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Villains Fanon Wiki
KingStormlance "King Stormlance has declared that this page is his domain."
This page, Omnituens, was written by MegaRayquaza149/King Dinoverse. Any original work, images, etc. presented here is therefore theirs under the CC BY-NC-ND license. Please do not add onto, delete, or copy anything on this page without the original author's permission. Thank you.

Omnituens is a Eldritch Entity that stalks Undertale AUs


Omnituens was a deity born into existence from the core, with a lesser power from other entities that came from it. While Caelestis and Devion are at the peak of what the core is physically capable of creating, Omnituens ranged from being in the middle of it all. Omnituens took great interest in the undertale omniverse and sought to make it his own territory. However, his older brother Ostiarius Vacui the gatekeeper of the underverse made it quite hard for him to actually enter through. Eventually he was able to fool his older brother by utilizing his vast abilities to sneak out of the gates of the byeondverse. He created his own separate pocket dimension away from all the other Undertale Aus in fear of his older brother finding out what had happened and would slay him. For now Omnituens is content at watching everything from his own dimension and sending out fake clones of sans in every au to always be everywhere at any time and able to watch everything alone and undisturbed.


  • Devion and Caelestis.: He has never met the 2 physically but he has seen stories and rumors written on ancient text in his own dimension about 2 beings. one of which is described as a celestial reptilian like deity and and the other is a all-consuming, incomprehensible evil.
  • Ostiarius Vacui: Ostiarius Vacui is Omnituens older brother. after some time he was aware that Omnituens breached through the byeondverse gates but made no attempt to find him and slay him given how guarding the byeondverse was his only priority.
  • Underfell Sans: Spotted a faker clone in snowdin while he was alone, he brushed it off as his head playing tricks on him and went about his day.
  • Horrortale Undyne: Undyne met a faker clone in waterfall. Startled she threw a spear at it but it quickly vanished.
  • Underswap Papyrus and Sans: Sans swore he saw someone that looked like him near the ruins entrance so he tried to explain to his brother what he saw but papyrus tried to persuade him that it was probably a bush or a large pile or snow in the shadows.
  • Error Sans: Error met a faker clone in the anti void. He was confused how some ugly looking anomaly made its way into the anti void somehow so he attempted to neutralize it only for it to disappear.
  • Ink Sans: Ink sans was exploring outertale when he thought he saw another au. He tried to start a conversation it but it vanished in a instant.
  • Core Frisk: Core frisk was looking for any survives of a genocide route that occurred in storyshift. Nearing hotlands they thought they saw sans but whatever they saw it was gone when they looked away.


  • The Artwork used for Omnituens' Avatar and his Faker Sans Clones are made by Shandles
  • Omnituens' Theme is All Seeing by GhostPepper
  • Omnituens is latin for all seeing and omnipresent
  • Despite what some people think, Omnituens isn't actually a Sans but a being from a higher dimension
  • Omnituens is confirmed to be Neutral Evil
  • Omnituens has a incomprehensible amount of eyes
  • Omnituens is not all malevolent but they cant control their own abilities sometimes
  • Omnituens has tried social media once but due to his otherworldly nature anyone who came in contact with his profile got a virus and their pc crashed so he was listed as a creepypasta
  • Omnituens likes reptiles