what happens around him without being there. But despite be all knowing, he rarely use it as he is very arrogant and sometimes ignores the things he sees, but he use it for only when it is important or crucial to his plans. Being the creator of evil, he is ultimate source to all evil and chaos. He had subjugated daemons and evil gods to his cause and had destroyed countless universes. He controls all things evil and can create all form of monsters, daemons and can create Gods to kill other gods. He has complete control over the destructive force of his powers. He channels the greatest energy across the omniverse to get stronger and each time he uses it makes him a full on power house. He used dark energy to destroy planets and conquer entire universe. He used the dark enemies of the omniverse to set Malignus free from his imprisonment as well.

He can change shape into any height, his true form is sad to be bigger than entire universe (which could implied that the HECK Realm and the other places the Alphas and Omegas created are bigger than a normal universe). He can even crush a planet with his bare hands when he is bigger. He was able to kill almost all of the olympians just by using Athena's shield and decapitated all of them with his mind. He used both dark energy and sorcery to resurrect half of his army from the dead. He used it many times on his failed minions if they could prove useful to his plans. he also used it to resurrect Remiok Sethos from the dead. Along with Intimidation, he use fear and terror against his enemies, the the faced his arch nemesis Legend, Legend was a little scared of him. Nekrozoth also used fear on Malroc when the dark warrior betrayed him. He gave powers to almost every villain in the series, He was the one that made Lord dominos a god, gave supernatural abilities to William Braxxon and Draxxon Bane. He made Remiok more powerful than ever and turned Malroc into a demigod. Nekrozoth can control the forces of darkness similar to Lord Dominus. One of his form was a cloud of darkness and controls shadow flames. He can summon and create objects made of shadows and channel dark energy through them. He is able to create, shape and manipulate everything and anything organic, both organisms and organic matter. He can create, manipulate, shape, transform, heal and/or destroy everything that lives, has lived or comes from either of the above. He can create hexes and curses, he has access to all form of magic both divine and demonic for his own benefits. Nekrozoth can also cast powerful spells and enchant powerful objects to make them stronger. Nekrozoth can create, shape and control the chaotic forces of the Omniverse since it's in his domain. Nekrozoth can manipulate and shatter reality in his will, and is able to change, mutate, destroy or otherwise manipulate any matter, space/time, living beings, organizations or minds and spirits as well as containing it. he can also control chaos energy as well. Nekrozoth can steal the souls of others and bend the to his will, and even harness the souls and make them into his horrifying monsters for his conquest and destruction. Nekrozoth can also control terrains and even the earth itself, also other planets too.


Nekrozoth could possibly be the most cunning and competent villain in the entire series. Being both a Strategic, sophisticated, and charismatic genius, Nekrozoth is very knowledgeable and capable of tactics and strategy. Nekrozoth was able to orchestratedseveral events from behind the scenes without being there. Nekrozoth's intellect surpasses both his apprentice Malroc (whom was outsmarted by the evil warrior once) and the tyrannical Overlord Grandmaster Chaos. Nekrozoth ruled his empire unopposed, as he was cunning enough to lure his enemies towards deadly traps, sending spies to keep to learn what his opponents are up too so he could prepared before they strike, and even made sure that nobody dare to betray him by either brainwash or giving them the mark of Cain to keep them under his influence.

  • Manipulation; He is very manipulative, as he persuade many to join his side through using their deepest desires, or their vengeful motivation. He even convinced his followers to think that he ins't really the bad guy and making them believed that he is their messiah. he knows a lot about good and love, and used that as his advantage any point out it's greatest flaws to convinced others why they should pick evil over good. He is famous for being a magnificent bastard.
  • Intimidation; Nekrozoth is a master of fear and inyimidation, usinng bith on his own allies, minions, and family members, one time when a Prime Omega refused to take orders he had him chained up in an astroid to her around the sun so he could be burned constantly. He threaten Grandmaster Chaos to join his side through sheer power, and used fear, brutality and authority to gain respect.

Mastery over Weaponry[]

Due to still being a Prime Alpha, Nekrozoth is divine himself and has access to all divine magic and weapons. In case he ever come across a being that can only be harmed by divine weapons, he can the harbinger of Wrath, a warhammer with the combination of both divine and dark powers. Nekrozoth also had used a divine sword against Daemos once he tried to betray the dark lord. Nekrozoth is also a skilled marksman, having an arsenal of guns at his disposal most of whom were made by him.

Alternative Forms[]

Throughout the series Nekrozoth has seen to taken many forms through different avatars or hosts.


Lord Malcron - Destiney arc


Ravager form


  • He is shown to be more dark and malevolent than Malroc (which is saying something as he was considered THE darkest villain of the franchise for his acts of genocide, would attempt to kill children including infants and oppressive slavery of others) as he would commit acts such as mass omnicide, has tortured Jack Spark for days, was extremely cruel to his own children and fellow omegas, as well as his immoral experiments on others would be considered to be torture than an actual experiment.