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Villains Fanon Wiki

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Villain Overview

Fun isn't something one considers when balancing the ocean, but I must admit, I'm deeply enjoying the fire!
~ Oscar's most famous quote.
~ Oscar's crazy breakdown while declaring his victory over Don Lino and celebrating the extinction of all of the sharks.
~ Oscar as he is summoned by Pappy G.

Oscar, also known as The Sharkslayer, is the main antagonist of the Schaffrillas Productions YouTube channel.

He is a bluestreak cleaner wrasse who is the governor of Reef City, the current Heat Miser and the ruler of the oceans. His main goal is to eradicate every shark in the ocean after he was praised for apparently killing Frankie the Shark (though he never actually did).

Afterwards, corrupted by power, he left his friends behind and began his quest to gain unlimited glory. He is a parody of Oscar from the 2004 DreamWorks animated comedy film Shark Tale, and the arch-nemesis of both Schaffrillas and Tamatoa.

Like in the film this character originates from, he is portrayed by the famous actor Will Smith in his first villainous fanon role.


Oscar is the main antagonist of the Sharkslayer Saga, serving as the main protagonist of Doug Walker's Glowing Review of Shark Tale and Sharp Talk, the overarching antagonist of Scrooge McDank Plots to Assassinate Mark Zuckerbeak, SpingeBill Awakens A Very Steamed Clam, The Incrediboiiis and Why Shark Tale is a Cinematic Disaster, the tritagonist of Snow Miser Goes Down to South Park, the unseen overarching antagonist of Revenge Of The Senate: Episode II (20k Sub Special) and SpingeBill Jams Some Juicy Jellies, a minor antagonist in Arthur Loses His Cool After Matt Damon Insults His Rap Career and Chowder's Knishmas Katastrophe, and the main antagonist of Why Tamatoa is My Favorite Character Ever (1.22 Million Subscriber Special).

He also serves as the main antagonist of Schaffrillas Productions' Year 3 trailer, while his original version appears in clips from the Shark Tale movie in various of Schaffrillas' review/analysis videos.


Oscar is a blue-streaked cleaner wrasse fish with long blue and yellow/green stripes and a yellow face. Despite this, he is supposed to represent a stereotypical African-American, which is evident from his accent and most of his quotes, which parody Will Smith's character in The Fresh Prince of Bel Air.


Doug Walker's Glowing Review of Shark Tale[]

In this (presumably non-canon) YTP, Doug Walker (AKA Nostalgia Critic) describes Oscar, under the name "Will Smith Fish", to be a cow who discovers that the farm is to be closed down and, therefore, decides to bring the criminal mastermind Matt Damon to justice and use the reward money to save the enslaved Jews, unaware of the fact that Matt Damon is working with Hades so as to take over China. He also teams up with Po (named "Jack Black as a Panda"), who makes a short-lived plan to fake his own death, disguise himself as Shrek and start a new life over so he can also escape Hades. This would be the last time that Oscar would have a heroic agenda.

Sharp Talk[]

Oscar is first seen bragging about riches and fame only to later realize that he was dreaming and gets to his workplace: the Whale-Wash. He discovers that he is in debt with his boss Sykes. His girlfriend Angie gives him a pink pearl to pay it off. However, he gambles away all the money, much to Sykes' anger. Oscar is tortured by Sykes' subordinates Ernie and Bernie, but Frankie the shark then chases after them. However, Frankie is crushed to death by an anchor, much to the grief of his brother Lenny. Ernie and Bernie return and ask Oscar if he killed Frankie, to which Oscar lies and says he did. With this deceit, he gains the fame that he always wanted, with Sykes even offering to be his new adopted father or "Puff Daddy", though Angie is angered that Oscar decided to put fame in front of what he loves.


Oscar's ascension to governor of the ocean.

Later, Don Lino, the leader of a shark mafia and the father of Lenny and Frankie, calls Oscar up and threatens him. Oscar, Sykes and Lenny (under the disguise of a dolphin called Sebastian) confront him and the rest of the shark mafia. During the meeting, Oscar orders Lenny to execute "Order 6". Upon doing so, Lenny has Project Insight target and kill every shark on Earth, despite Lino's pleas. Oscar then traps Lino in the whale-wash and leaves him and Lenny to die. For his actions, Oscar is offered the role of governor, which he gladly and greedily takes.

Scrooge McDank Plots to Assassinate Mark Zuckerbeak[]

Oscar and Sykes make a cameo at the end of this YTP when Flintheart Glomgold orders them to prepare the sharks (which he smuggled from Oscar's shark massacre and adopted) to kill Mark Beaks on his strip-club cruise ship. Sykes asks if he should give the order, but Oscar refuses, stating that he has other plans.

Snow Miser Goes Down to South Park[]

Oscar appears near the end of this YTP, where Mrs. Claus calls him to kill the Heat Miser by using the Death Star's ice beam. Though he survives the initial attack, the Miser is eventually crushed to death by Oscar with a pillar. After this, Oscar usurps his role and makes his first order to bring an eternal winter to South Park.

Revenge Of The Senate: Episode II (20k Sub Special)[]

Oscar is mentioned in the opening crawl of this YTP, stating that he isn't present in this series because he hasn't yet invented time and space travel.

Spingebill Awakens A Very Steamed Clam[]

Oscar appears near the end of this YTP where he exposes Flintheart Glomgold for stealing Clamu's pearl and for smuggling sharks. Oscar has Glomgold tied up and humiliated by having the audience pelt peanuts at him before crucifying him and killing the last remaining shark, much to the Inkling Girl's shock.

The Incrediboiiis[]

Oscar's influence is heavily shown in this YTP as it is revealed that Tamatoa, angered at Oscar's actions, created Syndrome as a robot to distract the Incredibois and abduct Jack-Jack Parr. Tamatoa then kills the Incredibois with his thermal detonators and adopts Jack-Jack, plotting to use his powers to kidnap and presumably kill Oscar.

Arthur Loses His Cool After Matt Damon Insults His Rap Career[]

Oscar makes a cameo in this YTP while Arthur is rapping. The Brain is scared by Mr. Ratburn, thinking that his nose in the water is a shark fin. Oscar also mistakes him for a shark and burns the rat to death, destroying the swimming pool in the process.

Chowder's Knishmas Katastrophe[]

Oscar makes a cameo in this YTP Christmas special where he destroys Mung Dahl's Schmingerbread House after Mung confesses that he directed Shark Tale, which he considers his second-greatest shame.

Why Shark Tale is a Cinematic Disaster[]

At the end of this review of the original Shark Tale, Schaffrillas worriedly hopes that Oscar doesn't try to get revenge on him for slamming his movie. Oscar then appears at the end of the video, where he equips the Infinity Gauntlet and announces that he plots to kill Schaffrillas, much to Sykes' shock.

SpingeBill Jams Some Juicy Jellies[]

While Oscar doesn't appear in this YTP, Sykes does, as he is torturing multiple jellyfish. Fortunately, SpongeBob busts in and prepares to kill him, only to be shot and destroyed by an oncoming laser (implied to have been fired by Oscar). Though some pirates in the cinema are saddened by SpongeBob's apparent death, it is revealed that he'll return in Sharp Talk 2.

Why Tamatoa is My Favorite Character Ever (1.22 Million Subscriber Special)[]

After Pappy G reveals to his brother Schaffrillas that he planned the reconstruction of the Heart of Te Fiti, he uses it to summon his master Oscar to the surface, intent on gaining subscribers for his YouTube channel from him. However, Oscar's promise is revealed to be a trick, as he summons a giant moon with Sykes' face, planning to collide it into Earth and kill everyone on the surface in order to overtake it with the ocean.

Schaffrillas is initially unwilling to defeat Oscar, due to both him lacking the Heart of Te Fiti and him being depressed from believing that Tamatoa is nothing more than a one-dimensional obstacle to provide character development for Maui. However, after being encouraged by his editors that Tamatoa can be portrayed in a heroic light, just like Oscar was in Shark Tale, Schaffrillas becomes motivated and convinces the people of Earth to praise Tamatoa, allowing him to be summoned.


Oscar's death...or so it seemed.

Schaffrillas and Tamatoa storm Oscar's shield-generating castle in a similar style to the climax of Shrek 2, successfully destroying it and disabling Oscar's shield. As Tamatoa stalls the moon, Schaffrillas reaches Oscar to battle him and, with Pappy's help, overpowers him and knocks him into Tamatoa's mouth, finally spelling his demise, thus avenging all the sharks that Oscar killed.


List of Appearances


  • YTP: Doug Walker's Glowing Review of Shark Tale (debut)
  • YTP: Sharp Talk
  • YTP: Snow Miser Goes Down to South Park
  • Schaffrillas Productions - Year 3 Trailer
  • YTP: SpingeBill Awakens A Very Steamed Clam
  • Why Tamatoa is My Favorite Character Ever (1.22 Million Subscriber Special) (death and presumably final appearance)


  • YTP: Scrooge McDank Plots to Assassinate Mark Zuckerbeak
  • YTP: Revenge Of The Senate: Episode II (20k Sub Special) (mentioned)
  • YTP: The Incrediboiiis (portrait)
  • YTP: Arthur Loses His Cool After Matt Damon Insults His Rap Career
  • YTP: Chowder's Knishmas Katastrophe
  • Why Shark Tale is a Cinematic Disaster


Oscar: Hi. My name is Oscar. You might think you know, but you might think you know, but you might know, I, I know you know.
SpongeBob: What, what do I know?
Oscar: Well you never really know, but when they know, you'll know, you know?
Palpatine: Who's they?
Oscar: No idea.
~ Oscar's first line in the series.
Oscar: Sebastian, execute Order 6. Fire when ready.
Don Lino: NO! Call off the missiles, I'll do anything!
Oscar: Too late, it's over! Dun dun, can't touch this!
~ Oscar just before Order 6 is executed and all shark-kind (except for Don Lino) is brutally murdered.
And you tell Don Lame-bo that he'll never ever ever ever ever never ever eat lunch in this reef again! Nah, I'm just kidding. I'll tell him myself.
~ Oscar taunting Don Lino following Order 6.
Oscar: Hmm...unfortunately, I'm going to have to leave you here to die
Lenny: What?
Oscar: It's not personal. It's just business.
~ Oscar as he betrays Lenny aka Sebastian.
~ Oscar as he is given the Heart of Te Fiti by Pappy G.
l am the Panama Canal, baby!
~ Oscar upon subduing Schaffrillas.


  • Despite being comedic, Oscar's genocidal traits, tyrannical plans and ocean-wide presence make him the darkest and most evil villain in the Schaffrillas Productions YTP Universe.
  • Alongside Tamatoa and Matt Damon, Oscar is one of the mascots of Schaffrillas Productions.
  • Since he killed every shark in the ocean, among other notable murders, Oscar has the highest kill count of any Schaffrillas Productions YTP Universe character.
  • He will return on Robyn Stewart's story arc The Multiverse Arc as one of the guest antagonists, hinting that he will be revived in a way.
  • He managed to gave an extra role in Official-PSASD (one of the editor for Schaffrillas Productions) take of Sharp Talk remake, it was unknown if this was canon or not for Oscar's more villainous actions from; lied to Lenny for never killing him, gave a big evil speech to all his people by end all sharks for his Project Insight, successfully committing mass-genocide on 10,398,153,998 sharks and even strapped both Lenny and Don Lino (it didn't happened to them in original version) into a atomic bomb and thrown into a volcano thus caused extinction to all sharks.

External Links[]


                 EvilRedCrownHeadlinedFeatured VillainsEvilRedCrownHeadlined
Evil Connie
Game over
Bête Noire
Oscar (SP)
           Schaffrillas Productions Villains

The Sharkslayer Saga
Oscar | Sykes | Flintheart Glomgold | Falcon Graves | Heat Miser | Tamatoa

Revenge of the Senate
Darth Sidious | Darth Grimace | General Grievous | Kylo Ren | Jar Jar Binks | Donald Trump | Darth Vader | William Afton | Sith Ahsoka

Matt Damon | Syndrome | Hank | Ernesto De La Cruz | Charles F. Muntz | Eddy's Brother | Cory Radison | Sans | Stewie Griffin| Brian Griffin | Sexy PS2 Chicken Lady | Surf's Up 2: WaveMania

           Robyn Stewart POE TWO Villains

The Apocalypse Arc
Vincent Moon

The Multiverse Arc
Killball | Swackhammer | Al-G Rhythm | Sweet Pete | Boingo Bunny | Juggernaut | Scarlet Overkill | Herb Overkill | Suggs

Oscar | Green Homer Simpson | SkinnerBot3000 | Mr. Krabs | Death | Dag | Shaw | The Toad | Chick Hicks | Dwayne LaFontant | Wormy | Black Hiver

The Kangaroo Arc
Sour Kangaroo
